The Women's March is Global

The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

Issues important to women?... Such as? Funny that I don't hear any women in muslim countries protesting. You see, they would be executed, in a barbaric way. They have ACTUAL, not imagined, problems.

But of course, the grabbed by the pussy comment is SO important and devastiting for the people who idolize:


No, what we are witnessing here is a protest by the LOSERS, who have gotten used to living on other people's expense.

Who idolizes that?

Tens of millions of hypocritical idiots who freaked at The Donald's grab them by the pussy comment, that's who idolizes that.

I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

And do you find offensive the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist?

Was there a women's march protesting about that?


This is called HYPOCRISY!
The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

Issues important to women?... Such as? Funny that I don't hear any women in muslim countries protesting. You see, they would be executed, in a barbaric way. They have ACTUAL, not imagined, problems.

But of course, the grabbed by the pussy comment is SO important and devastiting for the people who idolize:


No, what we are witnessing here is a protest by the LOSERS, who have gotten used to living on other people's expense.

Who idolizes that?

Tens of millions of hypocritical idiots who freaked at The Donald's grab them by the pussy comment, that's who idolizes that.

I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

It was years ago.. I said plenty of stuff everyone has but we didn't mean it..

JFK was womanizer bill was a womanizer and just now these women are bitching about something trump said years ago?


lol, the Sutan of Brunei is well known for his hedonistic lifestyle and endless sex parties, but why aren't women marching against him? I believe kings used to have mistresses 5,000 years ago in Scotland, why aren't they marching against that?

Stop being an idiot.
The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity
LOL, Women being raped at nauseam in europe and not a word.

That's because when women are raped by the Kebab's and the Sub-Saharan Africans the hateful and vicious Leftist's think the women deserve it as Cultural Enrichment to make amends for you know the West bombing the Middle East and Colonialism etc
The women in this country should be embracing Trump. He's always stood up for them.
Not only does he have a very successful daughter, he's hired women to work in some of the most important positions in his businesses.
The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

Wow. I can't wait to see women start taking the dirty, hard, dangerous jobs men have been doing forever. It will be great when technical fields are 50% women. I can't wait to see mandatory affirmative action for females to be put into jobs like infantry in the military. Of course if there aren't enough female volunteers to fill 50% of the slots in the military, the women will be happy to see a female draft put into effect.

Women power!!

If we have a draft, it should include women. And women should be in any of those jobs as long as they meet the qualifications.
Sure...But they can't. They lack the physical strength, endurance, ability to endure extreme discomfort in hostile environments.
The military is no place for social engineering.

Agree. But - there are those who HAVE met the standards, and for them - they have every right to do those jobs.

There are plenty of other jobs in the military other than ground pounding that women are more than capable of doing.
Although there is something to be said about a regiment of very pissed off well trained women having the ability to run roughshod over and equal sized force of guys.
I'd like to see if a group of women could go through the rigors of Seal, Ranger, Green Beret, training with NO relaxing of standards. No gender allowances. By the book. Then I'd be convinced women, certain women, can perform in areas of close infantry fighting.

If women are deployed alongside men, they need to be able to meet the same standards. But there is also no reason not to have women's Seal's etc units - where you initiate a different set of standards and deploy them with regard to their capabilities.

The facts are these. Men and women are NOT equal. We are made differently. We process information differently. We have different physical attributes. We have different levels of tolerance for pain and discomfort. Those facts are not in dispute.
The bottom line is as a species,. both men and women must be treated equally. However there is a difference. See above.

I fully agree.

Even if they do meet the same standards, isn't there something to be said about the different type of hell they'd go through vs a man if they were captured? Is that something we should be talking about too when discussing women on the front lines?
The women in this country should be embracing Trump. He's always stood up for them.
Not only does he have a very successful daughter, he's hired women to work in some of the most important positions in his businesses.

Not to mention Kellyanne Conway, the first woman to run a successful Presidential Campaign, if Donald Trump didn't respect and value women, then he wouldn't have chosen a woman to run his Presidential Campaign.
The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

Issues important to women?... Such as? Funny that I don't hear any women in muslim countries protesting. You see, they would be executed, in a barbaric way. They have ACTUAL, not imagined, problems.

But of course, the grabbed by the pussy comment is SO important and devastiting for the people who idolize:


No, what we are witnessing here is a protest by the LOSERS, who have gotten used to living on other people's expense.

Who idolizes that?

Tens of millions of hypocritical idiots who freaked at The Donald's grab them by the pussy comment, that's who idolizes that.

I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

And do you find offensive the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist?

Was there a women's march protesting about that?


This is called HYPOCRISY!

Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife.

Trump's infidelities are the same.

If there was rape, please show me the convictions or even indictments and trials otherwise, bullshit.

I think the women's marches are about more then just Trump - they're about the off hand acceptance of misogyny in retaliation to PC, and more important about years of Republican chipping away at women's reproductive freedom.
All of the complaints I've heard about Trump seem to fall apart when I learn the facts. It's why I'm convinced the woman's march is nothing more than anger over Hillary running a failed campaign, and directing that anger towards a man who is working for them.
A man who is on their side.
The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

Wow. I can't wait to see women start taking the dirty, hard, dangerous jobs men have been doing forever. It will be great when technical fields are 50% women. I can't wait to see mandatory affirmative action for females to be put into jobs like infantry in the military. Of course if there aren't enough female volunteers to fill 50% of the slots in the military, the women will be happy to see a female draft put into effect.

Women power!!

If we have a draft, it should include women. And women should be in any of those jobs as long as they meet the qualifications.
Sure...But they can't. They lack the physical strength, endurance, ability to endure extreme discomfort in hostile environments.
The military is no place for social engineering.

Agree. But - there are those who HAVE met the standards, and for them - they have every right to do those jobs.

There are plenty of other jobs in the military other than ground pounding that women are more than capable of doing.
Although there is something to be said about a regiment of very pissed off well trained women having the ability to run roughshod over and equal sized force of guys.
I'd like to see if a group of women could go through the rigors of Seal, Ranger, Green Beret, training with NO relaxing of standards. No gender allowances. By the book. Then I'd be convinced women, certain women, can perform in areas of close infantry fighting.

If women are deployed alongside men, they need to be able to meet the same standards. But there is also no reason not to have women's Seal's etc units - where you initiate a different set of standards and deploy them with regard to their capabilities.

The facts are these. Men and women are NOT equal. We are made differently. We process information differently. We have different physical attributes. We have different levels of tolerance for pain and discomfort. Those facts are not in dispute.
The bottom line is as a species,. both men and women must be treated equally. However there is a difference. See above.

I fully agree.

Even if they do meet the same standards, isn't there something to be said about the different type of hell they'd go through vs a man if they were captured? Is that something we should be talking about too when discussing women on the front lines?

I don't know..that's an interesting point. However, men can, and have been brutally sodomized as part of torture.
The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity
:gives::gives::gives::gives:A bunch of Obama butt hurt asslickers:fu::fu::fu:
The women in this country should be embracing Trump. He's always stood up for them.
Not only does he have a very successful daughter, he's hired women to work in some of the most important positions in his businesses.

Not to mention Kellyanne Conway, the first woman to run a successful Presidential Campaign, if Donald Trump didn't respect and value women, then he wouldn't have chosen a woman to run his Presidential Campaign.
Trump has always looked to hire the best and brightest. He doesn't care if it's a woman, or what their skin color is.

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