Zone1 There is no "GOD", deal with it!

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We don't give a shit about your beliefs, just keep them in church or in your home.
So you come to the religious forum because you don't want to hear about my beliefs?

Oh, you just come to act like an obnoxious asshat.

Seven out of ten Nazi soldiers were fighting in Russia and that led to the death of nine million Soviet soldiers, seventeen million Soviet civilians. The US lost 460 thousand people. If it wasn't for Stalinist Russia, the allies would've lost the war. Your claim that the Nazis wouldn't have invaded Poland, without the consent or approval of Soviet Russia is nothing more than speculation. The Polish and Russians have been fighting wars against each other for centuries, so fuck the Polish and the Ukrainians. How about that?

Open another thread where we can debate socialism vs capitalism, discuss all of the crimes of capitalism and socialism. We'll see which system is actually the most destructive. This thread is about god, not capitalism or socialism.

Do you know why the Soviets lost so many men? It is because Stalin made an alliance with Hitler, and then preceded to purge all of his generals by killing them all off because he was paranoid about a coup.

Then when Hitler decided to attack him some two years later, Stalin got good and drunk for at least 2 weeks, because he realized he had shot himself in the foot. By all rights, he should have lost the war. Had it not been for the arms pouring in from the US, he would have.
It might help this country for people to respect other cultures.
I think (and observe) that many do. We have so many cultures, including religious culture) that a lot of respect means people accepting the discomfort when one finds their foot in another culture (which happens almost daily with me).

It may be a matter of no one wants to feel out of place--and no one wants anyone else to feel out of place. Blending seems to be the watchword. But then we lose all cultures.
Sand Creek. The Trail of Tears. Wounded Knee. Indian boarding schools. The Pequot massacre. What good intentions justifies this?
Didn't say they were justified...only that "Good Intentions" brought some of them about.
It may be a matter of no one wants to feel out of place--and no one wants anyone else to feel out of place. Blending seems to be the watchword. But then we lose all cultures.
You are free to keep your white culture, whatever that is. White people are not free to continue to do what they have done for over 500 years. Eliminate our culture.
That MEANS I can BE GAY and your false religion shouldn't impact my life.
Nobody cares that you are gay and trans, go about your life, as long as you don’t push your lifestyle on me, I won’t push mine on you, deal?
Specifically, what negative effect?

Answer my question about your mention of "man's rule" and how religion "transcends it". What do you mean exactly?

As far as how Evangelicals screw up our country with their politics. They pass laws at the local, state, and federal levels, that serve the interests of the Jewish state of Israel, at the expense of Americans. If an American company tries to get a US government contract, it might have to sign a document stating it's against the effort to boycott, divest or sanction Israel. You have to pledge your allegiance to the "chosen ones", the country that supposedly can't do wrong. These American Evangelicals, even if they don't admit it, they hate Muslims, they hate Islam, all of those A-rabs.

American Christians defund government programs that help impoverished single mothers raise their children. But supposedly they're "pro-life" while they push for the heavy hand of government to force women to remain pregnant, carrying embryos and fetuses to term against their will. If that pregnant woman loses her job, and can't pay her bills, due to her unwanted pregnancy, too bad. These Evangelicals don't give a rats-ass about these women or what they give birth to. They only care about embryos and fetuses. They're the "pro-life" champions of fetuses. The champions of fetuses, forget about the pregnant women and the babies they give birth to.

The woman is the actual human person, not the embryos or undeveloped fetuses. I can establish that from the bible itself. Challenge me to show you from the bible how your god considers the needs and lives of women more valuable than the embryos and fetuses attached to their uteruses. You don't care about those women or the babies they give birth to, because you continue to defund programs that help these women feed, house and clothe themselves and their children. You will cut the school lunch and child-daycare programs. You will vote for politicians that get rid of a poor, single mother's access to medical care, to job training and to employment opportunities.

You will cut infrastructure programs that improve public transit and other public services. How are you Evangelicals "pro-life"? You're not, you're pro-mammon. You're pro-billionaire at the expense of the working class. You're pro everything that undermines life, hence you're not pro-life, you're pro-death and pro-stupid.

Look at what happens to the babies of unwanted pregnancies:

Literally, tens of thousands of young people are now homeless around the country, because they got released from the foster care system at the age of 18. Some of them turn to serious crimes and end up in prison. Our prison system is full of former foster care kids, the fruit of unwanted pregnancies.

How much suffering is being created and lives destroyed, people killed, as a result of forcing women by the heavy hand of government, to remain pregnant with embryos and undeveloped fetuses they don't want or can't support? Women have no sovereignty over their reproductive systems, or their bodies, in the US thanks to Evangelical conservatives like you. Ironically, these Christians are then complaining about the government forcing them to wear a mask in public in the middle of a nationwide, deadly pandemic. The government can't order you to wear a mask in public venues in the middle of a nationwide pandemic, but can force women to remain pregnant? You religious people are screwed up in the head. You need psyche care or a kick in the ass.

Christian Conservative politicians, try their best to defund all government social programs, some even go as far as trying to privatize Social Security and Medicare. Not to mention Medicaid. In Florida, my home state (I don't live there now), if you get sick and you're under 65, and your private Insurance isn't covering the cost of your health emergency, you're up the creek. Too bad. Being poor or not being able to pay, isn't enough to qualify for Medicaid in Christian Florida ("Bible Belt" Country). You need to be on SSD, i.e. disability, to qualify.

All of this shit is thanks to "loving Christians". These Christians are ignorant, stupid assholes. The drug war, is another bad policy supported by Evangelicals.I could go on and on and on, listing all of the bad government policies supported by Evangelicals. You dumb religious folks, are the worst disease plaguing humanity. The plague of self-righteous, religious stupidity. Your real god is mammon, not YHWH. You Evangelicals worship money. Me, Myself, and I, that's all you Evangelicals are about. Turning people away from a homeless shelter because they refuse to join your Christian discipleship program. I speak from experience because I volunteer regularly with a non-profit, that works with the homeless. I'm a case worker.

Receiving money from the churches, to help the homeless, but you only provide resources to those who go through your eight-month discipleship program. Not everyone that is homeless and needs help, wants to convert to Christianity. Hello? So the government has to do it, because you religious folks don't have the resources, the infrastructure, or the will to help everybody. As atheists and communists, we help homeless Christians, with everything. If a Christian is homeless, they are allowed to get a bed and they get access to all of the social services that the government offers, as well as what we offer in our communist organization. We help everybody, we don't care if you're a Christian, because we see a human being. It's a human who is homeless, and we don't care what your religion is.
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Churches on every corner.
Pretty much, I'd say.

I see evidence for God in the cruciform shape that the world has assumed in the last two thousand years.

The Jewish theocracy that it rose up against is gone, replaced by the new community of brothers and sisters – equals. The rulers and subjects of the temple system are history, unable to change the world. Christianity did that. Christianity changed the world.

If only the rulers and subjects of the temple system hadn’t crept in to the church.
That was exploitation, done by civilizations weaker than other ones for eons. Same things those tribes did to lesser tribes before the white man came.

Communism and Atheism along with it went for own goals against their own people as a matter of control. Quite an upgrade....
Yes the old everyone else was doing it so I'll do it too.

So much for the religious claiming the moral high ground huh?
Lots of good that does for you in Oblivion, which is what Atheists have to hope for to prove themselves right.

And they can't even gloat about it.

Just like you have to hope to prove your eternal paradise of heaven really exists.
What good intentions involve genocide? The only good intentions are the intentions white people have for eliminating other cultures.
Too much of a broad brush. "eliminating other cultures" is the byproduct of greed and power grabs. For example, it wasn't so much that the government wanted to eliminate culture, it was they wanted the land. So they "moved" the culture. It was the same with the slavery issue. Most people in the United States were against slavery, but those who held power in the South made sure they retained power and therefore their wealth.

I understand we are a "Democracy", but how many of us today are powerless against Government push into anything it decides it wants? Are you aware that four-fifths of individuals, and three-fifths of Southern families did not own slaves at the height of slavery? Those who did were wealthy and powerful. Wealth and power always carry the day despite how the majority of the nation may feel.

People today deplore the Trail of Tears, etc., which tells me people deplored it then as well. We just don't know how to act against the wealthy and the powerful. Look at who is getting their way today: The wealthy and the powerful who have wealthy and powerful lobbyists doing their bidding.

We are as helpless to change history today and those who lived at the time of your ancestors were helpless to stop that wealth and power. And what is happening today? The powerful and wealthy are telling us of lesser means that it is all our fault that climate is changing, that slavery ever happened, that Natives were pushed aside.

I am capitalist through and through, but there has to be away to rein in the wealth and power--and arrogance--of the few.
Yes the old everyone else was doing it so I'll do it too.

So much for the religious claiming the moral high ground huh?

It's a part of human existence. Only Marxism upped the ante by saying such slaughter was for a people's own good.
Just like you have to hope to prove your eternal paradise of heaven really exists.

Or something we can't define and only can imagine as heaven, or re-incarnation, or floating around as part of the multiverse.
Too much of a broad brush. "eliminating other cultures" is the byproduct of greed and power grabs. For example, it wasn't so much that the government wanted to eliminate culture, it was they wanted the land. So they "moved" the culture. It was the same with the slavery issue. Most people in the United States were against slavery, but those who held power in the South made sure they retained power and therefore their wealth.

I understand we are a "Democracy", but how many of us today are powerless against Government push into anything it decides it wants? Are you aware that four-fifths of individuals, and three-fifths of Southern families did not own slaves at the height of slavery? Those who did were wealthy and powerful. Wealth and power always carry the day despite how the majority of the nation may feel.

People today deplore the Trail of Tears, etc., which tells me people deplored it then as well. We just don't know how to act against the wealthy and the powerful. Look at who is getting their way today: The wealthy and the powerful who have wealthy and powerful lobbyists doing their bidding.

We are as helpless to change history today and those who lived at the time of your ancestors were helpless to stop that wealth and power. And what is happening today? The powerful and wealthy are telling us of lesser means that it is all our fault that climate is changing, that slavery ever happened, that Natives were pushed aside.

I am capitalist through and through, but there has to be away to rein in the wealth and power--and arrogance--of the few.

You're a capitalist? Do you own a business and hire workers?
Or something we can't define and only can imagine as heaven, or re-incarnation, or floating around as part of the multiverse.
You do realize such wishes are just a manifestation of your fear of death right?

That fear is what all religions are based on
You are free to keep your white culture, whatever that is. White people are not free to continue to do what they have done for over 500 years. Eliminate our culture.
You don't see that today it is the white culture that is being eliminated? It is the masculine culture that is being attacked, and female culture is taking a hit in the process? You said earlier you know some fine white people. There were people in the past who said they knew some fine Natives, some fine Blacks. Watch the wealthy and the powerful. Who are they trying to turn against whom? They will use who they have to. They always have. They always will. To them, we are mere pawns only of use to increase their own wealth and power.

I am Libertarian by nature. We need much less government. That just might resolve a great many problems. So the next Caucasian you come across...perhaps recall they are as much a pawn as anyone else. We, too, will be/are being sacrificed. Not a thing any of us can do about it.
You don't see that today it is the white culture that is being eliminated? It is the masculine culture that is being attacked, and female culture is taking a hit in the process? You said earlier you know some fine white people. There were people in the past who said they knew some fine Natives, some fine Blacks. Watch the wealthy and the powerful. Who are they trying to turn against whom? They will use who they have to. They always have. They always will. To them, we are mere pawns only of use to increase their own wealth and power.

I am Libertarian by nature. We need much less government. That just might resolve a great many problems. So the next Caucasian you come across...perhaps recall they are as much a pawn as anyone else. We, too, will be/are being sacrificed. Not a thing any of us can do about it.
Not eliminated just not given supremacy anymore.
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