This CNN gop debate is a disaster

So far Trump's taking my advice, holding his temper back even when he's under attack. And he's giving the most rational answers here on a lot of the issues. He's not beholden to special interests to the degree the rest are. Jesus, what is the Israeli lobby paying Cruz?
Why is it that left wing control freaks are horrified at the notion that the moderators don't run the show at debates and the audience might be rowdy? Thanks to Trump, political (republican) debates are a contact sport instead of a scripted, yawn, affair. Isn't that a good thing? It should be noted that democrat (softball) debates are still, yawn, scripted events.
Fox is biased, Cnn is biased , nbc is biased .

What fucking channel is left that would make you conservatives happy ?

"The GOP debate will be hosted by that channel that has the burning fireplace on it 24/7"

Burning crosses may be the only one that understands the Trump supporters.
Nearly an hour into the debate & they've covered ONE TOPIC. Illegals

CNN clearly has an agenda to hurt all of the candidates with this shit

Let me offer an addendum:

Trump seemed to be the subject of the debate. It is farcical that two men had more to say about Donald Trump than about what they can do for the country. This seals the deal. I'm voting for Trump. They aren't interested in helping America, just destroying Trump. And I might add that they failed.
Fox is biased, Cnn is biased , nbc is biased

There is no television w/o extreme bias. Maybe a few shows on Fox have a bit less? not sure anymore? They keep bringing on Whoraldo, Combs, Sallly, Goolsbly (so many left wing hacks).

They need to go on AM radio: Levin or Savage to get meaningful questions in front of a truly American audience.
Can I just mention how much I LOVE this election season? Watching the absolute implosion of the GOP is entertaining beyond belief.

Actually, I think Obama should declare Martial Law, and suspend elections until we have purged the neo-Cracker filth from our midst....

Just sayin'
Cruz and Rubio played right into Trumps hands. Their behavior was unprofessional and a disgrace. Trump just stood in the middle pointing and saying see, I told you so, this is what politicians look like.
It's not just CNN. Pretty much all the debates are the same. Trump sits front and center and is always given the last word. And Trump always gets the last word when someone attacks him. Conversely, if Cruz is attacked the moderators shut him down in responding and moves on.

I think Trump is there just to prevent Cruz from winning. After all, Trump is a life long Dim who sung the praises of Hillary Clinton as early as 2013. And if it were not from Trump, Cruz would be winning.
Can I just mention how much I LOVE this election season? Watching the absolute implosion of the GOP is entertaining beyond belief.

Actually, I think Obama should declare Martial Law, and suspend elections until we have purged the neo-Cracker filth from our midst....

Just sayin'

What do you reckon is stopping him?

Can't find a blank Executive Order form to fill out?
i still wish we had Sarah Palin there in a bright red string bikini just sitting across from the candidates. great distraction for all of them.
Can I just mention how much I LOVE this election season? Watching the absolute implosion of the GOP is entertaining beyond belief.

Actually, I think Obama should declare Martial Law, and suspend elections until we have purged the neo-Cracker filth from our midst....

Just sayin'

What do you reckon is stopping him?

Can't find a blank Executive Order form to fill out?

There's no rush.........let the filth identify itself......
Besides, after the GOP Night of the Long Knives, half the job will be done.....
It's not just CNN. Pretty much all the debates are the same. Trump sits front and center and is always given the last word. And Trump always gets the last word when someone attacks him. Conversely, if Cruz is attacked the moderators shut him down in responding and moves on.

I think Trump is there just to prevent Cruz from winning. After all, Trump is a life long Dim who sung the praises of Hillary Clinton as early as 2013. And if it were not from Trump, Cruz would be winning.

Look its on Cruz to take the front runner spot away from Trump. If Cruz can't even beat a guy like Trump or dispatch the wet behind the ears Rubio damn how is he going to beat Hillary and the entire MSM in the general? Cruz with his education and resume should have mopped the floor with these guys but he failed, facts are facts. Now he's fallen back to desperation tactics that play right into the stereotype people have painted for him.

Nobody lofted Trump into the front runner spot, he went out there and took it. He took some risks, he took some tough positions, he kicked some ass and grabbed it. Then defended it against not only his opponents but the GOP establishment and the MSM and some debate moderators with questionable motives. You can tell he's used to winning and knows how.

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