This Just In.At Least An 8.3 Earthquake Strikes 150 Miles Off Coast Of Chile.

8.3? Thats like 9 million Micheal Moores and Three Al Sharptons all faring in unison.
i can just see some cable news channel in south america. they will bring up the earthquake, then accuse Hillary Clinton of wiping the server of the earthquake clean to keep it from spreading to the mainland.
i can just see some cable news channel in south america. they will bring up the earthquake, then accuse Hillary Clinton of wiping the server of the earthquake clean to keep it from spreading to the mainland.
maybe it was just Godzilla having a bad day?
Hillary did a belly flop....
:ack-1: It was just reported on Fox. An 8.3 is pretty rough! even if it is 150 miles into the beaches of South America. Now we just wait for the after shocks and Tsumani warnings. Did any of you in California feel it? :omg:

Didn't feel it, but we are still on Tsunami watch.
same here, still on a Tsumani watch in Florida. Maybe I should tie my palm trees down tonight.
i was surprised that the 9.0 didnt shake the set,,,Oh,,never mind,,,Chris Christie was there.

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