"There's No Discipline! No Respect!"

See that word there?... between "then and you"? That I wrote.
It is "If"... "If" you are in Chicago.
I wrote quite a lot about this sometime back last year. Don't want to write it all again about the DEI boards in Chicago and what they are doing to the system. Basically a gestapo.
Why ask at all?
I'm sure some school somewhere briefly let a low IQ racist turd like you in.
You Libtards are always in denial about the damage that desegregation did to the American public education system, aren't you?

There use to be two education systems in the US. A good one for the Whites and a bad one for the Blacks.

There could have been a much better way to fix that problem but as usual the Liberals fucked things up with massive desegregation that disrupted the public school with busing in undisciplined ghetto Black kids and put them in the same class room with White students.

They tried to put a band aid on the disruption by having academic and non academic classes to separate the kids that wanted to learn from the ghetto rats but that never worked out too well. Many White parents sent their kids to private schools to get away from the public school disaster.

The fact is that when the Blacks showed up in the classrooms it caused a major dumbing down of the schools in order to accommodate the lowest denominator. It is not about the kids really learning anything. It is about making sure that the Blacks graduate.

When I graduated from High School in 1966 a diploma meant you could read, write and do arithmetic. Nowadays you can graduate and be functionally illiterate. We can thank desegregation for that.

Nobody really wants to ever acknowledge what the real source is the fact of US schools going from first in the world to 20th or whatever was desegregation because to say the truth would be called racist. However, I am not afraid to call a spade a spade.

Instead of massive desegregation that fucked everything up the better thing to have done was to improve the Black neighborhood schools and gradually ease into allowing Black students to go to a White school if they wanted to do it. That would have solved the problem with the massive disruption we saw in the 1970s that is still causing problems nowadays. Of course Liberals never do the right thing, do they?
There use to be two education systems in the US. A good one for the Whites and a bad one for the Blacks.

There could have been a much better way to fix that problem but as usual the Liberals fucked things up with massive desegregation that disrupted the public school with busing in undisciplined ghetto Black kids and put them in the same class room with White students.
I am assuming you were ok with keeping two separate legal systems.
How would that work with Asian, Hispanic, Native American, and Samoan students?
I am assuming you were ok with keeping two separate legal systems.
How would that work with Asian, Hispanic, Native American, and Samoan students?

You didn't read all of my post, did you?

I said there was a better way than what was done with bussing in ghetto rats.

Improve the Black schools and allow Blacks to go to White schools if they want.

A much better solution than what was done.
The Supreme Court fixed the problem. If that was scary for racist pussies like you, too damn bad.
The Supreme Court made a lot of bad decisions in the history of the Republic. Desegregating the public schools by bussing and assigned minority quotas was the one of the worst decisions ever made. It fucked up the public schools.
You didn't read all of my post, did you?

I said there was a better way than what was done with bussing in ghetto rats.

Improve the Black schools and allow Blacks to go to White schools if they want.

A much better solution than what was done.
Which is exactly what I posted. Now putting aside this relies on the same people who funded the crappy system in the first place to suddenly decide to do better, you didn't answer what about the Asian, Hispanic, Native American, and Samoan students?

Also I am not seeing how this relates to the current topic of discipline.
Which is exactly what I posted. Now putting aside this relies on the same people who funded the crappy system in the first place to suddenly decide to do better, you didn't answer what about the Asian, Hispanic, Native American, and Samoan students?

Also I am not seeing how this relates to the current topic of discipline.

The sane thing to do would have been to improve the bad neighborhood schools and then do away with racial segregation. That way if Negro, Asian, Hispanic, Native American or Soamoan students wanted to go to a predominate White school then there would be no law against it like there was during Jim Crow.

That way there would never have been a massive disruption of the schools by court ordered busing and racial quotas and the mass exit of White students to private schools leaving behind the poor and minorities. That destroyed the public school system in many areas in the US. Then they had to teach to the lowest denominator to get the kids to graduation.
That'snot bad actually. :clap:However it still relies on the same people who put the Jim Crow funding in place to fund it properly.
Allowing racist idiot pussies like you in caused "a major dumbing down" and a vile stench as well.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I said that we needed to improve the Black schools and that we needed to do away with segregation. What is racist about that?

The racists are the asshole Liberals and shithead Blacks that demanded racial quota in the schools.
Yep, there was a pandemic. Are you implying that the schools weren't very bad before the pandemic?
No. I wasn't implying anything. The provided link was specifically about how the pandemic had a negative impact upon the schools. It was a rhetorical or "academic" remark, if you prefer ;)
You are confused Moon Bat.

I said that we needed to improve the Black schools and that we needed to do away with segregation. What is racist about that?

The racists are the asshole Liberals and shithead Blacks that demanded racial quota in the schools.
The main question is how you would improve the Black schools. They are in bad neighbourhoods, good teachers wouldn't want to work there and good students wouldn't want to go there.

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