They don't make Republican consevatives like they used to

I think that most Americans decide who to vote for based on how they perceive their own personal economic outlook. They've just had six plus years of Progressives telling them how they are there for the Middle Class, Toxic but Middle Class paychecks kept shrinking and the cost of goods kept going up. Let's face it, the Main Stream Media didn't suddenly stop being liberally biased this year...they were still trying to put a good face on the Obama Administration's policies...but a whole lot of voters simply stopped believing what they were hearing from both this Administration and from the Main Stream Media.

As for who is in the White House in 2016? I don't think it matters, quite frankly. Nobody is going to be as clueless about the economy as Barack Obama and his crew have been. Hillary Clinton certainly wouldn't be. Coupled with a Republican Congress to keep her from spending too much, she would probably be fine.
You have a far greater estimation of how much the government can do to create jobs.

IMO, Barak Obama, Mother Theresa, the Queen of England, Elvis, or not create jobs. Bill Gates and the Koch Brothers create jobs. Right now the American worker is generally lazy, stupid, and over payed compared to any other worker, in any other country, that speaks English an can work using a computer. American manufacturing employees have the same lack of demand in a global marketplace.
Here's one of the main differences between a conservative and liberal, Toxic...what I believe is that what the government is really good at is creating regulations and levying taxes that prevent jobs from being created. I don't want the government to create jobs...I just want government to get out of the way and let Free Markets create them.

The American worker has lost the work ethic that Americans used to be known for because they were told by union bosses and liberal politicians that they don't need to work hard anymore because they are "owed" a prosperous life just for punching a clock.
At last we agree on the prognosis, and treatment...but not the diagnosis.

"getting out of the way" of free markets is the topic I guess.

A huge problem I see is that "getting out of the way" means a shift of "wealth", or more accuratly a shift of income. Nether side is willing to propose the cuts needed to reallocate government funds in such a way that the government can keep functioning without corporate tax revenues the way they are now.

You can't get out of the way of business by cutting welfare benefits, teacher salaries., and government worker pensions. You have to cut social security, medicare, and defense spending, as well. But cutting those programs the jobs created by the programs would go too.

I can see how a merit driven job market might restore the work ethic we seem to have needed prior to WWII. But the detrimental long term effects of prosperity are a factor because the prosperity is eroding. So even with a renewed work ethic, we're still only going to be as competitive as workers in India, China, and elsewhere.

The key is innovation. Cars, Computers, Medical discoveries, and so on. Those things created booms. And entreprenuers do that in tandem with innovators. Jobs and Wozniak were a good example.

Did you really just say all that crap?

Why should we reallocate government funds? How about if we cut off the government? I'd live a much better life without them getting a quarter of my paycheck. And they provide no service to me or mine. They sit around and suck up our money and accomplish nothing.

We pay for a lot of people to do nothing. And no one needs to control me but me.
I'm curious how you've made an island of yourself.

Do you not drive on roads?
Do you not have kids in public school?
Are you not thrilled about sending troops to Iraq?
Don't you want the border secured?
Do you not needs cops?
Do you intend to return your social security checks to the government after you retire?
Do you intend to pay all your medical bills instead of getting on medicare when you retire?

Do you live off the grid, and hunt for your food?....
oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.
They don't make Republican conservatives, PERIOD.
Jeff Flake isnt a conservative? Scott Walker isnt a conservative? Ted Cruz isnt a conservative? I dont think the word means what you think it means.
It doesn't mean what it used to mean, and Democrat doesn't mean what it used to.

You've got to be able to distinguish "conservative" from Republican, and "liberal" from Democrat.

Segregation era Democrats bear little resemblence to post Reagan Democrats.

And the Party of Lincoln through Rockefeller Republicans bears little resemblence to Tea Party Republicans.

The people I quoted in the OP were all fiscal conservatives...but NOT evangelicals.

That whole ilk was an unfortunate side effect of Reagan having to cultivate votes out of the bible belt. Much to the dismay of moderate and conservative Republicans like Goldwater, and Eisenhower would have hated that too.

Thus the concept:

They don't make conservatives the way they used to.

And still some dillweeds are arguing with that
Goldwater was a moderate?

Eventually. People change.

Barry Goldwater on the Military Ban
These guys would be drummed out of the GOP is they said things like this today.

Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Barry Goldwater

One can't doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed - different plans have to be made. And the kernal here is the acknowlegement of defeat.
William F Buckley

Freedom is an indivisible word. If we want to enjoy it, and fight for it, we must be prepared to extend it to everyone, whether they are rich or poor, whether they agree with us or not, no matter what their race or the color of their skin
Wendell Willkie

They don't make Republicans or Republican conservatives any more. They don't have Republican values and they aren't conservative, they are RINOs who have no clue about what any terminology means.
They're all either evangelicals, or they pander to them

I'm an agnostic...not an evangelical. Nobody is trying to run me out of the Republican Party.

I read about the signs businesses put up many years ago that said "Irish need not apply." That has changed to "Christians and Evangelicals need not apply."
I do not personally have a problem with anyone who claims to be an agnostic or an atheist as long as they are not in my face.
These guys would be drummed out of the GOP is they said things like this today.

Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Barry Goldwater

One can't doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed - different plans have to be made. And the kernal here is the acknowlegement of defeat.
William F Buckley

Freedom is an indivisible word. If we want to enjoy it, and fight for it, we must be prepared to extend it to everyone, whether they are rich or poor, whether they agree with us or not, no matter what their race or the color of their skin
Wendell Willkie

The difference between the GOP and the Democratic Parties right now is that there is room for a difference of opinion on the Republican side whereas moderates have simply vanished from the Democratic side of the political landscape over the last two election cycles. The only moderate Democrat left might be Joe Manchin. Eisenhower, Goldwater, Buckley and Wilkie's opinion would all be heard today just like they were heard years ago. Who's the voice of moderation in the Democratic Party, Toxic?
This thread is not about the differences between the GOP and the DNC today, it's about the differences between the party of Lincoln and the modern Tea Party infested GOP.

The GOP used to have moderates prior to 1990, and prior to 1970 even had liberals. People like N. Rockefeller, Shafer, Percy, Hatfield, W. Rockefeller, and even Eisenhower was viewed as a liberal by Goldwater and his bunch.

The DNC hasn't actually shifted to the left, they've shifted to the center. They just look far away to you.

How can you possibly say that the DNC has shifted to the center, Toxic? Name the Democratic "moderates".
Look at people like Mary Landrew, and all of the Blue Dog Democrats, that's a relatively new thing, compared to the GOP which dumped off all it's moderates after the CRA in 64

The only thing 'moderate' about Landreau is her stand on the Keystone pipeline. And that is because of the jobs dependent on the refineries in Louisiana.
How can you possibly say that the DNC has shifted to the center, Toxic? Name the Democratic "moderates".

The Democrats are a coalition party. Republicans are 90% white and very extreme. When most of the rest of the country is "everyone else" and part of the Democratic Party, then the Democrats are naturally more centrist.

In fact, the last election proved it. Obama initiatives that were on the ballot, like raising the minimum wage and background checks, passed by double digits. GOP initiatives, like the personhood amendment were soundly defeated.

Ebola, Isis and slandering refugee children worked very well for the GOP. But their actual policies are extreme, unwanted and if they continue to push them, Republicans will pay a very steep price.

Wow, talk about self delusion...this past election was a referendum on Barack Obama's policies and the Democrats took a savage beating.

It was the lowest voter turnout since 1942. Seems neither side has a mandate. The people just want them to work together and find a compromise to most situations.
It was a referendum on Obama's policies. ANd they got slaughtered. ANd not just in Congress either but in most of the state races. The reason is obvious: People are fed up with the slow growth/no growth we've seen. Most people have lower household income and net worth than they did the day Bush left office.

In 2014 voter turnout was an abysmal 36.3%. Compared to 59.3% in 2012. If they don't work together, nothing will get done. Well except by EO and those are so limited in scope it's almost like nothing.

2012 was a Presidential election year and turnout is always considerable higher than in a midterm election. Try a comparison to other mid term elections and you will not see a change, but not nearly that big a change.
I think the term used is to compare Apples to Apples, not Apples to Oranges.
One this is for sure. there isn't a blue dog or moderate Democrat left.

They have become Radical nasty name calling uncivilized people. Just look at their elected asses in Congress and on this board
You have a far greater estimation of how much the government can do to create jobs.

IMO, Barak Obama, Mother Theresa, the Queen of England, Elvis, or not create jobs. Bill Gates and the Koch Brothers create jobs. Right now the American worker is generally lazy, stupid, and over payed compared to any other worker, in any other country, that speaks English an can work using a computer. American manufacturing employees have the same lack of demand in a global marketplace.
Here's one of the main differences between a conservative and liberal, Toxic...what I believe is that what the government is really good at is creating regulations and levying taxes that prevent jobs from being created. I don't want the government to create jobs...I just want government to get out of the way and let Free Markets create them.

The American worker has lost the work ethic that Americans used to be known for because they were told by union bosses and liberal politicians that they don't need to work hard anymore because they are "owed" a prosperous life just for punching a clock.
At last we agree on the prognosis, and treatment...but not the diagnosis.

"getting out of the way" of free markets is the topic I guess.

A huge problem I see is that "getting out of the way" means a shift of "wealth", or more accuratly a shift of income. Nether side is willing to propose the cuts needed to reallocate government funds in such a way that the government can keep functioning without corporate tax revenues the way they are now.

You can't get out of the way of business by cutting welfare benefits, teacher salaries., and government worker pensions. You have to cut social security, medicare, and defense spending, as well. But cutting those programs the jobs created by the programs would go too.

I can see how a merit driven job market might restore the work ethic we seem to have needed prior to WWII. But the detrimental long term effects of prosperity are a factor because the prosperity is eroding. So even with a renewed work ethic, we're still only going to be as competitive as workers in India, China, and elsewhere.

The key is innovation. Cars, Computers, Medical discoveries, and so on. Those things created booms. And entreprenuers do that in tandem with innovators. Jobs and Wozniak were a good example.

Did you really just say all that crap?

Why should we reallocate government funds? How about if we cut off the government? I'd live a much better life without them getting a quarter of my paycheck. And they provide no service to me or mine. They sit around and suck up our money and accomplish nothing.

We pay for a lot of people to do nothing. And no one needs to control me but me.
I'm curious how you've made an island of yourself.

Do you not drive on roads?
Do you not have kids in public school?
Are you not thrilled about sending troops to Iraq?
Don't you want the border secured?
Do you not needs cops?
Do you intend to return your social security checks to the government after you retire?
Do you intend to pay all your medical bills instead of getting on medicare when you retire?

Do you live off the grid, and hunt for your food?....
oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

You are exactly right. It was Republicans who built the interstate highway. But that was decades ago. Now they don't allow infrastructure spending. They tear down and build nothing.
China and other countries send their children here to go to school Even high school. You can read about it on the Internet. In Blue States. Red State schools are too stupid. A 6,000 year old earth? Disgraceful. Who would be so stupid to believe such nonsense.
Imagine where we would be without an army. Poland got rid of theirs and the Nazi's marched right in.
Citizen militia is another name for vigilante. And that always leads to disaster.
Fewer cops, fewer firemen and fewer teachers. Mitt ran on that and lost. What a moron.

The GOP vision for the future of America:

Look at the damage conservative policies have brought to Red States. Isn't that enough? Why do they want to destroy the rest of the country?

You have a far greater estimation of how much the government can do to create jobs.

IMO, Barak Obama, Mother Theresa, the Queen of England, Elvis, or not create jobs. Bill Gates and the Koch Brothers create jobs. Right now the American worker is generally lazy, stupid, and over payed compared to any other worker, in any other country, that speaks English an can work using a computer. American manufacturing employees have the same lack of demand in a global marketplace.
Here's one of the main differences between a conservative and liberal, Toxic...what I believe is that what the government is really good at is creating regulations and levying taxes that prevent jobs from being created. I don't want the government to create jobs...I just want government to get out of the way and let Free Markets create them.

The American worker has lost the work ethic that Americans used to be known for because they were told by union bosses and liberal politicians that they don't need to work hard anymore because they are "owed" a prosperous life just for punching a clock.
At last we agree on the prognosis, and treatment...but not the diagnosis.

"getting out of the way" of free markets is the topic I guess.

A huge problem I see is that "getting out of the way" means a shift of "wealth", or more accuratly a shift of income. Nether side is willing to propose the cuts needed to reallocate government funds in such a way that the government can keep functioning without corporate tax revenues the way they are now.

You can't get out of the way of business by cutting welfare benefits, teacher salaries., and government worker pensions. You have to cut social security, medicare, and defense spending, as well. But cutting those programs the jobs created by the programs would go too.

I can see how a merit driven job market might restore the work ethic we seem to have needed prior to WWII. But the detrimental long term effects of prosperity are a factor because the prosperity is eroding. So even with a renewed work ethic, we're still only going to be as competitive as workers in India, China, and elsewhere.

The key is innovation. Cars, Computers, Medical discoveries, and so on. Those things created booms. And entreprenuers do that in tandem with innovators. Jobs and Wozniak were a good example.

Did you really just say all that crap?

Why should we reallocate government funds? How about if we cut off the government? I'd live a much better life without them getting a quarter of my paycheck. And they provide no service to me or mine. They sit around and suck up our money and accomplish nothing.

We pay for a lot of people to do nothing. And no one needs to control me but me.
I'm curious how you've made an island of yourself.

Do you not drive on roads?
Do you not have kids in public school?
Are you not thrilled about sending troops to Iraq?
Don't you want the border secured?
Do you not needs cops?
Do you intend to return your social security checks to the government after you retire?
Do you intend to pay all your medical bills instead of getting on medicare when you retire?

Do you live off the grid, and hunt for your food?....
oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

You do drive on the roads but don't want to pay for them.
You send your kids to school and don't want t pay for that
You want to disband the military
You want armed bands of paranoid idiots policing the countryside
If you were in a car accident, and went to the ER, you'd not have the money to pay for it.

Aren't you special
It was a referendum on Obama's policies. ANd they got slaughtered. ANd not just in Congress either but in most of the state races. The reason is obvious: People are fed up with the slow growth/no growth we've seen. Most people have lower household income and net worth than they did the day Bush left office.
The election was neither a referendum nor any surprise given the percentage of voters that were Republican VS Democratic.

The GOP strategists that purport the Obama referendum are doing so for electioneering purposes for the 2016 presidential race, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker...without one original thought of your own

The thing that should scare Democrats, Toxic is the number of Hispanics that didn't show up to vote for Democrats this time around. Large chunks of the Democratic base simply didn't seem to care. Part of the problem from where I'm sitting is that faux issues like a GOP "war on women" simply didn't work this election cycle. Then you've got young people who are tired of catchy slogans and want jobs.
If Democrats were scared, they would have showed up to vote, Latinos included, and it was too much for the average low information lefties to show up. But...the 2016 presidential race is the GOP's to lose.

If the GOP indulges low information righties, and spends the next two years sending Obama inflammatory legislation that doesn't create middle class jobs, or attempts to repeal Obamacare, they will pave the way for Hillary.

On the other hand...if the GOP sends productive legislation to the white house, and Obama signs it, and it produces positive results before November 2016...that will help the Democrats as much as it does Republicans.

What will likely happen, is that Republicans will ONLY send legislation to Obama that they know he won't sign, or they know it won't produce anything positive, since positive results will be a "wash" for the GOP in 2016. That way they can still accuse Obama of obstructionism, while appearing to start doing their jobs.

The GOP won't allow anything good to happen until they win back the presidency.

The "war on women" is only an issue if the Republicans do anything to legitimize it. Women voters don't vote Democratic if they perceive the GOP candidate to be a chauvinist, as much as they vote against the Republican in question. If the GOP makes an issue with gay marriage/abortion/contraception, this time around, Hillary will win.

Young people want jobs, but the GOP can't afford those jobs being created before 2016 for electioneering purposes, and they won't create legislation that will cause them to be.

I'm sorry, Toxic but I think your "take" on what the GOP faces is way off base!

The GOP won this last election in a landslide only because the American electorate has grown tired of our Government being dysfunctional for the past four years. It's FINALLY become impossible to ignore that the major cause of that disfunction was a US Senate controlled by Democrats and overseen by Harry Reid that wouldn't even bring House bills to the floor for debate let alone passage. Nothing was getting done to improve the economy because you had a Senate Majority Leader who was incapable of compromise. So the Democrats in the Senate have been voted out of office and Republicans have been voted in. What that MEANS is that the American voter wants to see legislation passed by Congress to address the economy and jobs. They voted for GOP control of the House and now they have voted for GOP control of the Senate. The message is painfully clear.

Which brings us to Barack Obama...

What you're seeing right now from the President with his announcment that he's going to go ahead with an Executive Action to essentially grant amnesty to millions of illegals, is a declaration that he is deliberately going to make the country suffer through another two years of political dysfunction, with him vetoing the bulk of legislation sent to him by the Congress and using Executive Actions to press forward with a liberal agenda that the voters have expressed no interest in. Not only is he willing to take us that way...he's DELIBERATELY CHOSEN to do so!

The GOP led Congress has no choice but to pass comprehensive immigration reform before 2016 or they will have no chance of taking the Oval Office. They understand that. So does Barack Obama. He understands that if the GOP DOES pass immigration reform and that issue is taken off the books for 2016 that the Democrats won't have the Hispanic voting block locked up. So he's rushing to do an Executive Action NOW on an issue that the GOP would have to address once they take control of the issue that he and his fellow Democrats failed to address when they controlled the House, the Senate and the White House! So if it was an issue that could be put on the "back burner" then...if it was an issue that could be delayed until after the midterm elections this year...why is it suddenly something that has to be done IMMEDIATELY?

The answer to that is obvious...Barack Obama has made a political calculation that it is better for Democrats to blow up our government for the next two years than it is to let Republicans pass legislation that either fixes things...or forces him to veto what they send him. Barack Obama is doing what he's doing because he WANTS the GOP to waste their time either trying to impeach him or waste their time shutting down the government.

In the meantime...the millions of Americans who have suffered through the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression will continue to suffer.
What I take away from your post, is an affirmation that the GOP's current strategy is working on you, and anyone else who believes what your media of choice has told you.

I'm not trying to delegitimize your opinion, and the GOP holds focus groups and tests groups to see what is important to you, and then they tell you THAT.

The spin comes in when GOP politicians and pundits tell you they're going to to THAT, get elected, and don't do THAT, and blame the previous administration, or the party out of power, for keeping them from doing THAT.

It works the same on both sides, only now MSNBC and Fox are in the tank for their side, and too many people get their opinions confirmed by those networks, without any well presented opposition arguments.

I suggest that ABC, NBC, CNN, and CBS are equally in the tank for Obama. None of these networks have said a word about the Architect of Obamacare that called the American people stupid for falling for the lies and deceptions that were used to sucker the Democrats into passing it. There are at least five different video tapes of him repeating the stupid remark, and crickets from the MSM
Here's one of the main differences between a conservative and liberal, Toxic...what I believe is that what the government is really good at is creating regulations and levying taxes that prevent jobs from being created. I don't want the government to create jobs...I just want government to get out of the way and let Free Markets create them.

The American worker has lost the work ethic that Americans used to be known for because they were told by union bosses and liberal politicians that they don't need to work hard anymore because they are "owed" a prosperous life just for punching a clock.
At last we agree on the prognosis, and treatment...but not the diagnosis.

"getting out of the way" of free markets is the topic I guess.

A huge problem I see is that "getting out of the way" means a shift of "wealth", or more accuratly a shift of income. Nether side is willing to propose the cuts needed to reallocate government funds in such a way that the government can keep functioning without corporate tax revenues the way they are now.

You can't get out of the way of business by cutting welfare benefits, teacher salaries., and government worker pensions. You have to cut social security, medicare, and defense spending, as well. But cutting those programs the jobs created by the programs would go too.

I can see how a merit driven job market might restore the work ethic we seem to have needed prior to WWII. But the detrimental long term effects of prosperity are a factor because the prosperity is eroding. So even with a renewed work ethic, we're still only going to be as competitive as workers in India, China, and elsewhere.

The key is innovation. Cars, Computers, Medical discoveries, and so on. Those things created booms. And entreprenuers do that in tandem with innovators. Jobs and Wozniak were a good example.

Did you really just say all that crap?

Why should we reallocate government funds? How about if we cut off the government? I'd live a much better life without them getting a quarter of my paycheck. And they provide no service to me or mine. They sit around and suck up our money and accomplish nothing.

We pay for a lot of people to do nothing. And no one needs to control me but me.
I'm curious how you've made an island of yourself.

Do you not drive on roads?
Do you not have kids in public school?
Are you not thrilled about sending troops to Iraq?
Don't you want the border secured?
Do you not needs cops?
Do you intend to return your social security checks to the government after you retire?
Do you intend to pay all your medical bills instead of getting on medicare when you retire?

Do you live off the grid, and hunt for your food?....
oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

You do drive on the roads but don't want to pay for them.
You send your kids to school and don't want t pay for that
You want to disband the military
You want armed bands of paranoid idiots policing the countryside
If you were in a car accident, and went to the ER, you'd not have the money to pay for it.

Aren't you special
So you want to pay for studies of alcoholic whores in China
So you want to pay for cell phones for welfare cases
SO you want to pay for Medicare fraud.
Aren't you the special one here.
Liberal Dictionary:
True conservative - liberal
Moderate - liberal
Mainstream - liberal
Pragmatic - liberal's simple

Republicans = Tea Partiers and white evangelicals

Democrats = white wine liberals, and minorities.

Simple definitions for simple minds.

Obviously my point went right over your head.
You're a moron.

The words "conservative" and "liberal" have dictionary definitions, and Tea Partiers or evangelical Republicans don't fit that definition. Nor do they bear any resemblance to conservatives or neoconservatives
Then you're the idiot. The T.E.A. party stands for limited governmen spending. The very definition of conservative.
The Tea Party doesn't stand for limited government spending, it stands for no government spending on anything Democrats want.
Liar. However, I don't actually expect you to go out and learn the truth of the matter.
Here's one of the main differences between a conservative and liberal, Toxic...what I believe is that what the government is really good at is creating regulations and levying taxes that prevent jobs from being created. I don't want the government to create jobs...I just want government to get out of the way and let Free Markets create them.

The American worker has lost the work ethic that Americans used to be known for because they were told by union bosses and liberal politicians that they don't need to work hard anymore because they are "owed" a prosperous life just for punching a clock.
At last we agree on the prognosis, and treatment...but not the diagnosis.

"getting out of the way" of free markets is the topic I guess.

A huge problem I see is that "getting out of the way" means a shift of "wealth", or more accuratly a shift of income. Nether side is willing to propose the cuts needed to reallocate government funds in such a way that the government can keep functioning without corporate tax revenues the way they are now.

You can't get out of the way of business by cutting welfare benefits, teacher salaries., and government worker pensions. You have to cut social security, medicare, and defense spending, as well. But cutting those programs the jobs created by the programs would go too.

I can see how a merit driven job market might restore the work ethic we seem to have needed prior to WWII. But the detrimental long term effects of prosperity are a factor because the prosperity is eroding. So even with a renewed work ethic, we're still only going to be as competitive as workers in India, China, and elsewhere.

The key is innovation. Cars, Computers, Medical discoveries, and so on. Those things created booms. And entreprenuers do that in tandem with innovators. Jobs and Wozniak were a good example.

Did you really just say all that crap?

Why should we reallocate government funds? How about if we cut off the government? I'd live a much better life without them getting a quarter of my paycheck. And they provide no service to me or mine. They sit around and suck up our money and accomplish nothing.

We pay for a lot of people to do nothing. And no one needs to control me but me.
I'm curious how you've made an island of yourself.

Do you not drive on roads?
Do you not have kids in public school?
Are you not thrilled about sending troops to Iraq?
Don't you want the border secured?
Do you not needs cops?
Do you intend to return your social security checks to the government after you retire?
Do you intend to pay all your medical bills instead of getting on medicare when you retire?

Do you live off the grid, and hunt for your food?....
oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

You are exactly right. It was Republicans who built the interstate highway. But that was decades ago. Now they don't allow infrastructure spending. They tear down and build nothing.
China and other countries send their children here to go to school Even high school. You can read about it on the Internet. In Blue States. Red State schools are too stupid. A 6,000 year old earth? Disgraceful. Who would be so stupid to believe such nonsense.
Imagine where we would be without an army. Poland got rid of theirs and the Nazi's marched right in.
Citizen militia is another name for vigilante. And that always leads to disaster.
Fewer cops, fewer firemen and fewer teachers. Mitt ran on that and lost. What a moron.

The GOP vision for the future of America:

Look at the damage conservative policies have brought to Red States. Isn't that enough? Why do they want to destroy the rest of the country?

Dumb ass republicans don't allow what? They have not had control of the senate yet and took control of the house in 2011 talk to obama if you are going to whine any.
Here's one of the main differences between a conservative and liberal, Toxic...what I believe is that what the government is really good at is creating regulations and levying taxes that prevent jobs from being created. I don't want the government to create jobs...I just want government to get out of the way and let Free Markets create them.

The American worker has lost the work ethic that Americans used to be known for because they were told by union bosses and liberal politicians that they don't need to work hard anymore because they are "owed" a prosperous life just for punching a clock.
At last we agree on the prognosis, and treatment...but not the diagnosis.

"getting out of the way" of free markets is the topic I guess.

A huge problem I see is that "getting out of the way" means a shift of "wealth", or more accuratly a shift of income. Nether side is willing to propose the cuts needed to reallocate government funds in such a way that the government can keep functioning without corporate tax revenues the way they are now.

You can't get out of the way of business by cutting welfare benefits, teacher salaries., and government worker pensions. You have to cut social security, medicare, and defense spending, as well. But cutting those programs the jobs created by the programs would go too.

I can see how a merit driven job market might restore the work ethic we seem to have needed prior to WWII. But the detrimental long term effects of prosperity are a factor because the prosperity is eroding. So even with a renewed work ethic, we're still only going to be as competitive as workers in India, China, and elsewhere.

The key is innovation. Cars, Computers, Medical discoveries, and so on. Those things created booms. And entreprenuers do that in tandem with innovators. Jobs and Wozniak were a good example.

Did you really just say all that crap?

Why should we reallocate government funds? How about if we cut off the government? I'd live a much better life without them getting a quarter of my paycheck. And they provide no service to me or mine. They sit around and suck up our money and accomplish nothing.

We pay for a lot of people to do nothing. And no one needs to control me but me.
I'm curious how you've made an island of yourself.

Do you not drive on roads?
Do you not have kids in public school?
Are you not thrilled about sending troops to Iraq?
Don't you want the border secured?
Do you not needs cops?
Do you intend to return your social security checks to the government after you retire?
Do you intend to pay all your medical bills instead of getting on medicare when you retire?

Do you live off the grid, and hunt for your food?....
oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

You do drive on the roads but don't want to pay for them.
You send your kids to school and don't want t pay for that
You want to disband the military
You want armed bands of paranoid idiots policing the countryside
If you were in a car accident, and went to the ER, you'd not have the money to pay for it.

Aren't you special
Those roads are not being repaired.
Why aren't schools doing good?
Yes disband the military
I'm not concerned with armed bands of people since I'm armed and trained
Dude I pay my medical bills My first wife had a miscarriage I didn't have an health care coverage I set up payments and paid for it.'s simple

Republicans = Tea Partiers and white evangelicals

Democrats = white wine liberals, and minorities.

Simple definitions for simple minds.

Obviously my point went right over your head.
You're a moron.

The words "conservative" and "liberal" have dictionary definitions, and Tea Partiers or evangelical Republicans don't fit that definition. Nor do they bear any resemblance to conservatives or neoconservatives
Then you're the idiot. The T.E.A. party stands for limited governmen spending. The very definition of conservative.
The Tea Party doesn't stand for limited government spending, it stands for no government spending on anything Democrats want.
Liar. However, I don't actually expect you to go out and learn the truth of the matter.
That's me how the 40+ Tea Party house reps and the 5 or so Tea Party senators spend less.

You won't find them spending less, or signing off on legislation that cuts anything.

They vote Republican, regardless, and that's all they have ever been.

The original Ron Paul anti TARP movement was against government spending, and everything that has occurred within the Tea Party movement after Obama took office has been orchestrated by big spending Republican establishment behind the scenes.
At last we agree on the prognosis, and treatment...but not the diagnosis.

"getting out of the way" of free markets is the topic I guess.

A huge problem I see is that "getting out of the way" means a shift of "wealth", or more accuratly a shift of income. Nether side is willing to propose the cuts needed to reallocate government funds in such a way that the government can keep functioning without corporate tax revenues the way they are now.

You can't get out of the way of business by cutting welfare benefits, teacher salaries., and government worker pensions. You have to cut social security, medicare, and defense spending, as well. But cutting those programs the jobs created by the programs would go too.

I can see how a merit driven job market might restore the work ethic we seem to have needed prior to WWII. But the detrimental long term effects of prosperity are a factor because the prosperity is eroding. So even with a renewed work ethic, we're still only going to be as competitive as workers in India, China, and elsewhere.

The key is innovation. Cars, Computers, Medical discoveries, and so on. Those things created booms. And entreprenuers do that in tandem with innovators. Jobs and Wozniak were a good example.

Did you really just say all that crap?

Why should we reallocate government funds? How about if we cut off the government? I'd live a much better life without them getting a quarter of my paycheck. And they provide no service to me or mine. They sit around and suck up our money and accomplish nothing.

We pay for a lot of people to do nothing. And no one needs to control me but me.
I'm curious how you've made an island of yourself.

Do you not drive on roads?
Do you not have kids in public school?
Are you not thrilled about sending troops to Iraq?
Don't you want the border secured?
Do you not needs cops?
Do you intend to return your social security checks to the government after you retire?
Do you intend to pay all your medical bills instead of getting on medicare when you retire?

Do you live off the grid, and hunt for your food?....
oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

You are exactly right. It was Republicans who built the interstate highway. But that was decades ago. Now they don't allow infrastructure spending. They tear down and build nothing.
China and other countries send their children here to go to school Even high school. You can read about it on the Internet. In Blue States. Red State schools are too stupid. A 6,000 year old earth? Disgraceful. Who would be so stupid to believe such nonsense.
Imagine where we would be without an army. Poland got rid of theirs and the Nazi's marched right in.
Citizen militia is another name for vigilante. And that always leads to disaster.
Fewer cops, fewer firemen and fewer teachers. Mitt ran on that and lost. What a moron.

The GOP vision for the future of America:

Look at the damage conservative policies have brought to Red States. Isn't that enough? Why do they want to destroy the rest of the country?
Dumb ass republicans don't allow what? They have not had control of the senate yet and took control of the house in 2011 talk to obama if you are going to whine any.
Oh shut it......

The Republicans filibustered everything the Democratic controlled house tried to do before the shift. After that they created nothing but gay marriage/abortion/contraception bills meddling in the bedrooms of Americans, and trying to repeal a law that passed and the SCOTUS upheld.
At last we agree on the prognosis, and treatment...but not the diagnosis.

"getting out of the way" of free markets is the topic I guess.

A huge problem I see is that "getting out of the way" means a shift of "wealth", or more accuratly a shift of income. Nether side is willing to propose the cuts needed to reallocate government funds in such a way that the government can keep functioning without corporate tax revenues the way they are now.

You can't get out of the way of business by cutting welfare benefits, teacher salaries., and government worker pensions. You have to cut social security, medicare, and defense spending, as well. But cutting those programs the jobs created by the programs would go too.

I can see how a merit driven job market might restore the work ethic we seem to have needed prior to WWII. But the detrimental long term effects of prosperity are a factor because the prosperity is eroding. So even with a renewed work ethic, we're still only going to be as competitive as workers in India, China, and elsewhere.

The key is innovation. Cars, Computers, Medical discoveries, and so on. Those things created booms. And entreprenuers do that in tandem with innovators. Jobs and Wozniak were a good example.

Did you really just say all that crap?

Why should we reallocate government funds? How about if we cut off the government? I'd live a much better life without them getting a quarter of my paycheck. And they provide no service to me or mine. They sit around and suck up our money and accomplish nothing.

We pay for a lot of people to do nothing. And no one needs to control me but me.
I'm curious how you've made an island of yourself.

Do you not drive on roads?
Do you not have kids in public school?
Are you not thrilled about sending troops to Iraq?
Don't you want the border secured?
Do you not needs cops?
Do you intend to return your social security checks to the government after you retire?
Do you intend to pay all your medical bills instead of getting on medicare when you retire?

Do you live off the grid, and hunt for your food?....
oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

You do drive on the roads but don't want to pay for them.
You send your kids to school and don't want t pay for that
You want to disband the military
You want armed bands of paranoid idiots policing the countryside
If you were in a car accident, and went to the ER, you'd not have the money to pay for it.

Aren't you special
Those roads are not being repaired.
Why aren't schools doing good?
Yes disband the military
I'm not concerned with armed bands of people since I'm armed and trained
Dude I pay my medical bills My first wife had a miscarriage I didn't have an health care coverage I set up payments and paid for it.
You're insane, and there is an entire society that isn't mal adjusted and afraid of people.

I hope you DONT have a car accident, and wind up in the ICU, then admitted for a week, because my medical insurance premiums would go up.

You can't just chose to not participate in society, and say everyone else shouldn't either.

Stay off the grid, and out of society's business.
I think that most Americans decide who to vote for based on how they perceive their own personal economic outlook. They've just had six plus years of Progressives telling them how they are there for the Middle Class, Toxic but Middle Class paychecks kept shrinking and the cost of goods kept going up. Let's face it, the Main Stream Media didn't suddenly stop being liberally biased this year...they were still trying to put a good face on the Obama Administration's policies...but a whole lot of voters simply stopped believing what they were hearing from both this Administration and from the Main Stream Media.

As for who is in the White House in 2016? I don't think it matters, quite frankly. Nobody is going to be as clueless about the economy as Barack Obama and his crew have been. Hillary Clinton certainly wouldn't be. Coupled with a Republican Congress to keep her from spending too much, she would probably be fine.
You have a far greater estimation of how much the government can do to create jobs.

IMO, Barak Obama, Mother Theresa, the Queen of England, Elvis, or not create jobs. Bill Gates and the Koch Brothers create jobs. Right now the American worker is generally lazy, stupid, and over payed compared to any other worker, in any other country, that speaks English an can work using a computer. American manufacturing employees have the same lack of demand in a global marketplace.
Here's one of the main differences between a conservative and liberal, Toxic...what I believe is that what the government is really good at is creating regulations and levying taxes that prevent jobs from being created. I don't want the government to create jobs...I just want government to get out of the way and let Free Markets create them.

The American worker has lost the work ethic that Americans used to be known for because they were told by union bosses and liberal politicians that they don't need to work hard anymore because they are "owed" a prosperous life just for punching a clock.
At last we agree on the prognosis, and treatment...but not the diagnosis.

"getting out of the way" of free markets is the topic I guess.

A huge problem I see is that "getting out of the way" means a shift of "wealth", or more accuratly a shift of income. Nether side is willing to propose the cuts needed to reallocate government funds in such a way that the government can keep functioning without corporate tax revenues the way they are now.

You can't get out of the way of business by cutting welfare benefits, teacher salaries., and government worker pensions. You have to cut social security, medicare, and defense spending, as well. But cutting those programs the jobs created by the programs would go too.

I can see how a merit driven job market might restore the work ethic we seem to have needed prior to WWII. But the detrimental long term effects of prosperity are a factor because the prosperity is eroding. So even with a renewed work ethic, we're still only going to be as competitive as workers in India, China, and elsewhere.

The key is innovation. Cars, Computers, Medical discoveries, and so on. Those things created booms. And entreprenuers do that in tandem with innovators. Jobs and Wozniak were a good example.

Why does the government getting out of the way of free markets so the Private Sector can create jobs mean a "shift of income"? I'm talking about reducing the red tape that so many American businesses are now forced to deal with because of all of the Federal Government's regulations. I'm talking about getting rid of the rampant waste that is so prevalent in the Federal Government. I'm talking about letting American corporations bring overseas profits into the country without paying stiff taxes. I'm talking about lowering the corporate tax rate to a level that would make us a little competitive with the rest of the world. The United States is currently losing jobs and investment to other areas of the world that are simply better places to do business. The longer that goes on the weaker our economy will become and the stronger we will make economies elsewhere.
To get out of the way of free markets, you not only must reduce regulation, but lower business taxes as well. If the government has less income, cuts have to be made. The notion that the government has enough revenue now, and just needs to spend it more wisely may be partially to mostly correct...but that's a fantasy that can never come true because of the nature of special interest, and the fact humans are flawed. History is rank with extremist expectations of perfection that turn into resentments and oppression.

I agree with everything else you said after "so prevalent in the federal government"

I DO NOT believe that all that will happen if we elect a Republican president in 2016, nor will it happen if Hillary is elected.

The advantage created for the party out of power in any election is that Utopian scenario of how it would have been if you had only elected us.

Are you confident that the Republican party has crossed some strange boundary, whereby if we elect an all Republican congress, and President...they'll do what our government has never done?

We're taking in as much in revenue as we ever have historically, Toxic yet we keep falling further in debt. Why? Well obviously it's because we're spending too much...both on interest on our accumulated debt and on a bloated and inefficient Federal Government. The only "fantasy" being perpetuated at the moment is that we can continue on the path we're now on and not crash and burn economically.
Did you really just say all that crap?

Why should we reallocate government funds? How about if we cut off the government? I'd live a much better life without them getting a quarter of my paycheck. And they provide no service to me or mine. They sit around and suck up our money and accomplish nothing.

We pay for a lot of people to do nothing. And no one needs to control me but me.
I'm curious how you've made an island of yourself.

Do you not drive on roads?
Do you not have kids in public school?
Are you not thrilled about sending troops to Iraq?
Don't you want the border secured?
Do you not needs cops?
Do you intend to return your social security checks to the government after you retire?
Do you intend to pay all your medical bills instead of getting on medicare when you retire?

Do you live off the grid, and hunt for your food?....
oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

You are exactly right. It was Republicans who built the interstate highway. But that was decades ago. Now they don't allow infrastructure spending. They tear down and build nothing.
China and other countries send their children here to go to school Even high school. You can read about it on the Internet. In Blue States. Red State schools are too stupid. A 6,000 year old earth? Disgraceful. Who would be so stupid to believe such nonsense.
Imagine where we would be without an army. Poland got rid of theirs and the Nazi's marched right in.
Citizen militia is another name for vigilante. And that always leads to disaster.
Fewer cops, fewer firemen and fewer teachers. Mitt ran on that and lost. What a moron.

The GOP vision for the future of America:

Look at the damage conservative policies have brought to Red States. Isn't that enough? Why do they want to destroy the rest of the country?
Dumb ass republicans don't allow what? They have not had control of the senate yet and took control of the house in 2011 talk to obama if you are going to whine any.
Oh shut it......

The Republicans filibustered everything the Democratic controlled house tried to do before the shift. After that they created nothing but gay marriage/abortion/contraception bills meddling in the bedrooms of Americans, and trying to repeal a law that passed and the SCOTUS upheld.
They filabusted anything wasteful obama and the dems wanted.
Did you really just say all that crap?

Why should we reallocate government funds? How about if we cut off the government? I'd live a much better life without them getting a quarter of my paycheck. And they provide no service to me or mine. They sit around and suck up our money and accomplish nothing.

We pay for a lot of people to do nothing. And no one needs to control me but me.
I'm curious how you've made an island of yourself.

Do you not drive on roads?
Do you not have kids in public school?
Are you not thrilled about sending troops to Iraq?
Don't you want the border secured?
Do you not needs cops?
Do you intend to return your social security checks to the government after you retire?
Do you intend to pay all your medical bills instead of getting on medicare when you retire?

Do you live off the grid, and hunt for your food?....
oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

You do drive on the roads but don't want to pay for them.
You send your kids to school and don't want t pay for that
You want to disband the military
You want armed bands of paranoid idiots policing the countryside
If you were in a car accident, and went to the ER, you'd not have the money to pay for it.

Aren't you special
Those roads are not being repaired.
Why aren't schools doing good?
Yes disband the military
I'm not concerned with armed bands of people since I'm armed and trained
Dude I pay my medical bills My first wife had a miscarriage I didn't have an health care coverage I set up payments and paid for it.
You're insane, and there is an entire society that isn't mal adjusted and afraid of people.

I hope you DONT have a car accident, and wind up in the ICU, then admitted for a week, because my medical insurance premiums would go up.

You can't just chose to not participate in society, and say everyone else shouldn't either.

Stay off the grid, and out of society's business.
Seems you are the one afraid you said you don't want an armed mob, I don't care.
If I have a truck accident I will do like I have always done pay for it myself.
Who said anything about not participating in society? I haven't.
You have a far greater estimation of how much the government can do to create jobs.

IMO, Barak Obama, Mother Theresa, the Queen of England, Elvis, or not create jobs. Bill Gates and the Koch Brothers create jobs. Right now the American worker is generally lazy, stupid, and over payed compared to any other worker, in any other country, that speaks English an can work using a computer. American manufacturing employees have the same lack of demand in a global marketplace.
Here's one of the main differences between a conservative and liberal, Toxic...what I believe is that what the government is really good at is creating regulations and levying taxes that prevent jobs from being created. I don't want the government to create jobs...I just want government to get out of the way and let Free Markets create them.

The American worker has lost the work ethic that Americans used to be known for because they were told by union bosses and liberal politicians that they don't need to work hard anymore because they are "owed" a prosperous life just for punching a clock.
At last we agree on the prognosis, and treatment...but not the diagnosis.

"getting out of the way" of free markets is the topic I guess.

A huge problem I see is that "getting out of the way" means a shift of "wealth", or more accuratly a shift of income. Nether side is willing to propose the cuts needed to reallocate government funds in such a way that the government can keep functioning without corporate tax revenues the way they are now.

You can't get out of the way of business by cutting welfare benefits, teacher salaries., and government worker pensions. You have to cut social security, medicare, and defense spending, as well. But cutting those programs the jobs created by the programs would go too.

I can see how a merit driven job market might restore the work ethic we seem to have needed prior to WWII. But the detrimental long term effects of prosperity are a factor because the prosperity is eroding. So even with a renewed work ethic, we're still only going to be as competitive as workers in India, China, and elsewhere.

The key is innovation. Cars, Computers, Medical discoveries, and so on. Those things created booms. And entreprenuers do that in tandem with innovators. Jobs and Wozniak were a good example.

Why does the government getting out of the way of free markets so the Private Sector can create jobs mean a "shift of income"? I'm talking about reducing the red tape that so many American businesses are now forced to deal with because of all of the Federal Government's regulations. I'm talking about getting rid of the rampant waste that is so prevalent in the Federal Government. I'm talking about letting American corporations bring overseas profits into the country without paying stiff taxes. I'm talking about lowering the corporate tax rate to a level that would make us a little competitive with the rest of the world. The United States is currently losing jobs and investment to other areas of the world that are simply better places to do business. The longer that goes on the weaker our economy will become and the stronger we will make economies elsewhere.
To get out of the way of free markets, you not only must reduce regulation, but lower business taxes as well. If the government has less income, cuts have to be made. The notion that the government has enough revenue now, and just needs to spend it more wisely may be partially to mostly correct...but that's a fantasy that can never come true because of the nature of special interest, and the fact humans are flawed. History is rank with extremist expectations of perfection that turn into resentments and oppression.

I agree with everything else you said after "so prevalent in the federal government"

I DO NOT believe that all that will happen if we elect a Republican president in 2016, nor will it happen if Hillary is elected.

The advantage created for the party out of power in any election is that Utopian scenario of how it would have been if you had only elected us.

Are you confident that the Republican party has crossed some strange boundary, whereby if we elect an all Republican congress, and President...they'll do what our government has never done?

We're taking in as much in revenue as we ever have historically, Toxic yet we keep falling further in debt. Why? Well obviously it's because we're spending too much...both on interest on our accumulated debt and on a bloated and inefficient Federal Government. The only "fantasy" being perpetuated at the moment is that we can continue on the path we're now on and not crash and burn economically.
I couldn't agree more.

And what are we going to do about politicians and media that can't paint any targets on anyone for cuts, because they'll lose votes and viewers?

From what little I know, I'm told that the only way to keep from crashing and burning economically is to cut Medicare, Social Security, defense spending, and social programs.

Who's going to propose the cuts?

Who's going to endure the cuts?

Is either possible?

On top of that, will the average American worker transform themselves into a competitive commodity in the global employment marketplace?

It'll take a fundamental transformation of America IMO.

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