This CNN gop debate is a disaster

Can I just mention how much I LOVE this election season? Watching the absolute implosion of the GOP is entertaining beyond belief.

Americans are angry about all the outsourcing of our jobs and like it or hate it the people are also angry about illegals. If trump wins and runs on this he may beat someone like hillary. Rubio and Cruz can't.
Cruz wanted 500,000 h1b's and wanted guess workers(on the last amnesty bill!). Don't ever forget it!!! Trump made immigration and outsourcing important issues in this election and that is why he should be the nominee.
As a liberal if I had to pick 1 Republican it'd be trump.

Thanks GOP for picking the candidate sealyboob likes

Nah, I prefer Cruz. The Donald has his cult of personality that can actually serve him well. Cruz comes off as a greasy used car salesman. Whenever I see him, I feel like I've just bought the undercoating.
Nearly an hour into the debate & they've covered ONE TOPIC. Illegals

CNN clearly has an agenda to hurt all of the candidates with this shit
So now it's cnn's fault that Republicans don't even like any of the Republicans running against trump?

What happened to the huge field of great candidates you guys had? Jeb, fiorina, Christie, Paul, kasich, Cruz, carson, rubio, huckabee. All losers who wouldn't have beat hillary or Bernie and neither will trump.

Yo, Crybaby? Watch Cruz? You might learn what this Country is all about!!!

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I don't care what a Cuban Canadian says.

Maybe he'll be trumps ambassador to one of those countries.

Yo, STOP? You see intelligence? Than vote for Ted Cruz! If you don`t? Than vote for a Socialist?

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Don't talk to me I don't vote in Republican primaries. You can't even convince Republicans. In fact evangelicals are even going with trump. They don't care anymore who's the most religious they want a leader.

Cruz is not a leader. Maybe in gopland but no where else
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I really don't know why they agree to go on CNN anymore. the have lost all credibility as being Unbiased. No Republican will ever get a fair shake from them.

They are less Biased then Fox or MSNBC
oh please. nobody can beat Msnbc for biased. they should have the DNC logo next to theirs. CNN used to be the station to watch until Fox took them over in ratings. then they just gave up on being unbiased, to me anyway.

I still find them to be the least slanted but that is just my opinion.

Yo, I agree? But lately? They have been over aggressive in chosen a candidate? And they are backing an Elite? Rubio!!!

I really don't know why they agree to go on CNN anymore. the have lost all credibility as being Unbiased. No Republican will ever get a fair shake from them.
Waaaah! Lol CNN doesn't make you look bad, you do.

That dress doesn't make you look fat, you're fat
Yo, you nailed it Stephanie, don`t listen to the immature!

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Can't wait for Cruz to lose Texas to trump. Only you and Stephanie like Cruz. Lucky the GOP didn't make a mistake and vote cruz

Yo, you sound like a real Clown!!!

Cruz wanted 500,000 h1b's and wanted guess workers(on the last amnesty bill!). Don't ever forget it!!! Trump made immigration and outsourcing important issues in this election and that is why he should be the nominee.
As a liberal if I had to pick 1 Republican it'd be trump.

Thanks GOP for picking the candidate sealyboob likes

Nah, I prefer Cruz. The Donald has his cult of personality that can actually serve him well. Cruz comes off as a greasy used car salesman. Whenever I see him, I feel like I've just bought the undercoating.
I don't mean the one I'd prefer to run against! Of course thatd be Cruz. I mean if one Republican would be president ID prefer in this order.

I'd rather vote for a piece of fucking shit then the two globalist, Goldman sacks owned trannationalist free trade bags of shit named Rubio and Cruz!!!! China thanks you bastards for all the industry that has been off shored. Do you realize we can't even build war planes and ships anymore without parts from china?
I'm po'd the rnc moved this from regular tv to cable. Glad I'm not missing much.
I'd rather vote for a piece of fucking shit then the two globalist, Goldman sacks owned trannationalist free trade bags of shit named Rubio and Cruz!!!! China thanks you bastards for all the industry that has been off shored. Do you realize we can't even build war planes and ships anymore without parts from china?
If Cruz rubio and kasich were smart they would draw straws on who takes on trump. But I can't imagine any of them out debating trump. Doesn't help that they are all robots saying the same old shit.

This is hilarious

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