Time is a funny thing

Yes and had Reagan not sent Rumsfeld. Saddam may not of had chemical weapons.

The neo-cons have been pushing for the invasion since the 90's.
Yet Clinton not only left the framework for invasion in place (no fly zones, economic sanctions and the like), but added the 1998 resolution on top of it all.

Bill Clinton: Neoconservative. :rofl:

And had Bush sr not went to war the first time there would be no need for sanctions.

Its the why of it Plas. You have to remember the why of it.
Good OP though you rarely start one and this one makes you think back to those days. I was almost frantic over Iraq. Losing it on a day today because at the best of times if one knows history Iraq has barely held a fragile peace.

Formed by an idealistic but flawed League of Nations, Iraq was doomed to her fate as we are witnessing today.

Fools proclaim Bush.

They know not this jewel of history, the heart of mankind, Mesopotamia. This is the land so foolishly divided up by men who knew not of the region or its history.

I don't know what you want Plas here.

United Nations is as flawed as the "League Of Nations"...IF not MORE. IT seems to flaunt Liberty for favour of tyranny.
Time is a funny thing when you watch how people conduct themselves. We are on the cusp of another civil war in Iraq. We have a few things going on here. We have some who blame Obama for pulling out. We have people who think we never should have been there at all. We have people who are sitting back and saying " we told you so". The last group being the most interesting to me, seeing how i am one of those people.

In the lead up to the war we had the supporters arguing that Saddam needed to be removed because he was a bad man, who had weapons, killed some people,and was linked to terrorists. Well we all know what happened with those three issues, so we wont go over those failures.

The other side who was saying we shouldn't go in because a civil war would break out, Saddam was keeping the terrorists out of Iraq, and basically had a tin army that wasn't going anywhere.

So what do we have now? An I told you so. We told you Saddam was keeping the region rather stable. We told you he wasn't connected to the terrorists ( i mean look they are attacking Iraq now). We told you a civil war would break out, and now this is the second one in less than ten years.

Yet because people wanted to win short term victories we went in. The left folded like the french army in WWI. So the reality is you wanted Saddam Removed, and this is the consequences of those actions.

I personally blame the people who decided it was the patriotic thing to do and go to war, or state you were with the terrorists. Good job, you literally wasted 5000 or so American lives so you could stick it to the left and put a win in your column. Well you were and are wrong.

Oh and i know, its all obamas fault now, because he wanted the terrorists to come in and take over, because they are his pals.

Dude, at this point don't be wasting your time worrying about a civil war in Iraq. If you want to worry, worry about one here.
yeah....im not really worried about old fat asses who cry on the internet about needing a revolution. Sure one or two might actually do something ( see recent news) but mostly, you guys are 99% talk.
Time is a funny thing when you watch how people conduct themselves. We are on the cusp of another civil war in Iraq. We have a few things going on here. We have some who blame Obama for pulling out. We have people who think we never should have been there at all. We have people who are sitting back and saying " we told you so". The last group being the most interesting to me, seeing how i am one of those people.

In the lead up to the war we had the supporters arguing that Saddam needed to be removed because he was a bad man, who had weapons, killed some people,and was linked to terrorists. Well we all know what happened with those three issues, so we wont go over those failures.

The other side who was saying we shouldn't go in because a civil war would break out, Saddam was keeping the terrorists out of Iraq, and basically had a tin army that wasn't going anywhere.

So what do we have now? An I told you so. We told you Saddam was keeping the region rather stable. We told you he wasn't connected to the terrorists ( i mean look they are attacking Iraq now). We told you a civil war would break out, and now this is the second one in less than ten years.

Yet because people wanted to win short term victories we went in. The left folded like the french army in WWI. So the reality is you wanted Saddam Removed, and this is the consequences of those actions.

I personally blame the people who decided it was the patriotic thing to do and go to war, or state you were with the terrorists. Good job, you literally wasted 5000 or so American lives so you could stick it to the left and put a win in your column. Well you were and are wrong.

Oh and i know, its all obamas fault now, because he wanted the terrorists to come in and take over, because they are his pals.

Dude, at this point don't be wasting your time worrying about a civil war in Iraq. If you want to worry, worry about one here.

And the Leftists have already launched a WAR against this Republic...against Liberty.

PlasmaDORK...is a partisan frothing at the crotch idiot.

No they havent, but if its really war, then um....no im sorry you are a fucking moron.
Can we get the freaking poster to argue about his post in more than one word? Grade school kids do better than that.

sure when you do more than puke up partisan talking points, which is all you ever do. Which i assume is your attempt at being a radio type personality, because they do it so well, so why cant you right?

Don't ever join a debating team.

If i had to deal with people like you, i'd win by default.

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