The White House adult day-care centre has gone out of business.

Not that I have any faith in the power of prayer but I’m of a mind to get down on my knees and pray the military have given Trump the wrong codes for that red button.

‘A rogue presidency’: The era of containing Trump is over

Sure, why not, you were on your knees for eight years not too long ago.
Right to the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so hideously repressed.

You should just come outta the closet and get it over with. We all know anyway.
Never fails does it? You can say practically anything and the male cons will start having homosexual fantasies about sweaty sex with a hairy guy.
Every damn time. They are worse than teenagers.
At one time I had some respect for you.

Then you are ahead of the game, for I can't say the feeling was EVER mutual. Anyone stupid enough to spend $200,000 (just a guess) on a consumer hi-fi music system for what one can build yourself for under $5,000 (2.5% of the cost) just because you are too lazy or unskilled to learn to solder or to understand the basic physics of low FB audio design deserves to have their cash stolen out of their pocket. Worse, to care about what the shit looks like when any audiophile worth their salt knows to listen with the lights tuned out. What do you do, sit there in the silence and tell yourself how great the shit looks? The stuff is there to be HEARD. It takes a massive EGO to need to spend 200K to convince yourself you've done well because your stereo LOOKS cool.

Oh and by the way, while you marvel at how neutral your 3-D VPI arm sounds, I don't even have a tone arm. Don't need one. I eliminated it. :auiqs.jpg: You've spent yourself silly to get to the "high-end" and you're still 50 years in the past to what was possible when I was in high-school. Thanks for making my day, rube.
"Trump will enter his third year as president unbound — at war with his perceived enemies, determined to follow through on the hard-line promises of his insurgent campaign and fearful of any cleavage in his political coalition.

So far, the result has been disarray. The federal government is shut down. Stock markets are in free fall. Foreign allies are voicing alarm. Hostile powers such as Russia are cheering. And Republican lawmakers once afraid of crossing this president are now openly critical." ibid

‘Earlier this year, Trump began rejecting the advice of such economic advisers as Gary Cohn, who resigned in March, and instead followed his nationalist instincts to implement tariffs.

But the departure of Mattis and the national security implications that come with it sent a shock of anxiety through Washington and world capitals that far exceeded the worries over Trump’s earlier trade moves.

“This is a rogue presidency,” said Barry McCaffrey, a retired four-star Army general.

“We’ve got Mr. Trump who looks, in the eyes of our allies and of the professionals in the key elements of our national security power, to be incompetent and impulsive and to be making bad decisions and to be excoriating America’s historic allies and then embracing people who are threats to U.S. national security,” he said.’ ibid

And in spite of these facts, Trump supporters continue to blindly, recklessly support Trump.

Worse, far too many Americans have become numb and indifferent to Trump’s abuses and the danger of his rogue presidency.
Not that I have any faith in the power of prayer but I’m of a mind to get down on my knees and pray the military have given Trump the wrong codes for that red button.

‘A rogue presidency’: The era of containing Trump is over

Sure, why not, you were on your knees for eight years not too long ago.
Right to the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so hideously repressed.

You should just come outta the closet and get it over with. We all know anyway.

Sounding a bit homophobic there champ.
Not that I have any faith in the power of prayer but I’m of a mind to get down on my knees and pray the military have given Trump the wrong codes for that red button.

‘A rogue presidency’: The era of containing Trump is over

Sure, why not, you were on your knees for eight years not too long ago.
Right to the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so hideously repressed.

You should just come outta the closet and get it over with. We all know anyway.
Never fails does it? You can say practically anything and the male cons will start having homosexual fantasies about sweaty sex with a hairy guy.

You too Bud, sounding a bit homophobic.
Not that I have any faith in the power of prayer but I’m of a mind to get down on my knees and pray the military have given Trump the wrong codes for that red button.

‘A rogue presidency’: The era of containing Trump is over

Sure, why not, you were on your knees for eight years not too long ago.
Right to the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so hideously repressed.

You should just come outta the closet and get it over with. We all know anyway.

Sounding a bit homophobic there champ.
How is that homophobic? I'm encouraging you to step outta the closet and embrace your desires.
Not that I have any faith in the power of prayer but I’m of a mind to get down on my knees and pray the military have given Trump the wrong codes for that red button.

‘A rogue presidency’: The era of containing Trump is over

Sure, why not, you were on your knees for eight years not too long ago.
Right to the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so hideously repressed.

You should just come outta the closet and get it over with. We all know anyway.
Never fails does it? You can say practically anything and the male cons will start having homosexual fantasies about sweaty sex with a hairy guy.
Every damn time. They are worse than teenagers. you have an issue with teens....teenage boys perhaps?
Not that I have any faith in the power of prayer but I’m of a mind to get down on my knees and pray the military have given Trump the wrong codes for that red button.

‘A rogue presidency’: The era of containing Trump is over

Sure, why not, you were on your knees for eight years not too long ago.
Right to the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so hideously repressed.

You should just come outta the closet and get it over with. We all know anyway.

Sounding a bit homophobic there champ.
How is that homophobic? I'm encouraging you to step outta the closet and embrace your desires.
You sound like the one that's repressed.
Not that I have any faith in the power of prayer but I’m of a mind to get down on my knees and pray the military have given Trump the wrong codes for that red button.

‘A rogue presidency’: The era of containing Trump is over

Sure, why not, you were on your knees for eight years not too long ago.
Right to the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so hideously repressed.

You should just come outta the closet and get it over with. We all know anyway.
Never fails does it? You can say practically anything and the male cons will start having homosexual fantasies about sweaty sex with a hairy guy.
Every damn time. They are worse than teenagers. you have an issue with teens....teenage boys perhaps?
Lol, attempted deflection noted and dismissed.

When are you coming outta the closet? One of the other conservitards is having a party, maybe you two could coordinate?
Not that I have any faith in the power of prayer but I’m of a mind to get down on my knees and pray the military have given Trump the wrong codes for that red button.

‘A rogue presidency’: The era of containing Trump is over

Sure, why not, you were on your knees for eight years not too long ago.
Right to the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so hideously repressed.

You should just come outta the closet and get it over with. We all know anyway.

Sounding a bit homophobic there champ.
How is that homophobic? I'm encouraging you to step outta the closet and embrace your desires.
You sound like the one that's repressed.
Ah, the "I know you are but what am I?" Defense. A classic to be sure, but no more effective now than it was in 4th grade.
Sure, why not, you were on your knees for eight years not too long ago.
Right to the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so hideously repressed.

You should just come outta the closet and get it over with. We all know anyway.

Sounding a bit homophobic there champ.
How is that homophobic? I'm encouraging you to step outta the closet and embrace your desires.
You sound like the one that's repressed.
Ah, the "I know you are but what am I?" Defense. A classic to be sure, but no more effective now than it was in 4th grade.

WTF? You mean to tell me that only works for you liberals? Sorry, didn't mean to appropriate.
Right to the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so hideously repressed.

You should just come outta the closet and get it over with. We all know anyway.

Sounding a bit homophobic there champ.
How is that homophobic? I'm encouraging you to step outta the closet and embrace your desires.
You sound like the one that's repressed.
Ah, the "I know you are but what am I?" Defense. A classic to be sure, but no more effective now than it was in 4th grade.

WTF? You mean to tell me that only works for you liberals? Sorry, didn't mean to appropriate.
Please show an example of me doing that.
Sounding a bit homophobic there champ.
How is that homophobic? I'm encouraging you to step outta the closet and embrace your desires.
You sound like the one that's repressed.
Ah, the "I know you are but what am I?" Defense. A classic to be sure, but no more effective now than it was in 4th grade.

WTF? You mean to tell me that only works for you liberals? Sorry, didn't mean to appropriate.
Please show an example of me doing that.

Gee, is this where you try to tell us YOU don't do that? You must be the only liberal that doesn't.
How is that homophobic? I'm encouraging you to step outta the closet and embrace your desires.
You sound like the one that's repressed.
Ah, the "I know you are but what am I?" Defense. A classic to be sure, but no more effective now than it was in 4th grade.

WTF? You mean to tell me that only works for you liberals? Sorry, didn't mean to appropriate.
Please show an example of me doing that.

Gee, is this where you try to tell us YOU don't do that? You must be the only liberal that doesn't.
Bring an example.

I'll wait.
Not that I have any faith in the power of prayer but I’m of a mind to get down on my knees and pray the military have given Trump the wrong codes for that red button.

‘A rogue presidency’: The era of containing Trump is over

Sure, why not, you were on your knees for eight years not too long ago.
Right to the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so hideously repressed.

You should just come outta the closet and get it over with. We all know anyway.
Never fails does it? You can say practically anything and the male cons will start having homosexual fantasies about sweaty sex with a hairy guy.

You too Bud, sounding a bit homophobic.
Whats homophobic about pointing out your mind goes immediately to homosexual sex no matter whats said? I would say the same thing if you were into women. :rolleyes:
Spells CENTER wrong and uses WashPo as his source....not even close to legit source.

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