The White House Press reporters are a fucking joke.

No wonder Trump's in jail!
Not yet. Mueller isn't finished with his thorough investigation. If Trump is indicted for money laundering and obstruction of justice will you admit you were wrong about him?
"Hi! I'm Reasonable and here's how my mentally deranged mind works...
Every Thursday I have to post that Mueller is going to reveal something on Friday so damaging to Trump that Trump will be indicted on the following Monday."
It doesn't matter that it never happens as long as the good nurses at my nursing home keep wiping the drool fro my chin."

How many weeks of crying "Wolf" have to go by before you realize you're demented?
IMAGINE after watching 11 months of lying. incompetence, hateful behavior, and all the rest you still support this POS president.

Groucho would not be pleased.

And imagine that you do the same thing every 7 days and don't remember what you did 7 days ago.
Very sad.

I asked for proof of what you said. The coward crumbled and kept on lying. So typical.
Why should I bookmark your dementia?
You seriously don't see your own pattern?
I call bullshit in you.
Let's see what happens next Thursday when you do the same thing and claim you don't.
Which, of course, you just made up.
I've caught 2020 in multiple lies over the course of the year. he doesn't even care. He just keeps on lying. It's a cult trait.
Says the liar who claims Bannon was not fired.
He wasn't fired. That's what you get from believing a pathological liar.
Bannon gave the exact date he was going to resign on the day he was hired.
There you go again...not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground.
Steve Bannon, Trump's chief strategist, fired - CNNPolitics
You should read your own links'. moron.
"White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve's last day.
Well the headline is fired? So which is it?
This dope having an avatar of Groucho Marx is like Bripat having an avatar of Winston Churchill.
Things are not well in the Trump White House

The public deserves to know

Because it's just so much more important. This is why the MSM is not trusted. They put so much importance on crap. Personally, I don't care what color Trump's pajamas are and how that makes him a left handed hottentot.
Not yet. Mueller isn't finished with his thorough investigation. If Trump is indicted for money laundering and obstruction of justice will you admit you were wrong about him?
"Hi! I'm Reasonable and here's how my mentally deranged mind works...
Every Thursday I have to post that Mueller is going to reveal something on Friday so damaging to Trump that Trump will be indicted on the following Monday."
It doesn't matter that it never happens as long as the good nurses at my nursing home keep wiping the drool fro my chin."

How many weeks of crying "Wolf" have to go by before you realize you're demented?
IMAGINE after watching 11 months of lying. incompetence, hateful behavior, and all the rest you still support this POS president.

Groucho would not be pleased.

And imagine that you do the same thing every 7 days and don't remember what you did 7 days ago.
Very sad.

I asked for proof of what you said. The coward crumbled and kept on lying. So typical.
Why should I bookmark your dementia?
You seriously don't see your own pattern?
I call bullshit in you.
Let's see what happens next Thursday when you do the same thing and claim you don't.
Still a coward. You can never back up your lies.
You are a joke man.
"Hi! I'm Reasonable and here's how my mentally deranged mind works...
Every Thursday I have to post that Mueller is going to reveal something on Friday so damaging to Trump that Trump will be indicted on the following Monday."
It doesn't matter that it never happens as long as the good nurses at my nursing home keep wiping the drool fro my chin."

How many weeks of crying "Wolf" have to go by before you realize you're demented?
IMAGINE after watching 11 months of lying. incompetence, hateful behavior, and all the rest you still support this POS president.

Groucho would not be pleased.

And imagine that you do the same thing every 7 days and don't remember what you did 7 days ago.
Very sad.

I asked for proof of what you said. The coward crumbled and kept on lying. So typical.
Why should I bookmark your dementia?
You seriously don't see your own pattern?
I call bullshit in you.
Let's see what happens next Thursday when you do the same thing and claim you don't.
Still a coward. You can never back up your lies.
You are a joke man.
I'm bookmarking this conversation and I will embarrass the shit out of you starting next week.
I've caught 2020 in multiple lies over the course of the year. he doesn't even care. He just keeps on lying. It's a cult trait.
Says the liar who claims Bannon was not fired.
He wasn't fired. That's what you get from believing a pathological liar.
Bannon gave the exact date he was going to resign on the day he was hired.
There you go again...not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground.
Steve Bannon, Trump's chief strategist, fired - CNNPolitics
You should read your own links'. moron.
"White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve's last day.
Well the headline is fired? So which is it?
Bannon gave an interview and clearly said when he was going to resign. Funny I know more about your people than you do.
This administration is "truly" and embarrassment.
But his base, like you, find that perfectly acceptable.
View attachment 169629

Can I invest in that? When Mueller doesn't find much but a few process (obstruction) crimes, the left is gonna need gallons of this stuff
I love it when dopey deplorables admit they haven't been following the Trump-Russian Scandal investigation.
I love your imagination. You should put it to better use.
You just hate that CNN correctly quotes Trum's every lie and then fact checks it to prove i's a lie.

I have been, it's been funny seeing you guys get all excited only hours later to learn it was all fake on several stories.......

Next time CNN can you read the actual dates first.....thanks guys!!!!!!!!!
Uh you messed up the formatting genius.... but I wont be a pussy and report you like you lefties do for misquoting.

They correct quote Trump on what? Be more specific really don't know how to play this game do ya?
And where did I say they misquoted Trump, I said they do lie about him and bring false stories.
IMAGINE after watching 11 months of lying. incompetence, hateful behavior, and all the rest you still support this POS president.

Groucho would not be pleased.

And imagine that you do the same thing every 7 days and don't remember what you did 7 days ago.
Very sad.

I asked for proof of what you said. The coward crumbled and kept on lying. So typical.
Why should I bookmark your dementia?
You seriously don't see your own pattern?
I call bullshit in you.
Let's see what happens next Thursday when you do the same thing and claim you don't.
Still a coward. You can never back up your lies.
You are a joke man.
I'm bookmarking this conversation and I will embarrass the shit out of you starting next week.
Youre going to book mark that you made an unsubstantiated claim and couldn't back it up?
You a masochist?
Says the liar who claims Bannon was not fired.
He wasn't fired. That's what you get from believing a pathological liar.
Bannon gave the exact date he was going to resign on the day he was hired.
There you go again...not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground.
Steve Bannon, Trump's chief strategist, fired - CNNPolitics
You should read your own links'. moron.
"White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve's last day.
Well the headline is fired? So which is it?
Bannon gave an interview and clearly said when he was going to resign. Funny I know more about your people than you do.

good question, why do you know so much about Bannon, what is your hard on for him?
"Hi! I'm Reasonable and here's how my mentally deranged mind works...
Every Thursday I have to post that Mueller is going to reveal something on Friday so damaging to Trump that Trump will be indicted on the following Monday."
It doesn't matter that it never happens as long as the good nurses at my nursing home keep wiping the drool fro my chin."

How many weeks of crying "Wolf" have to go by before you realize you're demented?
IMAGINE after watching 11 months of lying. incompetence, hateful behavior, and all the rest you still support this POS president.

Groucho would not be pleased.

And imagine that you do the same thing every 7 days and don't remember what you did 7 days ago.
Very sad.

I asked for proof of what you said. The coward crumbled and kept on lying. So typical.
Why should I bookmark your dementia?
You seriously don't see your own pattern?
I call bullshit in you.
Let's see what happens next Thursday when you do the same thing and claim you don't.
Still a coward. You can never back up your lies.
You are a joke man.
The White House Press reporters are a fucking joke.

Post 161

You're gonna look like an asshole starting next week.
Even if you start posting your "Monday" expectations on Wednesday or Friday in order to claim I'm wrong.

Can I invest in that? When Mueller doesn't find much but a few process (obstruction) crimes, the left is gonna need gallons of this stuff
I love it when dopey deplorables admit they haven't been following the Trump-Russian Scandal investigation.
I love your imagination. You should put it to better use.
You just hate that CNN correctly quotes Trum's every lie and then fact checks it to prove i's a lie.

I have been, it's been funny seeing you guys get all excited only hours later to learn it was all fake on several stories.......

Next time CNN can you read the actual dates first.....thanks guys!!!!!!!!!
Uh you messed up the formatting genius.... but I wont be a pussy and report you like you lefties do for misquoting.

They correct quote Trump on what? Be more specific really don't know how to play this game do ya?
And where did I say they misquoted Trump, I said they do lie about him and bring false stories.
the press correctly reports EXACTLY WHAT tRUMP SAYS. Then they do their homework to find out if he told the tgruth. 9 times out of 10 he's lying. But you love that about him.
Says the liar who claims Bannon was not fired.
He wasn't fired. That's what you get from believing a pathological liar.
Bannon gave the exact date he was going to resign on the day he was hired.
There you go again...not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground.
Steve Bannon, Trump's chief strategist, fired - CNNPolitics
You should read your own links'. moron.
"White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve's last day.
Well the headline is fired? So which is it?
Bannon gave an interview and clearly said when he was going to resign. Funny I know more about your people than you do.

Because we don't care about Bannon...thank you for proving that.......I don't know much about him nor do I care too, when he's at a klan rally let me know.
Can I invest in that? When Mueller doesn't find much but a few process (obstruction) crimes, the left is gonna need gallons of this stuff
I love it when dopey deplorables admit they haven't been following the Trump-Russian Scandal investigation.
I love your imagination. You should put it to better use.
You just hate that CNN correctly quotes Trum's every lie and then fact checks it to prove i's a lie.

I have been, it's been funny seeing you guys get all excited only hours later to learn it was all fake on several stories.......

Next time CNN can you read the actual dates first.....thanks guys!!!!!!!!!
Uh you messed up the formatting genius.... but I wont be a pussy and report you like you lefties do for misquoting.

They correct quote Trump on what? Be more specific really don't know how to play this game do ya?
And where did I say they misquoted Trump, I said they do lie about him and bring false stories.
the press correctly reports EXACTLY WHAT tRUMP SAYS. Then they do their homework to find out if he told the tgruth. 9 times out of 10 he's lying. But you love that about him.
Look, R is getting excited! He can't spell when he's excited.
On the other hand, he can't think ever.
IMAGINE after watching 11 months of lying. incompetence, hateful behavior, and all the rest you still support this POS president.

Groucho would not be pleased.

And imagine that you do the same thing every 7 days and don't remember what you did 7 days ago.
Very sad.

I asked for proof of what you said. The coward crumbled and kept on lying. So typical.
Why should I bookmark your dementia?
You seriously don't see your own pattern?
I call bullshit in you.
Let's see what happens next Thursday when you do the same thing and claim you don't.
Still a coward. You can never back up your lies.
You are a joke man.
The White House Press reporters are a fucking joke.

Post 161

You're gonna look like an asshole starting next week.
Even if you start posting your "Monday" expectations on Wednesday or Friday in order to claim I'm wrong.
"Every Thursday I have to post that Mueller is going to reveal something on Friday so damaging to Trump that Trump will be indicted on the following Monday."

LMAO I have consistently said Mueller will reveal his findings when hes good and ready.
Egg on your face again. A deplorable's lament.
Can I invest in that? When Mueller doesn't find much but a few process (obstruction) crimes, the left is gonna need gallons of this stuff
I love it when dopey deplorables admit they haven't been following the Trump-Russian Scandal investigation.
I love your imagination. You should put it to better use.
You just hate that CNN correctly quotes Trum's every lie and then fact checks it to prove i's a lie.

I have been, it's been funny seeing you guys get all excited only hours later to learn it was all fake on several stories.......

Next time CNN can you read the actual dates first.....thanks guys!!!!!!!!!
Uh you messed up the formatting genius.... but I wont be a pussy and report you like you lefties do for misquoting.

They correct quote Trump on what? Be more specific really don't know how to play this game do ya?
And where did I say they misquoted Trump, I said they do lie about him and bring false stories.
the press correctly reports EXACTLY WHAT tRUMP SAYS. Then they do their homework to find out if he told the tgruth. 9 times out of 10 he's lying. But you love that about him.
What does that have to do with my never addressed it. I address yours because I shit on you. Don't ignore mine, just because you have no answer.

and again give me a quote from CNN on Trump, you make a statement then don't back it up.....that's just sad.
Fake Groucho always get his ass kicked when he confronts me. Ya think he'd learn his lesson.
And imagine that you do the same thing every 7 days and don't remember what you did 7 days ago.
Very sad.

I asked for proof of what you said. The coward crumbled and kept on lying. So typical.
Why should I bookmark your dementia?
You seriously don't see your own pattern?
I call bullshit in you.
Let's see what happens next Thursday when you do the same thing and claim you don't.
Still a coward. You can never back up your lies.
You are a joke man.
The White House Press reporters are a fucking joke.

Post 161

You're gonna look like an asshole starting next week.
Even if you start posting your "Monday" expectations on Wednesday or Friday in order to claim I'm wrong.
"Every Thursday I have to post that Mueller is going to reveal something on Friday so damaging to Trump that Trump will be indicted on the following Monday."

LMAO I have consistently said Mueller will reveal his findings when hes good and ready.
Egg on your face again. A deplorable's lament.
And what's holding Mueller back?
I mean, Trump's got to be guilty of something nefarious!
Fake Groucho always get his ass kicked when he confronts me. Ya think he'd learn his lesson.
I got news for you, Jerk Off, I read Groucho's biography and he was as Republican as can be.
You think he worked his ass off to give you a handout?
I asked for proof of what you said. The coward crumbled and kept on lying. So typical.
Why should I bookmark your dementia?
You seriously don't see your own pattern?
I call bullshit in you.
Let's see what happens next Thursday when you do the same thing and claim you don't.
Still a coward. You can never back up your lies.
You are a joke man.
The White House Press reporters are a fucking joke.

Post 161

You're gonna look like an asshole starting next week.
Even if you start posting your "Monday" expectations on Wednesday or Friday in order to claim I'm wrong.
"Every Thursday I have to post that Mueller is going to reveal something on Friday so damaging to Trump that Trump will be indicted on the following Monday."

LMAO I have consistently said Mueller will reveal his findings when hes good and ready.
Egg on your face again. A deplorable's lament.
And what's holding Mueller back?
I mean, Trump's got to be guilty of something nefarious!
after I prove you to be a deflect to THIS. LOL
I see you're another one not following the Russian investigation.
let me guess why. It's the media you follow.

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