Zone1 There is no "GOD", deal with it!

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Nah, you bury it deep because no human mind is comfortable with the idea of Oblivion.
Yes most people are irrational when it comes to facing the inevitable.

I'll posit that the only reason humans endeavor in life is because they know they will die.

Why do anything if you are going to live forever in any form ?

Why build things, why learn things, why try to make a mark on the world if you have all eternity to do so?
We have plenty of evidence that life existed in a very basic state, then went through a cataclysmic event or series of events that nearly wiped it all out. At the beginning basic life didn't even use oxygen... it had to develop to get to that stage.

What we haven't proven, yet, is that there's such thing as sentient life. We might not actually be sentient, we just assume we are.
Talk about justifying murder due to politics.....

I guess all those Ukrainian peasants and Cambodian ones were Kulaks as well?
Oh boohoo, the innocent Ukrainians. Bad bad Stalin, who supposedly starved them. You believe everything you read from capitalists huh? Apparently.

Not for Marty, but for the rest of you interested in the truth about Ukraine and what occured in the 1930s, read the book attached to this post. It debunks all of the Western capitalist propaganda. Marty isn't going to read it, but if you do, you'll learn the truth.

Famine Fraud.png


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There is no God, deal with it and move on. Save yourself and enjoy whatever you have left of this life, even if you're living the last chapter or even the last sentence of your life. Live it to the fullest. Stop believing in ghosts and goblins and believe in yourself and only what is real and relevant to your present life, the only life you have and most likely will ever have. Don't be manipulated by anyone, think for yourself, and fear nothing but ignorance and stupidity.

Aren't you just a peach.
No. I believe in capitalism tops any other system.

Just because you're a working-class, brainwashed shit-head, doesn't make you a capitalist. You're a defender of your capitalist lords, but you're not a capitalist.
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