This CNN gop debate is a disaster

i still wish we had Sarah Palin there in a bright red string bikini just sitting across from the candidates. great distraction for all of them.

Maybe Rubio could pull it off, but none of the rest of them could.
I really don't know why they agree to go on CNN anymore. the have lost all credibility as being Unbiased. No Republican will ever get a fair shake from them.

Apparently "The Donald" prefers CNN to FOX.
So do I.

I lost a LOT of respect for Fox during that first debate I thought I was watching MSNBC. It hurt their brand imo.
Why? Because Megan ask him a legitimate question that Trump blew off? Because Trump didn't appreciate her followup even though it was absolutely legitimate? As much as I don't care for Megan Kelly, I actually gained a bit of respect for her that night.
It's not just CNN. Pretty much all the debates are the same. Trump sits front and center and is always given the last word. And Trump always gets the last word when someone attacks him. Conversely, if Cruz is attacked the moderators shut him down in responding and moves on.

I think Trump is there just to prevent Cruz from winning. After all, Trump is a life long Dim who sung the praises of Hillary Clinton as early as 2013. And if it were not from Trump, Cruz would be winning.

Look its on Cruz to take the front runner spot away from Trump. If Cruz can't even beat a guy like Trump or dispatch the wet behind the ears Rubio damn how is he going to beat Hillary and the entire MSM in the general? Cruz with his education and resume should have mopped the floor with these guys but he failed, facts are facts. Now he's fallen back to desperation tactics that play right into the stereotype people have painted for him.

Nobody lofted Trump into the front runner spot, he went out there and took it. He took some risks, he took some tough positions, he kicked some ass and grabbed it. Then defended it against not only his opponents but the GOP establishment and the MSM and some debate moderators with questionable motives. You can tell he's used to winning and knows how.

No, I have to disagree. This is how the media treats you if they don't like you. They just ignore you and pretend you don't exist

The Donald, on the other hand, gets all the press whether good or bad. And as they say in show biz, any press is good press.
Cruz is no doubt, a Nazi....Rubio is a total spaz....kind of ok with Carson and Kasich, but Trump is the dominate and most competant to jump-start America again. Trump 2016
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The intellectuals are busy digesting the debate...meanwhile (and you know this is true so let's just say it) the knuckle-draggers who flock to Trump will walk away thinking he looks strong and the rest of them look like whining wimps..

And it won't change a damn thing.

They were all handed the Golden Key. They picked it up, looked at it. Cruz actually looked like he was going to turn it in the lock.....and...then he put it down under his podium and changed the subject. Kasich basically said "hey gay marriage is cool so let's move on".

It's's like Trump is playing football and the rest of them are saying after the primary results roll in "why can't we beat this guy at backgammon???"

Trump's supporters drag knuckles. They have basic intellect that allows them to process their frustrations just enough to be able to rally around Trump; but not enough apparently to notice Trump's very clever charade. Trump is a manipulator. He is a border collie who balls up his sheep quite well. But they don't realize and never will BTW, that he is spooking them against the establishment and into his corral with the intent of selling them to market when the highest bidder comes in.

Sheep move by visceral instincts. Skywriting doesn't affect them. If another herd dog doesn't move in quick with a revelation where they actually NAME the issue that moves all the sheep in unison, they will never move away from Trump. Never. Ever. And you can take that one to the 2016 bank.
Fox is biased, Cnn is biased , nbc is biased .

What fucking channel is left that would make you conservatives happy ?

"The GOP debate will be hosted by that channel that has the burning fireplace on it 24/7"
The FOX business channel did a great job and I liked how NPR handled things too.
Trump will walk away thinking he looks strong and the rest of them look like whining wimps.

Of course, and people like you are only interested in forming "coalitions" and "coalescing" the party around one man to destroy another. How does that unite the Republican Party? How does this project unity from candidates promising to unite the party? Right. And this is why I think the Republican party is a joke.

If Cruz and Rubio (and you) are more concerned with uniting against one man than for one country, you have lost sight on what this country truly needs. Unity. None of these men offer it, but when you start forming factions in your own party to go after one person? You only exacerbate the disharmony that already exists in America, and you're wasting time you could be spending telling the voters what you can do for America.
The intellectuals are busy digesting the debate...meanwhile (and you know this is true so let's just say it) the knuckle-draggers who flock to Trump will walk away thinking he looks strong and the rest of them look like whining wimps..

And it won't change a damn thing.

They were all handed the Golden Key. They picked it up, looked at it. Cruz actually looked like he was going to turn it in the lock.....and...then he put it down under his podium and changed the subject. Kasich basically said "hey gay marriage is cool so let's move on".

It's's like Trump is playing football and the rest of them are saying after the primary results roll in "why can't we beat this guy at backgammon???"

Trump's supporters drag knuckles. They have basic intellect that allows them to process their frustrations just enough to be able to rally around Trump; but not enough apparently to notice Trump's very clever charade. Trump is a manipulator. He is a border collie who balls up his sheep quite well. But they don't realize and never will BTW, that he is spooking them against the establishment and into his corral with the intent of selling them to market when the highest bidder comes in.

Sheep move by visceral instincts. Skywriting doesn't affect them. If another herd dog doesn't move in quick with a revelation where they actually NAME the issue that moves all the sheep in unison, they will never move away from Trump. Never. Ever. And you can take that one to the 2016 bank.

Trump is just a stereotypical liberal Progressive New Yorker who is arrogant and loud and the press eats him up.

Oh, and he says he wants to seal the border, so I guess that makes him a conservative, eh?
Trump will walk away thinking he looks strong and the rest of them look like whining wimps.

Of course, and people like you are only interested in forming "coalitions" and "coalescing" the party around one man to destroy another. How does that unite the Republican Party? How does this project unity from candidates promising to unite the party? Right. And this is why I think the Republican party is a joke.

If Cruz and Rubio (and you) are more concerned with uniting against one man than for one country, you have lost sight on what this country truly needs. Unity. None of these men offer it, but when you start forming factions in your own party to go after one person? You only exacerbate the disharmony that already exists in America, and you're wasting time you could be spending telling the voters what you can do for America.

People don't want unity, they want blood.

Otherwise, Carson and Kasich would be doing better than they are.

It's like watching Roman gladiators fight to the death. It's what interests us most.
I really don't know why they agree to go on CNN anymore. the have lost all credibility as being Unbiased. No Republican will ever get a fair shake from them.

Apparently "The Donald" prefers CNN to FOX.
So do I.

I lost a LOT of respect for Fox during that first debate I thought I was watching MSNBC. It hurt their brand imo.
Why? Because Megan ask him a legitimate question that Trump blew off? Because Trump didn't appreciate her followup even though it was absolutely legitimate? As much as I don't care for Megan Kelly, I actually gained a bit of respect for her that night.

Oh come on Megan went Jerry Springer on Trump right out of the gate and when Trump cracked a Rosie joke and the audience laughed at her and it backfired in her face that started the whole damn drama between them. I tuned in to hear the candidates debate real issues, important issues that represent grave risks to our country not that crap.
As soon as Rubio decides that baiting Trump isn't going to work, then the debate can take place. Listening to anyone but Rubio is refreshing. Rubio comes off as a jackass. A smartass. I would have knocked his lights out for less, but Trump has handled the little prick very easily.
Yeah and of course Kelley, Krauthammer and FOX declared Rubio the winner already because of Rubios bullshit.

Is it my hearing, or does Rubio have a bit of a lisp?
Trump will walk away thinking he looks strong and the rest of them look like whining wimps.

Of course, and people like you are only interested in forming "coalitions" and "coalescing" the party around one man to destroy another. How does that unite the Republican Party? How does this project unity from candidates promising to unite the party? Right. And this is why I think the Republican party is a joke.

If Cruz and Rubio (and you) are more concerned with uniting against one man than for one country, you have lost sight on what this country truly needs. Unity. None of these men offer it, but when you start forming factions in your own party to go after one person? You only exacerbate the disharmony that already exists in America, and you're wasting time you could be spending telling the voters what you can do for America.

People don't want unity, they want blood.

Otherwise, Carson and Kasich would be doing better than they are.

It's like watching Roman gladiators fight to the death. It's what interests us most.

If Kasich would re-think his idiot position on illegals I'd back him for VP.
As soon as Rubio decides that baiting Trump isn't going to work, then the debate can take place. Listening to anyone but Rubio is refreshing. Rubio comes off as a jackass. A smartass. I would have knocked his lights out for less, but Trump has handled the little prick very easily.
Yeah and of course Kelley, Krauthammer and FOX declared Rubio the winner already because of Rubios bullshit.

Is it my hearing, or does Rubio have a bit of a lisp?

Yes, I think it comes from his gay nightlife hang outs in Miami.

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