Zone1 Tim Scott Goes Woke!

That white liberal is saying what we do about Scott and black republicans.
So it's what whites do about Blacks?? Like the Old DEMOKKKRAT days ????? Why do ANYTHING other than vote on his POLICIES!!! WTF has "doing about Blacks" have to do with it??

Except to DemoKKKrats of course.

And who is "we"???

“Black voters in South Carolina know who Tim Scott is,” Christale Spain, chairwoman of the South Carolina Democratic Party, told theGrio.

“Black voters saw Tim Scott vote against the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Black voters saw Tim Scott in 2017 be the architect of a tax scam that really did nothing for Black voters,” argued Spain. “It didn’t do anything for South Carolinians. It only helped the ultra-wealthy.”

Democrats and Black voters also criticized Scott for saying “America is not a racist country” in his 2021 Republican rebuttal to Biden’s joint address to Congress.

“Black Americans … when they have a Black leader, they want one that is going to stand up and speak the truth,” said Spain of the South Carolina Democratic Party. “Tim Scott is from Charleston, a place that has a very well-documented racist history … so to say that America isn’t a racist place is beyond me.”

So it's what whites do about Blacks?? Like the Old DEMOKKKRAT days ????? Why do ANYTHING other than vote on his POLICIES!!! WTF has "doing about Blacks" have to do with it??

Except to DemoKKKrats of course.

And who is "we"???

The white racist loves sellouts like Scott.

"We" are 90 percent of the black population. Todays RepubliKKKlan party is what we oppose. Since no one alive today owned slaves your jibberish about the 1860 Democratic party will get you nowhere with blacks.

His policies are part of the problem. Policy is why we don't vote republican.

I know what blacks are saying about Scott. I'm black and happen to be around black people when we talk politics. You do neither. You imagine.
Principles seem to have escaped from American politics. All questions now are of emotion and feeling, not objective justice and law. If someone in Congress votes against a measure that clearly goes counter to the Constitution but "feels good", the person is vilified as anti-human. Instead of being honest and confronting an eventual Constitutional change, it is preferred to simply destroy the meaning of the document.
Defending the Constitution is not "rightist" or even "conservative". It is American.
The duopoly, both sides, has consistently betrayed the country and its founding documents. That has only helped in destroying understanding and respect for order and the social contract the Constitution represents.
Being all "left" or all "right" all the time is all wrong.
Principles seem to have escaped from American politics. All questions now are of emotion and feeling, not objective justice and law. If someone in Congress votes against a measure that clearly goes counter to the Constitution but "feels good", the person is vilified as anti-human. Instead of being honest and confronting an eventual Constitutional change, it is preferred to simply destroy the meaning of the document.
Defending the Constitution is not "rightist" or even "conservative". It is American.
The duopoly, both sides, has consistently betrayed the country and its founding documents. That has only helped in destroying understanding and respect for order and the social contract the Constitution represents.
Being all "left" or all "right" all the time is all wrong.
There is no doupoly. And when we talk about the constitution, recognize that blacks, women, and the indigenous nations of this country had no say in the formation of the document. That is the first flaw and it is that flaw which causes the problems that exist today.
“Black voters in South Carolina know who Tim Scott is,” Christale Spain, chairwoman of the South Carolina Democratic Party, told theGrio.

“Black voters saw Tim Scott vote against the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Black voters saw Tim Scott in 2017 be the architect of a tax scam that really did nothing for Black voters,” argued Spain. “It didn’t do anything for South Carolinians. It only helped the ultra-wealthy.”

Democrats and Black voters also criticized Scott for saying “America is not a racist country” in his 2021 Republican rebuttal to Biden’s joint address to Congress.

“Black Americans … when they have a Black leader, they want one that is going to stand up and speak the truth,” said Spain of the South Carolina Democratic Party. “Tim Scott is from Charleston, a place that has a very well-documented racist history … so to say that America isn’t a racist place is beyond me.”

What the hell does pro and anti-mean? The political legislation over the decades has strings and tentacles that crosses all sides into our lives. When legislation is passed or denied it has hundreds of agendas involved in the voting. America as a nation is not racist. America perhaps in some local areas may still e or in some ways of employment in all areas. And that includes Progs. Now things are going to get worse because equity is becoming the law of the land. Lowering standards and putting people in charge based on pure wokeism. Even if they are good, there are better and/or those who earned it who are denied. A growing amount of people are tired of paying for others. The deep state knows to keep power they must force them to.
What the hell does pro and anti-mean? The political legislation over the decades has strings and tentacles that crosses all sides into our lives. When legislation is passed or denied it has hundreds of agendas involved in the voting. America as a nation is not racist. America perhaps in some local areas may still e or in some ways of employment in all areas. And that includes Progs. Now things are going to get worse because equity is becoming the law of the land. Lowering standards and putting people in charge based on pure wokeism. Even if they are good, there are better and/or those who earned it who are denied. A growing amount of people are tired of paying for others. The deep state knows to keep power they must force them to.
Equity should have always been the law of the land. Standards were lowered and adjusted for white men since this country started. Blacks have paid for whites since the beginning. It's time whites like you stopped lying to yourselves and to face the reality of the mess that white men in power have made.
The white racist loves sellouts like Scott.

"We" are 90 percent of the black population. Todays RepubliKKKlan party is what we oppose. Since no one alive today owned slaves your jibberish about the 1860 Democratic party will get you nowhere with blacks.

His policies are part of the problem. Policy is why we don't vote republican.
Which policies are those?

Equity should have always been the law of the land. Standards were lowered and adjusted for white men since this country started. Blacks have paid for whites since the beginning. It's time whites like you stopped lying to yourselves and to face the reality of the mess that white men in power have made.

LOL, how can we take this comment serious when the black community voted for a white man who said "if you don't vote for me you ain't black"...
LOL, how can we take this comment serious when the black community voted for a white man who said "if you don't vote for me you ain't black"...
They also voted for a man he didn’t want to send his kids to a “racial jungle” with blacks…..……

And who said that poor kids are as bright as white kid……

And who said that Obama was a “clean” black who could speak articulately
The reason black leftists hate Scott is the same reason they hate Jews: they show that with the right attitudes and behavior, one can move beyond poverty and lead successful lives even in the face of bigotry.
LOL, how can we take this comment serious when the black community voted for a white man who said "if you don't vote for me you ain't black"...

No one cares what whites like you think. Biden didn't say that. Biden said "if you can't tell the difference between me abnd trump, then you ain't black." And that's what we were saying to blacks dumb enough to think about voting for trump. But like the man in the video says, you like Scott because you can deny your racism by using his words.
The reason black leftists hate Scott is the same reason they hate Jews: they show that with the right attitudes and behavior, one can move beyond poverty and lead successful lives even in the face of bigotry.
No one on the left hates Jews. I have zero idea where you come up with these delusions. If you look at the antisemitic acts perpetrated, they're all by right wingers and the alt-right. Soros, scream about Hollywood being owned by them, ALL comes from the right.

I have no respect for Tim Scott because he doesn't acknowledge that not every person of color has the same advantages that he had growing up. He believes that blacks should just be like whites and just gives the high five pass to his colleagues that allow them to think the same way. He had a loving Mom who broke her ass to make sure he had a good life growing up. Not every person of color has that advantage. It would be nice if he acknowledged that. Then, he might find some traction with black voters.

Quite frankly, I was shocked to hear him criticize Ron DeSantis for his state's stance on rewriting and whitewashing slavery. I didn't think he had it in him. Maybe, that's just a bridge too far for him to ignore.
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Obviously, blindness knows no "racial" barriers.
The blind believe we have a doupoly, when in fact each time I have voted I see canddates from more than 2 parties.

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