Time To Sleigh The Gerrymandering Satan in America!

LOL - do go on. Can you even follow simple conversation? Apparently not:

kaz: So show the post numbers you defined what a Constitutional Amendment on "Gerrymandering" would say and who you proposed is going to enforce it since you say it's not the Federal government.

dblack: Crickets ...

kaz: I'm following your Democrat lies just fine, Tiger

You're a moron kaz. What's more, you're a partisan moron. Fuckwads like you are destroying the country. Kindly fuck off and die. Soon. Thx. Bye.

And yet you can't back up your argument. You have moron tatooed on your forehead, don't you, Democrat moron?
No one claimed the Federal government will enforce it. The delusion is yours.

Let's re-read a post you never backed up ...

So who is going to do it?

And what are you going to do to make the Feds stop doing it since Democrats are the ones using the Federal government to use it now, but only on red States.

dblack: {crickets}
kaz: So show the post numbers you defined what a Constitutional Amendment on "Gerrymandering" would say and who you proposed is going to enforce it since you say it's not the Federal government.
No. Your request makes no sense and is irrelevant to the conversation. Try to stay focused.
And yet you can't back up your argument. You have moron tatooed on your forehead, don't you, Democrat moron?

What? No NAZIs!!!??
Let's re-read a post you never backed up ...

So who is going to do it?

FA_Q2 clearly stated: "The states should still end gerrymandering. With constitutional amendments preferably."

You're not very good at reading, are you?
No. Your request makes no sense and is irrelevant to the conversation. Try to stay focused.

What? No NAZIs!!!??
That's pathetic. It's irrelevant for you to be able to write down what you are proposing so anyone can understand what it means and it's irrelevant to get your explain your unsupported claim it's not a Federal power or how you are going to get them to stop doing it since they do it now.

You just hit a goldmine of stupid, and it's you.

Define Gerrymandering so it can be enforced as a Constitutional power. That is clearly not "irrelevant" you stupid fucking bitch
FA_Q2 clearly stated: "The states should still end gerrymandering. With constitutional amendments preferably."

You're not very good at reading, are you?


Wow, you're a "libertarian" and you think giving government UNDEFINED POWERS is a fucking GOOD THING!?!?!

Can you make any clearer you're a Democrat? Democrats like you LOVE undefined powers.

On the bright side, I'll stop calling you an "emotional" Democrat. You're the real thing

dblack: Defining what you are doing just confuses people, kaz. Better to let Democrats make it up as they go. We can trust them
That's pathetic. It's irrelevant for you to be able to write down what you are proposing ...
I can't say for sure what FA_Q2 was proposing. There are a number of different possible solutions, all attainable at the state level, but all of them are beyond your comprehension level. Trying to explain it would just frighten and confuse you.
I can't say what for sure FA_Q2 was proposing. There are a number of different possible solutions, all attainable at the state level, but all of them are beyond your comprehension level.

That's great!

I only asked for ONE way you could unambiguously write a Constitutional Amendment banning Gerrymandering reasonably and clear. I am taking the best position for YOU, I am saying there is NO WAY to do it.

Since you say now there are several, that's fantastic for you. Just pick one and write it.

You can't, can you? Be honest for once. Your claim that FA_Q2 was clear by just using the term "Gerrymandering" was delusional. That is clearly not clear
The same reason we don't let the current Superbowl Champions rewrite the rules for the next season of football.

Seriously, it doesn't bother you to have the current government redrawing districts so that it stays in power? That bugs me regardless of who it is.
Why do you completely ignore the impact of the Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act, and various other laws that have impacted the state's ability to redistrict after the Census?
Why do you completely ignore the impact of the Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act, and various other laws that have impacted the state's ability to redistrict after the Census?
I don't. But you seem to want to ignore the problem of gerrymandering. Why? Do you think it's a good idea to let the party in power play with the district boundaries when it behooves them? What if your party isn't in power?
I don't. But you seem to want to ignore the problem of gerrymandering. Why? Do you think it's a good idea to let the party in power play with the district boundaries when it behooves them? What if your party isn't in power?
Your reading comprehension sucks. There are already restrictions on gerrymandering. When I lived in Florida, a Congressional district of a black Congresswomen (Democrat) was ruled illegal by the courts because it was almost completely black. The Republican legislature redistricted the state, giving her a new district that was majority black, but was approved by the court..

Now, explain why they would do that if they could just redraw the district to eliminate her district entirely? The courts would have slapped the legislature again and they would forced to do it again.
Note the question I asked.


Let's try this again.




Can you hear me now?

Your claim that you can't write one but the Federal government will enforce it fairly is delusional. Democrats don't give a shit if you write it clearly. But let's start with that, write it clearly. I have no idea what you are proposing exactly. So define it clearly
"Your claim that you can't write one but the Federal government will enforce it fairly is delusional."
Well, no. As I never said that clearly you are the delusional one. i even put the relevent words in boldm underline and italic.


And I could repeat myself that I want states to fix the problem therefore the federal government would play no role whatsoever in its enforcement. Indeed, federal intrusion would be contrary to the point as it would ensure the consolidation of power rather than the reverse.

And, no, I am not going to try and solve a very difficult problem in 50 different localities because you are far to much of an idiot to even understand what it means to have the states address a problem as you cant stop spouting off about the feds. You are the only delusional one here. Try arguing against my actual points rather than demanding I do something that I clearly do not support and have stated as such.

I gave you the reason it should be addressed and why gerrymandering is bad and you could not even address that reality because you are damn well aware your position on this is a strong case of double think. This is a crystal clear indication that you are just another partisan hack. When it is convenient for your chose jersey, ALL core principals go out the window. After all, this is a war kaz and you already admitted you have to throw out those principals in the name of VICTORY.

At least I will not waste any more time on your idiocy.
"Your claim that you can't write one but the Federal government will enforce it fairly is delusional."
Well, no. As I never said that clearly you are the delusional one. i even put the relevent words in boldm underline and italic.


And I could repeat myself that I want states to fix the problem therefore the federal government would play no role whatsoever in its enforcement. Indeed, federal intrusion would be contrary to the point as it would ensure the consolidation of power rather than the reverse.

And, no, I am not going to try and solve a very difficult problem in 50 different localities because you are far to much of an idiot to even understand what it means to have the states address a problem as you cant stop spouting off about the feds. You are the only delusional one here. Try arguing against my actual points rather than demanding I do something that I clearly do not support and have stated as such.

I gave you the reason it should be addressed and why gerrymandering is bad and you could not even address that reality because you are damn well aware your position on this is a strong case of double think. This is a crystal clear indication that you are just another partisan hack. When it is convenient for your chose jersey, ALL core principals go out the window. After all, this is a war kaz and you already admitted you have to throw out those principals in the name of VICTORY.

At least I will not waste any more time on your idiocy.

You're delusional that you support a Constitutional amendment that YOU admit you can't write even a sample of with a clear definition of what you are against and you actually want to walk in and hand that to Democrats. You've lost your fucking mind.

But you are the man without a penis who took my answer to one post and cited it as if it was written to another one and even when called out weren't man enough to admit it was your bad.

I know from your posting history you aren't directly a leftist, but you are totally their useless stooge.

Again, simply say what you are against CLEARLY. What does "Gerrymandering" mean written clearly and consisely so anyone who reads it would understand what you are proposing?

Note other amendments outlaw things, they aren't subjective.

One thing we know is Democrat dblack isn't going to help you. This benefits Democrats, so he's for it

- Free speech - government cannot restrict it
- The press - government cannot restrict them
- Guns - government cannot infringe on our right to own guns

But how do you define "Gerrymandering?" Is it based on race? How should lines be drawn?

We have clear amendments now and Democrats lie and manipulate the shit out of them. And you want to walk up and hand them an easy one that is totally subjective. There is no way to write it clearly because States are split between blacks and whites. There is no algorithm to define how to draw lines perfectly. Drawing lines is subjective, and you want to hand leftist lawyers and leftist courts an ambiguous amendment. They will kiss you on the mouth for that. As I said, you're not a leftist, you are a leftist stooge
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Not a Nazi?

No, FA_Q2 isn't a Democrat. I'm disappointed he won't man up to switching my response from one post to another without acknowledging it even when I pointed it out, but you are the Nazis, not him.

Notice you NEVER say this to Democrats calling us Nazis, Democrat
No, FA_Q2 isn't a Democrat. I'm disappointed he won't man up to switching my response from one post to another without acknowledging it even when I pointed it out, but you are the Nazis, not him.

Notice you NEVER say this to Democrats calling us Nazis, Democrat

You can "laugh," but that is another perfect example of what a Democrat sychophant you are. The only reason I keep calling Democrats Nazis is they do it all the time to us. To your total silence. When they get it back, THEN and ONLY THEN do you have a cow.

Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}
Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}
Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}
Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}
Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}
Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}
Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}
Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}

kaz: Nazi
dblack: WHAT! You've lost all perspective! You think any American is a NAZI???? WHAT ?

Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}
Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}
Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}
Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}
Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}
Democrat: Nazi!
dblack: {silence}

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