Zone1 There is no "GOD", deal with it!

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When blacks tried to have their own community in Tulsa Oklahoma, with their own wall street, banks, and businesses, they were massacred and all of their businesses and hard work were burned to the ground by bigoted whites.

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And you want to take over as communist lords. As I said, I'll keep capitalism. Easier to deal with them.

No, you retard, we communists don't want to become lords like the capitalists you worship and hope to become. We believe the working-class should own the means of production and control the government. The state is always a dictatorship. It's either serving the interests of the rich or of the working-class, one or the other. We believe the vast majority of people should own the facilities and machinery of production collectively and the government should be under the authority of the worker councils a.k.a. "Soviets" = "Worker Councils". All you have to do is join the communist party, and you have a vote.

In America, for over a century, only rich white men who owned land or some other valuable asset could vote.
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Of course, but it wasn't the type of government that is in place today. We had no federal government.
That wasn't the question though was it?

ALL societies have had some form of government. Even hunter gatherers.

Larger more centralized government evolved as populations grew because it is more efficient
Not interested.
You won't have a vote. In the not-too-distant future, as advanced automation technology replaces wage-labor, society will be forced by necessity, to adopt a non-profit system of production. That non-profit system of production is also known as socialism, or communism in its final stage. You might as well become a communist now, because it's the future, thanks to technology.
Yes most people are irrational when it comes to facing the inevitable.

I'll posit that the only reason humans endeavor in life is because they know they will die.

Why do anything if you are going to live forever in any form ?

Why build things, why learn things, why try to make a mark on the world if you have all eternity to do so?

Because we do it.

Some things you just can't understand, or weren't meant to understand. That's the dividing line between people with faith, and people without it.
It's more efficient than 50 separate governments all trying to do something for the entire country.

They think the private sector is always more efficient than the government. They drank the capitalist kool-aid.

Without the government, there is no private sector. It's the public sector that provides the infrastructure for the private sector to exist. Imagine conducting commerce without money or a recognized currency, without an electric grid, water, sewers, roads, and bridges, no laws or courts, no law enforcement, no nothing.
Because we do it.

Some things you just can't understand, or weren't meant to understand. That's the dividing line between people with faith, and people without it.
How does building things relate to faith? How do scientific breakthroughs and medical advances have anything to do with faith?

IF you actually had faith that you would live forever why bother going to the doctor at all? Why not be a reckless daredevil?
Because we do it.

Some things you just can't understand, or weren't meant to understand. That's the dividing line between people with faith, and people without it.

Faith without evidence is delusion, if not stupidity.
They think the private sector is always more efficient than the government. They drank the capitalist kool-aid.

Without the government, there is no private sector. It's the public sector that provides the infrastructure for the private sector to exist. Imagine conducting commerce without money or a recognized currency, an electric grid, no water, roads, and bridges, no laws or courts, no law enforcement, no nothing.

The private sector does do things at less costs to the people than government does. But not all things can be judged by the expense alone.

The reason why large governments become so inefficient is that most people are not involved to the degree they should be. the people who vote are actually the minority which is how special interests become so powerful. The very best way to limit that is for more people getting involved on both the local and federal levels.
Oh boohoo, the innocent Ukrainians. Bad bad Stalin, who supposedly starved them. You believe everything you read from capitalists huh? Apparently.

Not for Marty, but for the rest of you interested in the truth about Ukraine and what occured in the 1930s, read the book attached to this post. It debunks all of the Western capitalist propaganda. Marty isn't going to read it, but if you do, you'll learn the truth.

A Stalin defender......
How does building things relate to faith? How do scientific breakthroughs and medical advances have anything to do with faith?

IF you actually had faith that you would live forever why bother going to the doctor at all? Why not be a reckless daredevil?

Faith is not the same as nihilism, in fact it is the opposite.
Faith is not the same as nihilism, in fact it is the opposite.

I see little difference. If you believe you are immortal even
in spirit" and that your "spirit" is basically just you without a body then why waste 80 or 90 years worrying about your body at all?
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