"There's No Discipline! No Respect!"

Wicked smaht!

Our school district must be doing ok. most of the schools are measured not by how many graduate, or even go to college, but how many go to Tier One research schools. We also win State in sports and band. :meow: :beer:
So essentially there are three teachers or people who know very current teachers on this thread, and a whole lot of people who get their information from Tucker. ok.

I think I see what the problem is.
Wicked smaht!

Our school district must be doing ok. most of the schools are measured not by how many graduate, or even go to college, but how many go to Tier One research schools. We also win State in sports and band. :meow: :beer:
Number one in America in math and science but no better than 20th or worse in the world
I have mentioned many times that I work in a "major northern city." I have worked in several "major northern cities."
Well then if you are in the Chicago system... you are making shit up.
I know 3 people who work in the Administrative side, with my brothers wife a board member... not the school board, the administrative board. The actual people who run things.
When you tell non teachers thry [sic] are not qualified to criticize you that makes you guilty as charged
Any idiot can have an opinion, even you. However, when you make categorical declarations about something you have no knowledge or experience about, you will get called on it.
When did I EVER say I was in Chicago?
See that word there?... between "then and you"? That I wrote.
It is "If"... "If" you are in Chicago.
I wrote quite a lot about this sometime back last year. Don't want to write it all again about the DEI boards in Chicago and what they are doing to the system. Basically a gestapo.
Lets have desegregation and put low IQ undisciplined ghetto Black kids in the same classroom as Whites, what could possibly go wrong?

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