Zone1 There is no "GOD", deal with it!

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You don't see how learning math and English are essential subjects and religion is not?
I tend to view religion as an even more essential subject. But not the way you were taught. Maybe not even the way I was taught.
You keep saying it's a mistake. It's not and it's not your call to make.
I never said it was my call to make. In fact, I am saying exactly the opposite. It's your call to make. But I am allowed to disagree with it and say I disagree with it. Why are you taking your shit out on me? I didn't do anything to you. Don't become what you hate.
Thats a white opinion. We honor our ancestors.
I'm willing to bet they have taught the same exact thing. Don't confuse honoring your ancestors for living in the past. That's two different things.

I have to go. Good luck and best wishes on your journey.
Exactly the case. 1 town 1 school. Learning about my culture was not an option. Only white culture. I learned about my culture from my family and private research.
And I agree that was a shame. It is wonderful that you did take the time to learn about your culture. History, is another school subject I would handle quite differently, especially in high school. All students need the opportunity to study their own family's heritage and culture.
It's not a mistake to honor your own culture. You guys say 'America first." I say "Turtle Island first."
It is what everyone should be saying about their own homeland. Might help our governments to mind their own business.
How many really do?

Pol Pot and Stalin were committed Atheists, how much blood do they have on their hands?
Who are you to judge the validity of another person's professed beliefs?

and how much blood do Christians have on their hands? The subjugation of indigenous cultures was done by weaponized religion. Just ask the Incas or countless African tribes.
And I agree that was a shame. It is wonderful that you did take the time to learn about your culture. History, is another school subject I would handle quite differently, especially in high school. All students need the opportunity to study their own family's heritage and culture.
That's why all of American history should be taught. The good and the bad. Do you have any idea how upset I was when I learned the history of my people?
Who are you to judge the validity of another person's professed beliefs?

and how much blood do Christians have on their hands? The subjugation of indigenous cultures was done by weaponized religion. Just ask the Incas or countless African tribes.

That was exploitation, done by civilizations weaker than other ones for eons. Same things those tribes did to lesser tribes before the white man came.

Communism and Atheism along with it went for own goals against their own people as a matter of control. Quite an upgrade....
That's why all of American history should be taught. The good and the bad. Do you have any idea how upset I was when I learned the history of my people?
I can only imagine. Some of that history may have been people with good intentions...forgetting the road to hell is often paved with good intentions. Probably most of that history had to do with greed?

When I was ten, my grandfather introduced me to genealogy. That is how I learned much about my own family history, and the tough times they lived through.
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