They lied about Afghanistan & Iraq and now they're doing it about Ukraine

NATO my ass. Putin was trying to expand Russia into the Soviet Empire. He was Ted a Black Sea port

He wanted Ukrainian territory (the Donbas). And once he got that he was going to go after the Baltic states.

Putin is either not gonna stop until he gets to Lisbon or is getting his ass kicked by the Nazis, you silly fucks need to get your story straight.

They lied about Afghanistan & Iraq and now they're doing it about Ukraine​

and Syria, Somalia, Libya, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Haiti, Congo, Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Germany, the US South.​

Any place that you can name, if US troops were used there, the US government has lied about it.

They lied about Afghanistan & Iraq and now they're doing it about Ukraine​

and Syria, Somalia, Libya, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Haiti, Congo, Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Germany, the US South.​

Any place that you can name, if US troops were used there, the US government has lied about it.
Wow. You really hate your country don’t you?

Wait… is America your country?
This is rich coming from the party that's been ANTI WAR damn near my entire life.

You asshats are such lowlifes
I was against Vietnam… for good reason

I was FOR Afghanistan because that’s where Al Queda was

I was against Iraq because it was always a lie

I am FOR our aid to Ukraine because they have been invaded by a scumbag neighbor

So it’s NOT a strict anti-war stance

I also served so …
I was against Vietnam… for good reason

I was FOR Afghanistan because that’s where Al Queda was

I was against Iraq because it was always a lie

I am FOR our aid to Ukraine because they have been invaded by a scumbag neighbor

So it’s NOT a strict anti-war stance

I also served so …
So you're HALF anti American

Only tards brag about their service when the discussion isn't about that so....
I'm old enough to remember when the Biden administration promised us the Afghan government would hold off the Taliban, yet it took mere days for them to collapse. I'm betting the clown in Kiev and his neo-nazi regime collapse in hours once the West abandons them. Our billions couldn't stave off goat herders, yet we are to believe this time they got it right? Wow.
I'm old enough to remember when the Biden administration promised us the Afghan government would hold off the Taliban, yet it took mere days for them to collapse. I'm betting the clown in Kiev and his neo-nazi regime collapse in hours once the West abandons them. Our billions couldn't stave off goat herders, yet we are to believe this time they got it right? Wow.
Huge difference. Ukrainians are actually FIGHTING for their country.

The Afghan Army did not. With some exceptions never did.
Huge difference. Ukrainians are actually FIGHTING for their country.

The Afghan Army did not. With some exceptions never did.
No difference who made what promises to the American people, rube.

This article is an excellent description of what we're allowing our politicians and media to do to us. If you don't want to read it I will provide the below video to have it read to you.
If after this you still support our tax dollars being blown on the war machine, well, you're a fool.

The video title is deceptive as only a couple minutes are about Tucker or Pence.

This is what you won't hear on the news because they lie to you 24/7/365

It would be inexcusable if we let Russia roll over Ukraine.
Huge difference. Ukrainians are actually FIGHTING for their country.

The Afghan Army did not. With some exceptions never did.
Arguably there was not going to be much difference to the people.
"The world used to be run by the smart ones. It was brutal. The smart ones made the dumb ones learn. It was hard on the dumb.
Now the world is run by the dumb. It's fair, because there are a lot more dumb people. Now the smart ones learn to speak in a way that the dumb ones can understand. If the dumb don't understand something, it's the smart's problem.
The dumb used to suffer. Now it's the smart ones who suffer. There is less suffering because there are fewer and fewer smart people." ©

It would be inexcusable if we let Russia roll over Ukraine.
Russia is fighting an existential conflict against a hostile military alliance on its western border in a SMO that would never have been necessary without a US-instigated coup in Kiev in 2014.

Chris Hedges: They Lied About Afghanistan & Iraq; Now They're Lying About Ukraine

"The pimps of war who orchestrate these military fiascos migrate from administration to administration.

"Between posts they are ensconced in think tanks — Project for the New American Century, American Enterprise Institute, Foreign Policy Initiative, Institute for the Study of War,

"The Atlantic Council and The Brookings Institution — funded by corporations and the war industry.

"Once the Ukraine war comes to its inevitable conclusion, these Dr. Strangeloves will seek to ignite a war with China.

"The U.S. Navy and military are already menacing and encircling China. God help us if we don’t stop them.

"Rhetoric from Old Playbook..."
Russia is fighting an existential conflict against a hostile military alliance on its western border in a SMO that would never have been necessary without a US-instigated coup in Kiev in 2014.

Your (Chris Hedges) link:

"The pimps of war who orchestrate these military fiascos migrate from administration to administration.

"Between posts they are ensconced in think tanks — Project for the New American Century, American Enterprise Institute, Foreign Policy Initiative, Institute for the Study of War,

"The Atlantic Council and The Brookings Institution — funded by corporations and the war industry.

"Once the Ukraine war comes to its inevitable conclusion, these Dr. Strangeloves will seek to ignite a war with China.

"The U.S. Navy and military are already menacing and encircling China. God help us if we don’t stop them.

"Rhetoric from Old Playbook..."
What a crock of Kremlin crap

This article is an excellent description of what we're allowing our politicians and media to do to us. If you don't want to read it I will provide the below video to have it read to you.
If after this you still support our tax dollars being blown on the war machine, well, you're a fool.

The video title is deceptive as only a couple minutes are about Tucker or Pence.

This is what you won't hear on the news because they lie to you 24/7/365

Another Putin lover. He is a traitor. You and he are the fools and useful Putin idiots. Take your shit and shove it down your red ass.

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