This is what Trump voting coal miners got for their vote

Angry about no pay, Kentucky miners block train loaded with coal - CNN Talk about the biggest mistake of their lives. Coal company is going bankrupt loaded down with coal in train cars, and the folks who did all the work get to watch the train go by as a result of their labor, and aren't getting paid for that labor. How's that Trump vote working out for you now? What a bunch of ignoramuses. Don't you people get it? Trump is all buzz words, and lying slogans. He's told us eleven thousand lies. Wake the hell up.

Two more coal mines have closed in Wyoming.

The loss of those 700 jobs will be devastating to the communities and state of Wyoming.

States like Wyoming, West Virginia and others that base their economy on natural resources are making a very bad choice and being very short sighted.

Coal is dead. It's not coming back.

trump is lying.

Two Wyoming coal mines close, send 700 workers home after bankruptcy filing
They would be just as unemployed had they voted for anybody else. Jimmy Carter accidentally killed coal in 1980. It is just taking awhile to get there.
Really? Says who? Alternative energy jobs are boom if you let them into your communities and states. Some have. Others like these Trump voting coal miners went all stupid on us. Oh well.

Alternative energy jobs are boom if you let them into your communities and states

They are low productivity jobs.
They are also low impact on our environment; End Coal | Coal Mining You think that picture is healthy? Think again. And ask those poor bastards who voted for Trump if they still like their Black Lung Disease and poisoned water supply?

Would voting for Hillary had cured them and cleaned up their water supplies by now? Does she raise the dead and walk on water too?
If they stopped the mining in that area, eventually the water would purify itself, once the vegetation came back to limit the amount of acidity in the run off in the streams. Your second question is idiotic, and is a testament to the failure by these Trump clowns to argue down the science. You folks are so pitiful. You don't even understand basic hydrology management.

Except as I already told you, I didn't vote for Trump and "eventually" wouldn't change what it is "now" so your arguments that how they voted somehow would affect their curtain circumstances is sour grapes over the election having nothing to do with the reality on the ground. So far, I don't actually see you expressing anything except political druthers. These are the same people that the democrats would still view with contempt if not over their vote for Trump then for some other reason. They are the "Deplorables" after all.
I thought lefties all wanted the coal industry to go broke? Shouldn't you be celebrating?
Democrats want to waste our money building power plants powered by windmills instead of coal plants which have proven they work.

We started building our wind farms in the 1990s. When they first came on line they generated more energy than the existing power grid could handle. We voted to raise our taxes to build that new grid.

We get most of our electricity from water. The rest comes from wind, solar and natural gas. With one small coal fire plant left in the middle of nowhere for farmers. It's being shut down now. The shut down started in 2005.

We generate more energy than we use and sell the excess to other states.

Your post is a bunch of garbage.
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Angry about no pay, Kentucky miners block train loaded with coal - CNN Talk about the biggest mistake of their lives. Coal company is going bankrupt loaded down with coal in train cars, and the folks who did all the work get to watch the train go by as a result of their labor, and aren't getting paid for that labor. How's that Trump vote working out for you now? What a bunch of ignoramuses. Don't you people get it? Trump is all buzz words, and lying slogans. He's told us eleven thousand lies. Wake the hell up.

Two more coal mines have closed in Wyoming.

The loss of those 700 jobs will be devastating to the communities and state of Wyoming.

States like Wyoming, West Virginia and others that base their economy on natural resources are making a very bad choice and being very short sighted.

Coal is dead. It's not coming back.

trump is lying.

Two Wyoming coal mines close, send 700 workers home after bankruptcy filing
Trump voters are brain dead about this issue, and they followed a liar around for three years promising Coal was coming back. They live in an alternate universe with alternative facts. They think that if you put Brawndo on the crops they will grow;
I thought lefties all wanted the coal industry to go broke? Shouldn't you be celebrating?
Democrats want to waste our money building power plants powered by windmills instead of coal plants which have proven they work.

We started building our wind farms in the 1990s. When they first came on line they generated more energy than the existing power grid could handle. We voted to raise our taxes to build that new grid.

We get most of our electricity from water. The rest comes from wind and solar. With one small coal fire plant left in the middle of nowhere for farmers. It's being shut down now. The shut down started in 2005.

We generate more energy than we use and sell the excess to other states.

Your post is a bunch of garbage.
Hillary needed to "splain" herself then. The smartest woman in the world with that articulate Prog derived Alinsky driven English diction of hers did not show up on so many fronts. Perhaps she would be President then. However I find things so hard to believe anymore. A few nukes on our territory would be like a doctor's prescription to cure us.
Really? Says who? Alternative energy jobs are boom if you let them into your communities and states. Some have. Others like these Trump voting coal miners went all stupid on us. Oh well.

Alternative energy jobs are boom if you let them into your communities and states

They are low productivity jobs.
They are also low impact on our environment; End Coal | Coal Mining You think that picture is healthy? Think again. And ask those poor bastards who voted for Trump if they still like their Black Lung Disease and poisoned water supply?

Would voting for Hillary had cured them and cleaned up their water supplies by now? Does she raise the dead and walk on water too?
If they stopped the mining in that area, eventually the water would purify itself, once the vegetation came back to limit the amount of acidity in the run off in the streams. Your second question is idiotic, and is a testament to the failure by these Trump clowns to argue down the science. You folks are so pitiful. You don't even understand basic hydrology management.

Except as I already told you, I didn't vote for Trump and "eventually" wouldn't change what it is "now" so your arguments that how they voted somehow would affect their curtain circumstances is sour grapes over the election having nothing to do with the reality on the ground. So far, I don't actually see you expressing anything except political druthers. These are the same people that the democrats would still view with contempt if not over their vote for Trump then for some other reason. They are the "Deplorables" after all.
Don't you get it? These people voted for Trump because he was bringing Coal back. He didn't. He lied. People who knew better, knew he was lying. What sphere of logic do you not understand about that? The moral of the story is, don't vote for liars.

Did he make health care affordable for everyone like he said? No! The lying bastard doesn't even have a plan to have health care.

How many times did he lie to Trump voters about not having deals with Russia? He's a liar. Wake the fuck up people. This man is a con out for his own enrichment. He's never been anyone else.
I thought lefties all wanted the coal industry to go broke? Shouldn't you be celebrating?
Democrats want to waste our money building power plants powered by windmills instead of coal plants which have proven they work.

We started building our wind farms in the 1990s. When they first came on line they generated more energy than the existing power grid could handle. We voted to raise our taxes to build that new grid.

We get most of our electricity from water. The rest comes from wind and solar. With one small coal fire plant left in the middle of nowhere for farmers. It's being shut down now. The shut down started in 2005.

We generate more energy than we use and sell the excess to other states.

Your post is a bunch of garbage.
Hillary needed to "splain" herself then. The smartest woman in the world with that articulate Prog derived Alinsky driven English diction of hers did not show up on so many fronts. Perhaps she would be President then. However I find things so hard to believe anymore. A few nukes on our territory would be like a doctor's prescription to cure us.
So that's how we fix things? We give up, because millions of people got conned? No one has to be conned. Inform yourself.
I thought lefties all wanted the coal industry to go broke? Shouldn't you be celebrating?
Democrats want to waste our money building power plants powered by windmills instead of coal plants which have proven they work.

We started building our wind farms in the 1990s. When they first came on line they generated more energy than the existing power grid could handle. We voted to raise our taxes to build that new grid.

We get most of our electricity from water. The rest comes from wind, solar and natural gas. With one small coal fire plant left in the middle of nowhere for farmers. It's being shut down now. The shut down started in 2005.

We generate more energy than we use and sell the excess to other states.

Your post is a bunch of garbage.
They don't have a clue. We literally dropped off in the land of the Trump "Idiocracy."
Alternative energy jobs are boom if you let them into your communities and states

They are low productivity jobs.
They are also low impact on our environment; End Coal | Coal Mining You think that picture is healthy? Think again. And ask those poor bastards who voted for Trump if they still like their Black Lung Disease and poisoned water supply?

Would voting for Hillary had cured them and cleaned up their water supplies by now? Does she raise the dead and walk on water too?
If they stopped the mining in that area, eventually the water would purify itself, once the vegetation came back to limit the amount of acidity in the run off in the streams. Your second question is idiotic, and is a testament to the failure by these Trump clowns to argue down the science. You folks are so pitiful. You don't even understand basic hydrology management.

Except as I already told you, I didn't vote for Trump and "eventually" wouldn't change what it is "now" so your arguments that how they voted somehow would affect their curtain circumstances is sour grapes over the election having nothing to do with the reality on the ground. So far, I don't actually see you expressing anything except political druthers. These are the same people that the democrats would still view with contempt if not over their vote for Trump then for some other reason. They are the "Deplorables" after all.
Don't you get it? These people voted for Trump because he was bringing Coal back. He didn't. He lied. People who knew better, knew he was lying. What sphere of logic do you not understand about that? The moral of the story is, don't vote for liars.

Did he make health care affordable for everyone like he said? No! The lying bastard doesn't even have a plan to have health care.

How many times did he lie to Trump voters about not having deals with Russia? He's a liar. Wake the fuck up people. This man is a con out for his own enrichment. He's never been anyone else.

You have posted about coal being dead. Eventually the water will "purify" itself as you put it anyway if you are correct. As for them voting for Trump, I don't see that their lot would be in any different position than they are under Trump. As for the affordability of healthcare, if we want to play more post hoc games, my state didn't expand medicaid until last year so for those folks I suppose health insurance became more affordable. As for him being a liar, a con, etc, I was woke enough to not vote for him just as I was woke enough to not vote for Shillary. Nothing more I can do other than just accept I don't get to dictate who gets the job and waxing on about it won't change the results.
Didn't you hear Joe Biden say he would put coal companies out of business and didn't the coal company file for bankruptcy because of pressure from Obama democrats? How can you blame the President?
Didn't you hear Joe Biden say he would put coal companies out of business and didn't the coal company file for bankruptcy because of pressure from Obama democrats? How can you blame the President?
The bat headed logic of Trump voters never ceases to amaze me. The question is "how can you blame the president?" Did you all read that folks? Can you believe the poster typed that? I can't. The question is as stupid as saying we need to water the plants with Brawndo because it has electrolytes.

This is actually why this country is in such a mess.
And the coal company went bankrupt, why?
The Democrats.
Really? Proof with links please? And by the way, Dumb fuck told the rest of his dumb fuck voters that he was bringing Coal back. That failure is on Dumb fuck, not Democrats.
every financial fail is rooted in democrats/liberals. It may not be possible to bring coal back seeing how the democrats have been tearing it down for God knows how long.
What exactly did they do, and now are you conceding Trump's defeat on Coal?
Dems taxed the hell out of coal-driven electricity and forced shut downs and unemployment.

If that's the case, how come the 'Stable Genius' couldn't figure that one out on his own before embarking upon his stupid coal crusade in the first place? Better yet, why elect someone so inept to oversee an industry you seem to clearly know more about? Could it be that Cult45 cares more about cheer leading for their tribe instead of what's best for the country? Inquiring minds want to know!
The Democrats.
Really? Proof with links please? And by the way, Dumb fuck told the rest of his dumb fuck voters that he was bringing Coal back. That failure is on Dumb fuck, not Democrats.
every financial fail is rooted in democrats/liberals. It may not be possible to bring coal back seeing how the democrats have been tearing it down for God knows how long.
What exactly did they do, and now are you conceding Trump's defeat on Coal?
Dems taxed the hell out of coal-driven electricity and forced shut downs and unemployment.

If that's the case, how come the 'Stable Genius' couldn't figure that one out on his own before embarking upon his stupid coal crusade in the first place? Better yet, why elect someone so inept to oversee an industry you seem to clearly know more about? Could it be that Cult45 cares more about cheer leading for their tribe instead of what's best for the country? Inquiring minds want to know!
You dont want to know, you want to spew and lie.
Democrats want to waste our money building power plants powered by windmills instead of coal plants which have proven they work.
Alternative energy is the most booming energy industry in the world right now. Tell me again with proof how it is wasting money, while Coal plants go bankrupt and kill jobs?
Propaganda. It is no substitute for fossil fuel.
Some scumbags are making money off it while the rest of the economy suffers.
If it were propaganda the rest of the developed countries wouldn't be using it. It's a physical fact, that cannot be challenged. Get your head out of Trump's lying ass.
The rest of the developed countries are now China and India and you can be sure they’re spewing gobs of co2 with their coal and oil usage.
I can’t afford your propagated brainwashed ignorance.

China is leading the world in solar power. They have a long way to go, but they are moving forward in the right direction.

Meanwhile conservatives in this country think alternative energy is The Devil and want to double down on fossil fuels.

How China's giant solar farms are transforming world energy

China Builds the World's Largest Floating Solar Farm

China Plans To Build The World's First Solar Power Station In Space
China leads in coal usage and they manufacture solar panels and wind turbines (employing slavery labor in the process) and they sell them to suckers over here.
Dems taxed the hell out of coal-driven electricity and forced shut downs and unemployment.
The cost came from human health catastrophe's and environmental disasters by poisoning the water from the acidity of the runoff into streams. Black Lung Disease was prevalent. Democrats didn't create that expense, mining did.
No, that’s the dem exaggeration propaganda. It’s all about manipulation and control and you’re abetting it.
If you have a documented argument proving me wrong, present it. Otherwise, your posts are nothing but bull shit and lies.
Flashback 2008: Obama Promised To ‘Bankrupt’ Coal Companies

Obama Finalizes Yet Another Regulation Targeting Coal
The link title does not match the rhetoric. :auiqs.jpg:When it comes to stupid, you just can't get enough of these Trump Toads. They'll post anything. Lol! "Obama promised to bankrupt Coal companies" is not the same thing as "bankrupting Coal companies if they build other one's" .
Rhetoric and threats and potential have tangible impacts on markets. See: oil
Alternative energy is the most booming energy industry in the world right now. Tell me again with proof how it is wasting money, while Coal plants go bankrupt and kill jobs?
Propaganda. It is no substitute for fossil fuel.
Some scumbags are making money off it while the rest of the economy suffers.
If it were propaganda the rest of the developed countries wouldn't be using it. It's a physical fact, that cannot be challenged. Get your head out of Trump's lying ass.
The rest of the developed countries are now China and India and you can be sure they’re spewing gobs of co2 with their coal and oil usage.
I can’t afford your propagated brainwashed ignorance.

China is leading the world in solar power. They have a long way to go, but they are moving forward in the right direction.

Meanwhile conservatives in this country think alternative energy is The Devil and want to double down on fossil fuels.

How China's giant solar farms are transforming world energy

China Builds the World's Largest Floating Solar Farm

China Plans To Build The World's First Solar Power Station In Space
China leads in coal usage and they manufacture solar panels and wind turbines (employing slavery labor in the process) and they sell them to suckers over here.

China will never play by our rules. Unfortunately Trump will never figure that out and that is why he will never win the trade war. SAD!

But they could be like us and instead of moving forward, they could have a national goal of moving backwards.

Perhaps that is the 'Space Force' mess Trump keeps yammering about. He's going to stop China from stealing our sun, by God.
Lol! In the mean time, Trump supporting coal miners got their asses kicked with no paychecks by voting for a lying piece of shit. I'm pretty sure right now, they aren't exactly letting that lifetime mistake go.

They would be just as unemployed had they voted for anybody else. Jimmy Carter accidentally killed coal in 1980. It is just taking awhile to get there.
Really? Says who? Alternative energy jobs are boom if you let them into your communities and states. Some have. Others like these Trump voting coal miners went all stupid on us. Oh well.

Alternative energy jobs are boom if you let them into your communities and states

They are low productivity jobs.
They are also low impact on our environment; End Coal | Coal Mining You think that picture is healthy? Think again. And ask those poor bastards who voted for Trump if they still like their Black Lung Disease and poisoned water supply?

Would voting for Hillary had cured them and cleaned up their water supplies by now? Does she raise the dead and walk on water too?
Hillary was not trying to 'bring back coal'. Hillary was trying to kill coal. Only Dumbass Dotard Donnie thought miners should continue to fill up their lungs with coal and silica.
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What?... 5 guys didn't get a paycheck and somehow Trump is to blame?....

Wheres the brought back coal?
Ain't coming back. Trump lied. Where's the health care plan for everyone? Ain't one, and he isn't going to produce one. He was going to lower the debt. That ain't happening either.
He said there was too much gap between the rich and the poor, so what did he do? He widened it even more.
I'm still waiting for my 10% tax cut he promised right before the 2018 election. He's such a fucking liar.
I thought lefties all wanted the coal industry to go broke? Shouldn't you be celebrating?
Democrats want to waste our money building power plants powered by windmills instead of coal plants which have proven they work.

We started building our wind farms in the 1990s. When they first came on line they generated more energy than the existing power grid could handle. We voted to raise our taxes to build that new grid.

We get most of our electricity from water. The rest comes from wind, solar and natural gas. With one small coal fire plant left in the middle of nowhere for farmers. It's being shut down now. The shut down started in 2005.

We generate more energy than we use and sell the excess to other states.

Your post is a bunch of garbage.
My home is powered with solar. It's great.

Once battery technology has improved, we'll store our energy and go off grid completely. My electric bill runs less than $70 per month. Sometimes way less.
Hillary needed to "splain" herself then. The smartest woman in the world with that articulate Prog derived Alinsky driven English diction of hers did not show up on so many fronts. Perhaps she would be President then. However I find things so hard to believe anymore. A few nukes on our territory would be like a doctor's prescription to cure us.


I don't think any amount of 'splainin' would have changed minds for those who chose to vote for a man who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy.

Trump voters have shown the rest of us exactly who you are. No doubt you will vote for him again.
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