Time to go vote!!!!

After work, before Gym.

Looked at a sample ballot, and my State assembly person and congresscritter are running unopposed. Ah well, I get to give in a protest vote against Cuomo, and maybe the State Senate race is viable.
Voted for Rick Scott, and against so-called Medicinal Marijuana.

yeah know

i woulldnt be against medical weed

if it (the drug) was treated the same way

that other prescribed medications are

I struggled with this for some time. I am actually in favor of legalizing it, but this law is a lie and I hate lies. There are rich fucks like John Morgan who are standing ready to make a huge profit on this and they don't want it legalized because then they wouldn't be able to make their money. this was it's more controllable. I mainly voted against it because John Morgan was for it.
Voted for Rick Scott, and against so-called Medicinal Marijuana.

yeah know

i woulldnt be against medical weed

if it (the drug) was treated the same way

that other prescribed medications are

I struggled with this for some time. I am actually in favor of legalizing it, but this law is a lie and I hate lies. There are rich fucks like John Morgan who are standing ready to make a huge profit on this and they don't want it legalized because then they wouldn't be able to make their money. this was it's more controllable. I mainly voted against it because John Morgan was for it.

as for straight legalization

that does not seem to stop the black market weed
Yep... right after lunch (gotta be someplace else this morning).

To everyone reading this thread, who has not yet done so, one way or another, and who are (1) eligible, (2) registered, (3) healthy enough to go out and about, and (4) able to travel to the polling place...

Please get out and vote...

And, please, remember, once the polls are closed, and the results announced, and once the cheering and griping are done... we are all Americans... fellow countrymen... looking to keep this 238-year-old experiment of ours running, as best we can.

Have an excellent day, people, and... git 'er dun...
Agree. Get out and vote or keep your mouth shut.

Now, for you democrats - a word of caution. You will be tempted this evening to drink heavily and drown your sorrows. Please, don't do anything rash. If you are a Republican - stay away from downtown areas and, if you can't, keep your eyes to the sky. Democrats just might be falling from buildings like leaves from trees. We don't want to get any republicans hurt....... :dance:

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