This CNN gop debate is a disaster

I found CNN to be very fair and the debate entertaining and quite vigorous. The moderators did the best the could, but the stakes are high and so are emotions.

Bottom line - Trump dominated the debate and he dominated his opponents as well. Rubio looked rattled and Cruz looked crooked. I expect trump will be enjoying Tuesday evening......

Are you stupid?

The ENTIRE first 45 minutes was asinine questions trying to get them to fight each other over ILLEGAL immigrants. Then to top it off that stupid bitch asked one of them how they expect to attract the support of illegals when they fear their support could lead to their own deportation!

THINK for fucks sake

I don't know what you are upset about. Illegal immigration is a HUGE issue. Trump's hard line stance is going to propel him to the nomination and quite possibly the White House. Why are you upset that they talked about it? Do you want a softball debate where they only ask "easy" questions?
Read the fucking question I highlighted. It's not hardball, it's not softball, it's liberal bullshit propaganda. And trying to get them to attack each other on the issue is not hardball either. It's cnn chasing ratings at the expense of making the candidates look foolish, which they did.
And for the record, this photo sums up what I've been saying. I'm not touching those two with a million mile pole.

She decided to forgive an move on. That was her personal decision. You religious cons who are holier than thou think she should have divorced him? Really?

Okay, time to channel my inner Rubio:

"Religious cons." I'll have to remember that one. If Hillary valued marital fidelity at all, she would have left him then and there. If she truly cared about women, she would have spoken out against it. But, as the supporter of women that she is, she stood by while her husband preyed on other women. It didn't bother her in the slightest (and apparently not you either).

By the way, Bill Cosby is facing jail time for doing the same thing Clinton did. Why is it a white man can get away with it but a black man can't? Isn't that "white privilege?" Or perhaps "executive" privilege? You are drowning in double standards, sir.

What Clinton did with other women is not what many would call righteous or respectable, but there is no proof that he ever raped anyone, and he certainly never drugged women to rape them while they were unconscious. Don't even try comparing Clinton to Cosby.
What Clinton did with other women is not what many would call righteous or respectable, but there is no proof that he ever raped anyone, and he certainly never drugged women to rape them while they were unconscious. Don't even try comparing Clinton to Cosby.

Mad, are we? Why are you now trying to justify and downplay it?

Perhaps you forgot about Juanita Brodderick... or perhaps most infamously, Monica Lewinski? What about Paula Jones? Clinton even paid her $850,000 to keep her quiet. Then there was Kathleen Willey. No evidence huh? I think the comparison is befitting. They both took advantage of women, and they're both named Bill.
I found CNN to be very fair and the debate entertaining and quite vigorous. The moderators did the best the could, but the stakes are high and so are emotions.

Bottom line - Trump dominated the debate and he dominated his opponents as well. Rubio looked rattled and Cruz looked crooked. I expect trump will be enjoying Tuesday evening......

Are you stupid?

The ENTIRE first 45 minutes was asinine questions trying to get them to fight each other over ILLEGAL immigrants. Then to top it off that stupid bitch asked one of them how they expect to attract the support of illegals when they fear their support could lead to their own deportation!

THINK for fucks sake

I don't know what you are upset about. Illegal immigration is a HUGE issue. Trump's hard line stance is going to propel him to the nomination and quite possibly the White House. Why are you upset that they talked about it? Do you want a softball debate where they only ask "easy" questions?
Read the fucking question I highlighted. It's not hardball, it's not softball, it's liberal bullshit propaganda. And trying to get them to attack each other on the issue is not hardball either. It's cnn chasing ratings at the expense of making the candidates look foolish, which they did.

It's politics Gramps. The GOP nominee (Trump) will have to face hard questions when he debates the Dem nominee (hiLIARy). Do you think those moderators will be more or less friendly toward the GOP than CNN was tonight?
I found CNN to be very fair and the debate entertaining and quite vigorous. The moderators did the best the could, but the stakes are high and so are emotions.

Bottom line - Trump dominated the debate and he dominated his opponents as well. Rubio looked rattled and Cruz looked crooked. I expect trump will be enjoying Tuesday evening......

Are you stupid?

The ENTIRE first 45 minutes was asinine questions trying to get them to fight each other over ILLEGAL immigrants. Then to top it off that stupid bitch asked one of them how they expect to attract the support of illegals when they fear their support could lead to their own deportation!

THINK for fucks sake

I don't know what you are upset about. Illegal immigration is a HUGE issue. Trump's hard line stance is going to propel him to the nomination and quite possibly the White House. Why are you upset that they talked about it? Do you want a softball debate where they only ask "easy" questions?
Read the fucking question I highlighted. It's not hardball, it's not softball, it's liberal bullshit propaganda. And trying to get them to attack each other on the issue is not hardball either. It's cnn chasing ratings at the expense of making the candidates look foolish, which they did.

It's politics Gramps. The GOP nominee (Trump) will have to face hard questions when he debates the Dem nominee (hiLIARy). Do you think those moderators will be more or less friendly toward the GOP than CNN was tonight?
Those are not "hard" questions. They are irrelevant. Not one candidate had the COURAGE REQUIRED to tell that woman her question was COMPLETELY irrelevant since illegals have no voice in our political system. Not one of them
What Clinton did with other women is not what many would call righteous or respectable, but there is no proof that he ever raped anyone, and he certainly never drugged women to rape them while they were unconscious. Don't even try comparing Clinton to Cosby.

Mad, are we? Why are you now trying to justify and downplay it?

Perhaps you forgot about Juanita Brodderick... or perhaps most infamously, Monica Lewinski? What about Paula Jones? Clinton even paid her $850,000 to keep her quiet. Then there was Kathleen Willey. No evidence huh? I think the comparison is befitting. They both took advantage of women, and they're both named Bill.
Brodderick went to a Bill Clinton support rally/fundraiser just 2 weeks after she later claimed she was raped, and you believe HER???? She also swore on an affidavit that she wasn't raped, but then changed her mind a few years later...

Sorry, no woman who was viciously raped would ever go and support the man at a rally who supposedly raped her...just 2 weeks earlier.

stop passing lies around.... Monica was in her 20's and gave the man BJ's, she wasn't raped, and Paula....with years of cases, couldn't prove a thing either, and yes, she was paid to shut up, after YEARS of not shutting up....

Bill definitely was a scuzzball, but in no way shape or form, was he ever equivalent to Bill Cosby drugging and raping women when they were 'out of it', and you are scum for even saying that...

and blaming Hillary for his infidelity is ignorant and misogyny....

to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and health,
until death do us part.
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What Clinton did with other women is not what many would call righteous or respectable, but there is no proof that he ever raped anyone, and he certainly never drugged women to rape them while they were unconscious. Don't even try comparing Clinton to Cosby.

Mad, are we? Why are you now trying to justify and downplay it?

Perhaps you forgot about Juanita Brodderick... or perhaps most infamously, Monica Lewinski? What about Paula Jones? Clinton even paid her $850,000 to keep her quiet. Then there was Kathleen Willey. No evidence huh? I think the comparison is befitting. They both took advantage of women, and they're both named Bill.
This fails as a red herring fallacy – Bill Clinton is not running for president.
Sorry if "The Donald's" disparaging remarks concerning women are not a problem for you. They are for me and millions of other Americans.

When Hillary sat back and let her husband victimize numerous women, how did she not become more disparaging to women than Trump? How is that possible? How is that not a problem for you "and millions of other Americans?"

Are you blind?

She decided to forgive an move on. That was her personal decision. You religious cons who are holier than thou think she should have divorced him? Really?

Sarcasm right?
Sorry if "The Donald's" disparaging remarks concerning women are not a problem for you. They are for me and millions of other Americans.

When Hillary sat back and let her husband victimize numerous women, how did she not become more disparaging to women than Trump? How is that possible? How is that not a problem for you "and millions of other Americans?"

Are you blind?

She decided to forgive an move on. That was her personal decision. You religious cons who are holier than thou think she should have divorced him? Really?

So hilary forgives the women who were raped by bill?
She's all heart......

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