The Women's March is Global

Issues important to women?... Such as? Funny that I don't hear any women in muslim countries protesting. You see, they would be executed, in a barbaric way. They have ACTUAL, not imagined, problems.

But of course, the grabbed by the pussy comment is SO important and devastiting for the people who idolize:


No, what we are witnessing here is a protest by the LOSERS, who have gotten used to living on other people's expense.

Who idolizes that?

Tens of millions of hypocritical idiots who freaked at The Donald's grab them by the pussy comment, that's who idolizes that.

I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

And do you find offensive the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist?

Was there a women's march protesting about that?


This is called HYPOCRISY!

Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife.

Trump's infidelities are the same.

If there was rape, please show me the convictions or even indictments and trials otherwise, bullshit.

I think the women's marches are about more then just Trump - they're about the off hand acceptance of misogyny in retaliation to PC, and more important about years of Republican chipping away at women's reproductive freedom.

Coyote says : "Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife."

When Bill Clinton raped all those women over the years it was not between him and his wife!

It was between him and each of the women he was raping.

Don't you have any respect for those poor women, Coyote?

Unbelievable....I can't understand how can people complain about President Trump and give the rapist Bill clinton a free pass!
The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

That is correct, the mighty Coyote has to call in people across the globe, so they can tell AMERICANS what to do! Typical SOCIALIST bull!

Go away Coyote, you are done, history, over with, and you can pretend anything you want, but you are last years news........and when it was reported, it wasn't very good, l;olololol!
Many of these women wanted Hillary elected. Hillary who took money from countries who stone women to death and deny them their basic human rights. They are freaking hypocrites of the highest order.
You are at least close, I think.

These protest rallies are just more women's suffrage events.

They are really pissed off that Hillary was beaten by a man.

If a woman had beaten her then there would be no protests.

I disagree - I think it's more then just that. It's the end of a long line of gradual erosions - from reproductive rights (which whether or not you agree with them are important to many women) and the lack of any understanding at how offensive Trump's remarks were concerning women.
If Trumps remarks were so offensive, more women would have voted for Hillary than voted for Obama
Women's march, 500,000 strong, the best and brightest of America.

Some men, the ones who are extremely insecure in their masculinity, are threatened by strong women. We can only pity them, and suggest maybe some testosterone supplements.


If I was a man I'd be more worried about losing my house and kids to a "strong woman".

As for why I don't like feminism it's because I'm threatened by weak women who stir up endless trouble against other women. A lot of women act like a pack of wild animals these days. I want that to stop. I want it to stop for all the good and reasonable men and women in the world.

Trump is the antithesis of that because every time women like that go after him he repels them. This is something which no other man has proven able to do.
Issues important to women?... Such as? Funny that I don't hear any women in muslim countries protesting. You see, they would be executed, in a barbaric way. They have ACTUAL, not imagined, problems.

But of course, the grabbed by the pussy comment is SO important and devastiting for the people who idolize:


No, what we are witnessing here is a protest by the LOSERS, who have gotten used to living on other people's expense.

Who idolizes that?

Tens of millions of hypocritical idiots who freaked at The Donald's grab them by the pussy comment, that's who idolizes that.

I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

And do you find offensive the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist?

Was there a women's march protesting about that?


This is called HYPOCRISY!

Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife.

Trump's infidelities are the same.

If there was rape, please show me the convictions or even indictments and trials otherwise, bullshit.

I think the women's marches are about more then just Trump - they're about the off hand acceptance of misogyny in retaliation to PC, and more important about years of Republican chipping away at women's reproductive freedom.

Trump didn't do them in the oval office.. That's the difference.

When you get that high there's a dignity to society that one must assume.

Who idolizes that?

Tens of millions of hypocritical idiots who freaked at The Donald's grab them by the pussy comment, that's who idolizes that.

I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

And do you find offensive the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist?

Was there a women's march protesting about that?


This is called HYPOCRISY!

Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife.

Trump's infidelities are the same.

If there was rape, please show me the convictions or even indictments and trials otherwise, bullshit.

I think the women's marches are about more then just Trump - they're about the off hand acceptance of misogyny in retaliation to PC, and more important about years of Republican chipping away at women's reproductive freedom.

Coyote says : "Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife."

When Bill Clinton raped all those women over the years it was not between him and his wife!

It was between him and each of the women he was raping.

Don't you have any respect for those poor women, Coyote?

Unbelievable....I can't understand how can people complain about President Trump and give the rapist Bill clinton a free pass!

Exactly and why weren't women on the streets screaming about Bill Clinton?
Tens of millions of hypocritical idiots who freaked at The Donald's grab them by the pussy comment, that's who idolizes that.

I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

And do you find offensive the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist?

Was there a women's march protesting about that?


This is called HYPOCRISY!

Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife.

Trump's infidelities are the same.

If there was rape, please show me the convictions or even indictments and trials otherwise, bullshit.

I think the women's marches are about more then just Trump - they're about the off hand acceptance of misogyny in retaliation to PC, and more important about years of Republican chipping away at women's reproductive freedom.

Coyote says : "Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife."

When Bill Clinton raped all those women over the years it was not between him and his wife!

It was between him and each of the women he was raping.

Don't you have any respect for those poor women, Coyote?

Unbelievable....I can't understand how can people complain about President Trump and give the rapist Bill clinton a free pass!

Exactly and why weren't women on the streets screaming about Bill Clinton?

You tell me
Who idolizes that?

Tens of millions of hypocritical idiots who freaked at The Donald's grab them by the pussy comment, that's who idolizes that.

I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

And do you find offensive the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist?

Was there a women's march protesting about that?


This is called HYPOCRISY!

Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife.

Trump's infidelities are the same.

If there was rape, please show me the convictions or even indictments and trials otherwise, bullshit.

I think the women's marches are about more then just Trump - they're about the off hand acceptance of misogyny in retaliation to PC, and more important about years of Republican chipping away at women's reproductive freedom.

Coyote says : "Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife."

When Bill Clinton raped all those women over the years it was not between him and his wife!

It was between him and each of the women he was raping.

Don't you have any respect for those poor women, Coyote?

Unbelievable....I can't understand how can people complain about President Trump and give the rapist Bill clinton a free pass!
Coyote is ok with Bill sexing interns in WH because he's a democrat. She'll pretend that's normal and acceptable.
Tens of millions of hypocritical idiots who freaked at The Donald's grab them by the pussy comment, that's who idolizes that.

I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

And do you find offensive the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist?

Was there a women's march protesting about that?


This is called HYPOCRISY!

Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife.

Trump's infidelities are the same.

If there was rape, please show me the convictions or even indictments and trials otherwise, bullshit.

I think the women's marches are about more then just Trump - they're about the off hand acceptance of misogyny in retaliation to PC, and more important about years of Republican chipping away at women's reproductive freedom.

Coyote says : "Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife."

When Bill Clinton raped all those women over the years it was not between him and his wife!

It was between him and each of the women he was raping.

Don't you have any respect for those poor women, Coyote?

Unbelievable....I can't understand how can people complain about President Trump and give the rapist Bill clinton a free pass!
Coyote is ok with Bill sexing interns in WH because he's a democrat.

It's called hypocrisy like I said above.
The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

Why don't these women EVER have worldwide marches and screaming fits about how Islam treats women?

They are bedwetting across the world about President Trump, has he advocated women having to dress in black tents, be subjected to gang-rape as a punishment, have acid thrown in their faces?

They want to protest in support of women's rights, why aren't they all screaming in public across the world about this....or wouldn't that be Politically Correct, would that be racist?
It is the machination of the Global Elite. They masterfully divide the segments of population along gender, race, political affiliation, sexual orientation and religion just to mention the major ones. That's how they muddy the waters. While our unity is destroyed and we fight one another along the divides they do their dirty deeds to enslave us.
The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

Why don't these women EVER have worldwide marches and screaming fits about how Islam treats women?

They are bedwetting across the world about President Trump, has he advocated women having to dress in black tents, be subjected to gang-rape as a punishment, have acid thrown in their faces?

They want to protest in support of women's rights, why aren't they all screaming in public across the world about this....or wouldn't that be Politically Correct, would that be racist?

Who knows these women think those women like it or something..


I think they do, I think many have a fantasy of being raped by Kebabs and submitting to male Kebabs in general, why else would women keep quiet about the way women are treated like lumps of meat in Islam.
You think?......pretty funny right
Who idolizes that?

Tens of millions of hypocritical idiots who freaked at The Donald's grab them by the pussy comment, that's who idolizes that.

I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

And do you find offensive the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist?

Was there a women's march protesting about that?


This is called HYPOCRISY!

Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife.

Trump's infidelities are the same.

If there was rape, please show me the convictions or even indictments and trials otherwise, bullshit.

I think the women's marches are about more then just Trump - they're about the off hand acceptance of misogyny in retaliation to PC, and more important about years of Republican chipping away at women's reproductive freedom.

Coyote says : "Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife."

When Bill Clinton raped all those women over the years it was not between him and his wife!

It was between him and each of the women he was raping.

Don't you have any respect for those poor women, Coyote?

Unbelievable....I can't understand how can people complain about President Trump and give the rapist Bill clinton a free pass!

Zero evidence Bill actually raped anyone. Why would he need to when he is a natural seducer? The guy can seduce the pants off of women. Donald couldn't seduce a woman if his life depended on it, which is why he forces himself on them and resorts to sexual assault.
Oh the irony...


Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March, being held in Washington, D.C., was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.

Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York and an Obama White House “Champion of Change,” was speaking at last month’s 15th annual convention of the Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America.

While there, she posed for a picture with Salah Sarsour, a member of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee and former Hamas operative who was jailed in Israel in the 1990s because of his alleged work for the terrorist group.

Read more: Women’s March Organizer Recently Met Ex-Hamas Operative, Has Family Ties To Terror Group

Progressives and Islam unite.

In the Daily Caller....right.

Why are these women on the streets in 20 nations screaming about women's rights in Western nations? Women in Western nations have basically 100% freedom, we are not repressed or discriminated against in general.

I've got the BBC World Service on right now, and they're reporting live from this Women's March in Washington and EVERY woman they've interviewed has said nothing about Women's Right's, they all are ranting about how much they hate President Trump and how important it is that they do what they want to do with their own body ie. abortion on demand if they want it, mixed in with general rambling about how racist everybody is who doesn't agree with them and how everybody is so hateful for supporting President Trump.

It's bizarro.

Also these women some have brought their young children on the march and they're being subjected to fanatical low class women screaming "IT'S MY VAGINA, HANDS OFF!" "MY BODY, MY UTERUS!"

WTF? They must have been brought up in a sewer, normal well brought-up women don't tend to scream in public about their vagina and uterus.
I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

And do you find offensive the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist?

Was there a women's march protesting about that?


This is called HYPOCRISY!

Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife.

Trump's infidelities are the same.

If there was rape, please show me the convictions or even indictments and trials otherwise, bullshit.

I think the women's marches are about more then just Trump - they're about the off hand acceptance of misogyny in retaliation to PC, and more important about years of Republican chipping away at women's reproductive freedom.

Coyote says : "Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife."

When Bill Clinton raped all those women over the years it was not between him and his wife!

It was between him and each of the women he was raping.

Don't you have any respect for those poor women, Coyote?

Unbelievable....I can't understand how can people complain about President Trump and give the rapist Bill clinton a free pass!
Coyote is ok with Bill sexing interns in WH because he's a democrat.

It's called hypocrisy like I said above.
Isn't that typical for democrats? :)
It's neither "pro-women" or "anti-women".

Marital fidelity had nothing at all to do with women's rights.
Yes it does.. It treating them like garbage.



No, it's not.

Cheating on your spouse is treating your spouse like garbage, not "women" as a whole.

Do you think that a women cheating on her husband is "anti-men"?

Of course..

Anti men

Anti children

Anti everyone..

Get a divorce first



They look like every guy's first ex-wife. Take the car, take the house, let's bitch about everything ......:laugh::laugh::laugh:

I guess everyone has their own opinions and all.. but for someone to say cheating is OK?

No one has said that "cheating is ok".

It's just not a women's rights issue.
Tens of millions of hypocritical idiots who freaked at The Donald's grab them by the pussy comment, that's who idolizes that.

I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

And do you find offensive the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist?

Was there a women's march protesting about that?


This is called HYPOCRISY!

Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife.

Trump's infidelities are the same.

If there was rape, please show me the convictions or even indictments and trials otherwise, bullshit.

I think the women's marches are about more then just Trump - they're about the off hand acceptance of misogyny in retaliation to PC, and more important about years of Republican chipping away at women's reproductive freedom.

Coyote says : "Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife."

When Bill Clinton raped all those women over the years it was not between him and his wife!

It was between him and each of the women he was raping.

Don't you have any respect for those poor women, Coyote?

Unbelievable....I can't understand how can people complain about President Trump and give the rapist Bill clinton a free pass!
Coyote is ok with Bill sexing interns in WH because he's a democrat. She'll pretend that's normal and acceptable.

She is still mad at Kennith star for calling bill out on it the same reasons the liberals are pissed about the hackings by wiki

Lucifer or the Russians take your pick who did it..

Just don't change the fact what Hillary did.

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