They don't make Republican consevatives like they used to

I'm curious how you've made an island of yourself.

Do you not drive on roads?
Do you not have kids in public school?
Are you not thrilled about sending troops to Iraq?
Don't you want the border secured?
Do you not needs cops?
Do you intend to return your social security checks to the government after you retire?
Do you intend to pay all your medical bills instead of getting on medicare when you retire?

Do you live off the grid, and hunt for your food?....
oh wow the same old talking points for big guberment.
Have you looked at the roads lately?
us schools vs. or nations?
We aren't supposed to have a standing army
States can handle it's on border with a citizens militia
No we don't need cops
I know how to use my money better than the guberment can steal it
I can pay my medical bills like I always have without the help of the guberment.
So your argument has been shot down.

You do drive on the roads but don't want to pay for them.
You send your kids to school and don't want t pay for that
You want to disband the military
You want armed bands of paranoid idiots policing the countryside
If you were in a car accident, and went to the ER, you'd not have the money to pay for it.

Aren't you special
Those roads are not being repaired.
Why aren't schools doing good?
Yes disband the military
I'm not concerned with armed bands of people since I'm armed and trained
Dude I pay my medical bills My first wife had a miscarriage I didn't have an health care coverage I set up payments and paid for it.
You're insane, and there is an entire society that isn't mal adjusted and afraid of people.

I hope you DONT have a car accident, and wind up in the ICU, then admitted for a week, because my medical insurance premiums would go up.

You can't just chose to not participate in society, and say everyone else shouldn't either.

Stay off the grid, and out of society's business.
Seems you are the one afraid you said you don't want an armed mob, I don't care.
If I have a truck accident I will do like I have always done pay for it myself.
Who said anything about not participating in society? I haven't.
I don't believe you.
Seems you are the one afraid you said you don't want an armed mob, I don't care.
If I have a truck accident I will do like I have always done pay for it myself.
Who said anything about not participating in society? I haven't.
I don't believe you.
I don't give a fuck if you don't.
If you didn't, you wouldn't have responded.

When you see the black helicopters, it'll be me inside of them.
Seems you are the one afraid you said you don't want an armed mob, I don't care.
If I have a truck accident I will do like I have always done pay for it myself.
Who said anything about not participating in society? I haven't.
I don't believe you.
I don't give a fuck if you don't.
If you didn't, you wouldn't have responded.

When you see the black helicopters, it'll be me inside of them.
I'm just telling you, and by the way I don't live in your fantasy world of black helicopters,
Seems you are the one afraid you said you don't want an armed mob, I don't care.
If I have a truck accident I will do like I have always done pay for it myself.
Who said anything about not participating in society? I haven't.
I don't believe you.
I don't give a fuck if you don't.
If you didn't, you wouldn't have responded.

When you see the black helicopters, it'll be me inside of them.
I'm just telling you, and by the way I don't live in your fantasy world of black helicopters,[/QUOT]Molon Labe...they're coming to get you.

Just build that bunker and stock up on tin foil
Here's one of the main differences between a conservative and liberal, Toxic...what I believe is that what the government is really good at is creating regulations and levying taxes that prevent jobs from being created. I don't want the government to create jobs...I just want government to get out of the way and let Free Markets create them.

The American worker has lost the work ethic that Americans used to be known for because they were told by union bosses and liberal politicians that they don't need to work hard anymore because they are "owed" a prosperous life just for punching a clock.
At last we agree on the prognosis, and treatment...but not the diagnosis.

"getting out of the way" of free markets is the topic I guess.

A huge problem I see is that "getting out of the way" means a shift of "wealth", or more accuratly a shift of income. Nether side is willing to propose the cuts needed to reallocate government funds in such a way that the government can keep functioning without corporate tax revenues the way they are now.

You can't get out of the way of business by cutting welfare benefits, teacher salaries., and government worker pensions. You have to cut social security, medicare, and defense spending, as well. But cutting those programs the jobs created by the programs would go too.

I can see how a merit driven job market might restore the work ethic we seem to have needed prior to WWII. But the detrimental long term effects of prosperity are a factor because the prosperity is eroding. So even with a renewed work ethic, we're still only going to be as competitive as workers in India, China, and elsewhere.

The key is innovation. Cars, Computers, Medical discoveries, and so on. Those things created booms. And entreprenuers do that in tandem with innovators. Jobs and Wozniak were a good example.

Why does the government getting out of the way of free markets so the Private Sector can create jobs mean a "shift of income"? I'm talking about reducing the red tape that so many American businesses are now forced to deal with because of all of the Federal Government's regulations. I'm talking about getting rid of the rampant waste that is so prevalent in the Federal Government. I'm talking about letting American corporations bring overseas profits into the country without paying stiff taxes. I'm talking about lowering the corporate tax rate to a level that would make us a little competitive with the rest of the world. The United States is currently losing jobs and investment to other areas of the world that are simply better places to do business. The longer that goes on the weaker our economy will become and the stronger we will make economies elsewhere.
To get out of the way of free markets, you not only must reduce regulation, but lower business taxes as well. If the government has less income, cuts have to be made. The notion that the government has enough revenue now, and just needs to spend it more wisely may be partially to mostly correct...but that's a fantasy that can never come true because of the nature of special interest, and the fact humans are flawed. History is rank with extremist expectations of perfection that turn into resentments and oppression.

I agree with everything else you said after "so prevalent in the federal government"

I DO NOT believe that all that will happen if we elect a Republican president in 2016, nor will it happen if Hillary is elected.

The advantage created for the party out of power in any election is that Utopian scenario of how it would have been if you had only elected us.

Are you confident that the Republican party has crossed some strange boundary, whereby if we elect an all Republican congress, and President...they'll do what our government has never done?

We're taking in as much in revenue as we ever have historically, Toxic yet we keep falling further in debt. Why? Well obviously it's because we're spending too much...both on interest on our accumulated debt and on a bloated and inefficient Federal Government. The only "fantasy" being perpetuated at the moment is that we can continue on the path we're now on and not crash and burn economically.
I couldn't agree more.

And what are we going to do about politicians and media that can't paint any targets on anyone for cuts, because they'll lose votes and viewers?

From what little I know, I'm told that the only way to keep from crashing and burning economically is to cut Medicare, Social Security, defense spending, and social programs.

Who's going to propose the cuts?

Who's going to endure the cuts?

Is either possible?

On top of that, will the average American worker transform themselves into a competitive commodity in the global employment marketplace?

It'll take a fundamental transformation of America IMO.

Let's be honest with each other, Toxic...we either start to cut government spending now and get our debt under control or the debt will become so large it will consume all the money we take in just to pay the interest. At that point there won't be anyone willing to buy our debt and we will have no choice but to drastically cut things like Medicare, Social Security, Defense and entitlement programs like Food Stamps and the Affordable Care Act.

Who's going to propose cuts? Someone who's honest with the American people for a change...
At last we agree on the prognosis, and treatment...but not the diagnosis.

"getting out of the way" of free markets is the topic I guess.

A huge problem I see is that "getting out of the way" means a shift of "wealth", or more accuratly a shift of income. Nether side is willing to propose the cuts needed to reallocate government funds in such a way that the government can keep functioning without corporate tax revenues the way they are now.

You can't get out of the way of business by cutting welfare benefits, teacher salaries., and government worker pensions. You have to cut social security, medicare, and defense spending, as well. But cutting those programs the jobs created by the programs would go too.

I can see how a merit driven job market might restore the work ethic we seem to have needed prior to WWII. But the detrimental long term effects of prosperity are a factor because the prosperity is eroding. So even with a renewed work ethic, we're still only going to be as competitive as workers in India, China, and elsewhere.

The key is innovation. Cars, Computers, Medical discoveries, and so on. Those things created booms. And entreprenuers do that in tandem with innovators. Jobs and Wozniak were a good example.

Why does the government getting out of the way of free markets so the Private Sector can create jobs mean a "shift of income"? I'm talking about reducing the red tape that so many American businesses are now forced to deal with because of all of the Federal Government's regulations. I'm talking about getting rid of the rampant waste that is so prevalent in the Federal Government. I'm talking about letting American corporations bring overseas profits into the country without paying stiff taxes. I'm talking about lowering the corporate tax rate to a level that would make us a little competitive with the rest of the world. The United States is currently losing jobs and investment to other areas of the world that are simply better places to do business. The longer that goes on the weaker our economy will become and the stronger we will make economies elsewhere.
To get out of the way of free markets, you not only must reduce regulation, but lower business taxes as well. If the government has less income, cuts have to be made. The notion that the government has enough revenue now, and just needs to spend it more wisely may be partially to mostly correct...but that's a fantasy that can never come true because of the nature of special interest, and the fact humans are flawed. History is rank with extremist expectations of perfection that turn into resentments and oppression.

I agree with everything else you said after "so prevalent in the federal government"

I DO NOT believe that all that will happen if we elect a Republican president in 2016, nor will it happen if Hillary is elected.

The advantage created for the party out of power in any election is that Utopian scenario of how it would have been if you had only elected us.

Are you confident that the Republican party has crossed some strange boundary, whereby if we elect an all Republican congress, and President...they'll do what our government has never done?

We're taking in as much in revenue as we ever have historically, Toxic yet we keep falling further in debt. Why? Well obviously it's because we're spending too much...both on interest on our accumulated debt and on a bloated and inefficient Federal Government. The only "fantasy" being perpetuated at the moment is that we can continue on the path we're now on and not crash and burn economically.
I couldn't agree more.

And what are we going to do about politicians and media that can't paint any targets on anyone for cuts, because they'll lose votes and viewers?

From what little I know, I'm told that the only way to keep from crashing and burning economically is to cut Medicare, Social Security, defense spending, and social programs.

Who's going to propose the cuts?

Who's going to endure the cuts?

Is either possible?

On top of that, will the average American worker transform themselves into a competitive commodity in the global employment marketplace?

It'll take a fundamental transformation of America IMO.

Let's be honest with each other, Toxic...we either start to cut government spending now and get our debt under control or the debt will become so large it will consume all the money we take in just to pay the interest. At that point there won't be anyone willing to buy our debt and we will have no choice but to drastically cut things like Medicare, Social Security, Defense and entitlement programs like Food Stamps and the Affordable Care Act.

Who's going to propose cuts? Someone who's honest with the American people for a change...
I hope I'm wrong, and Republicans actually start doing that.

Power in Washington corrupts absolutely.

I agree with what you wrote, and have little hope that the government will heal the middle class.

I think salvation will come, if it does, in the form of the next big app.

That takes educated people.
Why does the government getting out of the way of free markets so the Private Sector can create jobs mean a "shift of income"? I'm talking about reducing the red tape that so many American businesses are now forced to deal with because of all of the Federal Government's regulations. I'm talking about getting rid of the rampant waste that is so prevalent in the Federal Government. I'm talking about letting American corporations bring overseas profits into the country without paying stiff taxes. I'm talking about lowering the corporate tax rate to a level that would make us a little competitive with the rest of the world. The United States is currently losing jobs and investment to other areas of the world that are simply better places to do business. The longer that goes on the weaker our economy will become and the stronger we will make economies elsewhere.
To get out of the way of free markets, you not only must reduce regulation, but lower business taxes as well. If the government has less income, cuts have to be made. The notion that the government has enough revenue now, and just needs to spend it more wisely may be partially to mostly correct...but that's a fantasy that can never come true because of the nature of special interest, and the fact humans are flawed. History is rank with extremist expectations of perfection that turn into resentments and oppression.

I agree with everything else you said after "so prevalent in the federal government"

I DO NOT believe that all that will happen if we elect a Republican president in 2016, nor will it happen if Hillary is elected.

The advantage created for the party out of power in any election is that Utopian scenario of how it would have been if you had only elected us.

Are you confident that the Republican party has crossed some strange boundary, whereby if we elect an all Republican congress, and President...they'll do what our government has never done?

We're taking in as much in revenue as we ever have historically, Toxic yet we keep falling further in debt. Why? Well obviously it's because we're spending too much...both on interest on our accumulated debt and on a bloated and inefficient Federal Government. The only "fantasy" being perpetuated at the moment is that we can continue on the path we're now on and not crash and burn economically.
I couldn't agree more.

And what are we going to do about politicians and media that can't paint any targets on anyone for cuts, because they'll lose votes and viewers?

From what little I know, I'm told that the only way to keep from crashing and burning economically is to cut Medicare, Social Security, defense spending, and social programs.

Who's going to propose the cuts?

Who's going to endure the cuts?

Is either possible?

On top of that, will the average American worker transform themselves into a competitive commodity in the global employment marketplace?

It'll take a fundamental transformation of America IMO.

Let's be honest with each other, Toxic...we either start to cut government spending now and get our debt under control or the debt will become so large it will consume all the money we take in just to pay the interest. At that point there won't be anyone willing to buy our debt and we will have no choice but to drastically cut things like Medicare, Social Security, Defense and entitlement programs like Food Stamps and the Affordable Care Act.

Who's going to propose cuts? Someone who's honest with the American people for a change...
I hope I'm wrong, and Republicans actually start doing that.

Power in Washington corrupts absolutely.

I agree with what you wrote, and have little hope that the government will heal the middle class.

I think salvation will come, if it does, in the form of the next big app.

That takes educated people.

The government can't "heal" the Middle Class, Toxic. This notion that government can take wealth from one group and give it to another as a solution to "income inequality" is held by people that simply don't understand human nature or basic economic theory.

As for "educated" people being the solution? Some of the greatest innovations of modern society were created by persons with rather limited educational backgrounds. Getting an "education" isn't always what's and determination are what made most successful inventors succeed not their IQ. We've created a society that's top heavy with college degrees that didn't teach people how to persevere in a hostile world.
Part of THAT problem is an educational system that preaches things like there shouldn't be "winners and losers" in games or in life. That it's unfair.
To get out of the way of free markets, you not only must reduce regulation, but lower business taxes as well. If the government has less income, cuts have to be made. The notion that the government has enough revenue now, and just needs to spend it more wisely may be partially to mostly correct...but that's a fantasy that can never come true because of the nature of special interest, and the fact humans are flawed. History is rank with extremist expectations of perfection that turn into resentments and oppression.

I agree with everything else you said after "so prevalent in the federal government"

I DO NOT believe that all that will happen if we elect a Republican president in 2016, nor will it happen if Hillary is elected.

The advantage created for the party out of power in any election is that Utopian scenario of how it would have been if you had only elected us.

Are you confident that the Republican party has crossed some strange boundary, whereby if we elect an all Republican congress, and President...they'll do what our government has never done?

We're taking in as much in revenue as we ever have historically, Toxic yet we keep falling further in debt. Why? Well obviously it's because we're spending too much...both on interest on our accumulated debt and on a bloated and inefficient Federal Government. The only "fantasy" being perpetuated at the moment is that we can continue on the path we're now on and not crash and burn economically.
I couldn't agree more.

And what are we going to do about politicians and media that can't paint any targets on anyone for cuts, because they'll lose votes and viewers?

From what little I know, I'm told that the only way to keep from crashing and burning economically is to cut Medicare, Social Security, defense spending, and social programs.

Who's going to propose the cuts?

Who's going to endure the cuts?

Is either possible?

On top of that, will the average American worker transform themselves into a competitive commodity in the global employment marketplace?

It'll take a fundamental transformation of America IMO.

Let's be honest with each other, Toxic...we either start to cut government spending now and get our debt under control or the debt will become so large it will consume all the money we take in just to pay the interest. At that point there won't be anyone willing to buy our debt and we will have no choice but to drastically cut things like Medicare, Social Security, Defense and entitlement programs like Food Stamps and the Affordable Care Act.

Who's going to propose cuts? Someone who's honest with the American people for a change...
I hope I'm wrong, and Republicans actually start doing that.

Power in Washington corrupts absolutely.

I agree with what you wrote, and have little hope that the government will heal the middle class.

I think salvation will come, if it does, in the form of the next big app.

That takes educated people.

The government can't "heal" the Middle Class, Toxic. This notion that government can take wealth from one group and give it to another as a solution to "income inequality" is held by people that simply don't understand human nature or basic economic theory.

As for "educated" people being the solution? Some of the greatest innovations of modern society were created by persons with rather limited educational backgrounds. Getting an "education" isn't always what's and determination are what made most successful inventors succeed not their IQ. We've created a society that's top heavy with college degrees that didn't teach people how to persevere in a hostile world.
I did say I "have little hope that the government will heal the middle class"

I've heard that anti education stance when it comes to business success before. And I believe it's put forth by the GOP to flatter it's strongest demographic. White men over 60 without college degrees who attend church once a week. NOTE* I'm a man of faith, so I'm not bashing church, or men without college degrees, like myself. I'm just not 60 yet.

The minds that create bubbles, rely on educated people all the time.

The Fairchild Semiconductor guys were all college gards.

Jobs relied on Woz.

Gates on Woz, Seattle Computer, and his programmers afterwards.

The Koch Borothers are highly educated

Sam Walton graduated from the University of Missouri.

William Boeing was a Yale grad.

I could go on ad nausium......

So that whole lack of college education is not a plus. It's something that you can work around IF you have superior business instincts, but not something innovation can do with out.

In India and China, they teach English in grade schools.
We're taking in as much in revenue as we ever have historically, Toxic yet we keep falling further in debt. Why? Well obviously it's because we're spending too much...both on interest on our accumulated debt and on a bloated and inefficient Federal Government. The only "fantasy" being perpetuated at the moment is that we can continue on the path we're now on and not crash and burn economically.
I couldn't agree more.

And what are we going to do about politicians and media that can't paint any targets on anyone for cuts, because they'll lose votes and viewers?

From what little I know, I'm told that the only way to keep from crashing and burning economically is to cut Medicare, Social Security, defense spending, and social programs.

Who's going to propose the cuts?

Who's going to endure the cuts?

Is either possible?

On top of that, will the average American worker transform themselves into a competitive commodity in the global employment marketplace?

It'll take a fundamental transformation of America IMO.

Let's be honest with each other, Toxic...we either start to cut government spending now and get our debt under control or the debt will become so large it will consume all the money we take in just to pay the interest. At that point there won't be anyone willing to buy our debt and we will have no choice but to drastically cut things like Medicare, Social Security, Defense and entitlement programs like Food Stamps and the Affordable Care Act.

Who's going to propose cuts? Someone who's honest with the American people for a change...
I hope I'm wrong, and Republicans actually start doing that.

Power in Washington corrupts absolutely.

I agree with what you wrote, and have little hope that the government will heal the middle class.

I think salvation will come, if it does, in the form of the next big app.

That takes educated people.

The government can't "heal" the Middle Class, Toxic. This notion that government can take wealth from one group and give it to another as a solution to "income inequality" is held by people that simply don't understand human nature or basic economic theory.

As for "educated" people being the solution? Some of the greatest innovations of modern society were created by persons with rather limited educational backgrounds. Getting an "education" isn't always what's and determination are what made most successful inventors succeed not their IQ. We've created a society that's top heavy with college degrees that didn't teach people how to persevere in a hostile world.
I did say I "have little hope that the government will heal the middle class"

I've heard that anti education stance when it comes to business success before. And I believe it's put forth by the GOP to flatter it's strongest demographic. White men over 60 without college degrees who attend church once a week. NOTE* I'm a man of faith, so I'm not bashing church, or men without college degrees, like myself. I'm just not 60 yet.

The minds that create bubbles, rely on educated people all the time.

The Fairchild Semiconductor guys were all college gards.

Jobs relied on Woz.

Gates on Woz, Seattle Computer, and his programmers afterwards.

The Koch Borothers are highly educated

Sam Walton graduated from the University of Missouri.

William Boeing was a Yale grad.

I could go on ad nausium......

So that whole lack of college education is not a plus. It's something that you can work around IF you have superior business instincts, but not something innovation can do with out.

In India and China, they teach English in grade schools.

I didn't say that a lack of education is a plus, Toxic...I simply pointed out that far too many of our college graduates have degrees that are all but useless in the real world and have left them scratching their heads trying to figure out how they wasted four years, went deep in debt, yet can't find a job and have to live in Mom & Dad's basement. Our college campuses are now overrun with professors that see the Private Sector as an "evil" that needs to be controlled by enlightened intellectuals. They've convinced an entire generation of kids that THEY know what's best for the US even though most of them are so utterly clueless about economics and business that they couldn't run the local 7/11.
I couldn't agree more.

And what are we going to do about politicians and media that can't paint any targets on anyone for cuts, because they'll lose votes and viewers?

From what little I know, I'm told that the only way to keep from crashing and burning economically is to cut Medicare, Social Security, defense spending, and social programs.

Who's going to propose the cuts?

Who's going to endure the cuts?

Is either possible?

On top of that, will the average American worker transform themselves into a competitive commodity in the global employment marketplace?

It'll take a fundamental transformation of America IMO.

Let's be honest with each other, Toxic...we either start to cut government spending now and get our debt under control or the debt will become so large it will consume all the money we take in just to pay the interest. At that point there won't be anyone willing to buy our debt and we will have no choice but to drastically cut things like Medicare, Social Security, Defense and entitlement programs like Food Stamps and the Affordable Care Act.

Who's going to propose cuts? Someone who's honest with the American people for a change...
I hope I'm wrong, and Republicans actually start doing that.

Power in Washington corrupts absolutely.

I agree with what you wrote, and have little hope that the government will heal the middle class.

I think salvation will come, if it does, in the form of the next big app.

That takes educated people.

The government can't "heal" the Middle Class, Toxic. This notion that government can take wealth from one group and give it to another as a solution to "income inequality" is held by people that simply don't understand human nature or basic economic theory.

As for "educated" people being the solution? Some of the greatest innovations of modern society were created by persons with rather limited educational backgrounds. Getting an "education" isn't always what's and determination are what made most successful inventors succeed not their IQ. We've created a society that's top heavy with college degrees that didn't teach people how to persevere in a hostile world.
I did say I "have little hope that the government will heal the middle class"

I've heard that anti education stance when it comes to business success before. And I believe it's put forth by the GOP to flatter it's strongest demographic. White men over 60 without college degrees who attend church once a week. NOTE* I'm a man of faith, so I'm not bashing church, or men without college degrees, like myself. I'm just not 60 yet.

The minds that create bubbles, rely on educated people all the time.

The Fairchild Semiconductor guys were all college gards.

Jobs relied on Woz.

Gates on Woz, Seattle Computer, and his programmers afterwards.

The Koch Borothers are highly educated

Sam Walton graduated from the University of Missouri.

William Boeing was a Yale grad.

I could go on ad nausium......

So that whole lack of college education is not a plus. It's something that you can work around IF you have superior business instincts, but not something innovation can do with out.

In India and China, they teach English in grade schools.

I didn't say that a lack of education is a plus, Toxic...I simply pointed out that far too many of our college graduates have degrees that are all but useless in the real world and have left them scratching their heads trying to figure out how they wasted four years, went deep in debt, yet can't find a job and have to live in Mom & Dad's basement. Our college campuses are now overrun with professors that see the Private Sector as an "evil" that needs to be controlled by enlightened intellectuals. They've convinced an entire generation of kids that THEY know what's best for the US even though most of them are so utterly clueless about economics and business that they couldn't run the local 7/11.
Since dialog with you has been going swimmingly...

On education...

Higher Education has taken a lot of guff for the fact that there are not job offers waiting for college graduates, like there were for just about anyone who had a 4 year degree from 1950-1995.

There are still jobs waiting for doctors, engineers, certain types of lawyers, and anyone who uses their education and business instincts to create "new apps".

I DO NOT like how Republicans tend to minimize the importance of higher education, and in some cases, not you, actually proclaim it's worthless.

I DO NOT like how Democrats worship academia as the end all be all of success, and in some cases, minimize practical success that very intelligent innovators attain without their guidance.
Let's be honest with each other, Toxic...we either start to cut government spending now and get our debt under control or the debt will become so large it will consume all the money we take in just to pay the interest. At that point there won't be anyone willing to buy our debt and we will have no choice but to drastically cut things like Medicare, Social Security, Defense and entitlement programs like Food Stamps and the Affordable Care Act.

Who's going to propose cuts? Someone who's honest with the American people for a change...
I hope I'm wrong, and Republicans actually start doing that.

Power in Washington corrupts absolutely.

I agree with what you wrote, and have little hope that the government will heal the middle class.

I think salvation will come, if it does, in the form of the next big app.

That takes educated people.

The government can't "heal" the Middle Class, Toxic. This notion that government can take wealth from one group and give it to another as a solution to "income inequality" is held by people that simply don't understand human nature or basic economic theory.

As for "educated" people being the solution? Some of the greatest innovations of modern society were created by persons with rather limited educational backgrounds. Getting an "education" isn't always what's and determination are what made most successful inventors succeed not their IQ. We've created a society that's top heavy with college degrees that didn't teach people how to persevere in a hostile world.
I did say I "have little hope that the government will heal the middle class"

I've heard that anti education stance when it comes to business success before. And I believe it's put forth by the GOP to flatter it's strongest demographic. White men over 60 without college degrees who attend church once a week. NOTE* I'm a man of faith, so I'm not bashing church, or men without college degrees, like myself. I'm just not 60 yet.

The minds that create bubbles, rely on educated people all the time.

The Fairchild Semiconductor guys were all college gards.

Jobs relied on Woz.

Gates on Woz, Seattle Computer, and his programmers afterwards.

The Koch Borothers are highly educated

Sam Walton graduated from the University of Missouri.

William Boeing was a Yale grad.

I could go on ad nausium......

So that whole lack of college education is not a plus. It's something that you can work around IF you have superior business instincts, but not something innovation can do with out.

In India and China, they teach English in grade schools.

I didn't say that a lack of education is a plus, Toxic...I simply pointed out that far too many of our college graduates have degrees that are all but useless in the real world and have left them scratching their heads trying to figure out how they wasted four years, went deep in debt, yet can't find a job and have to live in Mom & Dad's basement. Our college campuses are now overrun with professors that see the Private Sector as an "evil" that needs to be controlled by enlightened intellectuals. They've convinced an entire generation of kids that THEY know what's best for the US even though most of them are so utterly clueless about economics and business that they couldn't run the local 7/11.
Since dialog with you has been going swimmingly...

On education...

Higher Education has taken a lot of guff for the fact that there are not job offers waiting for college graduates, like there were for just about anyone who had a 4 year degree from 1950-1995.

There are still jobs waiting for doctors, engineers, certain types of lawyers, and anyone who uses their education and business instincts to create "new apps".

I DO NOT like how Republicans tend to minimize the importance of higher education, and in some cases, not you, actually proclaim it's worthless.

I DO NOT like how Democrats worship academia as the end all be all of success, and in some cases, minimize practical success that very intelligent innovators attain without their guidance.

My point, Toxic is that far too many college professors these days do a serious disservice to their students because they indoctrinate them with the idea that the Private Sector is somehow evil and that anyone who turns a profit is exploiting the masses. The Private Sector isn't evil and the whole idea is making a profit. If your kid is being taught by "progressives" then I would indeed question the "worth" of their education.
I hope I'm wrong, and Republicans actually start doing that.

Power in Washington corrupts absolutely.

I agree with what you wrote, and have little hope that the government will heal the middle class.

I think salvation will come, if it does, in the form of the next big app.

That takes educated people.

The government can't "heal" the Middle Class, Toxic. This notion that government can take wealth from one group and give it to another as a solution to "income inequality" is held by people that simply don't understand human nature or basic economic theory.

As for "educated" people being the solution? Some of the greatest innovations of modern society were created by persons with rather limited educational backgrounds. Getting an "education" isn't always what's and determination are what made most successful inventors succeed not their IQ. We've created a society that's top heavy with college degrees that didn't teach people how to persevere in a hostile world.
I did say I "have little hope that the government will heal the middle class"

I've heard that anti education stance when it comes to business success before. And I believe it's put forth by the GOP to flatter it's strongest demographic. White men over 60 without college degrees who attend church once a week. NOTE* I'm a man of faith, so I'm not bashing church, or men without college degrees, like myself. I'm just not 60 yet.

The minds that create bubbles, rely on educated people all the time.

The Fairchild Semiconductor guys were all college gards.

Jobs relied on Woz.

Gates on Woz, Seattle Computer, and his programmers afterwards.

The Koch Borothers are highly educated

Sam Walton graduated from the University of Missouri.

William Boeing was a Yale grad.

I could go on ad nausium......

So that whole lack of college education is not a plus. It's something that you can work around IF you have superior business instincts, but not something innovation can do with out.

In India and China, they teach English in grade schools.

I didn't say that a lack of education is a plus, Toxic...I simply pointed out that far too many of our college graduates have degrees that are all but useless in the real world and have left them scratching their heads trying to figure out how they wasted four years, went deep in debt, yet can't find a job and have to live in Mom & Dad's basement. Our college campuses are now overrun with professors that see the Private Sector as an "evil" that needs to be controlled by enlightened intellectuals. They've convinced an entire generation of kids that THEY know what's best for the US even though most of them are so utterly clueless about economics and business that they couldn't run the local 7/11.
Since dialog with you has been going swimmingly...

On education...

Higher Education has taken a lot of guff for the fact that there are not job offers waiting for college graduates, like there were for just about anyone who had a 4 year degree from 1950-1995.

There are still jobs waiting for doctors, engineers, certain types of lawyers, and anyone who uses their education and business instincts to create "new apps".

I DO NOT like how Republicans tend to minimize the importance of higher education, and in some cases, not you, actually proclaim it's worthless.

I DO NOT like how Democrats worship academia as the end all be all of success, and in some cases, minimize practical success that very intelligent innovators attain without their guidance.

My point, Toxic is that far too many college professors these days do a serious disservice to their students because they indoctrinate them with the idea that the Private Sector is somehow evil and that anyone who turns a profit is exploiting the masses. The Private Sector isn't evil and the whole idea is making a profit. If your kid is being taught by "progressives" then I would indeed question the "worth" of their education.
What you're talking about is not some manifestation of a liberal political agenda. Academia is notoriously liberal because of the lack of real world complications to idealism.

The Tea Party has answered with it's own untested idealism. Nobody has ever practiced austerity in the US post WWII, and I don't think the American voter will vote for the people who propose it, if they stand to lose themselves.

The only way out is innovation.
The government can't "heal" the Middle Class, Toxic. This notion that government can take wealth from one group and give it to another as a solution to "income inequality" is held by people that simply don't understand human nature or basic economic theory.

As for "educated" people being the solution? Some of the greatest innovations of modern society were created by persons with rather limited educational backgrounds. Getting an "education" isn't always what's and determination are what made most successful inventors succeed not their IQ. We've created a society that's top heavy with college degrees that didn't teach people how to persevere in a hostile world.
I did say I "have little hope that the government will heal the middle class"

I've heard that anti education stance when it comes to business success before. And I believe it's put forth by the GOP to flatter it's strongest demographic. White men over 60 without college degrees who attend church once a week. NOTE* I'm a man of faith, so I'm not bashing church, or men without college degrees, like myself. I'm just not 60 yet.

The minds that create bubbles, rely on educated people all the time.

The Fairchild Semiconductor guys were all college gards.

Jobs relied on Woz.

Gates on Woz, Seattle Computer, and his programmers afterwards.

The Koch Borothers are highly educated

Sam Walton graduated from the University of Missouri.

William Boeing was a Yale grad.

I could go on ad nausium......

So that whole lack of college education is not a plus. It's something that you can work around IF you have superior business instincts, but not something innovation can do with out.

In India and China, they teach English in grade schools.

I didn't say that a lack of education is a plus, Toxic...I simply pointed out that far too many of our college graduates have degrees that are all but useless in the real world and have left them scratching their heads trying to figure out how they wasted four years, went deep in debt, yet can't find a job and have to live in Mom & Dad's basement. Our college campuses are now overrun with professors that see the Private Sector as an "evil" that needs to be controlled by enlightened intellectuals. They've convinced an entire generation of kids that THEY know what's best for the US even though most of them are so utterly clueless about economics and business that they couldn't run the local 7/11.
Since dialog with you has been going swimmingly...

On education...

Higher Education has taken a lot of guff for the fact that there are not job offers waiting for college graduates, like there were for just about anyone who had a 4 year degree from 1950-1995.

There are still jobs waiting for doctors, engineers, certain types of lawyers, and anyone who uses their education and business instincts to create "new apps".

I DO NOT like how Republicans tend to minimize the importance of higher education, and in some cases, not you, actually proclaim it's worthless.

I DO NOT like how Democrats worship academia as the end all be all of success, and in some cases, minimize practical success that very intelligent innovators attain without their guidance.

My point, Toxic is that far too many college professors these days do a serious disservice to their students because they indoctrinate them with the idea that the Private Sector is somehow evil and that anyone who turns a profit is exploiting the masses. The Private Sector isn't evil and the whole idea is making a profit. If your kid is being taught by "progressives" then I would indeed question the "worth" of their education.
What you're talking about is not some manifestation of a liberal political agenda. Academia is notoriously liberal because of the lack of real world complications to idealism.

The Tea Party has answered with it's own untested idealism. Nobody has ever practiced austerity in the US post WWII, and I don't think the American voter will vote for the people who propose it, if they stand to lose themselves.

The only way out is innovation.

The average American practices "austerity" every time they have a budget crisis in their household. It's our government that hasn't followed suit and it's our government that is totally out of control.

The American voter needs to be educated that trillion dollar deficits are not sustainable and that they either need to wean themselves off of the entitlement trough or the coming financial collapse will do it for them.
I did say I "have little hope that the government will heal the middle class"

I've heard that anti education stance when it comes to business success before. And I believe it's put forth by the GOP to flatter it's strongest demographic. White men over 60 without college degrees who attend church once a week. NOTE* I'm a man of faith, so I'm not bashing church, or men without college degrees, like myself. I'm just not 60 yet.

The minds that create bubbles, rely on educated people all the time.

The Fairchild Semiconductor guys were all college gards.

Jobs relied on Woz.

Gates on Woz, Seattle Computer, and his programmers afterwards.

The Koch Borothers are highly educated

Sam Walton graduated from the University of Missouri.

William Boeing was a Yale grad.

I could go on ad nausium......

So that whole lack of college education is not a plus. It's something that you can work around IF you have superior business instincts, but not something innovation can do with out.

In India and China, they teach English in grade schools.

I didn't say that a lack of education is a plus, Toxic...I simply pointed out that far too many of our college graduates have degrees that are all but useless in the real world and have left them scratching their heads trying to figure out how they wasted four years, went deep in debt, yet can't find a job and have to live in Mom & Dad's basement. Our college campuses are now overrun with professors that see the Private Sector as an "evil" that needs to be controlled by enlightened intellectuals. They've convinced an entire generation of kids that THEY know what's best for the US even though most of them are so utterly clueless about economics and business that they couldn't run the local 7/11.
Since dialog with you has been going swimmingly...

On education...

Higher Education has taken a lot of guff for the fact that there are not job offers waiting for college graduates, like there were for just about anyone who had a 4 year degree from 1950-1995.

There are still jobs waiting for doctors, engineers, certain types of lawyers, and anyone who uses their education and business instincts to create "new apps".

I DO NOT like how Republicans tend to minimize the importance of higher education, and in some cases, not you, actually proclaim it's worthless.

I DO NOT like how Democrats worship academia as the end all be all of success, and in some cases, minimize practical success that very intelligent innovators attain without their guidance.

My point, Toxic is that far too many college professors these days do a serious disservice to their students because they indoctrinate them with the idea that the Private Sector is somehow evil and that anyone who turns a profit is exploiting the masses. The Private Sector isn't evil and the whole idea is making a profit. If your kid is being taught by "progressives" then I would indeed question the "worth" of their education.
What you're talking about is not some manifestation of a liberal political agenda. Academia is notoriously liberal because of the lack of real world complications to idealism.

The Tea Party has answered with it's own untested idealism. Nobody has ever practiced austerity in the US post WWII, and I don't think the American voter will vote for the people who propose it, if they stand to lose themselves.

The only way out is innovation.

The average American practices "austerity" every time they have a budget crisis in their household. It's our government that hasn't followed suit and it's our government that is totally out of control.

The American voter needs to be educated that trillion dollar deficits are not sustainable and that they either need to wean themselves off of the entitlement trough or the coming financial collapse will do it for them.
That's a level of altruism I can't imagine happening with our competitive natures in the US.

Even if the American people understand the valid and simple concept you've put forward...they won't vote for someone who will take from them.
I didn't say that a lack of education is a plus, Toxic...I simply pointed out that far too many of our college graduates have degrees that are all but useless in the real world and have left them scratching their heads trying to figure out how they wasted four years, went deep in debt, yet can't find a job and have to live in Mom & Dad's basement. Our college campuses are now overrun with professors that see the Private Sector as an "evil" that needs to be controlled by enlightened intellectuals. They've convinced an entire generation of kids that THEY know what's best for the US even though most of them are so utterly clueless about economics and business that they couldn't run the local 7/11.
Since dialog with you has been going swimmingly...

On education...

Higher Education has taken a lot of guff for the fact that there are not job offers waiting for college graduates, like there were for just about anyone who had a 4 year degree from 1950-1995.

There are still jobs waiting for doctors, engineers, certain types of lawyers, and anyone who uses their education and business instincts to create "new apps".

I DO NOT like how Republicans tend to minimize the importance of higher education, and in some cases, not you, actually proclaim it's worthless.

I DO NOT like how Democrats worship academia as the end all be all of success, and in some cases, minimize practical success that very intelligent innovators attain without their guidance.

My point, Toxic is that far too many college professors these days do a serious disservice to their students because they indoctrinate them with the idea that the Private Sector is somehow evil and that anyone who turns a profit is exploiting the masses. The Private Sector isn't evil and the whole idea is making a profit. If your kid is being taught by "progressives" then I would indeed question the "worth" of their education.
What you're talking about is not some manifestation of a liberal political agenda. Academia is notoriously liberal because of the lack of real world complications to idealism.

The Tea Party has answered with it's own untested idealism. Nobody has ever practiced austerity in the US post WWII, and I don't think the American voter will vote for the people who propose it, if they stand to lose themselves.

The only way out is innovation.

The average American practices "austerity" every time they have a budget crisis in their household. It's our government that hasn't followed suit and it's our government that is totally out of control.

The American voter needs to be educated that trillion dollar deficits are not sustainable and that they either need to wean themselves off of the entitlement trough or the coming financial collapse will do it for them.
That's a level of altruism I can't imagine happening with our competitive natures in the US.

Even if the American people understand the valid and simple concept you've put forward...they won't vote for someone who will take from them.

If the American people aren't intelligent enough to understand that voting for someone who is lying to them isn't the solution to their problems then they will deserve the fate that awaits them.

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