This CNN gop debate is a disaster

Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.
the fastest growing demographic is Latinos and Asians

Although Trump probably did not intend to offend, this interaction likely reminded Choe and other Asian American voters that being Asian often translates to being perceived by fellow Americans as a foreigner.

However innocuous Trump’s question may seem, this is exactly the sort of exchange that could, in part, be pushing Asian Americans – the highest-income, most-educated, and fastest-growing segment of the United States – toward the Democratic Party by landslide margins.

Why Asian Americans don’t vote Republican

No Trump – you are not “number one with Hispanics” in Nevada
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
Democrats moderators should be Republicans and visa versa.
incorrect. Moderators should match the political philosophy of the party. Republican voters do not care what Democrat moderators would ask about. Need to limit questions to those items the voters of their own party do care about.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
You hire a lawn mowing company to mow your yard it isn't your responsibility whom that company hires to do the actual work.

Trump hires a General Contractor, who hires Contractors, who in turn hires Sub-Contractors. There is no way Trump could control who those sub-contractors hire.
What amount of taxes is most conductive to job creation? ZERO! That's the dream of Republicans. Corporations don't pay taxes, people do
I don't have a problem with that. Employees should pay taxes, including employees of Corporations. But Companies shouldn't be additionally taxed on top of that which would cause them to move to places that tax less.
the fastest growing demographic is Latinos and Asians

Although Trump probably did not intend to offend, this interaction likely reminded Choe and other Asian American voters that being Asian often translates to being perceived by fellow Americans as a foreigner.

However innocuous Trump’s question may seem, this is exactly the sort of exchange that could, in part, be pushing Asian Americans – the highest-income, most-educated, and fastest-growing segment of the United States – toward the Democratic Party by landslide margins.

Why Asian Americans don’t vote Republican

No Trump – you are not “number one with Hispanics” in Nevada
I didn't hear Trump insult Asians.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.
How is that different from all the other Republican debates?
I think the difference was most of the debate was Rubio and Cruz tag-teaming Trump. What was great was they tried to do it in his wheelhouse. Business is his wheelhouse. Stupid tactic.

They tried to make him lose his cool and instead lost their own. He was enjoying the exchanges. Rubio was just acting like a punk and a smartass. Cruz was more polished but was using half-truths and innuendo to give uninformed voters false impressions.

The accusations of hiring illegals is an old political tactic that often works, but didn't with Trump because he expected it. The press is tipping off what the tactics are of the other campaigns, removing the surprise that was intended simply to get better ratings..

We were told that this one was going to be bloody. How did they know what direction the debate would go unless they were tipped off before hand. It was a setup.

Screamers planted in the audience to scream and applaud at every Rubio statement. Then Fux News tells us Rubio won. It's all so underhanded, and frankly I am extremely disappointed in the one station I felt I could trust. Well, that trust is slipping away.
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Holy shit. Will you people ever stop whining?

These tools have behaved the same way in every debate. You have no exceptional candidates. Own it.

And THESE are your EXCEPTIONAL CANDIDATES?......:ahole-1:

After you said that you would throw away our form of government for Trump and accept him as a king or dictator, you have no real say here anymore.

You don't determine who has a say here, sock
Poor you support these things that Viggie said, eh?

The Donald Trump Phenomenon

A BENEVOLENT DICTATOR that will "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN".... we desperately NEED one, especially one that will CANCEL all of the Manchurian muslim's Unconstitutional E.O.'s!!!!!

and this:

The Donald Trump Phenomenon

IF he builds that wall, and STOPS terrorist muslims, and criminal Hispanics from coming to America, IU'm all for declaring him KING...He will have done MORE than any other President has done since WW II!!!!!

You are just as unAmerican as Viggie. Good to now know that.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.
He has an answer, but he's not going to announce it so La Raza can start a campaign against it. It's going to be a war. No strategy works if you tip off the enemy.
Holy shit. Will you people ever stop whining?

These tools have behaved the same way in every debate. You have no exceptional candidates. Own it.

And THESE are your EXCEPTIONAL CANDIDATES?......:ahole-1:

After you said that you would throw away our form of government for Trump and accept him as a king or dictator, you have no real say here anymore.

You don't determine who has a say here, sock
Poor you support these things that Viggie said, eh?

The Donald Trump Phenomenon

A BENEVOLENT DICTATOR that will "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN".... we desperately NEED one, especially one that will CANCEL all of the Manchurian muslim's Unconstitutional E.O.'s!!!!!

and this:

The Donald Trump Phenomenon

IF he builds that wall, and STOPS terrorist muslims, and criminal Hispanics from coming to America, IU'm all for declaring him KING...He will have done MORE than any other President has done since WW II!!!!!

You are just as unAmerican as Viggie. Good to now know that.

Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.

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