This CNN gop debate is a disaster

Here's the deal....Republicans loathe obama so much, they decided to give him, they've looked terrible. No compromise, no politics, just gridlock....That's right! Trump is going to end it all! Hahahahahahahahahahaha

$10T worth of gridlock? And ObamaCare with 17 new taxes. Women in SPF, Rangers? Combat? Gay marriage? Gay this Gay about economy and some real jobs. RINO gave it all away. Two wacko liberal (on Larazza and one Ivy league dyke) to Supreme court. BHO handlers got it all.
I really don't know why they agree to go on CNN anymore. the have lost all credibility as being Unbiased. No Republican will ever get a fair shake from them.

Apparently "The Donald" prefers CNN to FOX.
So do I.

I lost a LOT of respect for Fox during that first debate I thought I was watching MSNBC. It hurt their brand imo.
Why? Because Megan ask him a legitimate question that Trump blew off? Because Trump didn't appreciate her followup even though it was absolutely legitimate? As much as I don't care for Megan Kelly, I actually gained a bit of respect for her that night.

Oh come on Megan went Jerry Springer on Trump right out of the gate and when Trump cracked a Rosie joke and the audience laughed at her and it backfired in her face that started the whole damn drama between them. I tuned in to hear the candidates debate real issues, important issues that represent grave risks to our country not that crap.

Sorry if "The Donald's" disparaging remarks concerning women are not a problem for you. They are for me and millions of other Americans. The questioning was legitimate and Trump diverted attention away from the question with his stupid Rosie comment and you fell for it like so many others.
Cruz is no doubt, a Nazi....Rubio is a total spaz....kind of ok with Carson and Kasich, but Trump is the dominate and most competant to jump-start America again. Trump 2016
Want to watch alternative news broadcast check out BBC and RT America or Vice...
Cruz is a Nazi? roflmao
Sorry if "The Donald's" disparaging remarks concerning women are not a problem for you. They are for me and millions of other Americans.

When Hillary sat back and let her husband victimize numerous women, how come she hasn't become more disparaging to women than Trump? How is that possible? How is that not a problem for you "and millions of other Americans?"

Are you blind?
Holy shit. Will you people ever stop whining?

These tools have behaved the same way in every debate. You have no exceptional candidates. Own it.

And THESE are your EXCEPTIONAL CANDIDATES?......:ahole-1:


No one's asking you to fuck either of them. If all you're going by is looks, maybe this guy will return your calls:

Yeah, but no one has to photoshop a picture of Hillary.

Again, are you planning to fuck her? No? Then why the obsession with her looks? Did Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann teach you nothing?

Yeah, maybe I am, just in case I develop a taste for necrophilia. Whats it to you?
Sorry if "The Donald's" disparaging remarks concerning women are not a problem for you. They are for me and millions of other Americans.

When Hillary sat back and let her husband victimize numerous women, how did she not become more disparaging to women than Trump? How is that possible? How is that not a problem for you "and millions of other Americans?"

Are you blind?

She decided to forgive an move on. That was her personal decision. You religious cons who are holier than thou think she should have divorced him? Really?
CNN set it up to be a joke. They knew if they allowed explosions to happen, Trump would come out on top as he always does. They even placed him center stage too between the two biggest agitants. This wasn't by accident.

CNN leans left; hard left at their core. This was a planned sabotage of the republican party. And it went off perfectly as planned. Trump soars, the rest look like weaklings and nothing has changed.

Trump will win Super Tuesday handily and largely. His success will mean the dashing of the GOP hope for the general election. Rainbow-mission accomplished..
I agree with everything up untill your mighty prognostications.

Trump WILL WIN over Hillary, no doubt about it.
I really don't know why they agree to go on CNN anymore. the have lost all credibility as being Unbiased. No Republican will ever get a fair shake from them.
Waaaah! Lol CNN doesn't make you look bad, you do.

That dress doesn't make you look fat, you're fat
That is the most nonsensical post of the evening! Congratulations.
I think sealy is kind of well practiced at stupid posts, you know?
She decided to forgive an move on. That was her personal decision. You religious cons who are holier than thou think she should have divorced him? Really?

No, she did not just decide to forgive and move on. She also decided to go on the offensive to silence Bill's little indiscretions over and over for two decades. What she probably did was criminal intimidation, but we will never know because the press is in the tank for Hillary.
She decided to forgive an move on. That was her personal decision. You religious cons who are holier than thou think she should have divorced him? Really?

Not only the blow jobs he lied about, the rapes too. She had too, to keep quest for power going.
I found CNN to be very fair and the debate entertaining and quite vigorous. The moderators did the best the could, but the stakes are high and so are emotions.

Bottom line - Trump dominated the debate and he dominated his opponents as well. Rubio looked rattled and Cruz looked crooked. I expect trump will be enjoying Tuesday evening......

She decided to forgive an move on. That was her personal decision. You religious cons who are holier than thou think she should have divorced him? Really?

Okay, time to channel my inner Rubio:

"Religious cons." I'll have to remember that one. If Hillary valued marital fidelity at all, she would have left him then and there. If she truly cared about women, she would have spoken out against it. But, as the supporter of women that she is, she stood by while her husband preyed on other women. It didn't bother her in the slightest (and apparently not you either).

By the way, Bill Cosby is facing jail time for doing the same thing Clinton did. Why is it a white man can get away with it but a black man can't? Isn't that "white privilege?" Or perhaps "executive" privilege? You are drowning in double standards, sir.
I found CNN to be very fair and the debate entertaining and quite vigorous. The moderators did the best the could, but the stakes are high and so are emotions.

Bottom line - Trump dominated the debate and he dominated his opponents as well. Rubio looked rattled and Cruz looked crooked. I expect trump will be enjoying Tuesday evening......

Are you stupid?

The ENTIRE first 45 minutes was asinine questions trying to get them to fight each other over ILLEGAL immigrants. Then to top it off that stupid bitch asked one of them how they expect to attract the support of illegals when they fear their support could lead to their own deportation!

THINK for fucks sake
I found CNN to be very fair and the debate entertaining and quite vigorous. The moderators did the best the could, but the stakes are high and so are emotions.

Bottom line - Trump dominated the debate and he dominated his opponents as well. Rubio looked rattled and Cruz looked crooked. I expect trump will be enjoying Tuesday evening......

Are you stupid?

The ENTIRE first 45 minutes was asinine questions trying to get them to fight each other over ILLEGAL immigrants. Then to top it off that stupid bitch asked one of them how they expect to attract the support of illegals when they fear their support could lead to their own deportation!

THINK for fucks sake

I don't know what you are upset about. Illegal immigration is a HUGE issue. Trump's hard line stance is going to propel him to the nomination and quite possibly the White House. Why are you upset that they talked about it? Do you want a softball debate where they only ask "easy" questions?

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