This is how far we've "progressed"

Pelosi defended Swalwell and attacked McCarthy instead.

To me that makes her complicit in the espionage.
They've completely taken over the democrat Party

Can you imagine? A Dim on the intel committee was banging a Chinese spy and she planted an intern in his office and handled campaign money for him...and Pelosi blasts McCarthy for DARING TO CALL OUT SWALLOWWELL? :auiqs.jpg:
Progressive = progress toward Communism

You are obsessed and radicalized. Your Pavlovian response to the words "liberal", "progressive", and "socialism", is Orwellian. Trump tweets and you come here and amplify is daily hate filled screeds, as gospel.

This assault on the 2020 Presidential Elections is proof positive that the Republican Party has no interest in standing up for the Constitution, and simply sought to keep Trump as President by any means necessary, and try to slap a Supreme Court decision on their coup to give it some thin veneer of legality.

Republicans proved when Clinton was President, that they would do ANYTHING to get a Democrat out of the White House. Under Trump, they have proven they are drunk with power and will do ANYTHING to keep it, even as 3000 Americans are dying every day, due to their failure to carry out the primary responsibility of government: to keep the American people safe.

Trump lied about President Obama's birth certificate. I have long believed that the whole "birther conspiracy" campaign was market research for just how gullible the American people really are, and Trump learned that 30% of Republicans will believe anything a fellow Republican tells them.

You are part of that 30%. Regardless of how many times Trump lies to you, you believe him, and no matter how many times Democrats tell you the truth, you call them liars. Such is the upside down world of Republicans.
Pelosi defended Swalwell and attacked McCarthy instead.

To me that makes her complicit in the espionage.
They've completely taken over the democrat Party

Can you imagine? A Dim on the intel committee was banging a Chinese spy and she planted an intern in his office and handled campaign money for him...and Pelosi blasts McCarthy for DARING TO CALL OUT SWALLOWWELL? :auiqs.jpg:
What I can't imagine, is you sticking to the facts. Dirtbag.

The fact is that dems are the modern Rosenbergs
Only in right wing fantasy. You are Always Right, in right wing fantasy.
Pelosi defended Swalwell and attacked McCarthy instead.

To me that makes her complicit in the espionage.
They've completely taken over the democrat Party

Can you imagine? A Dim on the intel committee was banging a Chinese spy and she planted an intern in his office and handled campaign money for him...and Pelosi blasts McCarthy for DARING TO CALL OUT SWALLOWWELL? :auiqs.jpg:
What I can't imagine, is you sticking to the facts. Dirtbag.

The fact is that dems are the modern Rosenbergs

The fact is that Republicans are idiots. They have ceased to believe in freedom and democracy, and have sold out to the forces of white nationalism, racism, and authoritarianism. They have no platform, no agenda other than keeping power at all costs, and giving all of the wealth of the nation to their donors.
Pelosi defended Swalwell and attacked McCarthy instead.

To me that makes her complicit in the espionage.
They've completely taken over the democrat Party

Can you imagine? A Dim on the intel committee was banging a Chinese spy and she planted an intern in his office and handled campaign money for him...and Pelosi blasts McCarthy for DARING TO CALL OUT SWALLOWWELL? :auiqs.jpg:
Progressive = progress toward Communism

You are obsessed and radicalized. Your Pavlovian response to the words "liberal", "progressive", and "socialism", is Orwellian. Trump tweets and you come here and amplify is daily hate filled screeds, as gospel.

This assault on the 2020 Presidential Elections is proof positive that the Republican Party has no interest in standing up for the Constitution, and simply sought to keep Trump as President by any means necessary, and try to slap a Supreme Court decision on their coup to give it some thin veneer of legality.

Republicans proved when Clinton was President, that they would do ANYTHING to get a Democrat out of the White House. Under Trump, they have proven they are drunk with power and will do ANYTHING to keep it, even as 3000 Americans are dying every day, due to their failure to carry out the primary responsibility of government: to keep the American people safe.

Trump lied about President Obama's birth certificate. I have long believed that the whole "birther conspiracy" campaign was market research for just how gullible the American people really are, and Trump learned that 30% of Republicans will believe anything a fellow Republican tells them.

You are part of that 30%. Regardless of how many times Trump lies to you, you believe him, and no matter how many times Democrats tell you the truth, you call them liars. Such is the upside down world of Republicans.

"Your Pavlovian response ..."

I always get a kick out of you knowledge-challenged Bolsheviks put your your case 'feet' your mouths.

It is the Left that demands their slaves never do any thinking.

Case in point:

" In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food.

Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.
“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,” Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.
“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?” he asked. “Exactly” replied Lenin. Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”…
Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

Lenin would be proud of you, you dolt.
Pelosi defended Swalwell and attacked McCarthy instead.

To me that makes her complicit in the espionage.
They've completely taken over the democrat Party

Can you imagine? A Dim on the intel committee was banging a Chinese spy and she planted an intern in his office and handled campaign money for him...and Pelosi blasts McCarthy for DARING TO CALL OUT SWALLOWWELL? :auiqs.jpg:
What I can't imagine, is you sticking to the facts. Dirtbag.

The fact is that dems are the modern Rosenbergs

The fact is that Republicans are idiots. They have ceased to believe in freedom and democracy, and have sold out to the forces of white nationalism, racism, and authoritarianism. They have no platform, no agenda other than keeping power at all costs, and giving all of the wealth of the nation to their donors.

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
Pelosi defended Swalwell and attacked McCarthy instead.

To me that makes her complicit in the espionage.
They've completely taken over the democrat Party

Can you imagine? A Dim on the intel committee was banging a Chinese spy and she planted an intern in his office and handled campaign money for him...and Pelosi blasts McCarthy for DARING TO CALL OUT SWALLOWWELL? :auiqs.jpg:
What I can't imagine, is you sticking to the facts. Dirtbag.

The fact is that dems are the modern Rosenbergs

The fact is that Republicans are idiots. They have ceased to believe in freedom and democracy, and have sold out to the forces of white nationalism, racism, and authoritarianism. They have no platform, no agenda other than keeping power at all costs, and giving all of the wealth of the nation to their donors.

Trump: Worst Authoritarian EVAH!!!

Trump's Authoritarian Record

Courts turned back his challenge and he has yet to arrest, imprison, shoot or asked for the law license of any Judge
DOJ sat on Hunter Biden investigation
Coup Plotters all guilt as sin and free as birds
CISA responsible for secure elections let Antifa, CCP, Venezuela and Frank Nitty hack our Dominion vote machines yet claimed it was "Most secure-er-est election EVAH! Biden and the Vote Fairy Rule!"

Honestly just STFU, you sound like a idiot
Pelosi defended Swalwell and attacked McCarthy instead.

To me that makes her complicit in the espionage.
They've completely taken over the democrat Party

Can you imagine? A Dim on the intel committee was banging a Chinese spy and she planted an intern in his office and handled campaign money for him...and Pelosi blasts McCarthy for DARING TO CALL OUT SWALLOWWELL? :auiqs.jpg:
What I can't imagine, is you sticking to the facts. Dirtbag.

The fact is that dems are the modern Rosenbergs

The fact is that Republicans are idiots. They have ceased to believe in freedom and democracy, and have sold out to the forces of white nationalism, racism, and authoritarianism. They have no platform, no agenda other than keeping power at all costs, and giving all of the wealth of the nation to their donors.

Trump: Worst Authoritarian EVAH!!!

Trump's Authoritarian Record

Courts turned back his challenge and he has yet to arrest, imprison, shoot or asked for the law license of any Judge
DOJ sat on Hunter Biden investigation
Coup Plotters all guilt as sin and free as birds
CISA responsible for secure elections let Antifa, CCP, Venezuela and Frank Nitty hack our Dominion vote machines yet claimed it was "Most secure-er-est election EVAH! Biden and the Vote Fairy Rule!"

Honestly just STFU, you sound like a idiot

Pleeeezzzzze let that one speak......She has to be one of the greatest embarrassments to her side.
Pelosi defended Swalwell and attacked McCarthy instead.

To me that makes her complicit in the espionage.
They've completely taken over the democrat Party

Can you imagine? A Dim on the intel committee was banging a Chinese spy and she planted an intern in his office and handled campaign money for him...and Pelosi blasts McCarthy for DARING TO CALL OUT SWALLOWWELL? :auiqs.jpg:
What I can't imagine, is you sticking to the facts. Dirtbag.

The fact is that dems are the modern Rosenbergs

The fact is that Republicans are idiots. They have ceased to believe in freedom and democracy, and have sold out to the forces of white nationalism, racism, and authoritarianism. They have no platform, no agenda other than keeping power at all costs, and giving all of the wealth of the nation to their donors.

Trump: Worst Authoritarian EVAH!!!

Trump's Authoritarian Record

Courts turned back his challenge and he has yet to arrest, imprison, shoot or asked for the law license of any Judge
DOJ sat on Hunter Biden investigation
Coup Plotters all guilt as sin and free as birds
CISA responsible for secure elections let Antifa, CCP, Venezuela and Frank Nitty hack our Dominion vote machines yet claimed it was "Most secure-er-est election EVAH! Biden and the Vote Fairy Rule!"

Honestly just STFU, you sound like a idiot

Pleeeezzzzze let that one speak......She has to be one of the greatest embarrassments to her side.

No one should be censored. I love it when the idiots show their asses.
The fact is that Republicans are idiots. They have ceased to believe in freedom and democracy, and have sold out to the forces of white nationalism, racism, and authoritarianism.

And the American commies are now selling us out to China. Which one is worse? Where did slow Joe and Hillary get all their campaign money from, the homeless? Authoritarianism? Well thank God that's gone. Now we will be forced to wear masks anytime we leave the house, and forced to buy healthcare insurance whether we can afford it or not, forced to use the much more expensive and less reliable green energy with no choice. Thank God Trump's authoritarianism is gone.
I'm just gobsmacked how Trump's campaign staff can be investigated and charged. . . but the folks on the left are defended and left alone. . .

. . it makes no sense to me.

I bet you know....but don't want to admit to yourself what this nation has become.
The fact is that Republicans are idiots. They have ceased to believe in freedom and democracy, and have sold out to the forces of white nationalism, racism, and authoritarianism.

And the American commies are now selling us out to China. Which one is worse? Where did slow Joe and Hillary get all their campaign money from, the homeless? Authoritarianism? Well thank God that's gone. Now we will be forced to wear masks anytime we leave the house, and forced to buy healthcare insurance whether we can afford it or not, forced to use the much more expensive and less reliable green energy with no choice. Thank God Trump's authoritarianism is gone.

"And the American commies are now selling us out ...."

The 32nd President, another Democrat, did so earlier.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for aiding a Communist nation. In America today, aiding a Communist nation gets you political power, right up to the Presidency

That's "progress"
Execution is the only remedy, but Courts are not likely to do COCKSUCKING SHIT, so we must take matters into our own hands.

I am now building one of these for that very purpose:


(omitting any comment about fucking the neck hole using gushing blood as lube)
Pelosi defended Swalwell and attacked McCarthy instead.

To me that makes her complicit in the espionage.
They've completely taken over the democrat Party

Can you imagine? A Dim on the intel committee was banging a Chinese spy and she planted an intern in his office and handled campaign money for him...and Pelosi blasts McCarthy for DARING TO CALL OUT SWALLOWWELL? :auiqs.jpg:
What I can't imagine, is you sticking to the facts. Dirtbag.

The fact is that dems are the modern Rosenbergs

The fact is that Republicans are idiots. They have ceased to believe in freedom and democracy, and have sold out to the forces of white nationalism, racism, and authoritarianism. They have no platform, no agenda other than keeping power at all costs, and giving all of the wealth of the nation to their donors.

Trump: Worst Authoritarian EVAH!!!

Trump's Authoritarian Record

Courts turned back his challenge and he has yet to arrest, imprison, shoot or asked for the law license of any Judge
DOJ sat on Hunter Biden investigation
Coup Plotters all guilt as sin and free as birds
CISA responsible for secure elections let Antifa, CCP, Venezuela and Frank Nitty hack our Dominion vote machines yet claimed it was "Most secure-er-est election EVAH! Biden and the Vote Fairy Rule!"

Honestly just STFU, you sound like a idiot

Pleeeezzzzze let that one speak......She has to be one of the greatest embarrassments to her side.
Look what she said about our fallen heroes.
I'm just gobsmacked how Trump's campaign staff can be investigated and charged. . . but the folks on the left are defended and left alone. . .

. . it makes no sense to me.

I bet you know....but don't want to admit to yourself what this nation has become.

Well. . . yes.

I know.

But, unlike you, I don't see it through a partisan pretext. They generally have to have some legalistic pretext.

I just want to know what that has to be.

. . . that veneer seems to be getting thinner and thinner.

It stuns me that folks are so partisan that they just don't give a shit to say hey, the state has no clothes.

For instance, you, and folks that think like you, will always rail against collectivism. But, the problem IS NOT collectivism. Collectivism, when practiced voluntarily, in accordance to natural law, god's law, is not wrong. The native's of this great land lived by communalism. They had no police, no currency, no jails, no criminals, no homelessness, etc. None of the ills our society suffers.

OTH, the far left continually gripes against "capitalism." But. . . the fact is, when capitalism is left alone by the government, there is nothing wrong with the free market. Again, the native Americans had extensive trade routes all over this nation, and extensive trade, and there was no interference by governments.

In my state, there are three electric companies that split up the customers. Two corporations, and one electric cooperative. And you can bet that the corporations, of course, serve the areas with the highest population densities and high customer base. . . of course they let the cooperative serve the rural areas. But why is this?


THE problem always stems from the government. NOT THE ECONOMIC systems. If left alone, the free market would always serve the communities with the most just efficient system. I would not be surprised, that if the banking regulations were different, Credit Unions would be dominant, and no one would use banks.

I imagine. . . this is why the corruption that globalists get away with is just. . . fine. Yet, when nationalists do the same thing? Well, it is federal issue.

As I say, the problem is the law. Freedom is a problem, tyranny is just fine.

Get what I am putting down?

The corruption is baked into the system. Stop focusing on the false left/right divide, and start focusing on the corruption in the system.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for aiding a Communist nation. In America today, aiding a Communist nation gets you political power, right up to the Presidency

That's "progress"

To be fair it is different situation. Soviet Union was not a trading partner of the US and they America and China are not threatening to blow each other up are they?
I'm just gobsmacked how Trump's campaign staff can be investigated and charged. . . but the folks on the left are defended and left alone. . .

. . it makes no sense to me.

I bet you know....but don't want to admit to yourself what this nation has become.

Well. . . yes.

I know.

But, unlike you, I don't see it through a partisan pretext. They generally have to have some legalistic pretext.

I just want to know what that has to be.

. . . that veneer seems to be getting thinner and thinner.

It stuns me that folks are so partisan that they just don't give a shit to say hey, the state has no clothes.

For instance, you, and folks that think like you, will always rail against collectivism. But, the problem IS NOT collectivism. Collectivism, when practiced voluntarily, in accordance to natural law, god's law, is not wrong. The native's of this great land lived by communalism. They had no police, no currency, no jails, no criminals, no homelessness, etc. None of the ills our society suffers.

OTH, the far left continually gripes against "capitalism." But. . . the fact is, when capitalism is left alone by the government, there is nothing wrong with the free market. Again, the native Americans had extensive trade routes all over this nation, and extensive trade, and there was no interference by governments.

In my state, there are three electric companies that split up the customers. Two corporations, and one electric cooperative. And you can bet that the corporations, of course, serve the areas with the highest population densities and high customer base. . . of course they let the cooperative serve the rural areas. But why is this?


THE problem always stems from the government. NOT THE ECONOMIC systems. If left alone, the free market would always serve the communities with the most just efficient system. I would not be surprised, that if the banking regulations were different, Credit Unions would be dominant, and no one would use banks.

I imagine. . . this is why the corruption that globalists get away with is just. . . fine. Yet, when nationalists do the same thing? Well, it is federal issue.

As I say, the problem is the law. Freedom is a problem, tyranny is just fine.

Get what I am putting down?

The corruption is baked into the system. Stop focusing on the false left/right divide, and start focusing on the corruption in the system.

If at any time you'd like to challenge anything I post, don't hesitate.....and I will provide the education you so sorely lack.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for aiding a Communist nation. In America today, aiding a Communist nation gets you political power, right up to the Presidency

That's "progress"

To be fair it is different situation. Soviet Union was not a trading partner of the US and they America and China are not threatening to blow each other up are they?

You miss the point, Sho.....

They need not blow us up if they can simply bribe Democrats to do their bidding.

Here's your homework.

Pelosi defended Swalwell and attacked McCarthy instead.

To me that makes her complicit in the espionage.
They've completely taken over the democrat Party

Can you imagine? A Dim on the intel committee was banging a Chinese spy and she planted an intern in his office and handled campaign money for him...and Pelosi blasts McCarthy for DARING TO CALL OUT SWALLOWWELL? :auiqs.jpg:
Progressive = progress toward Communism

You are obsessed and radicalized. Your Pavlovian response to the words "liberal", "progressive", and "socialism", is Orwellian. Trump tweets and you come here and amplify is daily hate filled screeds, as gospel.

This assault on the 2020 Presidential Elections is proof positive that the Republican Party has no interest in standing up for the Constitution, and simply sought to keep Trump as President by any means necessary, and try to slap a Supreme Court decision on their coup to give it some thin veneer of legality.

Republicans proved when Clinton was President, that they would do ANYTHING to get a Democrat out of the White House. Under Trump, they have proven they are drunk with power and will do ANYTHING to keep it, even as 3000 Americans are dying every day, due to their failure to carry out the primary responsibility of government: to keep the American people safe.

Trump lied about President Obama's birth certificate. I have long believed that the whole "birther conspiracy" campaign was market research for just how gullible the American people really are, and Trump learned that 30% of Republicans will believe anything a fellow Republican tells them.

You are part of that 30%. Regardless of how many times Trump lies to you, you believe him, and no matter how many times Democrats tell you the truth, you call them liars. Such is the upside down world of Republicans.


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