The Weakness Of Science -- Trying To Explain The Life Spirit

Abiogenesis is not a forgone conclusion once a bacteria or fungi is engineered to live on Mars.
It absolutely is a foregone conclusion. Now, maybe it happened elsewhere and life traveled here. But that would still be abiogenesis.
AS long as you can answer, what is the Universe, is it everything or is it smaller than a grain of sand when compared to all that there is.
That doesn't make any sense at all. I would not have to know everything to know something. What a stupid argument.
God is all knowing and has an infinite ability to create or destroy.
And I say that's false. I say god is fallible and not omnipotent and merely appears as a god to us because he is more capable than we are.

Oops, no way to tell who is right. As is always the case with magical horseshit
Whether one believes in God, or believes that God is not real, the human animal is the closest thing known to God in the Universe. Belief on God is not needed, just the belief that some people do believe
Abiogenesis is not a forgone conclusion once a bacteria or fungi is engineered to live on Mars.
It absolutely is a foregone conclusion. Now, maybe it happened elsewhere and life traveled here. But that would still be abiogenesis.
AS long as you can answer, what is the Universe, is it everything or is it smaller than a grain of sand when compared to all that there is.
That doesn't make any sense at all. I would not have to know everything to know something. What a stupid argument.
You already admitted that you do not know where life came from as you said it could have traveled here.
Case proved. God moves life, for those who believe, and you have just admitted your belief, without knowing
You already admitted that you do not know where life came from as you said it could have traveled here.
Right, I don't. Of course, when I answered your poorly articulated question about the "where life comes from" with "", I intentionally included the question mark, and I pointed out that your question was poorly articulated, as you did not really mean to ask "from what planet" or "from what star system". But now you you DID mean that? Ha, sure you did .
Which is how we have determinism. When we see something on the floor that used to be on the shelf, we know it fell somehow. Because time travels one way. That is determinism.
Okay, now I can better understand where you are coming from. As a devotee to determinism, you really shouldn't be having this discussion. You're violating your own belief system - but then again you can't avoid it, can you?

It absolutely is a foregone conclusion. Now, maybe it happened elsewhere and life traveled here. But that would still be abiogenesis.
Renaming past fallacies is common but fruitless. Spontaneous generation of life (or as you call it, "abiogenesis") is not a foregone conclusion, it's actually magical thinking. Or have you outdone Pasteur, lol?
You already admitted that you do not know where life came from as you said it could have traveled here.
Right, I don't. Of course, when I answered your poorly articulated question about the "where life comes from" with "", I intentionally included the question mark, and I pointed out that your question was poorly articulated, as you did not really mean to ask "from what planet" or "from what star system". But now you you DID mean that? Ha, sure you did .
God may not be a being, but a form of travel. How did we get here, by God.

Why are we trying to leave?

To find our destiny

This destiny is never where we are, but where we need to be

You will die there, alone and sad, like Carl Sagan did

God will survive
As a devotee to determinism, you really shouldn't be having this discussion.
Excuse insight that it's not just science that cannot measure the immaterial, but rather it's true that NOTHING and NOBODY can measure the immaterial shines light on you magical thinkers. Once one accepts the self evidently true thing i said, they quickly come to understand that the very people who claim science can't measure or describe this, but THEY can, are all frauds.

Hey bud, if the shoe fits...
As a devotee to determinism, you really shouldn't be having this discussion.
Excuse insight that it's not just science that cannot measure the immaterial, but rather it's true that NOTHING and NOBODY can measure the immaterial shines light on you magical thinkers. Once one accepts the self evidently true thing i said, they quickly come to understand that the very people who claim science can't measure or describe this, but THEY can, are all frauds.

Hey bud, if the shoe fits...
How is a trillion move per second computer forming in the mud not magical, noting that the creator of the computer is obviously brighter
Spontaneous generation of life is not "settled science", it is magical thinking. And it's not even creative magical thinking, lol.
You will die there, alone and sad,
What, freak? Put down the goat carcass and adjust the bone in your nose. You're having a breakdown.
Now now, someone is upset.

Talk about magical

How is a trillion move per second computer forming in the mud not magical
Simple...small, incremental changes over time, due to selection.

Now, come on, I think you could have puzzled this out for yourself.

How did the eyeball evolve? Since you agree evolution is fact.
Spontaneous generation of life is not "settled science", it is magical thinking. And it's not even creative magical thinking, lol.
It is settled in his closed mind, this clown is already dead, he lives in a past that was long ago disproved
Excuse insight that it's not just science that cannot measure the immaterial, but rather it's true that NOTHING and NOBODY can measure the immaterial shines light on you magical thinkers. Once one accepts the self evidently true thing i said, they quickly come to understand that the very people who claim science can't measure or describe this, but THEY can, are all frauds.
Your lack of skills does not limit me.
How is a trillion move per second computer forming in the mud not magical
Simple...small, incremental changes over time, due to selection.

Now, come on, I think you could have puzzled this out for yourself.

How did the eyeball evolve? Since you agree evolution is fact.
It is settled in his closed mind, this clown is already dead, he lives in a past that was long ago disproved
It is indeed rather surprising, his arguments are actually embarrassing to any real scientist, atheist or not!
It is settled in his closed mind
No, I would say, more like 99.99% settled in my mind that natural laws are not ever and have never been suspended in favor of your personal superstitions and fetishes.

Just as they are not suspended when making huge fusion furnaces that light up the entire universe, they are not suspended when life forms where there was once no life. MIGHT I be wrong? Sure. Your arguments are not compelling in the least, though.

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