This CNN gop debate is a disaster

Trump seemed to be the subject of the debate. It is farcical that two men had more to say about Donald Trump than about what they can do for the country. This seals the deal. I'm voting for Trump. They aren't interested in helping America, just destroying Trump. And I might add that they failed.

They need to change the debate format.

Candidate A says something critical of candidate B, who then gets 30 seconds, supposedly, to respond, but while he does so he insults candidate A in return which, instead of making it even steavens, now candidate A gets to respond to B's response, and half the time candidate C gets draw ni into it too 'But he attacked me!' Answering one freaking question can go on for five minutes because of the cyclonic responses going on.

Meanwhile Kasich and Carson are like 'Will someone attack me please?'

It is a joke. There should be one rebuttal to the original answer after that, poof! end of cycle.
CNN set it up to be a joke. They knew if they allowed explosions to happen, Trump would come out on top as he always does. They even placed him center stage too between the two biggest agitants. This wasn't by accident.

CNN leans left; hard left at their core. This was a planned sabotage of the republican party. And it went off perfectly as planned. Trump soars, the rest look like weaklings and nothing has changed.

Trump will win Super Tuesday handily and largely. His success will mean the dashing of the GOP hope for the general election. Rainbow-mission accomplished..
I'd rather vote for a piece of fucking shit then the two globalist, Goldman sacks owned trannationalist free trade bags of shit named Rubio and Cruz!!!! China thanks you bastards for all the industry that has been off shored. Do you realize we can't even build war planes and ships anymore without parts from china?
And you most probably will!
I really don't know why they agree to go on CNN anymore. the have lost all credibility as being Unbiased. No Republican will ever get a fair shake from them.
Waaaah! Lol CNN doesn't make you look bad, you do.

That dress doesn't make you look fat, you're fat
Yo, you nailed it Stephanie, don`t listen to the immature!

View attachment 64811
Can't wait for Cruz to lose Texas to trump. Only you and Stephanie like Cruz. Lucky the GOP didn't make a mistake and vote cruz

Yo, you sound like a real Clown!!!

View attachment 64820
What'd that thing growing on his chin?
I really don't know why they agree to go on CNN anymore. the have lost all credibility as being Unbiased. No Republican will ever get a fair shake from them.
Waaaah! Lol CNN doesn't make you look bad, you do.

That dress doesn't make you look fat, you're fat

And this post made you look like a petulant child.

Now, before this gets too far, nobody made you look like a petulant child just now, you did.

Oh, just stop it. Quit'chur bitchin'
I really don't know why they agree to go on CNN anymore. the have lost all credibility as being Unbiased. No Republican will ever get a fair shake from them.
Waaaah! Lol CNN doesn't make you look bad, you do.

That dress doesn't make you look fat, you're fat
Yo, you nailed it Stephanie, don`t listen to the immature!

View attachment 64811
Can't wait for Cruz to lose Texas to trump. Only you and Stephanie like Cruz. Lucky the GOP didn't make a mistake and vote cruz

Yo, you sound like a real Clown!!!

View attachment 64820
What'd that thing growing on his chin?

That is his mic. Not a growth, but a piece of technology.
Numnut....can't really understand your statement.....who has he given stolen money to?

He has been in DC for many years? The spending crap has been going on forever. He was in on it. Time for new blood. Sorry to not be clear. I suppose I think he is too ESTABLISHMENT or RINO. we had last 6-8 years of Boner Ryan McConnel and they gave away the store to DemWitts. No mas.
CNN set it up to be a joke. They knew if they allowed explosions to happen, Trump would come out on top as he always does. They even placed him center stage too between the two biggest agitants. This wasn't by accident.

CNN leans left; hard left at their core. This was a planned sabotage of the republican party. And it went off perfectly as planned. Trump soars, the rest look like weaklings and nothing has changed.

Trump will win Super Tuesday handily and largely. His success will mean the dashing of the GOP hope for the general election. Rainbow-mission accomplished..

Earlier today you were claiming Trump was going to be brought down by ads about homos getting hitched. Now you think Trump is going to win Super Tuesday. You're all over the place. lol
Here's the deal....Republicans loathe obama so much, they decided to give him, they've looked terrible. No compromise, no politics, just gridlock....That's right! Trump is going to end it all! Hahahahahahahahahahaha

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