This is your life on Democratic rule; just say no


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2019
October 10, 2019
Democrats turning California into a third-world hellhole: Going without electricity edition
By Tom Trinko

I left California a year ago after two agents of the CPS showed up at our door and bullied their way past my gentle wife. She did demand a warrant, but they threatened to take the children into protective custody if she wouldn't cooperate. I was out of town at the time on business. When she called me, they just walked on in and demanded to see the children. My wife protested to no avail, so I told her to cooperate, record the encounter on her phone and then I called my father, who lives about 10 miles away. My father is an attorney. They first "inspected" the premises and then demanded to speak to the children alone. My father got there by that time and put an end to their visit. That was it for me. We had already decided to move months before. The house was listed and we had already bought a home in Arizona. We were going to move in two months anyway. I flew my wife and children to our new home the very next morning, and stayed back to make all of the final arrangements with my realtor and the moving company with which they contract. We were selling the house furnished, so all I needed was a small crew with a 12' cargo truck for personal items--books, pictures, decor, paintings, small appliances, tools, antiques, clothing, cosmetics, ect. and our bedroom suite. The latter was the only thing the buyer would have to supply. Four days later the rest of our belongings and I were in Arizona! We still don't know why they showed up, but we did learn that CPS targeted four other families in that area. Bizarre! They contacted my father wanting to know where we were. None of your business! Lefty is out of control in California.


Democrats are turning California into a third-world hellhole without electricity, water, and freedom.

Due to Democrats' love for trees, at least 800,000 Californians will be without power for several days. Instead of properly managing California forests to reduce the chances of big fires, Democrats are saying Californians have to go without lights, refrigerators, and air-conditioning. Democrats could also avoid this by not making the power company financially liable for all forest fire damages, but since PG&E is a company, not an illegal alien, the Democrats couldn't care less about doing what's best for California.

[. . .]

Democrats keep telling us California is the future if they get elected. That means that poverty, homelessness, the end of democracy, and a press that reports only what Democrats want heard are what Democrats are promising us.

If you're an immensely wealthy Google employee, California is Heaven. If you're not, it's becoming more and more like Hell.
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Getting dinner in California.

Go to Alabama and check out what life is like when conservative Christians run everything. You are taxed to death and you have no right to expect anything in return.
Getting dinner in California.

View attachment 283963

The only sense we could make out of it is that two of the families they "visited" homeschools and we all attended the same church at the time. At the time my kids were 2 and 4, respectively. They weren't even of school age yet! It seems that somebody got it into their heads that we were part of some kind cult or something. Gestapo clown world.
Go to Alabama and check out what life is like when conservative Christians run everything. You are taxed to death and you have no right to expect anything in return.

What is the state making you do there that's untoward?

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