Third Party

Draft Colin Powell. Sure, he's a bit old, but convince him to give his country one four-year term and get things calmed down.

To conform a little to the o.p., maybe Johnson.

I did not see a single name worth my putting a stamp on a vote by mail envelope. Colin Powell has something in his background that would not withstand scrutiny. Years ago when it was originally suggested that he run for office, he said no because he did not want to put his wife through digging into his past.
Third Party: I could support Rand, Sasse, Nikki Haley. Both Trump and Clinton are not who the country needs.

10 third-party candidates names at top of Never Trump’s list

Ten third-party candidate names at top of Never Trump’s list

Jonathan Easley, The Hill

Friday, 6 May 2016 | 12:01 PM ET

Paul Ryan, Speaker of the Hous

Mitt Romney

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.)

General John Kelly

Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson

Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.)

Former Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)

Nikki Haley

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)

Not gonna happen. The party elite think they could work with him if he was elected. And there's little chance they will lose the House, and worst case is they'll be able to filibuster court appts.
If Trump is candidate for the GOP, then Hillary wins with a blue senate. The senate will change the rules so that the pubs cannot filibuster SCOTUS appointments.

I doubt there's any joy in changing filibuster. The gop may have to choose between guns or abortion being regulated out of existence, however. Even inside the gop, Citizens United doesn't have universal approval.

And, I've never really understood the party's elite's opposition to abortion. Of course they throw it as a bone to poor rural evangelicals, who then vote against not only their own economic interests, but towards whom no one wants to force abortions. Priebus is a Jew. You really think the Bush daughters and nieces don't have access to abortion if they want? Assuming McConnell spawned, his daughter would as well. Newt - the man's worse than Slick. The Kochs - their focking libertarians.
Ain't gonna happen. Not one reason for a Republican to run as a third party candidate. He would lose and his career would be over. Jake is ridiculous (and funny as hell). :laugh2:
Of course, Hillary might well nominate Obama, esp if she got more than two opportunities. And, he's egotistical enough to want to reverse Heller. But, I really don't think she needs Castro as the VP after all the shite the Big Quack's said. The Latinos are pissed, and she has strong state organizations. She really needs help on the progressive side. And I don't see why any progressive dem would help her out unless she pledged one term. Bernie sure wouldn't fit.
Third Party: I could support Rand, Sasse, Nikki Haley. Both Trump and Clinton are not who the country needs.

10 third-party candidates names at top of Never Trump’s list

Ten third-party candidate names at top of Never Trump’s list

Jonathan Easley, The Hill

Friday, 6 May 2016 | 12:01 PM ET

Paul Ryan, Speaker of the Hous

Mitt Romney

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.)

General John Kelly

Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson

Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.)

Former Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)

Nikki Haley

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)

Third party = Hillary Clinton

Which I suspect is just want you want.
You suspect wrong about me, as usual.

Trump is going to lose. I want another candidate out there that the voting public can see and have four years to think about by 2020.

Yeah, OK. That makes perfect sense. We've done that... did people spend four years thinking about Nader? Perot? Robert La Follette?

Of course not... they just split the vote.
Third Party: I could support Rand, Sasse, Nikki Haley. Both Trump and Clinton are not who the country needs.

10 third-party candidates names at top of Never Trump’s list

Ten third-party candidate names at top of Never Trump’s list

Jonathan Easley, The Hill

Friday, 6 May 2016 | 12:01 PM ET

Paul Ryan, Speaker of the Hous

Mitt Romney

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.)

General John Kelly

Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson

Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.)

Former Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)

Nikki Haley

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)

Third party = Hillary Clinton

Which I suspect is just want you want.
You suspect wrong about me, as usual.

Trump is going to lose. I want another candidate out there that the voting public can see and have four years to think about by 2020.

Yeah, OK. That makes perfect sense. We've done that... did people spend four years thinking about Nader? Perot? Robert La Follette?

Of course not... they just split the vote.

Actually, that's not why the gop would do it. The danger is Trump could be so toxic even to main street republicans that they wouldn't show up to vote for senators. But, I think the fear of a civil war in the party is more than a fear of being down 45-55 worst case in the senate.
Yes, and we remember how everyone lamented how Nader gave us 'W'. So, admittedly there can be extremely bad consequences from 'splitting the vote'. There is still that important feeling of not voting for a 'lesser evil'.
Yes, and we remember how everyone lamented how Nader gave us 'W'. So, admittedly there can be extremely bad consequences from 'splitting the vote'. There is still that important feeling of not voting for a 'lesser evil'.

Al Gore gave you W.
Yes, and we remember how everyone lamented how Nader gave us 'W'. So, admittedly there can be extremely bad consequences from 'splitting the vote'. There is still that important feeling of not voting for a 'lesser evil'.

Al Gore gave you W.
SCOTUS made that decision. Gore had a million popular votes more than Bush.
Yes, and we remember how everyone lamented how Nader gave us 'W'. So, admittedly there can be extremely bad consequences from 'splitting the vote'. There is still that important feeling of not voting for a 'lesser evil'.

Al Gore gave you W.
SCOTUS made that decision. Gore had a million popular votes more than Bush.

.. and Gore did nothing but whine about it while the Bush team employed thugs to intimidate at the polling places.

Gore even turned his back on black voters in Florida who had many of their votes not counted.

Note to democrats .. no one owes you their votes. If you want them .. earn them.

As it turned out with Bush, Iraqis lost, black Africans won.
I agree with Jake, except that the 3rd party should nominate Bloomberg, his VP should be Warren, and his SOS nominee should be Al Sharpton.
Third Party: I could support Rand, Sasse, Nikki Haley. Both Trump and Clinton are not who the country needs.

10 third-party candidates names at top of Never Trump’s list

Ten third-party candidate names at top of Never Trump’s list

Jonathan Easley, The Hill

Friday, 6 May 2016 | 12:01 PM ET

Paul Ryan, Speaker of the Hous

Mitt Romney

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.)

General John Kelly

Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson

Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.)

Former Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)

Nikki Haley

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)

Not just now but in time. The two current parties need to die first, then the next thing will come along.
Yes, and we remember how everyone lamented how Nader gave us 'W'. So, admittedly there can be extremely bad consequences from 'splitting the vote'. There is still that important feeling of not voting for a 'lesser evil'.

Al Gore gave you W.
SCOTUS made that decision. Gore had a million popular votes more than Bush.

.. and Gore did nothing but whine about it while the Bush team employed thugs to intimidate at the polling places.

Gore even turned his back on black voters in Florida who had many of their votes not counted.

Note to democrats .. no one owes you their votes. If you want them .. earn them.

As it turned out with Bush, Iraqis lost, black Africans won.
Nope. Run along.
Yes, and we remember how everyone lamented how Nader gave us 'W'. So, admittedly there can be extremely bad consequences from 'splitting the vote'. There is still that important feeling of not voting for a 'lesser evil'.

Al Gore gave you W.
SCOTUS made that decision. Gore had a million popular votes more than Bush.

.. and Gore did nothing but whine about it while the Bush team employed thugs to intimidate at the polling places.

Gore even turned his back on black voters in Florida who had many of their votes not counted.

Note to democrats .. no one owes you their votes. If you want them .. earn them.

As it turned out with Bush, Iraqis lost, black Africans won.
Nope. Run along.

Kiss my ass with your 'run along.' If you don 't have the ability to debate issues you don't agree with .. kiss my ass.

Gore was a pussy .. no balls anywhere to be found .. and wimpy democrats believe that Nader's votes were their votes. Stupid.

With Bush, Iraqis lost, black Africans gained BIG TIME
You are fulminating, ember, not debating, so just run along.

SCOTUS gave the election to Bush, which was not any victory for minorities.
You are fulminating, ember, not debating, so just run along.

SCOTUS gave the election to Bush, which was not any victory for minorities.

Kiss my ass with your partisan ignorance.

Next to Jesus, George Bush saved more African lives then any human in modern history.

Ignorant of those facts too?


Bush saved more than a million African lives with AIDS ... then Obama came along and cut the funding.

Oh yeah .. kiss my ass. :0)
You are fulminating, ember, not debating, so just run along.

SCOTUS gave the election to Bush, which was not any victory for minorities.

Kiss my ass with your partisan ignorance.

Next to Jesus, George Bush saved more African lives then any human in modern history.

Ignorant of those facts too?


Bush saved more than a million African lives with AIDS ... then Obama came along and cut the funding.

Oh yeah .. kiss my ass. :0)
Yeah, your kind want a "safe space" say stupid things without rebuttal.

You have the right to your opinion but you don't have the facts, and I have the right to tell you that you are full of crap.

I don't need a "safe space."
Yes, and we remember how everyone lamented how Nader gave us 'W'. So, admittedly there can be extremely bad consequences from 'splitting the vote'. There is still that important feeling of not voting for a 'lesser evil'.

Al Gore gave you W.
SCOTUS made that decision. Gore had a million popular votes more than Bush.
Bullshit. SCOTUS told Florida to follow the law and certify the outcome after Gore lost 2 recounts and Bush won the electoral votes. You lefties wanted to keep recounting as many times as it would have taken to steal enough votes to put Gore over the top. You're so full of shit I can smell you clear out here.

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