Tim Scott

Tim Scott had the chance to address the systemic racism
He did. He called out that communist bullshit right from the start.

"Systemic racism" is codeword for commie.

We will not have any of that shit. We will not agree. We will not address it. It is bullshit.

I will kill every last motherfucker on earth if I have to just stop the bullshit that you're calling a systemic racism cure (Marxism).

Now go ahead and call him "Uncle Tim" or "House N___a" and all the other bullshit you fucking communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers like to say.

Given the bullshit we saw from you darkies and your commie cohorts re: Tim Scott, "yard ape" "jigaboo" and "porch monkey" are back on the table. I don't give a FUCK!!! Don't like it? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!
No foolio he did nothing but reinforce the white fascism you believe in.

And that's why he got what he did. You are white and Scott validated your narrative, because the words you are so angry about said to Scott are the same words you peckerwoods use when you talk about blacks who refuse to suck your dicks like Scott does.

Last, don't talk that internet tough guy shit to me pussy.

Says the guy I sent my address and phone number to. You're no more than punk assed black boi afraid of living.

You really would not like it if I had paid you a visit. Now the topic is about Tim Scotts refusal to stand up. He could have changed the republican party and presented an alternative to blacks unsatisified with the inaction of democrats. Instead he continued validating a white racist lie in order to further his political career.

The only problem you have is Scott did stand up and refused to kneel before the commie throne. And that scares the hell out of race baiters like you.

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"I don't think the American people are racist," he said, "but I think after 400 years, African Americans have been left in a position where they are so far behind the eight ball in terms of education and health, in terms of opportunity."

And yet they STILL keep voting for democrats...?
We were republicans for 100 years while they did nothing about Jim Crow. Scott talks about 400 years then leaves ot the reason why blacks are behind. This is why he got called out in a nasty way.

Blacks are behind because they bought into Johnson's Great Society LIE that over time destroyed black families. As a result blacks are killing each other in unimaginable numbers and killing your future in the commie abortion mills. When are you going to realize you've been played for the political power of white dems?

What is systemic racism?....

Apparently it's a huge problem in Dem states and Dem cities and Dem neighborhoods.
It's a larger problem in republican ones. Like where I live.
WHAT IS IT???????
Go look it up if you don't know.
IOW, you can't 'splain it in plain English, poseur.
I don't have to ex[lain it because you know what it is. You participate in making the system racist.

In other words you're just parroting what you've been told and have no fucking clue what you're saying really means. That's a typical trait of low information race baiters.

Scott had the opportunity to stand before the nation and express his experience as a black man...

Translation: Tim Scott had an opportunity to stand before the nation and snivel like a little bitch, like you do every day....But he didn't, therefore he's a house niqqer.
Actually he snivelled like a little bitch. Much like you racists do here every day.
Maybe he didn't experience things like you did.

The OP claims to be successful, yet cries and moans about being oppressed. Either way, he proves himself to be nothing but a liar.

Allow me to make this comparison between a real black man and a political asskisser who happens to BE black. The Buffalo Fire Department has had two black commissioners in its long history. The first being Robert Howard Jr. who served from 1966-1973 under Mayor Frank Sedita, Sr. He was cut from the same bolt of cloth as all the other "leather lung" firefighters from that era and garnered much respect from all the firefighters under his command. This is the type of example everyone, regardless of race, should aspire to. Then more recently we have Garnell Whitfield, who became commissioner only because he was willing to kiss Mayor Byron Brown's ass. He has had zero respect from the rank and file (Firefighters I spoke to called him "TWITfield), but this is exactly the kind of person IM2 want everyone to be.
White boy, your descripton of a real black man is not a real black man.

So a real black man can't be accomplished and respected by all?

Tim Scott had the chance to address the systemic racism he has admitted on the senate floor that exists but he played the punk role.

The republicans play the white victimhood card at every chance. The white victimhood card is when you whine about people saying all whites are racist when a person of color talks about systemic or institutional racism. It is the same victimhood that makes conservatives whine about how America is not a racist country.

Right wing whites want to deny that racism exists and try bullying anyone who disputes them. I am black, racism exists in America. Individual and systemic. Biden is not going to say this is a racist country, he's a politician and knows he will lose white voters if he does, but he does not deny the fact that systemic racism IS a problem in this country and that makes him a better man than Tim Scott. Because Biden is a 78 year old white man, he could do as trump, William Barr and Lndsay Graham, rest on his advantage and do nothing while declaring that systemic racism does not exist. But he didn't.

But Tim Scott.

Scott had the opportunity to stand before the nation and express his experience as a black man, instead he was the puppet. He had the chance to grab leadership, he had the chance to make blacks look seriously at the republican party, he had the chance to put his name in the hat with the great black republicans like Frederick Douglass, but he failed.

And miserably.

You should be proud of him. It is not an easy thing for African Americans to not be Progressive Socialists. They are skewered and the truth is, it is healthy for voters to have different views. Improvements can be made with different ways. We are reaching a more dangerous level now as it takes more and more resources from taxpayers and private concerns to keep poorer areas treading water. This can not continue forever. Government also has many more social programs to deal with also.
But I don't know how anyone can pretend systemic racism does not exist in the US and expect to be taken seriously.
Can you give an example of systemic racism?
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Tim Scott had the chance to address the systemic racism he has admitted on the senate floor that exists but he played the punk role.

The republicans play the white victimhood card at every chance. The white victimhood card is when you whine about people saying all whites are racist when a person of color talks about systemic or institutional racism. It is the same victimhood that makes conservatives whine about how America is not a racist country.

Right wing whites want to deny that racism exists and try bullying anyone who disputes them. I am black, racism exists in America. Individual and systemic. Biden is not going to say this is a racist country, he's a politician and knows he will lose white voters if he does, but he does not deny the fact that systemic racism IS a problem in this country and that makes him a better man than Tim Scott. Because Biden is a 78 year old white man, he could do as trump, William Barr and Lndsay Graham, rest on his advantage and do nothing while declaring that systemic racism does not exist. But he didn't.

But Tim Scott.

Scott had the opportunity to stand before the nation and express his experience as a black man, instead he was the puppet. He had the chance to grab leadership, he had the chance to make blacks look seriously at the republican party, he had the chance to put his name in the hat with the great black republicans like Frederick Douglass, but he failed.

And miserably.

1. Was he articulate?

2. Was he clean?
Tim Scott had the chance to address the systemic racism he has admitted on the senate floor that exists but he played the punk role.

The republicans play the white victimhood card at every chance. The white victimhood card is when you whine about people saying all whites are racist when a person of color talks about systemic or institutional racism. It is the same victimhood that makes conservatives whine about how America is not a racist country.

Right wing whites want to deny that racism exists and try bullying anyone who disputes them. I am black, racism exists in America. Individual and systemic. Biden is not going to say this is a racist country, he's a politician and knows he will lose white voters if he does, but he does not deny the fact that systemic racism IS a problem in this country and that makes him a better man than Tim Scott. Because Biden is a 78 year old white man, he could do as trump, William Barr and Lndsay Graham, rest on his advantage and do nothing while declaring that systemic racism does not exist. But he didn't.

But Tim Scott.

Scott had the opportunity to stand before the nation and express his experience as a black man, instead he was the puppet. He had the chance to grab leadership, he had the chance to make blacks look seriously at the republican party, he had the chance to put his name in the hat with the great black republicans like Frederick Douglass, but he failed.

And miserably.

You should be proud of him. It is not an easy thing for African Americans to not be Progressive Socialists. They are skewered and the truth is, it is healthy for voters to have different views. Improvements can be made with different ways. We are reaching a more dangerous level now as it takes more and more resources from taxpayers and private concerns to keep poorer areas treading water. This can not continue forever. Government also has many more social programs to deal with also.

“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X
Allow me to make this comparison between a real black man and a political asskisser who happens to BE black. The Buffalo Fire Department has had two black commissioners in its long history. The first being Robert Howard Jr. who served from 1966-1973 under Mayor Frank Sedita, Sr. He was cut from the same bolt of cloth as all the other "leather lung" firefighters from that era and garnered much respect from all the firefighters under his command. This is the type of example everyone, regardless of race, should aspire to. Then more recently we have Garnell Whitfield, who became commissioner only because he was willing to kiss Mayor Byron Brown's ass. He has had zero respect from the rank and file (Firefighters I spoke to called him "TWITfield), but this is exactly the kind of person IM2 want everyone to be.
White boy, your descripton of a real black man is not a real black man.

So a real black man can't be accomplished and respected by all?

Funny you should mention that. I just spoke to a retired Buffalo Firefighter who served under Commissioner Howard. told me that Howard was an excellent firefighter, officer, and Commissioner and was well respected by the entire rank and file in the department. I have superiors in my own job who I respect and like alot who also happen to be black. One such gentleman won the 2020 Black Achievers Award and is a transportation supervisor at one of our stations. He's an even bigger bus nerd than I am. :)
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When I see any, I'll make sure you're the first to know.
Since you are apparently incapable of describing what that evidence would look like, how are you going to know when you see it? You're incoherent.

You're an idiot. In response to being told 'But I don't know how anyone can pretend systemic racism does not exist in the US and expect to be taken seriously' I simply asked for the poster to provide PROOF that it does exist. Seems like it should be an easy thing to do. You're asking me to describe evidence of something I don't think exists. So who is being 'incoherent'? Makes sense that I'd have to spell this out for a liberal to comprehend...
I simply asked for the poster to provide PROOF that it does exist
And in the interest of seeing if that is worth the time, i asked you what that evidence would look like. You, as expected, will not or cannot answer. This demonstrates to everyone that you are a fraud who is not making an honest request. It's really a very easy thing to do (exposing frauds like you). My work is done.
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Tim Scott had the chance to address the systemic racism
He did. He called out that communist bullshit right from the start.

"Systemic racism" is codeword for commie.

We will not have any of that shit. We will not agree. We will not address it. It is bullshit.

I will kill every last motherfucker on earth if I have to just stop the bullshit that you're calling a systemic racism cure (Marxism).

Now go ahead and call him "Uncle Tim" or "House N___a" and all the other bullshit you fucking communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers like to say.

Given the bullshit we saw from you darkies and your commie cohorts re: Tim Scott, "yard ape" "jigaboo" and "porch monkey" are back on the table. I don't give a FUCK!!! Don't like it? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!
No foolio he did nothing but reinforce the white fascism you believe in.

And that's why he got what he did. You are white and Scott validated your narrative, because the words you are so angry about said to Scott are the same words you peckerwoods use when you talk about blacks who refuse to suck your dicks like Scott does.

Last, don't talk that internet tough guy shit to me pussy.

Says the guy I sent my address and phone number to. You're no more than punk assed black boi afraid of living.

You really would not like it if I had paid you a visit. Now the topic is about Tim Scotts refusal to stand up. He could have changed the republican party and presented an alternative to blacks unsatisified with the inaction of democrats. Instead he continued validating a white racist lie in order to further his political career.
What would have been an alternative black folks would have accepted? y'all have been lied to so much it's hard to believe there is anything anyone can say that would interest black folks.
According to racist scumbags like IM2 ol' whitey has to bend over backwards to accomodate his race and to hell with merit.

Merit has nothing to do with why whites have what they do or Tim Scotts speech.
Merit has EVERYTHING to do with what I have. GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!

You think you're the only person who grew up poor. FUCK you probably had it better than me!!!!

No the only merit you had was the color of your skin.

No, it was more the content of my character.


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