This election is ALREADY a big loss for the Democrats

They're so pissed, in fact, that some of them are trying to split off and start "The People's Party". I'm not sure how many of them decided not to vote. But they're serious.
There does seem to be a legitimate question about why we have dozens of different brands of vehicles, for example, but only two viable political parties?

Four years of Trump may fracture Republicans into a couple of competing factions, and, hopefully, Biden's first term will stimulate similar sentiments among Democrats?
These results so far aren't as shocking as 2016, but I'm seeing several Democrats actually getting out the mirror and examining why the party still turns off so many Americans. I wonder if they're realizing that some of the tactics and positions advanced by the "progressive" Left play into the hands of the Trumpsters.

At the same time, and to no surprise, I'm also seeing some on the "progressive" Left say the reason this happens is because the party isn't hardcore Left ENOUGH.

It's a good sign that I'm seeing some mirrors on the Left. We'll see.
The statist left's loss is about to get a LOT bigger!
Well, that's definitely the argument. The Progressives are furious that Biden ended up on the ticket, and his picking Harris didn't change their minds. Like any other highly ideological group, they're absolutely convinced that THEIR positions are what the people really want
You're right (imho) about extreme ideologues, but I think much of the left's antipathy towards status quo candidates like Biden and Harris stems from a belief Bernie was treated unfairly by the DNC and Wall Street Democrats who publicly claimed they would support Trump over Sanders.

"DES MOINES, Iowa — A small group of Democratic National Committee members has privately begun gauging support for a plan to potentially weaken Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and head off a brokered convention"

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
They're so pissed, in fact, that some of them are trying to split off and start "The People's Party". I'm not sure how many of them decided not to vote. But they're serious.
There does seem to be a legitimate question about why we have dozens of different brands of vehicles, for example, but only two viable political parties?

Four years of Trump may fracture Republicans into a couple of competing factions, and, hopefully, Biden's first term will stimulate similar sentiments among Democrats?
I keep my fervent dream of a viable third party locked away in a secure cabinet. I don't see how we get from here to there.
Well, that's definitely the argument. The Progressives are furious that Biden ended up on the ticket, and his picking Harris didn't change their minds. Like any other highly ideological group, they're absolutely convinced that THEIR positions are what the people really want
You're right (imho) about extreme ideologues, but I think much of the left's antipathy towards status quo candidates like Biden and Harris stems from a belief Bernie was treated unfairly by the DNC and Wall Street Democrats who publicly claimed they would support Trump over Sanders.

"DES MOINES, Iowa — A small group of Democratic National Committee members has privately begun gauging support for a plan to potentially weaken Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and head off a brokered convention"

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
Yes, that was a huge (yuge) part of it. But I've also noticed recently that some of them are now pissed at BERNIE for not fighting more.

So they're off in the fringe, but the party still needs their votes.
These results so far aren't as shocking as 2016, but I'm seeing several Democrats actually getting out the mirror and examining why the party still turns off so many Americans. I wonder if they're realizing that some of the tactics and positions advanced by the "progressive" Left play into the hands of the Trumpsters.

At the same time, and to no surprise, I'm also seeing some on the "progressive" Left say the reason this happens is because the party isn't hardcore Left ENOUGH.

It's a good sign that I'm seeing some mirrors on the Left. We'll see.

The D's are looking to change the country demographically by admitting millions of Illegals to citizenship as well as admitting Puerto RIco and DC as states. The theory they have is pretty sound. If you can't convince the voters enrolled right now, find new voters, and if the election results stand and Trump retires, they shouldn't have a problem instituting immigration reform and other ideas

They'll gravitate to Dimm shithole City's making them even shitier cause they cannot afford the 'burbs.
Biden has promised to put public housing in the suburbs to punish the middle class

It's up to those in the 'burbs to block it by any and all means possible.
I keep my fervent dream of a viable third party locked away in a secure cabinet. I don't see how we get from here to there.
Have you noticed we wouldn't be living with all this melodrama in a handful of states if we picked presidents by national popular vote? It's possible the winner-take-all mentality of US elections helps ensure a two party duopoly.

Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

"The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact will guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes across all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

"The Compact ensures that every vote, in every state, will matter in every presidential election.

"The Compact is a state-based approach that preserves the Electoral College, state control of elections, and the power of the states to control how the President is elected."
I keep my fervent dream of a viable third party locked away in a secure cabinet. I don't see how we get from here to there.
Have you noticed we wouldn't be living with all this melodrama in a handful of states if we picked presidents by national popular vote? It's possible the winner-take-all mentality of US elections helps ensure a two party duopoly.

Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

"The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact will guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes across all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

"The Compact ensures that every vote, in every state, will matter in every presidential election.

"The Compact is a state-based approach that preserves the Electoral College, state control of elections, and the power of the states to control how the President is elected."

The Constitution would have never been signed and it would be the USA if it wasn't for the electoral college.

The "Compact" is a load of shit. If Trump or another Republican won a plurality of the votes nationwide, do you really think that California electors would cast for him in Sacramento? No, they would break the compact.
Yes, that was a huge (yuge) part of it. But I've also noticed recently that some of them are now pissed at BERNIE for not fighting more.
Bernie was caught in the middle, for sure.
He had an impossibly fine line to walk in order to satisfy DNC Democrats and younger left-leaning supporters.
I suspect the US is a generation away from electing a socialist POTUS; although, if the Trump pandemic gives way to the Trump recession/depression next winter we could see huge (yuge) changes in 2022 and 2024.

Homelessness Threatens 34 Million People Facing Eviction in 2021 - Invisible People
Yes, that was a huge (yuge) part of it. But I've also noticed recently that some of them are now pissed at BERNIE for not fighting more.
Bernie was caught in the middle, for sure.
He had an impossibly fine line to walk in order to satisfy DNC Democrats and younger left-leaning supporters.
I suspect the US is a generation away from electing a socialist POTUS; although, if the Trump pandemic gives way to the Trump recession/depression next winter we could see huge (yuge) changes in 2022 and 2024.

Homelessness Threatens 34 Million People Facing Eviction in 2021 - Invisible People
Yeah, it's amazing to see how much effort today's version of the GOP is putting into helping the REAL socialists with their work.

As a result, the word no longer scares many Americans, and they're beginning to look for alternatives.
The "Compact" is a load of shit. If Trump or another Republican won a plurality of the votes nationwide, do you really think that California electors would cast for him in Sacramento? No, they would break the compact.
California is blood-red inland and blue along the coast.
The state has elected Republican governors for generations.
It supported Reagan and Nixon for POTUS.
Is this your idea of how presidents should be selected?

Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote
Yes, that was a huge (yuge) part of it. But I've also noticed recently that some of them are now pissed at BERNIE for not fighting more.
Bernie was caught in the middle, for sure.
He had an impossibly fine line to walk in order to satisfy DNC Democrats and younger left-leaning supporters.
I suspect the US is a generation away from electing a socialist POTUS; although, if the Trump pandemic gives way to the Trump recession/depression next winter we could see huge (yuge) changes in 2022 and 2024.

Homelessness Threatens 34 Million People Facing Eviction in 2021 - Invisible People
Yeah, it's amazing to see how much effort today's version of the GOP is putting into helping the REAL socialists with their work.

As a result, the word no longer scares many Americans, and they're beginning to look for alternatives.

If Trump loses the election, any recession or depression will be Sleepy Joe's responsibility not Trump's. Remember that Biden has pledged millions of tremendous new jobs, a revived economy, not a penny in new taxes for anyone under 400k and plans to cure the virus on Day One with a mask mandate. How would it be Trump's fault if he's chilling in Mar a lago while the country is going to heck?
It will just change from 'orange man bad' to 'orange man's fault'. Every Biden failure will be laid at Trump's feet.
You mean just like Trump laid every one of his failures on Obama. LOL.
Which brings up the fact that there is massive Fraud being committed against President Trump by the DemNazi party who are trying to rig this election like it was 1933 in Nazi Germany and want to appoint an illegitimate Joe Biden as Fuhrer.

God is not done with America, nor is he done with this election, and A Holy God is who raises up Kings, and lays waste to Nations, not a crooked DemNazi party stuffing ballot boxes.

Pray for The Republic and Pray for The President.
They're so pissed, in fact, that some of them are trying to split off and start "The People's Party". I'm not sure how many of them decided not to vote. But they're serious.
There does seem to be a legitimate question about why we have dozens of different brands of vehicles, for example, but only two viable political parties?

Four years of Trump may fracture Republicans into a couple of competing factions, and, hopefully, Biden's first term will stimulate similar sentiments among Democrats?
The Constitution says nothing about the amount of parties....It tells you about Liberty. And you ain't about Liberty.

The American people deserve a round of applause.

Yes, they made a mistake in electing Mr. Biden.

But at least they showed their disgust with characters like Nancy Pelosi who abetted the disgusting violence this summer.

They denied the radicals a blue wave.
Yes, that was a huge (yuge) part of it. But I've also noticed recently that some of them are now pissed at BERNIE for not fighting more.
Bernie was caught in the middle, for sure.
He had an impossibly fine line to walk in order to satisfy DNC Democrats and younger left-leaning supporters.
I suspect the US is a generation away from electing a socialist POTUS; although, if the Trump pandemic gives way to the Trump recession/depression next winter we could see huge (yuge) changes in 2022 and 2024.

Homelessness Threatens 34 Million People Facing Eviction in 2021 - Invisible People
Yeah, it's amazing to see how much effort today's version of the GOP is putting into helping the REAL socialists with their work.

As a result, the word no longer scares many Americans, and they're beginning to look for alternatives.

If Trump loses the election, any recession or depression will be Sleepy Joe's responsibility not Trump's. Remember that Biden has pledged millions of tremendous new jobs, a revived economy, not a penny in new taxes for anyone under 400k and plans to cure the virus on Day One with a mask mandate. How would it be Trump's fault if he's chilling in Mar a lago while the country is going to heck?
Dittos Rush.
or the Trump tax cuts.

You must mean the big Trump tax increases on the middle class, which start in 2021.

President Trump and his congressional allies hoodwinked us. The law they passed initially lowered taxes for most Americans, but it built in automatic, stepped tax increases every two years that begin in 2021 and that by 2027 would affect nearly everyone but people at the top of the economic hierarchy. All taxpayer income groups with incomes of $75,000 and under — that’s about 65 percent of taxpayers — will face a higher tax rate in 2027 than in 2019.

Trump is taxing you more so the rich can pay less. Is it that you're fine with that, or is it that your masters kept that information from you?

Needless to say, the Democrats will try to stop that. The Republican senate will block it, and then the Republicans will blame Biden for Trump's middle class tax hike.

hope Trump actually does start a media company. That would be awesome.

That would require work on his part, so it won't happen. He'll just sit on his ass and tweet.

You must mean the big Trump tax increases on the middle class, which start in 2021.

So Biden won't sign a bill making the middle class tax cuts permanent?

Pelosi won't sent such a bill to the Senate?

Why do Dems make the middle class?

Needless to say, the Democrats will try to stop that. The Republican senate will block it

You're lying.
If the Dems send a middle class tax cut bill to the Senate, it'll get more Republican than Dem votes.

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