THIS is What's Wrong With The USSC: Scalia Death Offers Best Chance in Generation to Reshape Court..

Sorry but you are simply confused if you think this country's government is responsive to Liberty.

Must be tough to type your responses from that concentration camp where you've been "relocated".

Must be tough to be so naive that you support this bloated, corrupt, out of control oppressive government.
"Scalia Death Offers Best Chance in Generation to Reshape Court..."

'Re-Shape The Court' insinuates that the Court could be 're-shaped' to 'LEAN' one way or the other.

The USSC SHOULD be the most NON-Partisan court in the entire country, NOT influenced by any personal / political ideology / believe, etc, but should be guided purely by the Constitution.

'Lady Justice' is wearing a blindfold because everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law and justice should not be tainted by agenda, ideology, etc...

That being said, we are all big boys and girls, and we KNOW the partisan politics of the President making the pic matters a helluva lot and that said President more often than not seeks to select a Justice that leans towards his / his party's views.

Is it possible to find a judge that TRULY does not allow partisan politics / ideology to affect their ability to be a 'non-partisan' Justice?

A better question would be is there any chance Obama would actually seek out such a non-partisan Judge?! All evidence is to the contrary.
Regretfully...I suppose...there is no such thing as a neutral human being. And that is why we look for intelligent humans who, regardless of their person leanings...will apply the words with strict objectivity, staying true the intent of the authors.
Truly frightening that a fucking moron who never even heard of judicial review wants to nominate Scalia's replacement
"Scalia Death Offers Best Chance in Generation to Reshape Court..."

'Re-Shape The Court' insinuates that the Court could be 're-shaped' to 'LEAN' one way or the other.

The USSC SHOULD be the most NON-Partisan court in the entire country, NOT influenced by any personal / political ideology / believe, etc, but should be guided purely by the Constitution.

'Lady Justice' is wearing a blindfold because everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law and justice should not be tainted by agenda, ideology, etc...

That being said, we are all big boys and girls, and we KNOW the partisan politics of the President making the pic matters a helluva lot and that said President more often than not seeks to select a Justice that leans towards his / his party's views.

Is it possible to find a judge that TRULY does not allow partisan politics / ideology to affect their ability to be a 'non-partisan' Justice?

A better question would be is there any chance Obama would actually seek out such a non-partisan Judge?! All evidence is to the contrary.

Is there any chance that any Democrat or Republican in the last 50 years would seek out such a non-partisan judge? All evidence is to the contrary.
"Scalia Death Offers Best Chance in Generation to Reshape Court..."

'Re-Shape The Court' insinuates that the Court could be 're-shaped' to 'LEAN' one way or the other.

The USSC SHOULD be the most NON-Partisan court in the entire country, NOT influenced by any personal / political ideology / believe, etc, but should be guided purely by the Constitution.

'Lady Justice' is wearing a blindfold because everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law and justice should not be tainted by agenda, ideology, etc...

That being said, we are all big boys and girls, and we KNOW the partisan politics of the President making the pic matters a helluva lot and that said President more often than not seeks to select a Justice that leans towards his / his party's views.

Is it possible to find a judge that TRULY does not allow partisan politics / ideology to affect their ability to be a 'non-partisan' Justice?

A better question would be is there any chance Obama would actually seek out such a non-partisan Judge?! All evidence is to the contrary.
That's why he should pick the most moderate gop circuit judge he can find, and let the chips fall. The gop is convinced he'll pick a "LW liberal." It's really about 4-4 now, and the last time we were close to this situation, Kennedy got nominated. Kennedy is to the right of where O'Connor was, but he's also not as far right as Thomas. So, if Obama picked a middle road guy, and the gop still refused it, then it really would be the gop doing the politicizing.
The USSC SHOULD be the most NON-Partisan court in the entire country, NOT influenced by any personal / political ideology / believe, etc, but should be guided purely by the Constitution.
The liberals can't accept that.

Because the Constitution as written, is fundamentally conservative. That is, it provides for a limited government with most powers reserved to the states, and forbids the Fed any powers that aren't explicitly listed in it. Unless the people go through a long, deliberately cumbersome procedure, where 3/4 of the states agree to give up those power(s) to the Fed govt.

The liberals know they will never get 3/4 of the states to agree to give them the power they want. So they see the Constitution not as a framework to be adhered to, but as an obstacle to be gotten around.
"Scalia Death Offers Best Chance in Generation to Reshape Court..."

'Re-Shape The Court' insinuates that the Court could be 're-shaped' to 'LEAN' one way or the other.

The USSC SHOULD be the most NON-Partisan court in the entire country, NOT influenced by any personal / political ideology / believe, etc, but should be guided purely by the Constitution.

'Lady Justice' is wearing a blindfold because everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law and justice should not be tainted by agenda, ideology, etc...

That being said, we are all big boys and girls, and we KNOW the partisan politics of the President making the pic matters a helluva lot and that said President more often than not seeks to select a Justice that leans towards his / his party's views.

Is it possible to find a judge that TRULY does not allow partisan politics / ideology to affect their ability to be a 'non-partisan' Justice?

A better question would be is there any chance Obama would actually seek out such a non-partisan Judge?! All evidence is to the contrary.

Is there any chance that any Democrat or Republican in the last 50 years would seek out such a non-partisan judge? All evidence is to the contrary.
Everyone's got leanings. But, Roberts and Alito were picked on being the best and brightest of Reagan's DOJ legal analysis. Kagen was a counterweight to that, as she's a brilliant mind. Sontomayor ... her life story. Thomas, not totally different. Kennedy was more or less .... a solid conservative without an agenda. Ginsburg - choice. Breyer .... not totally unlike Kennedy.
Must be tough to type your responses from that concentration camp where you've been "relocated".

REPUBLICANS liken government taxation and regulation to the gulag.

However, they are unwittingly using the War on Terrorism to construct a soviet style surveillance system.

Here is a more direct way of putting it. The wealthiest Americans have turned the government into a subsidy and bailout machine. The government not only subsidizes their costs and underwrites their risk, but it gives them virtual monopolies over most domestic markets, mostly through the patent system. To protect their control of government, they fund the rightwing think tank and media universe, which convinces people to wage war against anything the government does for the non-wealthy.

The fact that they allow their government puppets to create a soviet style surveillance state is something that should give pause to anyone who believes Republicans care about freedom.
"Scalia Death Offers Best Chance in Generation to Reshape Court..."

'Re-Shape The Court' insinuates that the Court could be 're-shaped' to 'LEAN' one way or the other.

The USSC SHOULD be the most NON-Partisan court in the entire country, NOT influenced by any personal / political ideology / believe, etc, but should be guided purely by the Constitution.

'Lady Justice' is wearing a blindfold because everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law and justice should not be tainted by agenda, ideology, etc...

That being said, we are all big boys and girls, and we KNOW the partisan politics of the President making the pic matters a helluva lot and that said President more often than not seeks to select a Justice that leans towards his / his party's views.

Is it possible to find a judge that TRULY does not allow partisan politics / ideology to affect their ability to be a 'non-partisan' Justice?

A better question would be is there any chance Obama would actually seek out such a non-partisan Judge?! All evidence is to the contrary.

Is there any chance that any Democrat or Republican in the last 50 years would seek out such a non-partisan judge? All evidence is to the contrary.
Everyone's got leanings. But, Roberts and Alito were picked on being the best and brightest of Reagan's DOJ legal analysis. Kagen was a counterweight to that, as she's a brilliant mind. Sontomayor ... her life story. Thomas, not totally different. Kennedy was more or less .... a solid conservative without an agenda. Ginsburg - choice. Breyer .... not totally unlike Kennedy.

And yet- every single one of those justices was selected because the President who nominated them believed that those justices had 'partisan' viewpoints that reflected their own.

Of course that didn't mean that they actually were- or stayed with the President's vision.

We won't know until President Obama makes the nomination but I do predict that regardless of whoever he nominates the Republican response will be that the nominee is too radical, too partisan.

Yet, I suspect that when we look back, we will see that Obama's nominee will be similar to previous nominees- a mixture of legal brilliance and experience, life story and falling into the 'solidly liberal' camp.
The liberals can't accept that.

Because the Constitution as written, is fundamentally conservative. That is, it provides for a limited government with most powers reserved to the states, and forbids the Fed any powers that aren't explicitly listed in it. Unless the people go through a long, deliberately cumbersome procedure, where 3/4 of the states agree to give up those power(s) to the Fed govt.

The liberals know they will never get 3/4 of the states to agree to give them the power they want. So they see the Constitution not as a framework to be adhered to, but as an obstacle to be gotten around.

Well, not really......The Constitution does not mention the Federal Aviation Administration (for obvious reasons)..Should we then allocate responsibilities for monitoring aviation to each individual state?
(I'd hate to fly over Alabama)
And yet- every single one of those justices was selected because the President who nominated them believed that those justices had 'partisan' viewpoints that reflected their own.

YES.....the Founders stated that the ELECTED president should nominate (and the senate consent after deliberation)....Notice that the Founders did NOT state that SC judges should be nominated and elected through a referendum.
"Scalia Death Offers Best Chance in Generation to Reshape Court..."

'Re-Shape The Court' insinuates that the Court could be 're-shaped' to 'LEAN' one way or the other.

The USSC SHOULD be the most NON-Partisan court in the entire country, NOT influenced by any personal / political ideology / believe, etc, but should be guided purely by the Constitution.

'Lady Justice' is wearing a blindfold because everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law and justice should not be tainted by agenda, ideology, etc...

That being said, we are all big boys and girls, and we KNOW the partisan politics of the President making the pic matters a helluva lot and that said President more often than not seeks to select a Justice that leans towards his / his party's views.

Is it possible to find a judge that TRULY does not allow partisan politics / ideology to affect their ability to be a 'non-partisan' Justice?

A better question would be is there any chance Obama would actually seek out such a non-partisan Judge?! All evidence is to the contrary.
That's why he should pick the most moderate gop circuit judge he can find, and let the chips fall. The gop is convinced he'll pick a "LW liberal." It's really about 4-4 now, and the last time we were close to this situation, Kennedy got nominated. Kennedy is to the right of where O'Connor was, but he's also not as far right as Thomas. So, if Obama picked a middle road guy, and the gop still refused it, then it really would be the gop doing the politicizing.

But the GOP has already announced that they will refuse any candidate President Obama nominates regardless of merit- the GOP has already done the politicizing.

Do I think that President Obama should nominate a qualified moderate liberal- sure- though I would go with an Appellate Judge- all three of these are strong candidates

Sri Srinivasan (District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals): Age: 48. A strong candidate. The son of immigrants from India, he clerked for conservative appeals court judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III—himself a former shortlister for a Supreme Court seat—and Sandra Day O’Connor. He served as chief deputy to the U.S. solicitor general. He also won confirmation to the D.C. Circuit in 2013 by a staggering vote of 97–0. Srinivasan is a respected judge and a D.C. insider. Blocking him after that confirmation vote might look awful.
Patricia Ann Millett (D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals): Age: 52.* Millett is a legend in Supreme Court advocacy, having argued 32 cases at the high court. She is a consummate SCOTUS insider, in the vein of John Roberts. She is also married to a military reservist and has been a strong supporter of military families. Millett is nobody’s bomb thrower.
Paul Watford (9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals): Age: 48. Watford is a black American who clerked for conservative icon Alex Kozinski as well as for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. He has served as a federal prosecutor and was confirmed in 2012 by
if a Republican was president the RW's would be foaming at the mouth for a Conservative judge to be appointed before his term was up.

such is politics.

That's why you guys had the Schumer Rule, payback is a barack
"Scalia Death Offers Best Chance in Generation to Reshape Court..."

'Re-Shape The Court' insinuates that the Court could be 're-shaped' to 'LEAN' one way or the other.

The USSC SHOULD be the most NON-Partisan court in the entire country, NOT influenced by any personal / political ideology / believe, etc, but should be guided purely by the Constitution.

'Lady Justice' is wearing a blindfold because everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law and justice should not be tainted by agenda, ideology, etc...

That being said, we are all big boys and girls, and we KNOW the partisan politics of the President making the pic matters a helluva lot and that said President more often than not seeks to select a Justice that leans towards his / his party's views.

Is it possible to find a judge that TRULY does not allow partisan politics / ideology to affect their ability to be a 'non-partisan' Justice?

A better question would be is there any chance Obama would actually seek out such a non-partisan Judge?! All evidence is to the contrary.

Is there any chance that any Democrat or Republican in the last 50 years would seek out such a non-partisan judge? All evidence is to the contrary.
Everyone's got leanings. But, Roberts and Alito were picked on being the best and brightest of Reagan's DOJ legal analysis. Kagen was a counterweight to that, as she's a brilliant mind. Sontomayor ... her life story. Thomas, not totally different. Kennedy was more or less .... a solid conservative without an agenda. Ginsburg - choice. Breyer .... not totally unlike Kennedy.

And yet- every single one of those justices was selected because the President who nominated them believed that those justices had 'partisan' viewpoints that reflected their own.

Of course that didn't mean that they actually were- or stayed with the President's vision.

We won't know until President Obama makes the nomination but I do predict that regardless of whoever he nominates the Republican response will be that the nominee is too radical, too partisan.

Yet, I suspect that when we look back, we will see that Obama's nominee will be similar to previous nominees- a mixture of legal brilliance and experience, life story and falling into the 'solidly liberal' camp.
How can a goper not vote for this guy. He clerked for a Reagan appted circuit judge and O'Connor.

Sri Srinivasan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Scalia Death Offers Best Chance in Generation to Reshape Court..."

'Re-Shape The Court' insinuates that the Court could be 're-shaped' to 'LEAN' one way or the other.

The USSC SHOULD be the most NON-Partisan court in the entire country, NOT influenced by any personal / political ideology / believe, etc, but should be guided purely by the Constitution.

'Lady Justice' is wearing a blindfold because everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law and justice should not be tainted by agenda, ideology, etc...

That being said, we are all big boys and girls, and we KNOW the partisan politics of the President making the pic matters a helluva lot and that said President more often than not seeks to select a Justice that leans towards his / his party's views.

Is it possible to find a judge that TRULY does not allow partisan politics / ideology to affect their ability to be a 'non-partisan' Justice?

A better question would be is there any chance Obama would actually seek out such a non-partisan Judge?! All evidence is to the contrary.

Is there any chance that any Democrat or Republican in the last 50 years would seek out such a non-partisan judge? All evidence is to the contrary.
Everyone's got leanings. But, Roberts and Alito were picked on being the best and brightest of Reagan's DOJ legal analysis. Kagen was a counterweight to that, as she's a brilliant mind. Sontomayor ... her life story. Thomas, not totally different. Kennedy was more or less .... a solid conservative without an agenda. Ginsburg - choice. Breyer .... not totally unlike Kennedy.

And yet- every single one of those justices was selected because the President who nominated them believed that those justices had 'partisan' viewpoints that reflected their own.

Of course that didn't mean that they actually were- or stayed with the President's vision.

We won't know until President Obama makes the nomination but I do predict that regardless of whoever he nominates the Republican response will be that the nominee is too radical, too partisan.

Yet, I suspect that when we look back, we will see that Obama's nominee will be similar to previous nominees- a mixture of legal brilliance and experience, life story and falling into the 'solidly liberal' camp.
How can a goper not vote for this guy. He clerked for a Reagan appted circuit judge and O'Connor.

Sri Srinivasan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In 2013, he was part of the legal team that presented arguments before the Supreme Court against the Defense of Marriage Act in the case of United States v. Windsor.[14]
At his formal swearing-in ceremony in September, administered by retired Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor, he took the oath on the Hindu holy book Bhagavad Gita[23
"Scalia Death Offers Best Chance in Generation to Reshape Court..."

'Re-Shape The Court' insinuates that the Court could be 're-shaped' to 'LEAN' one way or the other.

The USSC SHOULD be the most NON-Partisan court in the entire country, NOT influenced by any personal / political ideology / believe, etc, but should be guided purely by the Constitution.

'Lady Justice' is wearing a blindfold because everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law and justice should not be tainted by agenda, ideology, etc...

That being said, we are all big boys and girls, and we KNOW the partisan politics of the President making the pic matters a helluva lot and that said President more often than not seeks to select a Justice that leans towards his / his party's views.

Is it possible to find a judge that TRULY does not allow partisan politics / ideology to affect their ability to be a 'non-partisan' Justice?

A better question would be is there any chance Obama would actually seek out such a non-partisan Judge?! All evidence is to the contrary.

Is there any chance that any Democrat or Republican in the last 50 years would seek out such a non-partisan judge? All evidence is to the contrary.
Everyone's got leanings. But, Roberts and Alito were picked on being the best and brightest of Reagan's DOJ legal analysis. Kagen was a counterweight to that, as she's a brilliant mind. Sontomayor ... her life story. Thomas, not totally different. Kennedy was more or less .... a solid conservative without an agenda. Ginsburg - choice. Breyer .... not totally unlike Kennedy.

And yet- every single one of those justices was selected because the President who nominated them believed that those justices had 'partisan' viewpoints that reflected their own.

Of course that didn't mean that they actually were- or stayed with the President's vision.

We won't know until President Obama makes the nomination but I do predict that regardless of whoever he nominates the Republican response will be that the nominee is too radical, too partisan.

Yet, I suspect that when we look back, we will see that Obama's nominee will be similar to previous nominees- a mixture of legal brilliance and experience, life story and falling into the 'solidly liberal' camp.
How can a goper not vote for this guy. He clerked for a Reagan appted circuit judge and O'Connor.

Sri Srinivasan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In 2013, he was part of the legal team that presented arguments before the Supreme Court against the Defense of Marriage Act in the case of United States v. Windsor.[14]
At his formal swearing-in ceremony in September, administered by retired Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor, he took the oath on the Hindu holy book Bhagavad Gita[23
Bush's solicitor general led the charge against DOMA, and a man's religion is his own matter. If you think Olson and Kennedy are pariahs to the conservative cause, take a damn enema.

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