This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

That's simple to answer, it's so obvious. The leftwing pollsters such as PEW, the leftwing atheists media outlets giddily presenting the PEW poll. A poll which is a misleading lie, btw, because they are showing percentages, NOT hard numbers.
Because for those who under math and statistics, percentages, rate per 100,000, etc. are the only way to provide meaningful analysis of trends over time. Population numbers change, rates per 100,000 and percentages account for that. Catholic numbers may be growing but as their part of the population they are shrinking. That means other religions or atheists are also growing, faster than Catholics.
I think it's because young people are questioning what the churches teach.

Young People Feel a Disconnect From the Church

Most churches teach anti LGBTQI+ beliefs and are mostly empty any other day that isn't Easter or Christmas.

I started questioning what religion teaches the day i learned that the Mormon church has something in their bible that is prejudiced against people of color.

Supposedly JW have something in their religion against certain holidays and blood transfusions.

And the church and pastors at one time attacked rock music and called rock music sinful.

Old anti rock video

Except church attendance isn't declining in the Catholic church in terms of numbers. And the reason is, unlike the mainline protestant churches, the RCC has held the line on its teaching against abortion, premarital sex, gay sex, and trans. God didn't change his mind on those issues in 2012 like 0bama, Biden, Hillary, and the protestant churches did.
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Because for those who under math and statistics, percentages, rate per 100,000, etc. are the only way to provide meaningful analysis of trends over time. Population numbers change, rates per 100,000 and percentages account for that. Catholic numbers may be growing but as their part of the population they are shrinking. That means other religions or atheists are also growing, faster than Catholics.
Percentages don't matter. Raw numbers do.
And atheism as the 'fastest growing' is a laugh. That only means they didn't have many to begin with.
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I did not know there is an atheist left, although I imagine the left has people of all beliefs and of no belief. So does the right. And everyone in between.
You didn't know there was an atheist left? That's pretty much ALL the left.
Percentages don't matter. Raw numbers do.
And atheism as the 'fastest growing' is a laugh. That only means they didn't have many to begin with.
Raw numbers don't. I know math is hard, but try to follow. The entire population of the country is growing. It stands to reason that the number of Catholic would also grow. But is it growing at a slower rate than the entire population, therefore, as a percentage of the population, it is shrinking.
Then show us something which directly refutes, specifically, the PEW poll.

Do that or fail...
Again, you ask an idiotic question that has already been answered, indicating you do not read past posts. I explained it in post #101. Both are correct; the number of US Catholics is declining as a percent, but rising in raw numbers. The percentage figure, however is meaningless. Only the raw numbers matter, and they are going up.
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Good for you. Many leftwingers are atheist, and most atheists are leftwingers.
Absolutely not true. Atheists span the entire spectrum. I know many right wing atheists. I also know a good numbers of hardore Xtians that are so far left even I think they're nuts.
Absolutely not true. Atheists span the entire spectrum. I know many right wing atheists. I also know a good numbers of hardore Xtians that are so far left even I think they're nuts.
Which part of my statement is untrue?
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Actually, the lie is all yours, claiming the number of Catholics has decreased.
According to this research, the link to which I posted before and have just posted again, (FAQ


-, but which you apparently ignored, the number of Catholics in the US has decreased in the last recorded year. Baby Jesus is crying over your lies.

Catholic numbers in the US.
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This was such a shut down post, one can only sit back and marvel.

It was anything but. If you were smarter you'd know that.

You've still yet to show where the "Atheist left" has said the Catholic church is dying.

You're a failure. That's all you'll ever be...

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