Zone1 There is no "GOD", deal with it!

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All of that would be fine and dandy if the stupid, delusional beliefs of Christians didn't have a negative effect on government policy and on the lives of others, but it does. So I'm going to cure them of their brain disease.
Would you like to ban Christianity?
As near as I can tell it is militant atheism. Or am I reading you wrong?

There are plenty of militant Christians in the US, so if there are militant atheists, good. We need militant atheists, to save Christians from their own stupidity. Bring them out of the darkness of religion, into the light of reality. How about that? Amen.
As near as I can tell it is militant atheism. Or am I reading you wrong?
You are 100% wrong. Pray to your white Jesus. I could care less what god you pray to. Where we are going to have an issue is when to try to tell me I have to. I'm not an atheist. I pray to creator.
There are plenty of militant Christians in the US, so if there are militant atheists, good. We need militant atheists, to save Christians from their own stupidity. Bring them out of the darkness of religion, into the light of reality. How about that? Amen.
I haven't seen any posting here.
I will debunk the donkey-ding. That's what I do. I'm an atheist missionary and street preacher. Amen? Praise the Science.
You didn't answer the question. Would you like to ban Christianity?

Beliefs not worth stating are beliefs not worth having.
You are 100% wrong. Pray to your white Jesus. I could care less what god you pray to. Where we are going to have an issue is when to try to tell me I have to. I'm not an atheist. I pray to creator.
Who has told you who to pray to?
Where's the evidence of the lack of one?

I am a lapsed Catholic at best, and even I recognize the strength in faith.

Without faith in something larger than you, you fall prey to faith in something where you become the focus. It's what we see in the narcissism of collectivism.
That's bull.

One does not need to believe in gods to live a good life.
What's then the point of life if we are consigned to oblivion after it?

That's all atheists have to hope for, and it's sad.
Why does the point of your existence have to be determined by anyone or anything but you?

Read The Myth of Sisyphus
You didn't answer the question. Would you like to ban Christianity?

Beliefs not worth stating are beliefs not worth having.

I'm not for banning religion, but I won't shed a tear when these stupid religions disappear.
So is trying to "civilize" the merciless Indian savages. Stealing children and torturing them in boarding schools. I have no problem with you praying to your white Jesus. Problem starts when you shove that shit down our throats.
It appears you had to go back a couple of centuries to find an example of Christianity being "shoved down our throats". In that same time period, we can find examples of those who freely and happily accepted Christianity.

Each generation has those who go overboard in doing what they individually believe is the right way. Our present generation will be a prime example for future generations...we who abort babies and mutilate the genitalia of our children. People doing and supporting these things today will be as greatly shunned in the future as we shun today past slave owners and forcing religious beliefs on others. Perhaps we should look to our own time. Our ancestors could argue that slavery and over zealous missionaries pale in comparison. Issues that they resolved.
It appears you had to go back a couple of centuries to find an example of Christianity being "shoved down our throats". In that same time period, we can find examples of those who freely and happily accepted Christianity.

Each generation has those who go overboard in doing what they individually believe is the right way. Our present generation will be a prime example for future generations...we who abort babies and mutilate the genitalia of our children. People doing and supporting these things today will be as greatly shunned in the future as we shun today past slave owners and forcing religious beliefs on others. Perhaps we should look to our own time. Our ancestors could argue that slavery and over zealous missionaries pale in comparison. Issues that they resolved.
you can't deny that that is one of the things that has made Christianity so prevalent.

How many peoples were brought to Jesus at the point of a sword?
There's no evidence you will accept. It's a fools game you are playing.
I can just see him at the Golden Gate. and St Peter telling him, "you don't believe in us, so we dont' exist."

and everything disappears, leaving him in Limbo.
What do you mean by the "rule of man" and that your religion takes us "beyond" the "rule of man"? Elaborate, and explain. Don't play these games. Clearly define your terms.
Rule of man: Government
Beyond Rule of Man: We can rise above what government permits. (Slavery, for example.)
Really? When did that happen? And who specifically did that?
I went to Catholic school. They tried to cram god down our throats. Did you know that boarding schools for Indians were in existence until the mid 1970's?
Problem starts when you shove that shit down our throats.
Who - specifically - has done that to you? And please don't say Christians. I want you to tell me how someone shoved it down your throat because I don't think it actually happened in reality. I think that you are exaggerating.
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