Time To End The Trump Investigations

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Democrats and the media have already concluded Trump committed treason and no amount of evidence to the contrary will change their minds. So the question is how much is 20 lawyers and all the Congressional hearings costing the taxpayer? They are just wasting our time and money when the verdict has already been announced.

Trump could shoot Putin on 5th Avenue and they'd say he did it to cover up his guilt. Even though there is no evidence Russia had any impact on the election he's guilty of beating Hillaryous and that in and of itself is a crime.

Democrats will continue to smear everyone who doesn't agree with them no matter what so it's time to go full throttle on lieberals. Time to mock and ridicule them at every turn. Time to start getting organized for the next election and start smearing their candidates with false innuendos and conspiracy theories just like them.

Obviously even someone's attempts at entrapment makes you guilty of treason just because you agreed to listen to what they had to say. Time to use the same smear tactics.

You are welcome to email your request to end the investigations to the FBI, the House, the Senate, and Robert Mueller.

I wouldn't hold out much hope, though.
Dems are "investigating" something which they alleged themselves and which never existed.

Not only it's time to stop those "investigations" but also it's time to judge all those "servants of American people" who are fooling American people at their own expense.
Democrats and the media have already concluded Trump committed treason and no amount of evidence to the contrary will change their minds. So the question is how much is 20 lawyers and all the Congressional hearings costing the taxpayer? They are just wasting our time and money when the verdict has already been announced.

Trump could shoot Putin on 5th Avenue and they'd say he did it to cover up his guilt. Even though there is no evidence Russia had any impact on the election he's guilty of beating Hillaryous and that in and of itself is a crime.

Democrats will continue to smear everyone who doesn't agree with them no matter what so it's time to go full throttle on lieberals. Time to mock and ridicule them at every turn. Time to start getting organized for the next election and start smearing their candidates with false innuendos and conspiracy theories just like them.

Obviously even someone's attempts at entrapment makes you guilty of treason just because you agreed to listen to what they had to say. Time to use the same smear tactics.

Feel better now? Go ahead and have a good cry and get it all out. I won't laugh at you while you do that. I promise.
Dems are "investigating" something which they alleged themselves and which never existed.

Not only it's time to stop those "investigations" but also it's time to judge all those "servants of American people" who are fooling American people at their own expense.


"The Democrats" aren't investigating anything.

You are welcome to email your request to end the investigations to the FBI, the House, the Senate, and Robert Mueller.

I wouldn't hold out much hope, though.

I wouldn't be holding out any hope for your gal Hillaryous becoming President so no matter what Trump was successful.


What kind of idiot thinks Hillary would replace Trump. Where do you right wingers come up with such crazy ideas?

You are welcome to email your request to end the investigations to the FBI, the House, the Senate, and Robert Mueller.

I wouldn't hold out much hope, though.

I wouldn't be holding out any hope for your gal Hillaryous becoming President so no matter what Trump was successful.



I didn't vote for Hillary. But your weak attempt at deflection is noted.
Cool it Rick between financial and voter fraud by D machines coming to light now is not the time to rock the boat.
The time to end the investigation is when the special prosecutor submits his final report. If the Trump camp is as innocent as little lambs nothing will come of it. Thing is, if there is nothing to all this but some disgruntled democrats trying to make things rough for Saint Donald the Innocent why is he and his associates acting so nervous and obstructive? It's not like they can lie about their findings.
Dems are "investigating" something which they alleged themselves and which never existed.

Not only it's time to stop those "investigations" but also it's time to judge all those "servants of American people" who are fooling American people at their own expense.

So, if nothing happened, why did Trump ask Putin?
Let finish that for you:

Time To End The Trump Investigations

And press charges!
Democrats and the media have already concluded Trump committed treason and no amount of evidence to the contrary will change their minds. So the question is how much is 20 lawyers and all the Congressional hearings costing the taxpayer? They are just wasting our time and money when the verdict has already been announced.

Trump could shoot Putin on 5th Avenue and they'd say he did it to cover up his guilt. Even though there is no evidence Russia had any impact on the election he's guilty of beating Hillaryous and that in and of itself is a crime.

Democrats will continue to smear everyone who doesn't agree with them no matter what so it's time to go full throttle on lieberals. Time to mock and ridicule them at every turn. Time to start getting organized for the next election and start smearing their candidates with false innuendos and conspiracy theories just like them.

Obviously even someone's attempts at entrapment makes you guilty of treason just because you agreed to listen to what they had to say. Time to use the same smear tactics.
Born in Kenya
Mrs. Obama a man
Crooked Hillary

Oh those Democrats and the way they smear people.
They won't end it until after the 2018 election cycle. They think they can ride this conspiracy theory to take over the Senate. They are counting on the stupidity of their voters.
Dems are "investigating" something which they alleged themselves and which never existed.

Not only it's time to stop those "investigations" but also it's time to judge all those "servants of American people" who are fooling American people at their own expense.


"The Democrats" aren't investigating anything.
Sure they are. All the lawyers Mewler hired are Democrats.

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