This CNN gop debate is a disaster

I found CNN to be very fair and the debate entertaining and quite vigorous. The moderators did the best the could, but the stakes are high and so are emotions.

Bottom line - Trump dominated the debate and he dominated his opponents as well. Rubio looked rattled and Cruz looked crooked. I expect trump will be enjoying Tuesday evening......

Are you stupid?

The ENTIRE first 45 minutes was asinine questions trying to get them to fight each other over ILLEGAL immigrants. Then to top it off that stupid bitch asked one of them how they expect to attract the support of illegals when they fear their support could lead to their own deportation!

THINK for fucks sake

I don't know what you are upset about. Illegal immigration is a HUGE issue. Trump's hard line stance is going to propel him to the nomination and quite possibly the White House. Why are you upset that they talked about it? Do you want a softball debate where they only ask "easy" questions?
Read the fucking question I highlighted. It's not hardball, it's not softball, it's liberal bullshit propaganda. And trying to get them to attack each other on the issue is not hardball either. It's cnn chasing ratings at the expense of making the candidates look foolish, which they did.

It's politics Gramps. The GOP nominee (Trump) will have to face hard questions when he debates the Dem nominee (hiLIARy). Do you think those moderators will be more or less friendly toward the GOP than CNN was tonight?
Those are not "hard" questions. They are irrelevant. Not one candidate had the COURAGE REQUIRED to tell that woman her question was COMPLETELY irrelevant since illegals have no voice in our political system. Not one of them

I'm not so sure about that. Illegals do not (supposedly) vote. But it is all based on the honor system. Here in California you simply "attest" that you are eligible to vote, sign the form, and PRESTO!! you're a registered Democrat. It is against the law to ask them to prove they are actually citizens when they register and it's illegal to ask for ID when they show up at the voting booth....what could go wrong, right? :cuckoo:

As for the debate and the moderators, it didn't bother me that the Latina lady focused on so-called "hispanic" issues, she is "hispanic" and barely speaks English. Texas has a large population of "hispanics", so it seemed appropriate. :thup:
The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.
The former Mexican president literally sounded like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. He's pissed that Trump wants to end the bs that Mexico is pulling on us. He dared to say that Hispanics cannot be Democratic and vote for anyone. He says that they all must vote for somebody who will continue the status quo. The biggest beef I have with that prick is that if Mexico was a great place to live, we wouldn't need a God Damned fence to keep his people out.

Mudwhistle, will you help me draft a form letter for all these nice Democrats to sign and forward on to their DEMOCRATIC legislators to instantly attempt to repeal the law in place about physical barriers being constructed on the border?

I think these people could use our help-) They don't seem to be getting any action on this, so let us be "compassionate conservatives" and work together to get them a bill to put forth BEFORE the election.

No need to thank Mudwistle and myself, we are just trying to heeeeeeellllllllppppp you-)

How is trump going to pay for it? It will be ineffective so I sure don't want to pay for it. If you want them to stop coming make it impossible for them to work. Problem solved.
True. 100 % true.

But the funds have already been approved to build a large portion of the wall. Democrats have been standing in the way. Once the project has a president willing to begin, the rest will fall in line.

FYI. The wall isn't just meant to keep out undocumented workers. It's to prevent the flow of drugs. Mexico is helping trafficking. It means alot of cash for their economy. But it only can work when coke-sniffing Democrats like Obama and Bill Clinton are helping from our side.

Yeah, I know.....I can't prove such an accusation. But Obama doesn't think drug trafficking should be illegal. He's been cleaning out our prisons of drug offenders for years, claiming they are non-violent criminals.
The debate last night was fun
Haven't laughed that hard in a long time

"If you hadn't inherited $200 million you would be selling watches in Manhattan'

How Rubio dared Trump to describe his detailed healthcare plan and all Trump could do is repeat "Circles around the States" over and over
Stick to your own freak show wanger...not that you understand them either.

Sorry...Democratic debates are boring. Too much freak'n details

Republican debates are fucking funny
I know..."Wall Street billionaires vs neeeeeegroes, women, Hispanics and gays". Really deep shit.
And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.
The former Mexican president literally sounded like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. He's pissed that Trump wants to end the bs that Mexico is pulling on us. He dared to say that Hispanics cannot be Democratic and vote for anyone. He says that they all must vote for somebody who will continue the status quo. The biggest beef I have with that prick is that if Mexico was a great place to live, we wouldn't need a God Damned fence to keep his people out.

Mudwhistle, will you help me draft a form letter for all these nice Democrats to sign and forward on to their DEMOCRATIC legislators to instantly attempt to repeal the law in place about physical barriers being constructed on the border?

I think these people could use our help-) They don't seem to be getting any action on this, so let us be "compassionate conservatives" and work together to get them a bill to put forth BEFORE the election.

No need to thank Mudwistle and myself, we are just trying to heeeeeeellllllllppppp you-)

How is trump going to pay for it? It will be ineffective so I sure don't want to pay for it. If you want them to stop coming make it impossible for them to work. Problem solved.
True. 100 % true.

But the funds have already been approved to build a large portion of the wall. Democrats have been standing in the way. Once the project has a president willing to begin, the rest will fall in line.

FYI. The wall isn't just meant to keep out undocumented workers. It's to prevent the flow of drugs. Mexico is helping trafficking. It means alot of cash for their economy. But it only can work when coke-sniffing Democrats like Obama and Bill Clinton are helping from our side.

Yeah, I know.....I can't prove such an accusation. But Obama doesn't think drug trafficking should be illegal. He's been cleaning out our prisons of drug offenders for years, claiming they are non-violent criminals.

How is a wall going to stop the flow of drugs?

Drug lords know all about tunnels. You can even buy a cheap drone and fly them to the other side
How is a wall going to stop the flow of drugs?

Drug lords know all about tunnels. You can even buy a cheap drone and fly them to the other side

Little trivial things like the real world aren't bothering Trumpsters. They have been saturated with betrayal and are now blind-loyal to the man who in irony will betray them in the largest way (his two ex wives will tell you he worships the bottom line before loyalties) because he assures them "I'm not like those who screwed you over" the loudest.

That's it. He just has the loudest and most persuasive voice of all the charlatans. Chris Christie wasn't a charlatan but Rove/Cheney didn't want a bold non-nonsense free thinker in the Oval Office, so he was nudged out by not negative press really (outside MSNBC) but rather just no press...hardly mentioned on Fox...only as an afterthought.

Bet they're wanting him back right about now..
Trump showed that he isn't a adult . Hey spits out slogans with nothing to back it up....The child Rubio proved this... Rubio who couldn't even handle the fat progressive Governor of New Jersey .
Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.
The former Mexican president literally sounded like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. He's pissed that Trump wants to end the bs that Mexico is pulling on us. He dared to say that Hispanics cannot be Democratic and vote for anyone. He says that they all must vote for somebody who will continue the status quo. The biggest beef I have with that prick is that if Mexico was a great place to live, we wouldn't need a God Damned fence to keep his people out.

Mudwhistle, will you help me draft a form letter for all these nice Democrats to sign and forward on to their DEMOCRATIC legislators to instantly attempt to repeal the law in place about physical barriers being constructed on the border?

I think these people could use our help-) They don't seem to be getting any action on this, so let us be "compassionate conservatives" and work together to get them a bill to put forth BEFORE the election.

No need to thank Mudwistle and myself, we are just trying to heeeeeeellllllllppppp you-)

How is trump going to pay for it? It will be ineffective so I sure don't want to pay for it. If you want them to stop coming make it impossible for them to work. Problem solved.
True. 100 % true.

But the funds have already been approved to build a large portion of the wall. Democrats have been standing in the way. Once the project has a president willing to begin, the rest will fall in line.

FYI. The wall isn't just meant to keep out undocumented workers. It's to prevent the flow of drugs. Mexico is helping trafficking. It means alot of cash for their economy. But it only can work when coke-sniffing Democrats like Obama and Bill Clinton are helping from our side.

Yeah, I know.....I can't prove such an accusation. But Obama doesn't think drug trafficking should be illegal. He's been cleaning out our prisons of drug offenders for years, claiming they are non-violent criminals.

How is a wall going to stop the flow of drugs?

Drug lords know all about tunnels. You can even buy a cheap drone and fly them to the other side
They use speed boats here a lot...even submarines now.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

Trump said highest taxes, not highest corporate taxes.

Americans pay one of the lowest rate of taxes in the developed world.
Sorry if "The Donald's" disparaging remarks concerning women are not a problem for you. They are for me and millions of other Americans.

When Hillary sat back and let her husband victimize numerous women, how did she not become more disparaging to women than Trump? How is that possible? How is that not a problem for you "and millions of other Americans?"

Are you blind?

She decided to forgive an move on. That was her personal decision. You religious cons who are holier than thou think she should have divorced him? Really?

So hilary forgives the women who were raped by bill?
She's all heart......

:link:, and one that is not just full of hearsay. One woman claiming she was raped thirty years ago isn't going to cut it.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

Trump said highest taxes, not highest corporate taxes.

Americans pay one of the lowest rate of taxes in the developed world.

We also pay lower than the average corporate rate worldwide


Trump lied
As soon as Rubio decides that baiting Trump isn't going to work, then the debate can take place. Listening to anyone but Rubio is refreshing. Rubio comes off as a jackass. A smartass. I would have knocked his lights out for less, but Trump has handled the little prick very easily.
Yeah and of course Kelley, Krauthammer and FOX declared Rubio the winner already because of Rubios bullshit.

Is it my hearing, or does Rubio have a bit of a lisp?
Rubio showed his true colors.

If you like Rubio, you'll like him being a jerk. If you don't, you'll hate him even more.

Rubio's best/most persuasive mode is 'smart ass mockery' and standing next to Trump, he looks like the little teen age boy trying to catch his dad in some kind of contradiction so he can break being grounded so he can run off to his buddies party.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Rubio’s in denial.

What else is new.

Funny thing.....Rubio is up for re-election but didn't turn in his paperwork to maintain his candidacy for his Senate seat. So when he comes crashing down he'll be out of a job.

He rarely showed up for work anyway.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.
The greatest country should have the highest taxes. You want to do business here you got to pay.

Who has the highest taxes Pakistan?
The greatest country should have taxes that are conducive to job creation. If you tax everyone out of business, your jobs are gonna go somewhere that is more business friendly like Mexico and China.

And here's the big secret that liberals in Washington want to hide from the voters.....the more people working the more revenue you collect because they're paying taxes. If they're collecting unemployment or disability they aren't paying income tax. They may have more time to fish or paint, but they won't be productive and they won't be paying more taxes from their income. What Democrats want is less people working and a higher tax burden on those who still have jobs.
I agree with the second part but the first is a croc. I'm not going to try to explain if you're that unaware of reality
So you think less people working is going to increase revenues?

Maybe you need to research economics somewhere other than or Media Matters.
That just shows how stupid the top 3 candidates are, if they had any sense of maturity and morals they would move on themselves and take control of what they want to say.

Nearly an hour into the debate & they've covered ONE TOPIC. Illegals

CNN clearly has an agenda to hurt all of the candidates with this shit
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Rubio’s in denial.

What else is new.

Funny thing.....Rubio is up for re-election but didn't turn in his paperwork to maintain his candidacy for his Senate seat. So when he comes crashing down he'll be out of a job.

He rarely showed up for work anyway.

He did miss a lot of "important" Senate votes like
As soon as Rubio decides that baiting Trump isn't going to work, then the debate can take place. Listening to anyone but Rubio is refreshing. Rubio comes off as a jackass. A smartass. I would have knocked his lights out for less, but Trump has handled the little prick very easily.
Yeah and of course Kelley, Krauthammer and FOX declared Rubio the winner already because of Rubios bullshit.

Is it my hearing, or does Rubio have a bit of a lisp?
Rubio showed his true colors.

If you like Rubio, you'll like him being a jerk. If you don't, you'll hate him even more.

Rubio's best/most persuasive mode is 'smart ass mockery' and standing next to Trump, he looks like the little teen age boy trying to catch his dad in some kind of contradiction so he can break being grounded so he can run off to his buddies party.

Did kind of resemble a sitcom last night
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Rubio’s in denial.

What else is new.

Funny thing.....Rubio is up for re-election but didn't turn in his paperwork to maintain his candidacy for his Senate seat. So when he comes crashing down he'll be out of a job.

He rarely showed up for work anyway.

He did miss a lot of "important" Senate votes like
Like the spending bills......the bill defunding Planned Parenthood.......etc.

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