Thrown in jail for unpaid medical debt

This is what Trumpers vote for. They for some reason hate the social safety net. Social security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. Though many of these hypocrites are on SSDI. Trump wants to bring back the days of debtor prisons. Well, not just Trump but all right-winter nut jobs who hate what FDR established. We are headed backward folks.

They don't really since as you note many of them would get caught up in it. They simply enjoy demonizing struggling people for some unknown reason.
So I guess Obama care didn't fix a damn thing...just like we can't lower costs by having the deep pockets of DC paying the bills.....competition folks....there is the key...get the feds out of it and bring it closer to home....

It didn't lower the costs because it addressed absolutely none of the cost side. You have hospitals complaining all the time about Medicare lowering reimbursements. Or in other words, lowering costs.
Obamacare doubled the cost of health insurance and we all know when costs go up they never come down...we level headed people warned of this but people that want everything for free (idiots) didn't listen.....
So I guess Obama care didn't fix a damn thing...just like we can't lower costs by having the deep pockets of DC paying the bills.....competition folks....there is the key...get the feds out of it and bring it closer to home....

It didn't lower the costs because it addressed absolutely none of the cost side. You have hospitals complaining all the time about Medicare lowering reimbursements. Or in other words, lowering costs.
Obamacare doubled the cost of health insurance and we all know when costs go up they never come down...we level headed people warned of this but people that want everything for free (idiots) didn't listen.....

I didn't then and I do not now support Obamacare. It was very little more than a give away to the insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
Obamacare doubled the cost of health insurance and we all know when costs go up they never come down...we level headed people warned of this but people that want everything for free (idiots) didn't listen.....
Wrong. Healthcare costs had been skyrocketing since before Obama was even a Senator.

I lived it, so don't try telling me I don't know what I'm saying. In 2007, my oldest son was diagnosed with cancer and fortunately my BCBC family plan covered everything-- if not, we'd have easily gone bankrupt.
Obamacare doubled the cost of health insurance and we all know when costs go up they never come down...we level headed people warned of this but people that want everything for free (idiots) didn't listen.....
Wrong. Healthcare costs had been skyrocketing since before Obama was even a Senator.

While true, Obamacare only helped them continue to rise.
Obamacare doubled the cost of health insurance and we all know when costs go up they never come down...we level headed people warned of this but people that want everything for free (idiots) didn't listen.....
Wrong. Healthcare costs had been skyrocketing since before Obama was even a Senator.
That's a lie inserted into the conversation by single payer advocates....they were going up but in no way can anyone say they were skyrocketing.....I had the same plan for 15 years...when I took the plan it was $150 per month it went up $100 in 15 was a manageable increase...the same benefits in Obamacare cost me $500 per month an over night increase of $250....and its skyrocketed even more since you must know....
It's not accurate. The thread title is misleading. Tres Biggs was not not jailed for failure to pay her medical bills. She were jailed for failure to appear in court. The following excerpts are from the OP's link:

“Tres Biggs went to jail for failing to appear in court for unpaid medical bills.”

“In rural Coffeyville, Kansas, where the poverty rate is twice the national average, attorneys like Michael Hassenplug have built successful law practices representing medical providers to collect debt owed by their neighbors.

“I'm just doing my job," Hassenplug said. "They want the money collected, and I'm trying to do my job as best I can by following the law."

“That law was put in place at Hassenplug's own recommendation to the local judge. The attorney uses that law by asking the court to direct people with unpaid medical bills to appear in court every three months and state they are too poor to pay in what is called a "debtors exam."

“If two hearings are missed, the judge issues an arrest warrant for contempt of court. Bail is set at $500.”

CONCLUSION: Tres Biggs was not jailed because she didn't pay her medical bills; instead, she was jailed for TWICE failing to appear in court as directed.
Since when does any person have to show up for a “debtor’s exam”. What the hell is that? The law is almost a form of harassment. You have to show up every three months to prove you are too poor to pay your bills. I have never heard of such a thing. It is not reinstitution of debtors prison but it is very close. The court in this case has become chief debtor collector, jury and executioner, I.e. throwing a debtor in jail. It is outrageous.
There is nothing outrageous about it at all. The debtor gets to skate on his debts as long as he is too poor to pay them, but if his financial situation improves, shouldn't he have to pay up? There is nothinhg outrageous about him having to show up every three months to show he still can't afford to pay his bills.

It is completely outrageous. It is like having the debtor in some form of house arrest or probation. Being in debt is a civil matter not a criminal one. What are we in the 18th century?
lol He was called to court for a civil matter, not paying his bill. He went to jail for contempt of court after missing two consecutive court dates. Did he miss those dates because he came into some money and would have had to pay his debt if he showed up?
A debtors exam is something I never heard of. It is alsolutely outrageous. As I said the court is acting like chief debt collector. It is using its powers of contempt to coerce those without money to pay debts they can not afford. So, if you have to show up every three months can you leave to get a new job? Can you leave to stay with a sick parent? It is third world bullshit is what this county is.
Debtor's exam is a propaganda term. The lawyer representing the healthcare providers who haven't been paid for their services are bringing suit against the debtors and the court is deferring judgement against them until such time as hey can afford to pay their bills. If you were ca[able of thinking clearly, you would realize that acting to protect the rights of both debtors and creditors. Instead of seizing the debtors' homes, cars, garnishing their wages etc. to pay their creditors, it is simply requiring them to honor their debts by showing up every three months to show they still can't afford to pay.
Since when does any person have to show up for a “debtor’s exam”. What the hell is that? The law is almost a form of harassment. You have to show up every three months to prove you are too poor to pay your bills. I have never heard of such a thing. It is not reinstitution of debtors prison but it is very close. The court in this case has become chief debtor collector, jury and executioner, I.e. throwing a debtor in jail. It is outrageous.
There is nothing outrageous about it at all. The debtor gets to skate on his debts as long as he is too poor to pay them, but if his financial situation improves, shouldn't he have to pay up? There is nothinhg outrageous about him having to show up every three months to show he still can't afford to pay his bills.

It is completely outrageous. It is like having the debtor in some form of house arrest or probation. Being in debt is a civil matter not a criminal one. What are we in the 18th century?
lol He was called to court for a civil matter, not paying his bill. He went to jail for contempt of court after missing two consecutive court dates. Did he miss those dates because he came into some money and would have had to pay his debt if he showed up?
A debtors exam is something I never heard of. It is alsolutely outrageous. As I said the court is acting like chief debt collector. It is using its powers of contempt to coerce those without money to pay debts they can not afford. So, if you have to show up every three months can you leave to get a new job? Can you leave to stay with a sick parent? It is third world bullshit is what this county is.
Debtor's exam is a propaganda term. The lawyer representing the healthcare providers who haven't been paid for their services are bringing suit against the debtors and the court is deferring judgement against them until such time as hey can afford to pay their bills. If you were ca[able of thinking clearly, you would realize that acting to protect the rights of both debtors and creditors. Instead of seizing the debtors' homes, cars, garnishing their wages etc. to pay their creditors, it is simply requiring them to honor their debts by showing up every three months to show they still can't afford to pay.

It's not the taxpayers place to be an investigative agency for private business.
"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

Ah! More of that greatness and shining beacon on the hill America supposedly is! Awesome! While the politicians shit on the people,the people get thrown in jail for debt they can't pay. Can only imagine the mental gymnastics people are going to use to justify this shit.

It isn't the medical bills is for failing to appear in court......
People in the richest country in the history of the world are being thrown into jail for getting sick. That is unconscionable. We must end this crisis. Eliminate all medical debt. Medicare for All now.

Everyone should have health care. Everyone should live in dignity. No exceptions.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt
If accurate this is a disgrace

It's not accurate. The thread title is misleading. Tres Biggs was not not jailed for failure to pay her medical bills. She were jailed for failure to appear in court. The following excerpts are from the OP's link:

“Tres Biggs went to jail for failing to appear in court for unpaid medical bills.”

“In rural Coffeyville, Kansas, where the poverty rate is twice the national average, attorneys like Michael Hassenplug have built successful law practices representing medical providers to collect debt owed by their neighbors.

“I'm just doing my job," Hassenplug said. "They want the money collected, and I'm trying to do my job as best I can by following the law."

“That law was put in place at Hassenplug's own recommendation to the local judge. The attorney uses that law by asking the court to direct people with unpaid medical bills to appear in court every three months and state they are too poor to pay in what is called a "debtors exam."

“If two hearings are missed, the judge issues an arrest warrant for contempt of court. Bail is set at $500.”

CONCLUSION: Tres Biggs was not jailed because she didn't pay her medical bills; instead, she was jailed for TWICE failing to appear in court as directed.
Since when does any person have to show up for a “debtor’s exam”. What the hell is that? The law is almost a form of harassment. You have to show up every three months to prove you are too poor to pay your bills. I have never heard of such a thing. It is not reinstitution of debtors prison but it is very close. The court in this case has become chief debtor collector, jury and executioner, I.e. throwing a debtor in jail. It is outrageous.
There is nothing outrageous about it at all. The debtor gets to skate on his debts as long as he is too poor to pay them, but if his financial situation improves, shouldn't he have to pay up? There is nothinhg outrageous about him having to show up every three months to show he still can't afford to pay his bills.

The proper recourse is to SUE for payment and get a court ordered settlement ONE TIME -- not harass folks like some seedy debt collection agency calling you twice a day at work...

What this attorney is doing IS harassment.. But any stretch of the imagination.. With the power of the JAILS behind him because of how he "changed the law"...

It's a fucking nasty "change" and should be reversed...
First, no one went to jail because of unpaid debts. The person in question went to jail for failing to appear at two consecutive court dates and was jailed for contempt of court.

You say the court should pass judgement against him instead of allowing him to skate on his debts al long as he is able to show he is too poor to pay them. That would mean, assuming the debt is legitimate, that they court would allow the creditor to seize everything of value the debtor owns, including his house, his car, and land he owns and garnish his wages, and then debt collectors would be able to appeal to the court to seize and new item of value he acquires until the full debt is paid.

Contrast that with what the court is actually doing. The court is not allowing the creditor to seize the debtor's property or garnish his wages as long as he shows the court he is too poor to pay his debts every three months. Obviously, the debtor is far better off this way than having everything he owns or earns subject to seizure by the creditor until the full debt has been paid. This guy went to jail because he is an asshole who missed two consecutive court dates, not because he is poor.
It is completely outrageous. It is like having the debtor in some form of house arrest or probation. Being in debt is a civil matter not a criminal one. What are we in the 18th century?
The word snowflake is over used so I'll just call you a pussy who thinks once someone stands in front of a judge with out turned pockets, palms extended upwards he needn't worry every again about proving his indigence.

Well fuck that, you've stuck society with your unpaid bills so a brief appearance every three months to show you are still
pitifully poor is a small penalty for skating away from all the bills you racked up.
It is completely outrageous. It is like having the debtor in some form of house arrest or probation. Being in debt is a civil matter not a criminal one. What are we in the 18th century?
The word snowflake is over used so I'll just call you a pussy who thinks once someone stands in front of a judge with out turned pockets, palms extended upwards he needn't worry every again about proving his indigence.

Well fuck that, you've stuck society with your unpaid bills so a brief appearance every three months to show you are still
pitifully poor is a small penalty for skating away from all the bills you racked up.

Maybe we should have done the same thing to GM and the banks?
"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

Ah! More of that greatness and shining beacon on the hill America supposedly is! Awesome! While the politicians shit on the people,the people get thrown in jail for debt they can't pay. Can only imagine the mental gymnastics people are going to use to justify this shit.

He was put in jail for failure to appear in court.

For not being able to pay his medical bills.
"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

Ah! More of that greatness and shining beacon on the hill America supposedly is! Awesome! While the politicians shit on the people,the people get thrown in jail for debt they can't pay. Can only imagine the mental gymnastics people are going to use to justify this shit.

He was put in jail for failure to appear in court.

For not being able to pay his medical bills.
The irony is if you are an inmate you get the medical care.
It is completely outrageous. It is like having the debtor in some form of house arrest or probation. Being in debt is a civil matter not a criminal one. What are we in the 18th century?
The word snowflake is over used so I'll just call you a pussy who thinks once someone stands in front of a judge with out turned pockets, palms extended upwards he needn't worry every again about proving his indigence.

Well fuck that, you've stuck society with your unpaid bills so a brief appearance every three months to show you are still
pitifully poor is a small penalty for skating away from all the bills you racked up.

Maybe we should have done the same thing to GM and the banks?
I thought the same or to have Donald Trump and other businessmen who declare bankruptcy to screw creditors with myriad bankruptcies face the same consequences. Let them go in front of a judge every three months. Only the lower classes go through this humiliation.

Here is the lesson, the bigger the debt the smaller the penalty.

You can't pay a $1,000.00 medical bill apparently now you face humiliation, and possible jail time, in certain jurisdictions.

You declare bankruptcy on hundreds of millions in debt, you get elected president.
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