Time for Gun Safety Advocates to Abandon Their Strategy

Didn't you see the pictures all over the internet today of the kids in LA that were forced to attend the filthy ass Gay Day Parade?

Or the schools and libraries that brought in Drag Queens to read stories to the kids?
I worked all day. A gay pride parade is quite a different story from a drag show. And I'm sure none of the children were forced to go there, their parents were be in an uproar if that was the case.
I worked all day. A gay pride parade is quite a different story from a drag show. And I'm sure none of the children were forced to go there, their parents were be in an uproar if that was the case.
I'm not going to take the time to go find and post them but the pictures I saw earlier today from the LA Queer Parade had drag queens and queers in every kind of inappropriate dress you can think of and kids were forced to see it.
I'm not going to take the time to go find and post them but the pictures I saw earlier today from the LA Queer Parade had drag queens and queers in every kind of inappropriate dress you can think of and kids were forced to see it.
Like I said, I doubt if anybody was forced to watch it, this is America after all, not Russia.
The pictures showed the kids were forced to watch it by the Moon Bat parents.
If the parents thought it was okay that's all that matters. That's what I've been saying all along. The idiot the first told me about this tried to make it sound like the school officials made them watch it. I knew that wasn't true.
A sound suggestion considering Wednesday’s oral arguments over the New York may-issue concealed carry provision:

"This case signaled not only the court's growing hostility to restrictions on concealed carry—the subject matter of today's case—but reflects the view of some justices that there are too many gun control laws and that we need to start striking gun control laws down," UCLA law professor Adam Winkler told Newsweek.

"A significant portion of the gun safety movement's current agenda is likely to come under attack in the coming years," Winkler added. "I think bans on assault weapons and bans on high-capacity magazines are ripe for the new Supreme Court, with its newly invigorated Second Amendment, to strike down."


Winkler urged the gun safety movement to begin shifting its agenda and move away from its current efforts, in response to Wednesday's hearing.

"It's time to stop focusing on banning particular kinds of firearms or accessories, like high-capacity magazines or assault weapons, and focus more on gun violence prevention programs, getting adequate funding for community intervention programs, lifting restrictions on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms," he said.

"The gun safety movement has reforms it can pursue. Indeed, some of these other reforms have been pursued by the movement for years, but they've been sidelined as assault weapons bans and high-capacity magazine bans—more high-profile reforms—take center stage," Winkler added.

"I think that some of those other proposals and reforms are the wrong way to go today, given the current Supreme Court," he said.’

Time for so called "gun safety" groups to change their names to gun abolitionists.
An assault weapon and a semiautomatic weapon are the same thing . . .

Was it the pistol-grip?
Semi-automatic weapons are the weapons of choice for mass shootings, but within that group the assault style rifles are preferred. If we can't have an outright then on them, we can at least raise the age to 21. As I said before the hormone levels in teenagers reaches a peak between 18 and 20. At 21 years of age there is a dramatic drop in the hormone levels and they become a lot more sane. 21 isn't a magic age, but scientists have figured it out that it's a significant change.
Semi-automatic weapons are the weapons of choice for mass shootings, but within that group the assault style rifles are preferred. If we can't have an outright then on them, we can at least raise the age to 21. As I said before the hormone levels in teenagers reaches a peak between 18 and 20. At 21 years of age there is a dramatic drop in the hormone levels and they become a lot more sane. 21 isn't a magic age, but scientists have figured it out that it's a significant change.

So? They are also the most popular guns for the other 330 million Americans who own them and don't use them to shoot schools......

In 2021 we had 6 killers...out of 330 million Americans....

Each year 1.1 million Americans use their legal guns, mostly semi-automatic pistols, to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings...and yes, even mass public shootings...when they are allowed to carry their legal guns....

Over 20 million Americans can legally carry guns in public for self defense......the vast majority of those are semi-automatic pistols...

So 6 killers out of 330 million Americans, and you think it is rational to adopt policies for 330 Americans based on 6 killers?

Semi-automatic weapons are the weapons of choice for mass shootings, but within that group the assault style rifles are preferred. If we can't have an outright then on them, we can at least raise the age to 21. As I said before the hormone levels in teenagers reaches a peak between 18 and 20. At 21 years of age there is a dramatic drop in the hormone levels and they become a lot more sane. 21 isn't a magic age, but scientists have figured it out that it's a significant change.

And yet actual statistics show that the majority of mass public shooters...are 21 or over.......which means that all of the 18 year olds who have semi-automatic rifle access because their families are hunters or have these rifles for self defense......who didn't shoot anyone with those rifles...will now be banned.......

Then, they can join the military and be sent over seas to shoot people with those rifles for their country....but not to protect their families at home?

That sounds rational to you?
Semi-automatic weapons are the weapons of choice for mass shootings, but within that group the assault style rifles are preferred. If we can't have an outright then on them, we can at least raise the age to 21. As I said before the hormone levels in teenagers reaches a peak between 18 and 20. At 21 years of age there is a dramatic drop in the hormone levels and they become a lot more sane. 21 isn't a magic age, but scientists have figured it out that it's a significant change.

Sure....then 21 should be for voting, enlisting in the military.........and getting an abortion......or sex blocking hormones and surgery....

Semi-automatic weapons are the weapons of choice for mass shootings, but within that group the assault style rifles are preferred. If we can't have an outright then on them, we can at least raise the age to 21. As I said before the hormone levels in teenagers reaches a peak between 18 and 20. At 21 years of age there is a dramatic drop in the hormone levels and they become a lot more sane. 21 isn't a magic age, but scientists have figured it out that it's a significant change.

Cars kill more children than all guns do......so, according to your logic, no one should be able to drive a car until 21.....


Since you are talking about testosterone levels and dangerous activities....right?

So? They are also the most popular guns for the other 330 million Americans who own them and don't use them to shoot schools......

In 2021 we had 6 killers...out of 330 million Americans....

Each year 1.1 million Americans use their legal guns, mostly semi-automatic pistols, to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings...and yes, even mass public shootings...when they are allowed to carry their legal guns....

Over 20 million Americans can legally carry guns in public for self defense......the vast majority of those are semi-automatic pistols...

So 6 killers out of 330 million Americans, and you think it is rational to adopt policies for 330 Americans based on 6 killers?

Most people are sane, even you ? / ! Raising the age to 21 will not affect 330 million Americans. 122 million Americans own guns. That means there are households that have many guns because the total number of guns in this country is 393 million. That's a scary thought. There are 741,000 fully automatic machine guns in civilian hands, that is even more scary. Machine guns in civilian hands that's insane. Any one of us could go crazy at any moment, we are all only human having that kind of gun power in the hands of a mentally unstable person is beyond comprehension. Machine guns can fire 500 to 1,000 rounds per minute with magazines up to 4,000. These are designed for war, no other purpose, it should not be in the hands of civilians. The AR-15 s have a capacity of 30, that's bad enough. Both are weapons of war. Any person that has more than one weapon should be thoroughly vetted by the government.
Most people are sane, even you ? / ! Raising the age to 21 will not affect 330 million Americans. 122 million Americans own guns. That means there are households that have many guns because the total number of guns in this country is 393 million. That's a scary thought. There are 741,000 fully automatic machine guns in civilian hands, that is even more scary. Machine guns in civilian hands that's insane. Any one of us could go crazy at any moment, we are all only human having that kind of gun power in the hands of a mentally unstable person is beyond comprehension. Machine guns can fire 500 to 1,000 rounds per minute with magazines up to 4,000. These are designed for war, no other purpose, it should not be in the hands of civilians. The AR-15 s have a capacity of 30, that's bad enough. Both are weapons of war. Any person that has more than one weapon should be thoroughly vetted by the government.

How many of those 741,000 machine guns were used in crime or mass public shootings?

They are here, there is access...they haven't been used......

Again....the AR-15 is not a weapon of war.....what about that concept is so hard for you to understand?

It has never been used by the military, while the bolt action rifle and pump action shotgun are actual, current, weapons used by every branch of the military including the coast guard....

If you raise the age to buy a rifle...because if you limit the ability to by an AR-15, you will then come back to ban all rifles for them.......

Then you agree that we have to raise the age to vote to 21 as well....right?

The age to drive to 21 as well...right? Since teenagers die in car accidents at higher rates than from all guns....right?

And.....of course.....we must raise the age for abortions to 21, and sex blocking hormones to 21....right?
How many of those 741,000 machine guns were used in crime or mass public shootings?

They are here, there is access...they haven't been used......

Again....the AR-15 is not a weapon of war.....what about that concept is so hard for you to understand?

It has never been used by the military, while the bolt action rifle and pump action shotgun are actual, current, weapons used by every branch of the military including the coast guard....

If you raise the age to buy a rifle...because if you limit the ability to by an AR-15, you will then come back to ban all rifles for them.......

Then you agree that we have to raise the age to vote to 21 as well....right?

The age to drive to 21 as well...right? Since teenagers die in car accidents at higher rates than from all guns....right?

And.....of course.....we must raise the age for abortions to 21, and sex blocking hormones to 21....right?
Should we wait until somebody goes insane and uses a machine gun to mow down thousands of people instead of hundreds of people. I don't think so. It will be prudent to be proactive in this case this could be a super nightmare. If the founding fathers were alive today they were ban all these war weapons.
Should we wait until somebody goes insane and uses a machine gun to mow down thousands of people instead of hundreds of people. I don't think so. It will be prudent to be proactive in this case this could be a super nightmare. If the founding fathers were alive today they were ban all these war weapons.

Well....someone could put a suitcase nuke in a car....and blow up a city...should we wait until that happens to ban all cars?
Well....someone could put a suitcase nuke in a car....and blow up a city...should we wait until that happens to ban all cars?
You keep proving your ignorance. I'm quite certain nuclear weapons are illegal. Otherwise, the scenario you eluded to would have already happened.
Should we wait until somebody goes insane and uses a machine gun to mow down thousands of people instead of hundreds of people. I don't think so. It will be prudent to be proactive in this case this could be a super nightmare. If the founding fathers were alive today they were ban all these war weapons.

No...they wouldn't have banned those weapons.....if the Founding Father's knew about the 15 million men, women and children murdered by their governments....after they gave up their guns...the Founding Fathers would have mandated all homes have military rifles, just like Switzerland...
You keep proving your ignorance. I'm quite certain nuclear weapons are illegal. Otherwise, the scenario you eluded to would have already happened.

People have access to them.......so they can be used......
No...they wouldn't have banned those weapons.....if the Founding Father's knew about the 15 million men, women and children murdered by their governments....after they gave up their guns...the Founding Fathers would have mandated all homes have military rifles, just like Switzerland...
I understand you don't know history at all either. One of the first things the founding fathers did was make it illegal for citizens to own firearms " unless " they took an oath of loyalty to the new government. That's how much they cared about an individual's rights to gun ownership. Also I can't understand why you're so adamant about guns but I looked up the rules and regulations the laws on gun advocates. If you are working for the NRA, the American rifle and pistol association, the national association for gun rights, or any other gun proponent affiliations. Under federal law you must declare that before you speak on the subject. At first I thought you were just obtuse, but since you are so relentless about this, I thought maybe you work for the gun lobby. Someday in the near future I'm sure the gun all members of the gun lobby will declared domestic terrorist organizations.

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