There is a Case to be Made for Racism

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Consider the following scenario. The USA gets involved in a conflict overseas. It has, say, half a million troops and hardware on site in Country "X". We are there to Assist X in repelling an invasion by Country "Douche". Based upon satellite and human recon, we believe we have located a large fuel depot across the border inside Douche. The theater CO wants to both destroy the facility and send a strong message to the Douchebags. So he unleashes unholy hell on the site. The destruction that ensues is total and devastating. However, there is a problem. The intel analyst graduated from the University of Joe Biden School of Warfare. It turns out that the target was not a fuel depot at all. It was a children's hospital, and it specialized in treating pediatric cancer patients. The place was full of sick kids, their families, doctors, nurses, and all sorts of caring folks. At first you are shocked and attempt to shift blame, saying "How dare they maintain a children's hospital so close to a war front!!" and "They had to be using those kids as human shields (a popular retort amongst war mongers)". But the fact is, those very ill and dying children could not be moved so easily. YOU fucked up and committed mass murder against a bunch of cancer kids and their caregivers.

Now what do you do? Do you apologize and say "Gee, I hope this does not change anything between us"? Nope. That will not work. There will be a swift and brutal reprisal by the Douchebags. They may even employ their nuclear arsenal. In fact, this may be the impetus for another world war. You were in the wrong and you know it. What course of action should be taken?

This is my opinion of what should be done. First, take the Biden CO out and shoot him in the head. Second, while it is certainly unfortunate what happened to those kids, the fact is, victory is the compelling motivation here. Moreover, there will be a reprisal by a truly pissed off (and rightly so) band of Douchebags. This leads to one conclusion: Strike again, before they can counterstrike, and make it even fucking worse such as to take away their ability to hit our positions. Nuke the fuckers. Just because some folks may think that morality dictates us deserving of a hit for the hospital fuck up, that is not how you fight and win wars. Because the backlash you are facing is great, that means you must put them down like rabid dogs (even if YOU gave them the rabies to start with).

This is pretty common sense shit. Now let's apply this to racism in America. Blacks and other groups are coming after us for perceived racism. Most assuredly, whites have already made up for the slaving days many, many times over. But the leftists have succeeded in convincing black Americans that nothing will ever absolve whitey from what their ancestors did in the past. The have stirred blacks to the point of revolution.

Believe me when I say that I would never, ever, suggest the following were we not in such dire times of civil unrest due to the leftist scourge currently waging war against out republic. I do not even really blame the blacks, except for the one who are Marxists themselves. They are being manipulated by the left; used as muscle. Essentially, the Marxists have established their own plantation and are using black Americans as slaves. That is truly the irony here.

I am not going to propose that we re-institute a regime of slavery or go back to Plessy v. Ferguson era values. I am going to say that as long as blacks are threatening the republic with all this BLM/Antifa/reparations bullshit, they need to be kept on a short leash. Now, the assimilated blacks in the molds of Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Tim Scott, etc... We are fine with them. I am only talking about the non-assimilated folks; the tribalists who revel in conflict. See, we need to classify people based upon assimilation conformity. Any advocate of anti-American activities are unassimilated and, therefore, a threat to our republic. They need to be repressed, and for several reasons.

First, the negative conditioning is in their best interest because it encourages them to assimilate into America culture, where they will be free to enjoy all of the rights and privileges of being an American citizen and share in our prosperity. Second, we need to protect the republic from subversive activities. One must punish rabid dogs, not given them their own food and water bowls in the family household. Third, if we retard the Marxists' muscle, then the group as a whole will atrophy into a flaccid prophylactic of the left.

Present day "social justice" and "equity" are neither. They want to play a zero-sum game whereby everything they seek to gain results in a loss to their opponents; i.e., whitey. That is pure Marxism, and it comports nicely with tribalism. They want us to feel pain. They NEED us to feel pain. Even if you believe they are still, after all of these years and generations that have past, along with all the remedial programs and expenditures, deserving of "justice", the bloodletting they are seeking is out of bounds and uncalled for. We must guard against this. It is pure war. Many have already taken up arms in their fight against whitey. I suspect that more will. The ultimate enemy here is Marxism. But we cannot sit around and pander to this and watch our nation unravel. We have a duty to protect our republic from any and all enemies, without and within.

  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
    "a program to combat racism"

    racial discrimination


    racial prejudice







    • the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.
      "theories of racism"

The Bible affirms that all men are created equal and all bear the image of God. Jesus preached about discrimination and commanded that we love our neighbor as ourselves and to not judge others based on how they look.
Consider the following scenario. The USA gets involved in a conflict overseas. It has, say, half a million troops and hardware on site in Country "X". We are there to Assist X in repelling an invasion by Country "Douche". Based upon satellite and human recon, we believe we have located a large fuel depot across the border inside Douche. The theater CO wants to both destroy the facility and send a strong message to the Douchebags. So he unleashes unholy hell on the site. The destruction that ensues is total and devastating. However, there is a problem. The intel analyst graduated from the University of Joe Biden School of Warfare. It turns out that the target was not a fuel depot at all. It was a children's hospital, and it specialized in treating pediatric cancer patients. The place was full of sick kids, their families, doctors, nurses, and all sorts of caring folks. At first you are shocked and attempt to shift blame, saying "How dare they maintain a children's hospital so close to a war front!!" and "They had to be using those kids as human shields (a popular retort amongst war mongers)". But the fact is, those very ill and dying children could not be moved so easily. YOU fucked up and committed mass murder against a bunch of cancer kids and their caregivers.

Now what do you do? Do you apologize and say "Gee, I hope this does not change anything between us"? Nope. That will not work. There will be a swift and brutal reprisal by the Douchebags. They may even employ their nuclear arsenal. In fact, this may be the impetus for another world war. You were in the wrong and you know it. What course of action should be taken?

This is my opinion of what should be done. First, take the Biden CO out and shoot him in the head. Second, while it is certainly unfortunate what happened to those kids, the fact is, victory is the compelling motivation here. Moreover, there will be a reprisal by a truly pissed off (and rightly so) band of Douchebags. This leads to one conclusion: Strike again, before they can counterstrike, and make it even fucking worse such as to take away their ability to hit our positions. Nuke the fuckers. Just because some folks may think that morality dictates us deserving of a hit for the hospital fuck up, that is not how you fight and win wars. Because the backlash you are facing is great, that means you must put them down like rabid dogs (even if YOU gave them the rabies to start with).

This is pretty common sense shit. Now let's apply this to racism in America. Blacks and other groups are coming after us for perceived racism. Most assuredly, whites have already made up for the slaving days many, many times over. But the leftists have succeeded in convincing black Americans that nothing will ever absolve whitey from what their ancestors did in the past. The have stirred blacks to the point of revolution.

Believe me when I say that I would never, ever, suggest the following were we not in such dire times of civil unrest due to the leftist scourge currently waging war against out republic. I do not even really blame the blacks, except for the one who are Marxists themselves. They are being manipulated by the left; used as muscle. Essentially, the Marxists have established their own plantation and are using black Americans as slaves. That is truly the irony here.

I am not going to propose that we re-institute a regime of slavery or go back to Plessy v. Ferguson era values. I am going to say that as long as blacks are threatening the republic with all this BLM/Antifa/reparations bullshit, they need to be kept on a short leash. Now, the assimilated blacks in the molds of Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Tim Scott, etc... We are fine with them. I am only talking about the non-assimilated folks; the tribalists who revel in conflict. See, we need to classify people based upon assimilation conformity. Any advocate of anti-American activities are unassimilated and, therefore, a threat to our republic. They need to be repressed, and for several reasons.

First, the negative conditioning is in their best interest because it encourages them to assimilate into America culture, where they will be free to enjoy all of the rights and privileges of being an American citizen and share in our prosperity. Second, we need to protect the republic from subversive activities. One must punish rabid dogs, not given them their own food and water bowls in the family household. Third, if we retard the Marxists' muscle, then the group as a whole will atrophy into a flaccid prophylactic of the left.

Present day "social justice" and "equity" are neither. They want to play a zero-sum game whereby everything they seek to gain results in a loss to their opponents; i.e., whitey. That is pure Marxism, and it comports nicely with tribalism. They want us to feel pain. They NEED us to feel pain. Even if you believe they are still, after all of these years and generations that have past, along with all the remedial programs and expenditures, deserving of "justice", the bloodletting they are seeking is out of bounds and uncalled for. We must guard against this. It is pure war. Many have already taken up arms in their fight against whitey. I suspect that more will. The ultimate enemy here is Marxism. But we cannot sit around and pander to this and watch our nation unravel. We have a duty to protect our republic from any and all enemies, without and within.
Are Republicans the Douchebags?

  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
    "a program to combat racism"

    racial discrimination


    racial prejudice







    • the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.
      "theories of racism"

The Bible affirms that all men are created equal and all bear the image of God. Jesus preached about discrimination and commanded that we love our neighbor as ourselves and to not judge others based on how they look.
It's like you did not even read my post.
Consider the following scenario. The USA gets involved in a conflict overseas. It has, say, half a million troops and hardware on site in Country "X". We are there to Assist X in repelling an invasion by Country "Douche". Based upon satellite and human recon, we believe we have located a large fuel depot across the border inside Douche. The theater CO wants to both destroy the facility and send a strong message to the Douchebags. So he unleashes unholy hell on the site. The destruction that ensues is total and devastating. However, there is a problem. The intel analyst graduated from the University of Joe Biden School of Warfare. It turns out that the target was not a fuel depot at all. It was a children's hospital, and it specialized in treating pediatric cancer patients. The place was full of sick kids, their families, doctors, nurses, and all sorts of caring folks. At first you are shocked and attempt to shift blame, saying "How dare they maintain a children's hospital so close to a war front!!" and "They had to be using those kids as human shields (a popular retort amongst war mongers)". But the fact is, those very ill and dying children could not be moved so easily. YOU fucked up and committed mass murder against a bunch of cancer kids and their caregivers.

Now what do you do? Do you apologize and say "Gee, I hope this does not change anything between us"? Nope. That will not work. There will be a swift and brutal reprisal by the Douchebags. They may even employ their nuclear arsenal. In fact, this may be the impetus for another world war. You were in the wrong and you know it. What course of action should be taken?

This is my opinion of what should be done. First, take the Biden CO out and shoot him in the head. Second, while it is certainly unfortunate what happened to those kids, the fact is, victory is the compelling motivation here. Moreover, there will be a reprisal by a truly pissed off (and rightly so) band of Douchebags. This leads to one conclusion: Strike again, before they can counterstrike, and make it even fucking worse such as to take away their ability to hit our positions. Nuke the fuckers. Just because some folks may think that morality dictates us deserving of a hit for the hospital fuck up, that is not how you fight and win wars. Because the backlash you are facing is great, that means you must put them down like rabid dogs (even if YOU gave them the rabies to start with).

This is pretty common sense shit. Now let's apply this to racism in America. Blacks and other groups are coming after us for perceived racism. Most assuredly, whites have already made up for the slaving days many, many times over. But the leftists have succeeded in convincing black Americans that nothing will ever absolve whitey from what their ancestors did in the past. The have stirred blacks to the point of revolution.

Believe me when I say that I would never, ever, suggest the following were we not in such dire times of civil unrest due to the leftist scourge currently waging war against out republic. I do not even really blame the blacks, except for the one who are Marxists themselves. They are being manipulated by the left; used as muscle. Essentially, the Marxists have established their own plantation and are using black Americans as slaves. That is truly the irony here.

I am not going to propose that we re-institute a regime of slavery or go back to Plessy v. Ferguson era values. I am going to say that as long as blacks are threatening the republic with all this BLM/Antifa/reparations bullshit, they need to be kept on a short leash. Now, the assimilated blacks in the molds of Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Tim Scott, etc... We are fine with them. I am only talking about the non-assimilated folks; the tribalists who revel in conflict. See, we need to classify people based upon assimilation conformity. Any advocate of anti-American activities are unassimilated and, therefore, a threat to our republic. They need to be repressed, and for several reasons.

First, the negative conditioning is in their best interest because it encourages them to assimilate into America culture, where they will be free to enjoy all of the rights and privileges of being an American citizen and share in our prosperity. Second, we need to protect the republic from subversive activities. One must punish rabid dogs, not given them their own food and water bowls in the family household. Third, if we retard the Marxists' muscle, then the group as a whole will atrophy into a flaccid prophylactic of the left.

Present day "social justice" and "equity" are neither. They want to play a zero-sum game whereby everything they seek to gain results in a loss to their opponents; i.e., whitey. That is pure Marxism, and it comports nicely with tribalism. They want us to feel pain. They NEED us to feel pain. Even if you believe they are still, after all of these years and generations that have past, along with all the remedial programs and expenditures, deserving of "justice", the bloodletting they are seeking is out of bounds and uncalled for. We must guard against this. It is pure war. Many have already taken up arms in their fight against whitey. I suspect that more will. The ultimate enemy here is Marxism. But we cannot sit around and pander to this and watch our nation unravel. We have a duty to protect our republic from any and all enemies, without and within.
That is quite a collection of straw men, straw children, straw plans of attack, outcome, straw intelligence, etc. It does not come anywhere near making a case for supporting racism, except to people who have heads filled with straw.
That is quite a collection of straw men, straw children, straw plans of attack, outcome, straw intelligence, etc. It does not come anywhere near making a case for supporting racism, except to people who have heads filled with straw.
It's my opinion and it's meant to elicit both agreement and disagreement or denial.

To put it in the fewest possible words, Americans didn't cast racism aside soon enough to prevent the ongoing situation that has no solution.

It did appear that America came out of the 60's on the right path, but then Trump turned it all upside down in 15, 16, and to date.

(oops, that wasn't meant for me) (I'll leave it as is anyway)
It's my opinion and it's meant to elicit both agreement and disagreement or denial.

To put it in the fewest possible words, Americans didn't cast racism aside soon enough to prevent the ongoing situation that has no solution.

It did appear that America came out of the 60's on the right path, but then Trump turned it all upside down in 15, 16, and to date.

(oops, that wasn't meant for me) (I'll leave it as is anyway)
It’s all Trump’s fault. LOL!
It’s all Trump’s fault. LOL!
No, Trump just read it right on racism being an easy ploy.

It was always in the closets of the American south, moldering away with the bedsheets and the pointy hats.

Now it rages on, interspersed with regular police murder of black men. None of that is the fault of the hundreds of millions of guns.
No, Trump just read it right on racism being an easy ploy.

It was always in the closets of the American south, moldering away with the bedsheets and the pointy hats.

Now it rages on, interspersed with regular police murder of black men. None of that is the fault of the hundreds of millions of guns.
It does not “rage on”. LOL!!
Consider the following scenario. The USA gets involved in a conflict overseas. It has, say, half a million troops and hardware on site in Country "X". We are there to Assist X in repelling an invasion by Country "Douche". Based upon satellite and human recon, we believe we have located a large fuel depot across the border inside Douche. The theater CO wants to both destroy the facility and send a strong message to the Douchebags. So he unleashes unholy hell on the site. The destruction that ensues is total and devastating. However, there is a problem. The intel analyst graduated from the University of Joe Biden School of Warfare. It turns out that the target was not a fuel depot at all. It was a children's hospital, and it specialized in treating pediatric cancer patients. The place was full of sick kids, their families, doctors, nurses, and all sorts of caring folks. At first you are shocked and attempt to shift blame, saying "How dare they maintain a children's hospital so close to a war front!!" and "They had to be using those kids as human shields (a popular retort amongst war mongers)". But the fact is, those very ill and dying children could not be moved so easily. YOU fucked up and committed mass murder against a bunch of cancer kids and their caregivers.

Now what do you do? Do you apologize and say "Gee, I hope this does not change anything between us"? Nope. That will not work. There will be a swift and brutal reprisal by the Douchebags. They may even employ their nuclear arsenal. In fact, this may be the impetus for another world war. You were in the wrong and you know it. What course of action should be taken?

This is my opinion of what should be done. First, take the Biden CO out and shoot him in the head. Second, while it is certainly unfortunate what happened to those kids, the fact is, victory is the compelling motivation here. Moreover, there will be a reprisal by a truly pissed off (and rightly so) band of Douchebags. This leads to one conclusion: Strike again, before they can counterstrike, and make it even fucking worse such as to take away their ability to hit our positions. Nuke the fuckers. Just because some folks may think that morality dictates us deserving of a hit for the hospital fuck up, that is not how you fight and win wars. Because the backlash you are facing is great, that means you must put them down like rabid dogs (even if YOU gave them the rabies to start with).

This is pretty common sense shit. Now let's apply this to racism in America. Blacks and other groups are coming after us for perceived racism. Most assuredly, whites have already made up for the slaving days many, many times over. But the leftists have succeeded in convincing black Americans that nothing will ever absolve whitey from what their ancestors did in the past. The have stirred blacks to the point of revolution.

Believe me when I say that I would never, ever, suggest the following were we not in such dire times of civil unrest due to the leftist scourge currently waging war against out republic. I do not even really blame the blacks, except for the one who are Marxists themselves. They are being manipulated by the left; used as muscle. Essentially, the Marxists have established their own plantation and are using black Americans as slaves. That is truly the irony here.

I am not going to propose that we re-institute a regime of slavery or go back to Plessy v. Ferguson era values. I am going to say that as long as blacks are threatening the republic with all this BLM/Antifa/reparations bullshit, they need to be kept on a short leash. Now, the assimilated blacks in the molds of Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Tim Scott, etc... We are fine with them. I am only talking about the non-assimilated folks; the tribalists who revel in conflict. See, we need to classify people based upon assimilation conformity. Any advocate of anti-American activities are unassimilated and, therefore, a threat to our republic. They need to be repressed, and for several reasons.

First, the negative conditioning is in their best interest because it encourages them to assimilate into America culture, where they will be free to enjoy all of the rights and privileges of being an American citizen and share in our prosperity. Second, we need to protect the republic from subversive activities. One must punish rabid dogs, not given them their own food and water bowls in the family household. Third, if we retard the Marxists' muscle, then the group as a whole will atrophy into a flaccid prophylactic of the left.

Present day "social justice" and "equity" are neither. They want to play a zero-sum game whereby everything they seek to gain results in a loss to their opponents; i.e., whitey. That is pure Marxism, and it comports nicely with tribalism. They want us to feel pain. They NEED us to feel pain. Even if you believe they are still, after all of these years and generations that have past, along with all the remedial programs and expenditures, deserving of "justice", the bloodletting they are seeking is out of bounds and uncalled for. We must guard against this. It is pure war. Many have already taken up arms in their fight against whitey. I suspect that more will. The ultimate enemy here is Marxism. But we cannot sit around and pander to this and watch our nation unravel. We have a duty to protect our republic from any and all enemies, without and within.
Is this your manifesto before you go out and commit a mass shooting?
No. I am a conservative.
No, you're not. You are a racist.

Like these guys, which is why I asked:

Robert 'Bobby' Crimo III confirmed to be raging Trump supporter

Buffalo shooting suspect said he carried out attack 'for the future of the White race,' federal complaint says

El Paso Shooting Suspect’s Manifesto Echoes Trump’s Language (Published 2019)

Highland Park parade shooting - Wikipedia
A voluble supporter of former President Donald Trump, Crimo frequented far-right gatherings, often wearing Where's Waldo garb, and confrontationally joined counterprotests.
No, you're not. You are a racist.

Like these guys, which is why I asked:

Robert 'Bobby' Crimo III confirmed to be raging Trump supporter

Buffalo shooting suspect said he carried out attack 'for the future of the White race,' federal complaint says

El Paso Shooting Suspect’s Manifesto Echoes Trump’s Language (Published 2019)

Highland Park parade shooting - Wikipedia
A voluble supporter of former President Donald Trump, Crimo frequented far-right gatherings, often wearing Where's Waldo garb, and confrontationally joined counterprotests.
Well, that's YOUR opinion. Based upon our past interactions your opinions mean nothing to me. You are deeply flawed and mindlessly biased. A real man subordinates emotion to reason. You are unable to do so.
It's like you did not even read my post.
I read it. After your war scenario between Country X and Country Douche, after the children with cancer are all dead, you began a paragraph with "This is pretty common sense shit."

I still can't look at that without laughing, until my sides ache. So, Lord Long Racist, I giveth thoust points for the hilarity, in the face of idiocy.
I wish we could send all the blacks to Africa.

Blacks win because they get to be free of America's systemic racism and hatred.

America wins because we just eliminated the source of a entire nations racism and every person that isn't black can suddenly live in a racism free country.

Everybody wins.

And why not? Whites, Asians, Mexicans, etc. On the whole those people don't have any major issues with each other. None of the non blacks really scream about racism. So out of the majority only a minority is crying about racism doesn't it make sense to remove that minority for the good of the majority?

I mean Uganda declared being a fag is punishable by death, but we won't ship out all the blacks? Shows what country has bigger balls.
It's my opinion and it's meant to elicit both agreement and disagreement or denial.

To put it in the fewest possible words, Americans didn't cast racism aside soon enough to prevent the ongoing situation that has no solution.

It did appear that America came out of the 60's on the right path, but then Trump turned it all upside down in 15, 16, and to date.

(oops, that wasn't meant for me) (I'll leave it as is anyway)
The blacks took a wrong turn in the 1960's, we didn't.
I'll stop being racist when Negros:

1. Stop committing so many crimes

2. Get off welfare

3. Start taking care of their families

4. Stop being entitlement assholes

5. Stop being house slaves for the filthy Democrat Party

6. Stop with that destructive and hate mongering victim's mentality and start taking responsiblity for themselves.

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