This 6 minute video sums up the shocking facts of American wealth and inequality

Just looked at the Forbes 400 list.
The Waltons on the list are worth $115.5 billion combined.
How much should they be worth, to make things fair?
If it were up to me each of them would be worth $20 million. Because I believe that should be the limit applied to individual accumulation of personal assets.

Twenty million -- and confiscate every penny in excess of that amount. And I want to hear some greedy sonofabitch tell me he/she can't get along with so little.

And I really don't give a damn how you feel about that!

***aggressive stupid commie detected***

it is not up to you, thanks God
Presuming by "commie" you mean communist, what communist entity are you aware of which allows its citizens to accumulate twenty million dollar fortunes?

Your response identifies you as an ignorant, belligerent adolescent, which qualifies you for a place on my Ignore list. Congratulations.
Yeah, everybody has a lot of gadgets. Some of them are pretty cool and I'll take some credit for that since I work in consumer electronics. What people don't have (increasingly) are homes that they can own, good medical care, high quality food (no McDonald's doesn't count) and quality education for the kiddies.

Yeah, you want to discount that our economy is so fragile that $4 gas sent it over the tipping point a few years ago. Whatever. If you actually looked around, you'd see a ton of people working long hard hours with not much to show for it and neither time nor energy to change that very much.

Home ownership is high for everyone that wants a home bad enough to work for it. Some people don't share in your desire to own a home. There's nothing wrong with renting.

Homes and Food are better today than they were decades back. As to medical care we have people running around these days who resemble the six-million dollar man. New knees, hips, organs... diseases left and right cured, you have got to kidding me.

You can't force people to learn. They have to want it themselves.

$4 gas is dirt cheap. Check the price of gas based on inflation. It's as cheap now as it has ever been. The dollar's value is lower and we get paid more. Duh. You want the price of gas to be what it was back in the 60s but you want your paycheck to be what it was at the peak of the dot com era. ROFL dude

... "people working long hard hours with not much to show for it"...

Blah blah ... What do you consider long and hard 50hrs a week? 80hrs? 120hrs?

Working hard isn't always smart. Esp. not if you have nothing to show for it.

You'll have to show me your source for gas vs. inflation. When I was a kid, my folks paid $20k for a house that now goes for $200k. Gas was 25 cents a gallon. That simple estimate says that gas should be $2.50. Also, commutes were generally miniscule compared to today.

On medical care, sure you can be the six million dollar man if you have six million dollars. It's hard for a lot of people to score some antibiotics.

If your avatar is your actual picture, you're old enough to know that stress has skyrocketed over the last few decades. I put the blame on the people at the top. For whatever reason, you don't want to recognize that.


I work from home most days so my commute is zero.

Bull shirt, you just have to have medicaid or medicare or obuma care, the ponzi schemes pay for your medical care irregardless of how much you put in. Don't have insurance? Don't worry govco forces the hospitals to care for you anyway.

You say "It's hard for a lot of people to score some antibiotics." Bull shirt. It's cheap or free you are either lying or ignorant of how the system works. If you can't score antibiotics you don't deserve to call yourself an engineer. Nudge.

>> If your avatar is your actual picture,
Ayup that's me in living color pic was taken with my daughter at her graduation she's cropped out for the avatar.

>> stress has skyrocketed over the last few decades.
I agree that people are diagnosed with stress more now. Why? Each person is an individual, but I can tell you that we used to live together as families more and now live in larger numbers by ourselves in old age. The more we group together to share incomes the less stress there will be. IMO our current SS / Medicare system is a large reason for increased expectations and stress. Why should we expect to live for 30years after retirement by ourselves in lonely homes? WTF?

>> I put the blame on the people at the top. For whatever reason, you don't want to recognize that.

I know the people at the top. I know what needs to be done. I don't blame the rich for living under the rules of our system. I blame our government and voters and voting system for allowing even promoting the rape of this country's best assets.
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Lets put some numbers to this. I pay my employees say $7 an hour to make my widget. I sell my widget for say $15 after expenses I earn a $2 profit. I raise my minimum wage $2 without raising my prices and I just wiped out my profit. Add to that since more people have disposable income my expenses go up because of the law of supply and demand. I am now operating at a loss out of the goodness of my heart. How long can I keep this up?
Your hypothesis lacks the critical factor of projected sales volume.

Your profit margin for the widget depends on how many of them you sell. The more you sell, the greater the margin. If you can't charge more for the widget, and if you don't sell enough of them to exceed the $2 profit margin, and if you can't keep employees at $7 an hour, your business model is untenable (in the U.S.)

From there we move on to the prospect of exported jobs and the need for product import tariffs to preserve our standard of living.

Because there are Ph.D. economists who disagree on whether such innovations as NAFTA are a good thing or not, I can only refer to the comparative circumstances that existed before Clinton imposed that Gordian knot upon us (along with Gramm-Leach-Bliley). I am not an economist but I know our economy was doing a hell of a lot better prior to this tampering with its mechanism.

Chance for me to learn something. How does projected sales volume lower the cost of making my widget?

The bottom line effect of mass production.
It's amazing the number of people in this thread that think the SYMPTOM (enormous wealth inequality) of the problem is the PROBLEM, no wonder the symptoms only continue to get worse. :rolleyes:
Ok Mr. Independent, where do you think you'd be if the US government hadn't funded developments in VLSI and the internet?

Much further along than we are now. Govco spending almost always cripples progress. Global warming. ROFL But I'll give you that our war machines are really cool, and we would not have nearly as good a war machine without this war hawk government.

ROFL, much further along than we are now. Companies look about 5 years ahead in their R&D. That's not nearly long enough to have made the progress that national labs have in those areas. They look more like 25 or 30 years out. You should see the things they're doing now.

Your attitude is typical for a successful conservative. Use the resources that society has made available to you. Stand on the shoulders of giants in your field. Take some risks knowing that there's something of a safety net if you happen to fall on your ass. Then when it comes time to payback that investment, bitch and moan that you really didn't need it after all.

ROFL where the hell do you think the money comes from for government grants that are used to compete with private enterprise? Who do you think government works with to do research and development? Who is this government person that provides all this money and does all this work? Oh yeah he's my employee. Government works for me. The stuff government employees provide, are done for a paycheck that I'm paying for.

You say stand on shoulders like it's a bad thing. I have hundreds of patents, including patents in YOUR FIELD of engineering. I wrote a good portion of the code you are using to respond to this message. You are welcome to stand on my shoulders. I'm not asking for government to redistribute your paycheck to me as compensation. What an important person you must be to think I need you.
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Presumably, so we can return to prosperity.

Why would taking money away from the upper income levels return us to prosperity?

The upper eschelon would carry the burden of infrastructure, education and defense in proportion to the benefit they receive from it.


The top 1% paid 37.4% of all income taxes paid in 2010.
Do they really benefit 37 times more from the public education system and the Defense Department?
Do they drive 37 cars? Maybe their cars are 37 times bigger?
Much further along than we are now. Govco spending almost always cripples progress. Global warming. ROFL But I'll give you that our war machines are really cool, and we would not have nearly as good a war machine without this war hawk government.

ROFL, much further along than we are now. Companies look about 5 years ahead in their R&D. That's not nearly long enough to have made the progress that national labs have in those areas. They look more like 25 or 30 years out. You should see the things they're doing now.

Your attitude is typical for a successful conservative. Use the resources that society has made available to you. Stand on the shoulders of giants in your field. Take some risks knowing that there's something of a safety net if you happen to fall on your ass. Then when it comes time to payback that investment, bitch and moan that you really didn't need it after all.

ROFL where the hell do you think the money comes from for government grants that are used to compete with private enterprise? Who do you think government works with to do research and development? Who is this government person that provides all this money and does all this work? Oh yeah he's my employee. Government works for me. The stuff government employees provide, are done for a paycheck that I'm paying for.

You say stand on shoulders like it's a bad thing. I have hundreds of patents, including patents in YOUR FIELD of engineering. I wrote a good portion of the code you are using to respond to this message. You are welcome to stand on my shoulders. I'm not asking for government to redistribute your paycheck to me as compensation. What an important person you must be to think I need you.

So DARPA, a government agency creates the Internet - the medium through which you've made your fortune - and you complain about having to pay taxes? Maybe you can explain how that's not hyper hypocritical. Good luck.

When did it become a revelation to you that the more money you make, the higher your taxes will be? I think I've been aware of that fact since I was trying to decide on a career in high school. I'm glad I've been successful enough to pay high taxes.
Yup, owe everything to the gubmint. The gubmint gib, the gubmint taketh away.
Yup, owe everything to the gubmint. The gubmint gib, the gubmint taketh away.

That's the end goal. If we're going to compete with the Chinese we need compliant soldiers and obedient workers. You can't get that unless you have firm control over the necessities.
Wouldn't it be a fair compromise to mandate a minimum wage increase on businesses that make a certain amount of profit? It's completley ridiculous to assume corporations like McDonald's can't afford a sizeable increase in wages.
Wouldn't it be a fair compromise to mandate a minimum wage increase on businesses that make a certain amount of profit? It's completley ridiculous to assume corporations like McDonald's can't afford a sizeable increase in wages.

Yeah. If you can't find a job making what Billy thinks is minimal, you just have to do without.
Yup, owe everything to the gubmint. The gubmint gib, the gubmint taketh away.

That's the end goal. If we're going to compete with the Chinese we need compliant soldiers and obedient workers. You can't get that unless you have firm control over the necessities.

The Western Masters aren't "competing" with the Chinese, dblack.

They co-oped the Communist masters a long time ago and now the Chinese Communist MASTERS are sharing the FREE TRADE wealth along with our money masters.

Nations are an illusion, now, dude.
Yup, owe everything to the gubmint. The gubmint gib, the gubmint taketh away.

That's the end goal. If we're going to compete with the Chinese we need compliant soldiers and obedient workers. You can't get that unless you have firm control over the necessities.

The Western Masters aren't "competing" with the Chinese, dblack.

They co-oped the Communist masters a long time ago and now the Chinese Communist MASTERS are sharing the FREE TRADE wealth along with our money masters.

Nations are an illusion, now, dude.

I don't agree. Nations are very much at the core of this. And they're implementing corporatism, not free trade. I hope I'm wrong, but I see the world headed toward another ugly bout with fascism and we're leading the way.
Wouldn't it be a fair compromise to mandate a minimum wage increase on businesses that make a certain amount of profit? It's completley ridiculous to assume corporations like McDonald's can't afford a sizeable increase in wages.

Yeah. If you can't find a job making what Billy thinks is minimal, you just have to do without.

If you notice, I didn't set a standard you dick.
ROFL, much further along than we are now. Companies look about 5 years ahead in their R&D. That's not nearly long enough to have made the progress that national labs have in those areas. They look more like 25 or 30 years out. You should see the things they're doing now.

Your attitude is typical for a successful conservative. Use the resources that society has made available to you. Stand on the shoulders of giants in your field. Take some risks knowing that there's something of a safety net if you happen to fall on your ass. Then when it comes time to payback that investment, bitch and moan that you really didn't need it after all.

ROFL where the hell do you think the money comes from for government grants that are used to compete with private enterprise? Who do you think government works with to do research and development? Who is this government person that provides all this money and does all this work? Oh yeah he's my employee. Government works for me. The stuff government employees provide, are done for a paycheck that I'm paying for.

You say stand on shoulders like it's a bad thing. I have hundreds of patents, including patents in YOUR FIELD of engineering. I wrote a good portion of the code you are using to respond to this message. You are welcome to stand on my shoulders. I'm not asking for government to redistribute your paycheck to me as compensation. What an important person you must be to think I need you.

So DARPA, a government agency creates the Internet - the medium through which you've made your fortune - and you complain about having to pay taxes? Maybe you can explain how that's not hyper hypocritical. Good luck.

When did it become a revelation to you that the more money you make, the higher your taxes will be? I think I've been aware of that fact since I was trying to decide on a career in high school. I'm glad I've been successful enough to pay high taxes.

You don't even know what the internet is. DARPA OMFG
Wouldn't it be a fair compromise to mandate a minimum wage increase on businesses that make a certain amount of profit? It's completley ridiculous to assume corporations like McDonald's can't afford a sizeable increase in wages.

Yeah. If you can't find a job making what Billy thinks is minimal, you just have to do without.

If you notice, I didn't set a standard you dick.

So, someone else sets the standard. Avoid the point much? Do you get the point? I guess not. I'll break it down so maybe you can follow it...

If I'm a low skilled worker, and I can't convince someone to give me a job for the minimum wage (regardless of who sets it), why should I be forced into to unemployment? Why can't I work for less if I want to?
No, none of the 'Conservatives' are going to comment on it, because it shows how great the perception of both liberals and conservatives of the distribution of wealth strays from the reality. It is a sad comment on the state of this nation that so much of it's wealth is owned by so few.

What is truly bothersome is that so many actually believe this is good for the economy and the country.

It is better for the good of the country to allow those that earned their wealth to be able to keep it instead of supporting the government to go and steal it legally from them at the point of a gun with the vast power and resources of government behind it.
A growing dependent class is the problem and folks that earn their money are not the cause of that.
Why would taking money away from the upper income levels return us to prosperity?

The upper eschelon would carry the burden of infrastructure, education and defense in proportion to the benefit they receive from it.


The top 1% paid 37.4% of all income taxes paid in 2010.
Do they really benefit 37 times more from the public education system and the Defense Department?
Do they drive 37 cars? Maybe their cars are 37 times bigger?

There is a point you are trying to make. What is it?

Are you saying that when the ultra wealthy control 90% of the nations wealth, that they will pay an even higher percentage of the nations taxes? Well no duh. If you have the nations wealth under control, who the fuk else is gonna pay the taxes?

And you think the ultra wealthy controlling the majority of the nations wealth and income is a good thing. Don't ya? So why you bitching?
No, none of the 'Conservatives' are going to comment on it, because it shows how great the perception of both liberals and conservatives of the distribution of wealth strays from the reality. It is a sad comment on the state of this nation that so much of it's wealth is owned by so few.

What is truly bothersome is that so many actually believe this is good for the economy and the country.

It is better for the good of the country to allow those that earned their wealth to be able to keep it instead of supporting the government to go and steal it legally from them at the point of a gun with the vast power and resources of government behind it.
A growing dependent class is the problem and folks that earn their money are not the cause of that.

You are a wannabe plutocrat. Aren't ya?
The upper eschelon would carry the burden of infrastructure, education and defense in proportion to the benefit they receive from it.


The top 1% paid 37.4% of all income taxes paid in 2010.
Do they really benefit 37 times more from the public education system and the Defense Department?
Do they drive 37 cars? Maybe their cars are 37 times bigger?

There is a point you are trying to make. What is it?

Are you saying that when the ultra wealthy control 90% of the nations wealth, that they will pay an even higher percentage of the nations taxes? Well no duh. If you have the nations wealth under control, who the fuk else is gonna pay the taxes?

And you think the ultra wealthy controlling the majority of the nations wealth and income is a good thing. Don't ya? So why you bitching?

The point is people like you are too stupid to understand what this chart and the above chart means in concert:

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