This is breaking speculation maybe? Trump to announce.

Your words are an indication that the revolutionary spirit is still very alive in your mind at least.

We won't have to wait long to hear whether or not it's backed up by sufficient numbers.

I fear that no revolutionary attempt really dies unless the leader is dealt with by government with finality.
A revolutionary spirit in the USA does not equate to a coup of the existing government. Our constitutional concept is a government of the people, by the people, for the people. That has gotten partially lost because so many Americans have been brainwashed into thinking as too many less free countries believe, i.e. the government should control every aspect of life, solve every problem, provide every need. Our Founders did not see it that way. Patriots in America do not see it that way.
A revolutionary spirit in the USA does not equate to a coup of the existing government. Our constitutional concept is a government of the people, by the people, for the people. That has gotten partially lost because so many Americans have been brainwashed into thinking as too many less free countries believe, i.e. the government should control every aspect of life, solve every problem, provide every need. Our Founders did not see it that way. Patriots in America do not see it that way.
You acknowledge the revolutionary spirit. We'll have to wait for Trump to make his move.

Kari Lake? Her fate could represent new life for Trump or it could be symbolic of defeat.

In any case, Trump understands that his lieutenants need not be elected in order to serve. The indispensable ones will be appointed.
You acknowledge the revolutionary spirit. We'll have to wait for Trump to make his move.

Kari Lake? Her fate could represent new life for Trump or it could be symbolic of defeat.

In any case, Trump understands that his lieutenants need not be elected in order to serve. The indispensable ones will be appointed.
Well we'll just see if your crystal ball is better than anybody else's as so far your track record isn't very good. Have a wonderful day.
It would be campaign suicide for him to declare this early. As soon as he declares, FEC rules greatly limit how much he can spend on himself. As long as he hasn't officially declared, he can throw around money like Brewster's Millions, but all of that stops once he is officially in.

But, he's getting mileage out of threatening to declare, so he'll ride that free pub for as long as he can. It makes tactical sense.
The demoncRats will steal every single election from now on........Trump or no Trump

They have perfected the stealing ....they are ready to face 2024.

Bye bye USA as we all knew it.

The demoncRats will steal every single election from now on........Trump or no Trump

They have perfected the stealing ....they are ready to face 2024.

Bye bye USA as we all knew it.

Nope, MAGA has perfected the art of losing. Kick MAGA to the curb and you can win elections by calling Democrats socialists again. MAGA called Democrats socialists in this election, too, so nothing different. The difference is, independents will vote for "socialists" over nutjobs and fascists. Stop voting for nutjobs and fascists and you can have your majority back.
A special prosecutor for what?
If he announces he's running then traditionally, the DOJ has not signaled a readiness to prosecute or even investigate a political candidate. By setting up a so-called unbiased special prosecutor they can investigate - and leak - all their suspicions without ANY EVIDENCE , exactly as they did for 3 years with Mueller and Co.

The Ds are crowing about their successes and out of one side of their mouths are saying Trump is finished in the party and DeSantis is the new leader but at the same time, they're hedging their bets by announcing yet another obstacle to the man running.
They are STILL scared shitless of him running again. They're trying to lay the blame for the midterm debacle at his feet even though 90+ percent of his choices/endorsements won. They are in full panic mode that once he announces, he and his supporters can make a cogent, fair argument that he is being treated differently than any other candidate in our past. I wonder what makes the DC crowd so afraid?
Nope, MAGA has perfected the art of losing. Kick MAGA to the curb and you can win elections by calling Democrats socialists again. MAGA called Democrats socialists in this election, too, so nothing different. The difference is, independents will vote for "socialists" over nutjobs and fascists. Stop voting for nutjobs and fascists and you can have your majority back.
You guys really don't grasp what's coming and when it arrives it's going to make your heads explode. Put simply, YOU and your party do not get to dictate reality to tens of millions of Americans who believe differently than you.
If you were capable at all of putting yourselves in the other's shoes, even for a moment, you'd have to admit that if it were YOUR candidates being treated in such a way that you distrusted elections, you also would raise hell and refuse to go along. To say otherwise would just make you a liar.

The bottom line is that as we continue to see elections slow walked and results coming back different from all prior polling, half the nation is going to walk away from elections and start refusing to obey a government they see as illegitimate. Admit it, you'd cheerfully watch DC trying to round up and arrest noncompliant Americans, wouldn't you? You people will be crushed just like the rest of us. We've reached a level of ignorance now that too few understand even the basic lessons of history, thus, it WILL be repeated. Socialism always ends in mass graves... ALWAYS...
You guys really don't grasp what's coming

I don't think anybody grasps what's coming, but that's for the climate change threads.

and when it arrives it's going to make your heads explode.

Nah, I'll probably just starve to death, or die from an incoming nuclear missile when WWIII starts.

Put simply, YOU and your party do not get to dictate reality to tens of millions of Americans who believe differently than you.

Not what I want; I just want free and fair elections respected, whoever wins or loses. Hundreds of races have been called already for Republican candidates - I trust it when people say they won those elections fairly and squarely. Democratic, Independent, Reform, Bill the Cat Party candidate winners should be treated the same. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you were capable at all of putting yourselves in the other's shoes, even for a moment, you'd have to admit that if it were YOUR candidates being treated in such a way that you distrusted elections, you also would raise hell and refuse to go along. To say otherwise would just make you a liar.

Oh there's distrust of the system from both sides - no disagreement. I'm suspicious of lawsuits and court rulings that end up throwing out hundreds or even thousands of votes, but whether I like it or not, the law is the law. If I don't like it, I can vote for candidates (and in some cases judges) who will vote/rule differently. That's democracy.

The bottom line is that as we continue to see elections slow walked and results coming back different from all prior polling,

Maybe because some states do a better job of counting their votes faster than others. Like I said, Florida didn't have the problems that Arizona did. Nor did other states, blue or red.

half the nation is going to walk away from elections and start refusing to obey a government they see as illegitimate.

Hey, your party gerrymandered the shit out of Florida and Wisconsin and you don't see the progs refusing to obey government.

Admit it, you'd cheerfully watch DC trying to round up and arrest noncompliant Americans, wouldn't you?

Well "rounding up" sounds fascist, but in general, I do think there should be consequences for breaking the law.
A link from Drudge goes here:

Question for members: like him or hate him, is President Trump going to announce his bid for a second term today?

I hope he does. It’s a chess move.

Actually Trump is set to announce Nov 15, just in time to know just how poorly the "RED WAVE" performed.

Remember, Trump has been evaporating the red wave for the last 3 election cycles.

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