This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

It appears some folks in here are falling for the typical leftwing media ruse of using percentages when it helps their cause and raw numbers at other times when it helps their cause. For example, in America the percentage of Catholics in relation to population as a whole fell from 25% to 22% since 1960, causing some to say "See? Catholics are disappearing"; just what the media wants people to think, when in reality the raw number of Catholics in the US has risen from 45 million to 72 million during that period.
So Catholics are even more outnumbered now. Right.
I prefer a library...
I did my best work in a library! (Worked in a library long ago. Loved it.) Closets are a nice quiet place for prayer as well. Still, getting together as a community is very nice as well.
It appears some folks in here are falling for the typical leftwing media ruse of using percentages when it helps their cause and raw numbers at other times when it helps their cause. For example, in America the percentage of Catholics in relation to population as a whole fell from 25% to 22% since 1960, causing some to say "See? Catholics are disappearing"; just what the media wants people to think, when in reality the raw number of Catholics in the US has risen from 45 million to 72 million during that period.
Baby Jesus is now weeping bitter tears about your 'booming' lie.



This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!​

Don‘t blame declining Church Attendance on Atheists
They are not out recruiting people.
The Church is responsible for its own declining attendance. Try entering the 21st century

I think it's because young people are questioning what the churches teach.

Young People Feel a Disconnect From the Church

Most churches teach anti LGBTQI+ beliefs and are mostly empty any other day that isn't Easter or Christmas.

I started questioning what religion teaches the day i learned that the Mormon church has something in their bible that is prejudiced against people of color.

Supposedly JW have something in their religion against certain holidays and blood transfusions.

And the church and pastors at one time attacked rock music and called rock music sinful.

Old anti rock video

Huh? These people claimed the church has lost members, and I provided the link that said otherwise. It was your atheist pal, SunsetTommy, that couldn't seem to locate the quote in the link until I held his and and showed him how.

Pay attention so you don't look like an ass.

Hey, Dumbfuck, this is the very first sentence of this entire thread, written by you:

"There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying."

You've provided exactly nothing to support that statement; absolutely nothing. Without that, there's no reason to do anything but mock you and your monumental ignorance...
Hey, Dumbfuck, this is the very first sentence of this entire thread, written by you:

"There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying."

You've provided exactly nothing to support that statement; absolutely nothing. Without that, there's no reason to do anything but mock you and your monumental ignorance...
Except, moron, I showed where membership has increased every year in both America and the world.
Also, I will add, if you call me a profane name one more time, you will become a permanent resident of iggyland. Is that in any way unclear?
Except, moron, I showed where membership has increased every year in both America and the world.
Also, I will add, if you call me a profane name one more time, you will become a permanent resident of iggyland. Is that in any way unclear?

Well, then answer the goddamn question!!!

I don't know if membership in the church has increased or decreased. I don't care. I'm not discussing that. I'm discussing the spurious and wholly unsupported claim you made.

I will ask you, in the fleeting hope that you might actually be able to answer it intelligently, and not by talking about something which has no bearing on your claim.

AGAIN, you said THIS:

"There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying."

Now, what I would like you to do is show us where/when/by whom this claim you think is coming from the "Atheist left" was made. Where is it??

Let me help you get started:

The sentence "I showed where membership has increased every year in both America and the world" is not an answer to that question. Every time you say that, you only further solidify the belief that no such claim was ever made, and that it's just some figment of your imagination.

If the "Atheist left" has made that claim, show us where, or be labeled a liar. Those are your choices.

And it won't surprise me an iota if, instead of actually responding intelligently, that you put me on ignore. But everyone knows it'll be because you're afraid of being challenged...
Well, then answer the goddamn question!!!

I don't know if membership in the church has increased or decreased. I don't care. I'm not discussing that. I'm discussing the spurious and wholly unsupported claim you made.

ONCE AGAIN I will ask you, in the fleeting hope that you might actually be able to answer it intelligently, and not by talking about something which has no bearing on your claim.

AGAIN, you said THIS:

"There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying."

Now, what I would like you to do is show us where/when/by whom this claim you think is coming from the "Atheist left" was made. Where is it??

Let me help you get started:

The sentence "I showed where membership has increased every year in both America and the world" is not an answer to that question. Every time you say that, you only further solidify the belief that no such claim was ever made, and that it's just some figment of your imagination.

If the "Atheist left" has made that claim, show us where, or be labeled a liar. Those are your choices.

And it won't surprise me an iota if, instead of actually responding intelligently, that you put me on ignore. But everyone knows it'll be because you're afraid of being challenged...
That's simple to answer, it's so obvious. The leftwing pollsters such as PEW, the leftwing atheists media outlets giddily presenting the PEW poll. A poll which is a misleading lie, btw, because they are showing percentages, NOT hard numbers.
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AGAIN, you said THIS:

"There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying."

Now, what I would like you to do is show us where/when/by whom this claim you think is coming from the "Atheist left" was made. Where is it??
Perhaps I can help. A couple of years the Wall Street Journal had an opinion piece with the title, Thank God, American Churches are Dying.

A more accurate title might have been "Thank God, Some American Churches are Declining." Shrug. It was opinion.

I imagine the article was citing numbers from Pew Research.
That's simple to answer, it's so obvious. The leftwing pollsters such as PEW, the leftwing atheists media outlets giddily presenting the PEW poll. A poll which is a misleading lie, btw, because they are showing percentages, NOT hard numbers.

Then show us something which directly refutes, specifically, the PEW poll.

Do that or fail...
Perhaps I can help. A couple of years the Wall Street Journal had an opinion piece with the title, Thank God, American Churches are Dying.

A more accurate title might have been "Thank God, Some American Churches are Declining." Shrug. It was opinion.

I imagine the article was citing numbers from Pew Research.

I was just trying to get him to support his statement. For whatever reason, he tucked his tail between his legs and threatened to put me on "ignore" (Oh, no, not THAT!! LOL) instead of answering the question...
I was just trying to get him to support his statement. For whatever reason, he tucked his tail between his legs and threatened to put me on "ignore" (Oh, no, not THAT!! LOL) instead of answering the question...
I don't see churches in decline as necessarily a negative. Weed out those who are not their whole-heartedly and the result is a more vibrant congregation who do more than simply attend church services.
I don't see churches in decline as necessarily a negative. Weed out those who are not their whole-heartedly and the result is a more vibrant congregation who do more than simply attend church services.

Whether they're actually declining or not isn't what's being discussed, though.

What's being discussed is the lie that Mashmont is promoting that "the Atheist left" claims that the Catholic Church is dying.

No such claim has been made, and Mashmouth is lying when he says it has...
What's being discussed is the lie that Mashmont is promoting that "the Atheist left" claims that the Catholic Church is dying.
I did not know there is an atheist left, although I imagine the left has people of all beliefs and of no belief. So does the right. And everyone in between.

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