This CNN gop debate is a disaster

The intellectuals are busy digesting the debate...meanwhile (and you know this is true so let's just say it) the knuckle-draggers who flock to Trump will walk away thinking he looks strong and the rest of them look like whining wimps..

And it won't change a damn thing.

They were all handed the Golden Key. They picked it up, looked at it. Cruz actually looked like he was going to turn it in the lock.....and...then he put it down under his podium and changed the subject. Kasich basically said "hey gay marriage is cool so let's move on".

It's's like Trump is playing football and the rest of them are saying after the primary results roll in "why can't we beat this guy at backgammon???"

Trump's supporters drag knuckles. They have basic intellect that allows them to process their frustrations just enough to be able to rally around Trump; but not enough apparently to notice Trump's very clever charade. Trump is a manipulator. He is a border collie who balls up his sheep quite well. But they don't realize and never will BTW, that he is spooking them against the establishment and into his corral with the intent of selling them to market when the highest bidder comes in.

Sheep move by visceral instincts. Skywriting doesn't affect them. If another herd dog doesn't move in quick with a revelation where they actually NAME the issue that moves all the sheep in unison, they will never move away from Trump. Never. Ever. And you can take that one to the 2016 bank.

.....Slowly drags knuckles across floor and leaves..........

Denying the truth is a luxury reserved for more stable times in American history. Right now we have to be brutally honest or we will lose everything. If you fancy Donald Trump, I sympathize with your frustrations with the establishment. But what you need to understand is your messiah will sell you to the highest bidder after your honeymoon with him is over. That hurts to hear I know. But better to know that now than later when it's too late..

I'll try to explain this to you in terms you will understand perhaps...Trump married three times. Each time to a darling with a few bulbs missing from her chandelier perhaps...or perhaps just lulled by his spell, his wealth and macho posturing... Each time he pledged his undying devotion to the wife and each time he broke that fidelity in some way where the poor woman had no other choice but to leave. Trump himself says "each of my wives are wonderful's just tough living with me...I'm a businessman'.

*waits a few minutes for that to sink in*...tick tock tick tock..

OK, YOU are one of Trump's to-be ex wives. The bottom line will rise above his fidelity to you.
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Trump will walk away thinking he looks strong and the rest of them look like whining wimps.

Of course, and people like you are only interested in forming "coalitions" and "coalescing" the party around one man to destroy another. How does that unite the Republican Party? How does this project unity from candidates promising to unite the party? Right. And this is why I think the Republican party is a joke.

If Cruz and Rubio (and you) are more concerned with uniting against one man than for one country, you have lost sight on what this country truly needs. Unity. None of these men offer it, but when you start forming factions in your own party to go after one person? You only exacerbate the disharmony that already exists in America, and you're wasting time you could be spending telling the voters what you can do for America.

People don't want unity, they want blood.

Otherwise, Carson and Kasich would be doing better than they are.

It's like watching Roman gladiators fight to the death. It's what interests us most.

But if Cruz and Rubio talk about wanting to unite the party, they need to act like it.
The Washington establishment needs to fear the next president, and the mandate from the people that president wields. The only guy on the stage capable of pulling that off is Trump. Christie could have got it done as well.
The intellectuals are busy digesting the debate...meanwhile (and you know this is true so let's just say it) the knuckle-draggers who flock to Trump will walk away thinking he looks strong and the rest of them look like whining wimps...

Yeah, we know how you all know better than the American people to vote for ideologues and not people with actual real world accomplishments.

I mean, it is so unfair to run them against political whores and lobbyist but boys.

The moderators have lost all control & the audience is a joke.

or maybe the candidates suck?

No, it's the system that sucks.

The President has unprecedented power today. Over they years power has been subverted to the Federal government and then to the Executive Branch to where the President now decides everything from what doctor you see to how your child is educated in school. His task is so daunting, he now needs an army of czars just to make it look like he is keeping up with running our lives for us.

Naturally, anyone put in such a position will fail, which is what will continue to happen until someone rises up and gives states their power back and restores Federalism. Until then, this circus will keep getting worse.
Holy shit. Will you people ever stop whining?

These tools have behaved the same way in every debate. You have no exceptional candidates. Own it.

And THESE are your EXCEPTIONAL CANDIDATES?......:ahole-1:


No one's asking you to fuck either of them. If all you're going by is looks, maybe this guy will return your calls:

This wasn't a real debate. It was a forum to personally attack Trump. My prediction is Trump will pick Kasich for VP....
Cruz smacking trump
Using half truths and Jeb Bush opposition research based on falsehoods.

Cruz is making all kinds of false accusations and it's going nowhere.

What is amazing is that the pros like Rubio and Cruz dont realize it is not working. I think it is because they are listening more to the pundits instead of the people. Journalists dont speak for the people, and the pros need to wrap their brain around that some day.

When Cruz pulls out some 'gotcha' Trump quote from many years ago, it makes my jaw drop from the obtuseness of it from such a really intelligent man.

Why cant they grasp that the well rehearsed lines are not convincing any more. There is nothing to guarantee that they will keep their word once elected as it is part of the political game. When we hear Trump, we hear someone obviously unrehearsed and speaking improv, and from the heart. That is convincing to me.
The moderators have lost all control & the audience is a joke.

Not as bad as the CBS debate that was stacked with an anti-trump
audience and they absolutely controlled the debate. The moderators there were useless. They seemed to encourage the mayhem. Wolf's doing a pretty good job. It's hard to control this bunch of super-inflated egos.
Yeah, Wolf Blitzer had the worst night of any of them, poor guy.
Fox is biased, Cnn is biased , nbc is biased .

What fucking channel is left that would make you conservatives happy ?

"The GOP debate will be hosted by that channel that has the burning fireplace on it 24/7"

Burning crosses may be the only one that understands the Trump supporters.

Wow, it is genuinely amazing just how fucking stupid you are.

The only people burning KKK crosses are Democrats.
Holy shit. Will you people ever stop whining?

These tools have behaved the same way in every debate. You have no exceptional candidates. Own it.

And THESE are your EXCEPTIONAL CANDIDATES?......:ahole-1:


No one's asking you to fuck either of them. If all you're going by is looks, maybe this guy will return your calls:


Yeah, but no one has to photoshop a picture of Hillary.

Again, are you planning to fuck her? No? Then why the obsession with her looks? Did Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann teach you nothing?

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