This CNN gop debate is a disaster

CNN set it up to be a joke. They knew if they allowed explosions to happen, Trump would come out on top as he always does. They even placed him center stage too between the two biggest agitants. This wasn't by accident.

CNN leans left; hard left at their core. This was a planned sabotage of the republican party. And it went off perfectly as planned. Trump soars, the rest look like weaklings and nothing has changed.

Trump will win Super Tuesday handily and largely. His success will mean the dashing of the GOP hope for the general election. Rainbow-mission accomplished..

Earlier today you were claiming Trump was going to be brought down by ads about homos getting hitched. Now you think Trump is going to win Super Tuesday. You're all over the place. lol
Yesterday a pastor was explaining how the supreme Court decision on gay marriage woke the religious right up. They realize now that America has changed and instead of trying to get the most religious person elected they're going to go with the best leader and they now feel trumps their man.

Same way evangelical voters voted for Reagan over Carter. Carter was a born again and Reagan was barely religious but you see how much Reagan did for them.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.
The greatest country should have the highest taxes. You want to do business here you got to pay.

Who has the highest taxes Pakistan?
I really don't know why they agree to go on CNN anymore. the have lost all credibility as being Unbiased. No Republican will ever get a fair shake from them.
Waaaah! Lol CNN doesn't make you look bad, you do.

That dress doesn't make you look fat, you're fat
That is the most nonsensical post of the evening! Congratulations.
I think sealy is kind of well practiced at stupid posts, you know?
Well come on do you really think CNN has a plot to make your dopes look bad?
As soon as Rubio decides that baiting Trump isn't going to work, then the debate can take place. Listening to anyone but Rubio is refreshing. Rubio comes off as a jackass. A smartass. I would have knocked his lights out for less, but Trump has handled the little prick very easily.
Yeah and of course Kelley, Krauthammer and FOX declared Rubio the winner already because of Rubios bullshit.

Is it my hearing, or does Rubio have a bit of a lisp?
Rubio showed his true colors.

If you like Rubio, you'll like him being a jerk. If you don't, you'll hate him even more.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.
The greatest country should have the highest taxes. You want to do business here you got to pay.

Who has the highest taxes Pakistan?
The greatest country should have taxes that are conducive to job creation. If you tax everyone out of business, your jobs are gonna go somewhere that is more business friendly like Mexico and China.

And here's the big secret that liberals in Washington want to hide from the voters.....the more people working the more revenue you collect because they're paying taxes. If they're collecting unemployment or disability they aren't paying income tax. They may have more time to fish or paint, but they won't be productive and they won't be paying more taxes from their income. What Democrats want is less people working and a higher tax burden on those who still have jobs.
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.
The greatest country should have the highest taxes. You want to do business here you got to pay.

Who has the highest taxes Pakistan?
The greatest country should have taxes that are conducive to job creation. If you tax everyone out of business, your jobs are gonna go somewhere that is more business friendly like Mexico and China.

And here's the big secret that liberals in Washington want to hide from the voters.....the more people working the more revenue you collect because they're paying taxes. If they're collecting unemployment or disability they aren't paying income tax. They may have more time to fish or paint, but they won't be productive and they won't be paying more taxes from their income. What Democrats want is less people working and a higher tax burden on those who still have jobs.
I agree with the second part but the first is a croc. I'm not going to try to explain if you're that unaware of reality
What amount of taxes is most conductive to job creation? ZERO! That's the dream of Republicans. Corporations don't pay taxes, people do
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.

dimocraps are stupid bitches

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad,
Trump said we had the highest taxes in the world.

That was so unbelievably wrong, it's amazing no one challenged him on it.

He's made that claim all along. Those mean moderators have never called him on it.
I just saw rubio called trump out for being a fraud last night. That's what I've been saying. He hires illegals himself. He called him out for being willed 200 million. He also said he doesn't believe polls that say trumps up big in Florida.

Notice Republicans love pointing out polls that favor them?
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?
What amount of taxes is most conductive to job creation? ZERO! That's the dream of Republicans. Corporations don't pay taxes, people do
Don't be a putz. A fair tax is whatever brings in the revenue that is needed without placing an unnecessary burden on the taxpayer. Unfortunately, we have Bernie Sanders and Hillary promising free everything. To pay for it, we're gonna have to raise taxes through the roof.

The problem with big government is waste. It's not their money, so they spend it without any consideration for the source. Then they ask for more and more. And Democrats make a living on bringing in the bacon. They live for pork spending.
Trump hires contractors like every other big business does. Like the federal government does. If his contractors cheat by hiring illegals then who's fault is it? If you ask Democrats, we shouldn't be allowed to ask them for their birth certificate. We can't verify if they are a legal resident. So you're asking an employer to do the job that the Border Patrol isn't allowed to do. Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws, but you expect Trump to do it for him?

My Wife did payroll at a Construction Company for a couple years.

She'd send off the required paperwork to the Feds and whenit came back as fraudulent, Julio would take off. Back to Mexico or wherever.

Six Months later, Julio would show up with a new ID that said he was actually Juan. Different DOB, everything.

You question that and you're setting yourself up for the biggest lawsuit you've ever seen. It's an Ambulance Chaser's dream. Slam dunk Mulit-Million Dollar settlement if you get it wrong. And chances are, the first time was a fraud and the 2nd time he showed up was with his real identity.

They do that. They TRY to instigate a lawsuit.

But usually, the paperwork comes back Months later as fraudulent and Juan takes off.

Then shows up again as Jorge.

And again, you question his papers and if you're wrong, you're done as a Company.

It's a lose-lose situation for employers.

dimocraps are scum
She'd send off the required paperwork to the Feds and whenit came back as fraudulent, Julio would take off. Back to Mexico or wherever.

Six Months later, Julio would show up with a new ID that said he was actually Juan. Different DOB, everything.

You question that and you're setting yourself up for the biggest lawsuit you've ever seen. It's an Ambulance Chaser's dream. Slam dunk Mulit-Million Dollar settlement if you get it wrong. And chances are, the first time was a fraud and the 2nd time he showed up was with his real identity.

What is it you are claiming? Are you saying your wife wouldn't send the paperwork to the Fed's for Juan, but sent the paperwork for Julio? Even though she thought them one and the same?

So where is the lawsuit? Is it because your wife didn't send the Fed's the required paperwork?

Or you just making shit up again?
Holy shit. Will you people ever stop whining?

These tools have behaved the same way in every debate. You have no exceptional candidates. Own it.

And THESE are your EXCEPTIONAL CANDIDATES?......:ahole-1:

After you said that you would throw away our form of government for Trump and accept him as a king or dictator, you have no real say here anymore.
Holy shit. Will you people ever stop whining?

These tools have behaved the same way in every debate. You have no exceptional candidates. Own it.

And THESE are your EXCEPTIONAL CANDIDATES?......:ahole-1:

After you said that you would throw away our form of government for Trump and accept him as a king or dictator, you have no real say here anymore.

You don't determine who has a say here, sock

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