This man defended himself from armed home invaders and California has temp suspended HIS concealed carry.

THIS is what a MAN does. What do democrats want? unarmed heads of households, MEN, UNARMED so that they cannot protect their own families. When seconds count, the police are minutes away. Sometimes they don't even show up.
Armed homeowners in a shootout standoff, statistically end up dead and their family dead more often than unarmed homeowners. This is especially true in Canada.

We save thousands of innocent lives by refusing homeowners any right to claim vigilante justice as their rights!

Choose success as demonstrated throughout the world, or choose thousands of dead gunshot victims?
Armed homeowners in a shootout standoff, statistically end up dead and their family dead more often than unarmed homeowners. This is especially true in Canada.

We save thousands of innocent lives by refusing homeowners any right to claim vigilante justice as their rights!

Choose success as demonstrated throughout the world, or choose thousands of dead gunshot victims?
bullshit, Canada is for cattle
It's never clear when a person who isn't authorized starts blazing away at another person of equal status. There are still authorities in California that will decide. This case won't be decided by any other means. California makes that point clear.

This may not be the case in Texas due to popular demand. There it may be decided on which shooter has the biggest cowboy hat and the highest heels. Or politics or whatever?

2 guys with guns came at guy walking in HIS HOUSE, seems pretty clear.
California is taking a stand to stop vigilante justice and that's exactly what's needed to stop America's descent into anarchy.
What a dumb thing to say...
It is pellucidly obvioius that CA's lack of law enforcement is the main cause.

And Abraham Lincoln answered your type long ago


" While, on the other hand, good men, men who love tranquility, who desire to abide by the laws, and enjoy their benefits, who would gladly spill their blood in the defense of their country; seeing their property destroyed; their families insulted, and their lives endangered; their persons injured; and seeing nothing in prospect that forebodes a change for the better; become tired of, and disgusted with, a Government that offers them no protection; and are not much averse to a change in which they imagine they have nothing to lose. Thus, then, by the operation of this mobocractic spirit, which all must admit, is now abroad in the land, the strongest bulwark of any Government, and particularly of those constituted like ours, may effectually be broken down and destroyed--I mean the attachment of the People. "
Never mind, California has halted the process of vigilanteism and will settle it all by legal means.
You are certainly entitled to your beliefs, no matter how bizarre. Remember everything Hitler did after the Enabling Act was passed in 1933 was by legal means too.
Yes, when the police and authorities assigned to enforcing the law fail to do their job. Or in this case with America, the corruption and crime has grown out of proportion to what is possible for police.

America has just about arrived at a point where anybody with a gun can start blazing away at a fellow American and not be held accountable.

This cowboy seems to be claiming that he's a member of the NRA police force.
i know you're serious....serious as a heart attack...seriously insane. What do you mean.....You want to take away the GOD GIVEN Right to protect OURSELVES?? and our Families?? And that is taking that right away from you too!!! or would it be okay with you for home invaders to kill your family in front of your eyes??
California is taking a stand to stop vigilante justice and that's exactly what's needed to stop America's descent into anarchy.

Have you ever been threatened by armed thugs and forced to defend yourself or others?

Self defense is not vigilante justice and anarchy happens when good men do nothing.

California is taking a stand to stop vigilante justice and that's exactly what's needed to stop America's descent into anarchy.
You fucking numbnuts he was attacked and defending himself and his family.
The confusion in America is on account of both sides start shooting first and then sort it out later. California just thinks there's a better way.

But there most likely won't be! The momentum in America has developed past the point of it being stoppable.

That guy doesn't come off as being completely normal. He has a bad lisp and he gives the impression that he enjoys shooting at other Americans

Never mind, California has halted the process of vigilanteism and will settle it all by legal means.

In any case, it turns out that this shooter acted aggressively against police while carrying a gun.
You are one ignorant piece of shit. Do you think the police could have save this man and his family? If so where were they?
You are one ignorant piece of shit. Do you think the police could have save this man and his family? If so where were they?
California needs to investigate to ensure the will be safe on the streets with a gun. I suspect he won't be because he's the type that is looking for an excuse to use it to kill somebody.

The investigation should start by determining if he uses human silouette targets at a range.

Remember, we all know that guns don't kill! It's wannabe cowboys with fkd up heads that kill.

Better safe than sorry again.
California needs to investigate to ensure the will be safe on the streets with a gun. I suspect he won't be because he's the type that is looking for an excuse to use it to kill somebody.

The investigation should start by determining if he uses human silouette targets at a range.

Remember, we all know that guns don't kill! It's wannabe cowboys with fkd up heads that kill.

Better safe than sorry again.
As the video showed the streets are not safe no cop is around. Dumbass he didn't asked to be attacked. What he did on the range is about as relevant as how many apples are in a banana tree.
According to captain caveman, joe , dragon lady and candy cane gun self defense is a fairy tale….

Vince Ricci, NRA member defended his baby, wife, home, his own life and this is what democrats do.

The not so great State of CA would have preferred it if he, his wife and baby were killed so they could use his death in their gun control campaign.
The not so great State of CA would have preferred it if he, his wife and baby were killed so they could use his death in their gun control campaign.

That is the question I have asked repeatedly on this site to the anti-gun extremists and they refuse to answer it, and by refusing, they show us what they believe.

For the anti-gunners..........

If a woman is about to be brutally raped, tortured and murdered, do you want her to have a gun to stop the attacker?

If a woman is about to be brutally raped, tortured, and murdered, but does have a gun to stop it.........if you could go back in time and take that gun away from her....would you?

Which do you prefer....that a woman uses a gun in her home or in public to stop a violent rape, torture and murder....or do you prefer that she is raped, tortured and murdered rather than use the gun to stop it....?

Funny, none of the anti-gun zealots......and I am saying this to Captain Caveman, Joe, CandyCorn, Dragonlady, and the others.........answer these questions.....
This case is self defense.
You can call them all self defense if you like. Or invent any old reason you like.

I'm really more interested in how bad it can get now. The shootings in America could rise into the tens of thousands!

The self defense claim will undoubtedly be used for most of them. Rittenhouse style self-defense!

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