This CNN gop debate is a disaster

Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Now then, if you do not like the wall idea, then write your Democratic congresspeople, and demand they instantly put forth a bill to rescind that law.

Would you like me to create a form letter for all the Democrats on here to pass around for signing to send to their legislators-)

Lets make the rescinding of that law part of the Democratic, party platform! How about it Democrats, want to put the White House where your mouth is!
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.
The former Mexican president, Disente Fox, literally sounded like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. He's pissed that Trump wants to end the bs that Mexico is pulling on us. He dared to say that Hispanics cannot be Democratic and vote for anyone. He says that they all must vote for somebody who will continue the status quo. The biggest beef I have with that prick is that if Mexico was a great place to live, we wouldn't need a God Damned fence to keep his people out.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.

I was obviously talking about how he would pay for the wall. He was asked and had no answer as usual.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Now then, if you do not like the wall idea, then write your Democratic congresspeople, and demand they instantly put forth a bill to rescind that law.

Would you like me to create a form letter for all the Democrats on here to pass around for signing to send to their legislators-)

Lets make the rescinding of that law part of the Democratic, party platform! How about it Democrats, want to put the White House where your mouth is!

He claims Mexico will pay for the wall. When questioned on it he has no answer for how he will get them to do that. Mexico sounds pretty clear they won't be paying for it.
He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.
The former Mexican president literally sounded like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. He's pissed that Trump wants to end the bs that Mexico is pulling on us. He dared to say that Hispanics cannot be Democratic and vote for anyone. He says that they all must vote for somebody who will continue the status quo. The biggest beef I have with that prick is that if Mexico was a great place to live, we wouldn't need a God Damned fence to keep his people out.

Mudwhistle, will you help me draft a form letter for all these nice Democrats to sign and forward on to their DEMOCRATIC legislators to instantly attempt to repeal the law in place about physical barriers being constructed on the border?

I think these people could use our help-) They don't seem to be getting any action on this, so let us be "compassionate conservatives" and work together to get them a bill to put forth BEFORE the election.

No need to thank Mudwistle and myself, we are just trying to heeeeeeellllllllppppp you-)
He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.

I was obviously talking about how he would pay for the wall. He was asked and had no answer as usual.
Because anyone who knows how isn't about to give opponents an issue to fight against.
dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.
The former Mexican president literally sounded like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. He's pissed that Trump wants to end the bs that Mexico is pulling on us. He dared to say that Hispanics cannot be Democratic and vote for anyone. He says that they all must vote for somebody who will continue the status quo. The biggest beef I have with that prick is that if Mexico was a great place to live, we wouldn't need a God Damned fence to keep his people out.

Mudwhistle, will you help me draft a form letter for all these nice Democrats to sign and forward on to their DEMOCRATIC legislators to instantly attempt to repeal the law in place about physical barriers being constructed on the border?

I think these people could use our help-) They don't seem to be getting any action on this, so let us be "compassionate conservatives" and work together to get them a bill to put forth BEFORE the election.

No need to thank Mudwistle and myself, we are just trying to heeeeeeellllllllppppp you-)

How is trump going to pay for it? It will be ineffective so I sure don't want to pay for it. If you want them to stop coming make it impossible for them to work. Problem solved.
He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Now then, if you do not like the wall idea, then write your Democratic congresspeople, and demand they instantly put forth a bill to rescind that law.

Would you like me to create a form letter for all the Democrats on here to pass around for signing to send to their legislators-)

Lets make the rescinding of that law part of the Democratic, party platform! How about it Democrats, want to put the White House where your mouth is!

He claims Mexico will pay for the wall. When questioned on it he has no answer for how he will get them to do that. Mexico sounds pretty clear they won't be paying for it.

They will pay for it, one way or the other, lol. It isn't rocket science when a shitload of foreign aid goes there. Oh sure, your come back would be that means we are still paying for it. I suppose you are correct perse, but the money was already spent out of our treasury, so diverting it is 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of the other.

A President Trump will build it, that is a fact.............unless you really do want that form to pass around, lol...........then the odds turn much higher for a President Trump-)
Apparently "The Donald" prefers CNN to FOX.
So do I.

I lost a LOT of respect for Fox during that first debate I thought I was watching MSNBC. It hurt their brand imo.
Why? Because Megan ask him a legitimate question that Trump blew off? Because Trump didn't appreciate her followup even though it was absolutely legitimate? As much as I don't care for Megan Kelly, I actually gained a bit of respect for her that night.

Oh come on Megan went Jerry Springer on Trump right out of the gate and when Trump cracked a Rosie joke and the audience laughed at her and it backfired in her face that started the whole damn drama between them. I tuned in to hear the candidates debate real issues, important issues that represent grave risks to our country not that crap.

Sorry if "The Donald's" disparaging remarks concerning women are not a problem for you. They are for me and millions of other Americans. The questioning was legitimate and Trump diverted attention away from the question with his stupid Rosie comment and you fell for it like so many others.

Kelly is that you?
The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.
The former Mexican president literally sounded like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. He's pissed that Trump wants to end the bs that Mexico is pulling on us. He dared to say that Hispanics cannot be Democratic and vote for anyone. He says that they all must vote for somebody who will continue the status quo. The biggest beef I have with that prick is that if Mexico was a great place to live, we wouldn't need a God Damned fence to keep his people out.

Mudwhistle, will you help me draft a form letter for all these nice Democrats to sign and forward on to their DEMOCRATIC legislators to instantly attempt to repeal the law in place about physical barriers being constructed on the border?

I think these people could use our help-) They don't seem to be getting any action on this, so let us be "compassionate conservatives" and work together to get them a bill to put forth BEFORE the election.

No need to thank Mudwistle and myself, we are just trying to heeeeeeellllllllppppp you-)

How is trump going to pay for it? It will be ineffective so I sure don't want to pay for it. If you want them to stop coming make it impossible for them to work. Problem solved.

OK, how many you want to employ, give me a number? Want to employ all of South America, because if not, then the wall still has to be there as the more we employ, the more will come.
dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Now then, if you do not like the wall idea, then write your Democratic congresspeople, and demand they instantly put forth a bill to rescind that law.

Would you like me to create a form letter for all the Democrats on here to pass around for signing to send to their legislators-)

Lets make the rescinding of that law part of the Democratic, party platform! How about it Democrats, want to put the White House where your mouth is!

He claims Mexico will pay for the wall. When questioned on it he has no answer for how he will get them to do that. Mexico sounds pretty clear they won't be paying for it.

They will pay for it, one way or the other, lol. It isn't rocket science when a shitload of foreign aid goes there. Oh sure, your come back would be that means we are still paying for it. I suppose you are correct perse, but the money was already spent out of our treasury, so diverting it is 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of the other.

A President Trump will build it, that is a fact.............unless you really do want that form to pass around, lol...........then the odds turn much higher for a President Trump-)

Then yes we will be paying for it. Why wasn't that his answer? And why do you think a wall would be effective? People could get around walls in medieval times. Only way for it to be effective would be to hire many, many more border patrols. Shouldn't we do something that's actually effective like making it so they can't get jobs here?
And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.
The former Mexican president literally sounded like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. He's pissed that Trump wants to end the bs that Mexico is pulling on us. He dared to say that Hispanics cannot be Democratic and vote for anyone. He says that they all must vote for somebody who will continue the status quo. The biggest beef I have with that prick is that if Mexico was a great place to live, we wouldn't need a God Damned fence to keep his people out.

Mudwhistle, will you help me draft a form letter for all these nice Democrats to sign and forward on to their DEMOCRATIC legislators to instantly attempt to repeal the law in place about physical barriers being constructed on the border?

I think these people could use our help-) They don't seem to be getting any action on this, so let us be "compassionate conservatives" and work together to get them a bill to put forth BEFORE the election.

No need to thank Mudwistle and myself, we are just trying to heeeeeeellllllllppppp you-)

How is trump going to pay for it? It will be ineffective so I sure don't want to pay for it. If you want them to stop coming make it impossible for them to work. Problem solved.

OK, how many you want to employ, give me a number? Want to employ all of South America, because if not, then the wall still has to be there as the more we employ, the more will come.

I don't think any illegals should be employed. If they can't work they leave.
The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Now then, if you do not like the wall idea, then write your Democratic congresspeople, and demand they instantly put forth a bill to rescind that law.

Would you like me to create a form letter for all the Democrats on here to pass around for signing to send to their legislators-)

Lets make the rescinding of that law part of the Democratic, party platform! How about it Democrats, want to put the White House where your mouth is!

He claims Mexico will pay for the wall. When questioned on it he has no answer for how he will get them to do that. Mexico sounds pretty clear they won't be paying for it.

They will pay for it, one way or the other, lol. It isn't rocket science when a shitload of foreign aid goes there. Oh sure, your come back would be that means we are still paying for it. I suppose you are correct perse, but the money was already spent out of our treasury, so diverting it is 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of the other.

A President Trump will build it, that is a fact.............unless you really do want that form to pass around, lol...........then the odds turn much higher for a President Trump-)

Then yes we will be paying for it. Why wasn't that his answer? And why do you think a wall would be effective? People could get around walls in medieval times. Only way for it to be effective would be to hire many, many more border patrols. Shouldn't we do something that's actually effective like making it so they can't get jobs here?

I just answered that! And then, we have millions out of work here who we haven't been able to employ, and now you are suggesting we change our focus to people who come here illegally, and find a way to employ them.

That is your political answer? To tell the voters we will worry about non-citizens, but you American citizens, not so much?

And you wonder why Trump is doing so well! There is no logic to tell voters to screw themselves for people who can not vote, and do not even have legal status in this country.
Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.
The former Mexican president literally sounded like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. He's pissed that Trump wants to end the bs that Mexico is pulling on us. He dared to say that Hispanics cannot be Democratic and vote for anyone. He says that they all must vote for somebody who will continue the status quo. The biggest beef I have with that prick is that if Mexico was a great place to live, we wouldn't need a God Damned fence to keep his people out.

Mudwhistle, will you help me draft a form letter for all these nice Democrats to sign and forward on to their DEMOCRATIC legislators to instantly attempt to repeal the law in place about physical barriers being constructed on the border?

I think these people could use our help-) They don't seem to be getting any action on this, so let us be "compassionate conservatives" and work together to get them a bill to put forth BEFORE the election.

No need to thank Mudwistle and myself, we are just trying to heeeeeeellllllllppppp you-)

How is trump going to pay for it? It will be ineffective so I sure don't want to pay for it. If you want them to stop coming make it impossible for them to work. Problem solved.

OK, how many you want to employ, give me a number? Want to employ all of South America, because if not, then the wall still has to be there as the more we employ, the more will come.

I don't think any illegals should be employed. If they can't work they leave.

Dims are OK with illegals coming over to grab jobs but become irate when jobs go over to other countries.

Crazy, huh?
Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.
The former Mexican president literally sounded like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. He's pissed that Trump wants to end the bs that Mexico is pulling on us. He dared to say that Hispanics cannot be Democratic and vote for anyone. He says that they all must vote for somebody who will continue the status quo. The biggest beef I have with that prick is that if Mexico was a great place to live, we wouldn't need a God Damned fence to keep his people out.

Mudwhistle, will you help me draft a form letter for all these nice Democrats to sign and forward on to their DEMOCRATIC legislators to instantly attempt to repeal the law in place about physical barriers being constructed on the border?

I think these people could use our help-) They don't seem to be getting any action on this, so let us be "compassionate conservatives" and work together to get them a bill to put forth BEFORE the election.

No need to thank Mudwistle and myself, we are just trying to heeeeeeellllllllppppp you-)

How is trump going to pay for it? It will be ineffective so I sure don't want to pay for it. If you want them to stop coming make it impossible for them to work. Problem solved.

OK, how many you want to employ, give me a number? Want to employ all of South America, because if not, then the wall still has to be there as the more we employ, the more will come.

I don't think any illegals should be employed. If they can't work they leave.

I wonder if some of you people really understand what is going on here---------> The Democrats and establishment Republicans, are leveraging YOUR jobs and pay structure for Democrats to get more votes, and establishment Republicans to get cheap labor.

And some of you are all for it! I don't understand the logic at all! If you are any sort of blue collar worker or belong in the STEM (stym?) fields, you are getting HOSED by your own government for their donors wants, and wishes.

When someone stands up and says, "enough of this garbage," you fight them tooth and nail. It is NOT rocket science what effect this is having on our economy, and yet, some sit there and refuse to open their eyes, because the narrative of those in power tell you it is all smoke and mirrors.

The former Mexican president literally sounded like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. He's pissed that Trump wants to end the bs that Mexico is pulling on us. He dared to say that Hispanics cannot be Democratic and vote for anyone. He says that they all must vote for somebody who will continue the status quo. The biggest beef I have with that prick is that if Mexico was a great place to live, we wouldn't need a God Damned fence to keep his people out.

Mudwhistle, will you help me draft a form letter for all these nice Democrats to sign and forward on to their DEMOCRATIC legislators to instantly attempt to repeal the law in place about physical barriers being constructed on the border?

I think these people could use our help-) They don't seem to be getting any action on this, so let us be "compassionate conservatives" and work together to get them a bill to put forth BEFORE the election.

No need to thank Mudwistle and myself, we are just trying to heeeeeeellllllllppppp you-)

How is trump going to pay for it? It will be ineffective so I sure don't want to pay for it. If you want them to stop coming make it impossible for them to work. Problem solved.

OK, how many you want to employ, give me a number? Want to employ all of South America, because if not, then the wall still has to be there as the more we employ, the more will come.

I don't think any illegals should be employed. If they can't work they leave.

I wonder if some of you people really understand what is going on here---------> The Democrats and establishment Republicans, are leveraging YOUR jobs and pay structure for Democrats to get more votes, and establishment Republicans to get cheap labor.

And some of you are all for it! I don't understand the logic at all! If you are any sort of blue collar worker or belong in the STEM (stym?) fields, you are getting HOSED by your own government for their donors wants, and wishes.

When someone stands up and says, "enough of this garbage," you fight them tooth and nail. It is NOT rocket science what effect this is having on our economy, and yet, some sit there and refuse to open their eyes, because the narrative of those in power tell you it is all smoke and mirrors.


Hey I don't want illegal immigrants. I just dont want to pay for an ineffective wall. Gettng over, under, or around a wall isn't that hard. Mexico will be making a lot of ladders.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

The driving force behind Trump is 2 fold, and 2 fold only,

1. Anti establishment, and

2. Illegal immigration.

Number 2 ties in with his economic ideas on how to put Americans back to work the easiest, so number 2 is a pocketbook issue and Illegal immigration, rolled into a tidy package.

Lets forget Kasich and Carson for a second, and look big picture----------->

Without 1 and 2, most of the Trump supporters are going to bolt, or drop off, especially blue collar Democrats. There is only 1 other person on that stage who has a chance to garner most of, or part of that support based on the criteria that those supporters find most important to them, and that is Ted Cruz.

I have been saying for a very long time, that Democratic votes are going to drop big time this election, at least LEGAL votes, because of lack of enthusiasm for their candidates.

Can any of the other 3 (Rubio, Carson, Kasich) win because of that drop, even losing much of the Trump support? I don't know, I just don't know.

But, I am more convinced than ever; even after last night, that if either Trump or Cruz get the nod, we will have a GOP President sworn in, in 2017. It is Trump/Cruz job if being named the nominee, to bring everyone back into the fold. I don't think Rubio can do it because of his establishment credentials after the gang of 8 bill.

If it is Rubio, I contend that blue collar Democrats will return to the Democratic party, and the anti-establishment voters will stay home in total disgust............unless Bernie is the Democratic nominee, at which point total fear may bring some of them to the polls, but not the massive outpouring that should have been with one of the other two.

And trump had no answer for how he will have Mexico pay for this wall.

Would you like him to repeat that too over, and over?

And I really do not understand why this "wall" is so controversial to start with. (yes I do, Democrat talking point, lol) The law has been in place, voted on by congress, and signed by a President to use "physical barriers to secure the border."

Now, if you want to say HOW he is going to finance the wall is CONTROVERSIAL, we can have that discussion. But as far as "the wall" itself, it is already law. He will just enforce the law already passed, and in place.
Congress holds the purse strings, he can't fund it, without congress appropriating it...

And we are already running budget deficits....

So it, the wall, is already being built and expanded, but slowly, as the money rolls in.

Priorities have to be set....Do you pay for the wall or pay for the deportation of 11 million people?
The debate last night was fun
Haven't laughed that hard in a long time

"If you hadn't inherited $200 million you would be selling watches in Manhattan'

How Rubio dared Trump to describe his detailed healthcare plan and all Trump could do is repeat "Circles around the States" over and over
The debate last night was fun
Haven't laughed that hard in a long time

"If you hadn't inherited $200 million you would be selling watches in Manhattan'

How Rubio dared Trump to describe his detailed healthcare plan and all Trump could do is repeat "Circles around the States" over and over
Stick to your own freak show wanger...not that you understand them either.
The debate last night was fun
Haven't laughed that hard in a long time

"If you hadn't inherited $200 million you would be selling watches in Manhattan'

How Rubio dared Trump to describe his detailed healthcare plan and all Trump could do is repeat "Circles around the States" over and over
Stick to your own freak show wanger...not that you understand them either.

Sorry...Democratic debates are boring. Too much freak'n details

Republican debates are fucking funny

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