"They Called Us 'Dark' So We'll Call Them Dark Too! So There!"

I surprised myself and watched the whole televised "convention" last night. I intended just to watch it for a little while, but speaker after speaker held my attention. It was uplifting, encouraging, even inspirational.

And this morning the local birdcage liner (a Leftist rag) portrayed it as "dark." One of the main stories was to accuse Donald Jr. of being high on cocaine during his speech.

What a surprise.
I loved how Trump and company always put the blame on everyone but Trump. Republicans are the new uberman they are the super predators for the nationalistic jingoism.
I loved how Trump and company always put the blame on everyone but Trump. Republicans are the new uberman they are the super predators for the nationalistic jingoism.

The Democrats and their rejected neocons partners are responsible for most of the mess, except for the part their friends the CCP caused. Of course they get the blame.
I loved how Trump and company always put the blame on everyone but Trump. Republicans are the new uberman they are the super predators for the nationalistic jingoism.

The Democrats and their rejected neocons partners are responsible for most of the mess, except for the part their friends the CCP caused. Of course they get the blame.
Including the lie that only the Democrats shut down the economy? Yeah that's a whopper.
I loved how Trump and company always put the blame on everyone but Trump. Republicans are the new uberman they are the super predators for the nationalistic jingoism.

The Democrats and their rejected neocons partners are responsible for most of the mess, except for the part their friends the CCP caused. Of course they get the blame.
Including the lie that only the Democrats shut down the economy? Yeah that's a whopper.

“Never let a crisis go to waste.”
- Rahm Emanuel, inspired by Saul Alinsky inspired by Niccolo Machiavelli.

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