Tiny Toy Gun Confiscated at Airport. Seriously, this is getting stupid.

I am betting the agent was a liberal. Apparently, TSA agents can use their own discretion to determine if something poses a threat and the idiot was scared of a little toy gun that went with a Toy Story Woody doll. I think the people who deem that little toys are threats are suffering from mental illness. This agent needs to go to group therapy with the teachers who got children suspended for paper guns, pop tarts shaped like guns, toy guns, bubble guns and drawings of guns. This shit has gone too far and it's becoming clear that there is an organized effort to instill fear in people of all guns. The teachers are working to make sure children are "traumatized" at the mere mention of a gun so they'll grow up to support gun bans. Looks like this airport security agent has already been fully indoctrinated. Only an idiot or incredibly sick person would freak out at the site of a tiny plastic toy gun. Seriously, are there people stupid enough to think this little toy could possibly harm or even intimidate anyone?

Toy Doll's Fake Gun Confiscated at Airport

You really need to actually bother reading your links before you post.

The TSA doesn't provide security at airports in other countries. Heathrow is in London, not in the US.

According to THIS REPORT He was flying to California.

I haven't confirmed this, but aren't foreign airlines required to meet TSA standards to land in the US? I am still not sure that is the reason why they took the tiny gun.......
I am betting the agent was a liberal. Apparently, TSA agents can use their own discretion to determine if something poses a threat and the idiot was scared of a little toy gun that went with a Toy Story Woody doll. I think the people who deem that little toys are threats are suffering from mental illness. This agent needs to go to group therapy with the teachers who got children suspended for paper guns, pop tarts shaped like guns, toy guns, bubble guns and drawings of guns. This shit has gone too far and it's becoming clear that there is an organized effort to instill fear in people of all guns. The teachers are working to make sure children are "traumatized" at the mere mention of a gun so they'll grow up to support gun bans. Looks like this airport security agent has already been fully indoctrinated. Only an idiot or incredibly sick person would freak out at the site of a tiny plastic toy gun. Seriously, are there people stupid enough to think this little toy could possibly harm or even intimidate anyone?

Toy Doll's Fake Gun Confiscated at Airport

You really need to actually bother reading your links before you post.

The TSA doesn't provide security at airports in other countries. Heathrow is in London, not in the US.

Actually, TSA has provided security at Heathrow and other airports in the past for the London Olympics.

US Security Agents 'At Heathrow For Olympics'

TSA Agents Head To Heathrow To Aid Security During The Olympic Games

Either way, the seizure of the tiny gun is not just an European novelty, it has happened in the US with TSA agents.
I am betting the agent was a liberal. Apparently, TSA agents can use their own discretion to determine if something poses a threat and the idiot was scared of a little toy gun that went with a Toy Story Woody doll. I think the people who deem that little toys are threats are suffering from mental illness. This agent needs to go to group therapy with the teachers who got children suspended for paper guns, pop tarts shaped like guns, toy guns, bubble guns and drawings of guns. This shit has gone too far and it's becoming clear that there is an organized effort to instill fear in people of all guns. The teachers are working to make sure children are "traumatized" at the mere mention of a gun so they'll grow up to support gun bans. Looks like this airport security agent has already been fully indoctrinated. Only an idiot or incredibly sick person would freak out at the site of a tiny plastic toy gun. Seriously, are there people stupid enough to think this little toy could possibly harm or even intimidate anyone?

Toy Doll's Fake Gun Confiscated at Airport

You really need to actually bother reading your links before you post.

The TSA doesn't provide security at airports in other countries. Heathrow is in London, not in the US.

According to THIS REPORT He was flying to California.

I haven't confirmed this, but aren't foreign airlines required to meet TSA standards to land in the US? I am still not sure that is the reason why they took the tiny gun.......

Yes, all inbound foreign flights must follow TSA regs.

Today, the Transportation Security Administration issued new security directives to all United States and international air carriers with inbound flights to the U.S. effective January 4, 2010.

The new directive includes long-term, sustainable security measures developed in consultation with law enforcement officials and our domestic and international partners.

Because effective aviation security must begin beyond our borders, and as a result of extraordinary cooperation from our global aviation partners, TSA is mandating that every individual flying into the U.S. from anywhere in the world who holds a passport issued by or is traveling from or through nations that are state sponsors of terrorism or other countries of interest will be required to go through enhanced screening.
The directive also increases the use of enhanced screening technologies and mandates threat-based and random screening for passengers on U.S. bound international flights.

A: On January 3, 2010, the Transportation Security Administration issued a new security directive to all U.S. and international air carriers with inbound flights to the U.S. effective January 4, 2010. The new directive includes long-term, sustainable security measures developed in consultation with law enforcement officials and our domestic and international partners.

TSA is mandating that every individual flying into the U.S. from anywhere in the world who holds a passport issued by or is traveling from or through nations that are state sponsors of terrorism or other countries of interest will be required to go through enhanced screening.TSA directed the increase use of enhanced screening technologies and mandates threat-based and random screening for majority passengers on U.S. bound international flights.


Dr. Porkchop should not be so quick to intimate that people are stupid. Some of us have actually been out of our own backyards.
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So, before rushing to accuse someone of not reading their own OP, perhaps a little investigation would be wise. It has been proven on two points that A) Heathrow uses TSA standards for searching passengers/luggage and B) the man in question was flying to the US and thus being an American citizen, he is searched according to American customs, aka the TSA guidelines.

Anything else?
So, before rushing to accuse someone of not reading their own OP, perhaps a little investigation would be wise. It has been proven on two points that A) Heathrow uses TSA standards for searching passengers/luggage and B) the man in question was flying to the US and thus being an American citizen, he is searched according to American customs, aka the TSA guidelines.

Anything else?

How about some + rep when I can?
If you're not going to bother reading the links in the OP, the least you could do is read the damn thread.

Heathrow Airport is not in the US, and not under the domain of the TSA.

I've traveled through Heathrow many times. The security personnel cite U.S. TSA requirements for the bizarro-land Kabuki meat processing station through which they force unfortunate people traveling to the U.S.

You know, you could just admit that you were too lazy to actually read the story, and posted based entirely on your own biases.

There's no reason to think this guy was even traveling to the US when it happened.

You know, you could just admit that you are an idiot who doesn't know anything about how the TSA affects travel around the world.

Just sayin'.
So, before rushing to accuse someone of not reading their own OP, perhaps a little investigation would be wise. It has been proven on two points that A) Heathrow uses TSA standards for searching passengers/luggage and B) the man in question was flying to the US and thus being an American citizen, he is searched according to American customs, aka the TSA guidelines.

Anything else?

How about some + rep when I can?

I shall return the favor!
I've traveled through Heathrow many times. The security personnel cite U.S. TSA requirements for the bizarro-land Kabuki meat processing station through which they force unfortunate people traveling to the U.S.

You know, you could just admit that you were too lazy to actually read the story, and posted based entirely on your own biases.

There's no reason to think this guy was even traveling to the US when it happened.

You know, you could just admit that you are an idiot who doesn't know anything about how the TSA affects travel around the world.

Just sayin'.


Even if the TSA "affects travel around the world", your initial post in this thread is still completely incorrect.

The TSA didn't do this. There is no TSA regulation that forbids traveling with action figures.

This had absolutely nothing to do with the TSA, it had only to do with that particular screener at Heathrow - who is not employed by the TSA, nor was instructed by the TSA to confiscate toys.
You know, you could just admit that you were too lazy to actually read the story, and posted based entirely on your own biases.

There's no reason to think this guy was even traveling to the US when it happened.

You know, you could just admit that you are an idiot who doesn't know anything about how the TSA affects travel around the world.

Just sayin'.


Even if the TSA "affects travel around the world", your initial post in this thread is still completely incorrect.

The TSA didn't do this. There is no TSA regulation that forbids traveling with action figures.

This had absolutely nothing to do with the TSA, it had only to do with that particular screener at Heathrow - who is not employed by the TSA, nor was instructed by the TSA to confiscate toys.

Oopsie bodicca, Sunshine, Zander, etc... :redface: :clap2:

STOP BEING KNEE-JERK REACTIONARIES!!! Besides, all this big gov't stuff was created during the last Repub administration :thup:
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I suggest you read the rest of the thread, bub.

You're wrong, at least as relates to moi.
You know, you could just admit that you were too lazy to actually read the story, and posted based entirely on your own biases.

There's no reason to think this guy was even traveling to the US when it happened.

You know, you could just admit that you are an idiot who doesn't know anything about how the TSA affects travel around the world.

Just sayin'.


Even if the TSA "affects travel around the world", your initial post in this thread is still completely incorrect.

The TSA didn't do this. There is no TSA regulation that forbids traveling with action figures.

This had absolutely nothing to do with the TSA, it had only to do with that particular screener at Heathrow - who is not employed by the TSA, nor was instructed by the TSA to confiscate toys.

What someone can take on a plane is a judgment call, Dr. Pork Chop.

The final decision rests with TSA on whether to allow any items on the plane. Also, please note that some dangerous items below are illegal in certain states and passengers will be subject to state law. It is a passenger’s responsibility to be aware that origination and destination cities may have local laws prohibiting the possession of these items.

Prohibited Items | Transportation Security Administration

And this would include any person acting on behalf of the TSA, as in foreign, inbound flights.

I have searched many a bag when I worked the psych units. Having the final say, means that if you think it is dangerous you do not have to allow it. TSA operates that way as well. Because the list of prohibited items does not distinguish between real and toy guns, 1 inch toy guns can be taken. But it is still stupid.
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You know, you could just admit that you were too lazy to actually read the story, and posted based entirely on your own biases.

There's no reason to think this guy was even traveling to the US when it happened.

You know, you could just admit that you are an idiot who doesn't know anything about how the TSA affects travel around the world.

Just sayin'.


Even if the TSA "affects travel around the world", your initial post in this thread is still completely incorrect.

The TSA didn't do this. There is no TSA regulation that forbids traveling with action figures.

This had absolutely nothing to do with the TSA, it had only to do with that particular screener at Heathrow - who is not employed by the TSA, nor was instructed by the TSA to confiscate toys.

What an idiot. The zero tolerance aspect of the TSA (which strip searches parapalegic grannies wearing diapers) has resulted in the lunacy of taking away sock monkey guns. It happened. It's a fact. And the way the system works, such insanity is a feature, not a bug.
You know, you could just admit that you are an idiot who doesn't know anything about how the TSA affects travel around the world.

Just sayin'.


Even if the TSA "affects travel around the world", your initial post in this thread is still completely incorrect.

The TSA didn't do this. There is no TSA regulation that forbids traveling with action figures.

This had absolutely nothing to do with the TSA, it had only to do with that particular screener at Heathrow - who is not employed by the TSA, nor was instructed by the TSA to confiscate toys.

What an idiot. The zero tolerance aspect of the TSA (which strip searches parapalegic grannies wearing diapers) has resulted in the lunacy of taking away sock monkey guns. It happened. It's a fact. And the way the system works, such insanity is a feature, not a bug.

I am a granny who gets the shake down sometimes in private and sometimes not, but I always have to lift my shirt. I get the shake down because my joint replacements cause the metal detector to beep. People who fit the profile of terrorists bop on in.
All you Righties should be furious at the last repub admin being asleep at the wheel, thereby forcing Big Gov't on us all :(

Ashcroft "didn't want to hear of al Qaeda" in high threat summer of 2001 | Crooks and Liars
BEN-VENISTE: Good afternoon, gentlemen.

Mr. Pickard, on January 21st of this year you met with our staff. Is that correct?

PICKARD: That's correct.

BEN-VENISTE: And according to our staff report, you told them that in June 2001, you met with Attorney General Ashcroft and he told you that you would be the acting FBI director.

PICKARD: That's correct.

BEN-VENISTE: You had some seven or eight meetings with the attorney general?

PICKARD: Somewhere in that number. I have the exact number, but I don't know the total.

BEN-VENISTE: And according to the statement that our staff took from you, you said that you would start each meeting discussing either counterterrorism or counterintelligence. At the same time the threat level was going up and was very high. Mr. Watson had come to you and said that the CIA was very concerned that there would be an attack. You said that you told the attorney general this fact repeatedly in these meetings. Is that correct?

PICKARD: I told him at least on two occasions.

BEN-VENISTE: And you told the staff according to this statement that Mr. Ashcroft told you that he did not want to hear about this anymore. Is that correct?

PICKARD: That is correct.

(h/t Mike)
You know, you could just admit that you are an idiot who doesn't know anything about how the TSA affects travel around the world.

Just sayin'.


Even if the TSA "affects travel around the world", your initial post in this thread is still completely incorrect.

The TSA didn't do this. There is no TSA regulation that forbids traveling with action figures.

This had absolutely nothing to do with the TSA, it had only to do with that particular screener at Heathrow - who is not employed by the TSA, nor was instructed by the TSA to confiscate toys.

What an idiot. The zero tolerance aspect of the TSA (which strip searches parapalegic grannies wearing diapers) has resulted in the lunacy of taking away sock monkey guns. It happened. It's a fact. And the way the system works, such insanity is a feature, not a bug.

No, that's not "how the system works". Those are the cherry-picked worst scenarios that you can find to bolster your preconceived opinion that the TSA must be the root of all air travel evil.

The guy who it happened to says that he travels with that action figure all the time, and has never had a problem with it. That implies that "the system" works well most of the time.
Just because the person said the toy was not taken away other places does NOT mean ""the system" works well most of the time."

I fly a fair amount and I know what it is like. Airports are oppressive and due to the slowdown from all the regs being enforced there is chaos pretty much all the time. 'The system' discriminates against children and people like me with joint replacements and medical problems. The Remodulin for my pump can't go through X-ray. You would have thought I was going to blow the place up when I asked them to please not take my last bottle out of my sight to inspect it. I was afraid I wouldn't get it back and without it I am dead. I've been fondled more than a 16 year old in the back of a car at a drive in. If you have a medical issue, you will be sicker by the time the TSA is done with you. They are rude and hateful, some don't speak good English and they get pissed at the person who can't understand them. They have no qualms about ruining your stuff. When I came home from Orlando in September my checked bag had been ransacked and the pills from my daily pillbox (perfectly legal to have according to TSA website) were scattered all over it. I guess the Tiki type wind chime I bought at Disney looked like a bomb. But I packed it in my dirty underwear for packing, so they got to sniff my panties while they were at it. I love it when a plan comes together.

All of that is unacceptable. All of that is routine. For everybody.
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I am betting the agent was a liberal. Apparently, TSA agents can use their own discretion to determine if something poses a threat and the idiot was scared of a little toy gun that went with a Toy Story Woody doll. I think the people who deem that little toys are threats are suffering from mental illness. This agent needs to go to group therapy with the teachers who got children suspended for paper guns, pop tarts shaped like guns, toy guns, bubble guns and drawings of guns. This shit has gone too far and it's becoming clear that there is an organized effort to instill fear in people of all guns. The teachers are working to make sure children are "traumatized" at the mere mention of a gun so they'll grow up to support gun bans. Looks like this airport security agent has already been fully indoctrinated. Only an idiot or incredibly sick person would freak out at the site of a tiny plastic toy gun. Seriously, are there people stupid enough to think this little toy could possibly harm or even intimidate anyone?

Toy Doll's Fake Gun Confiscated at Airport

Security officials at Heathrow Airport work hard to keep travelers safe

You dipshit....That woody doll has more brains than you.

I may have stated TSA by mistake, but this mindset is becoming prevalent. Liberals constantly try to mirror Europeans.

Idiot talking heads, like Pierce Morgan, are here and spreading the liberal bullshit.

It's ridiculous and exactly the same type of thing happening in our schools. Liberals are anti 2nd amendment.

Funny that no liberals are commenting on how stupid this is, just the usual picking apart typos or other misspeaks and leaving it at that.
Just because the person said the toy was not taken away other places does NOT mean ""the system" works well most of the time."

I fly a fair amount and I know what it is like. Airports are oppressive and due to the slowdown from all the regs being enforced there is chaos pretty much all the time. 'The system' discriminates against children and people like me with joint replacements and medical problems. The Remodulin for my pump can't go through X-ray. You would have thought I was going to blow the place up when I asked them to please not take my last bottle out of my sight to inspect it. I was afraid I wouldn't get it back and without it I am dead. I've been fondled more than a 16 year old in the back of a car at a drive in. If you have a medical issue, you will be sicker by the time the TSA is done with you. They are rude and hateful, some don't speak good English and they get pissed at the person who can't understand them. They have no qualms about ruining your stuff. When I came home from Orlando in September my checked bag had been ransacked and the pills from my daily pillbox (perfectly legal to have according to TSA website) were scattered all over it. I guess the Tiki type wind chime I bought at Disney looked like a bomb. But I packed it in my dirty underwear for packing, so they got to sniff my panties while they were at it. I love it when a plan comes together.

All of that is unacceptable. All of that is routine. For everybody.

That's nonsense - your personal anecdotes don't speak for "everybody" or "routine".

Since the TSA was created, I've flown more than 50 times. I've never been patted down, or taken aside for any sort of secondary screening. Neither, for that matter, has anyone I know.
Just because the person said the toy was not taken away other places does NOT mean ""the system" works well most of the time."

I fly a fair amount and I know what it is like. Airports are oppressive and due to the slowdown from all the regs being enforced there is chaos pretty much all the time. 'The system' discriminates against children and people like me with joint replacements and medical problems. The Remodulin for my pump can't go through X-ray. You would have thought I was going to blow the place up when I asked them to please not take my last bottle out of my sight to inspect it. I was afraid I wouldn't get it back and without it I am dead. I've been fondled more than a 16 year old in the back of a car at a drive in. If you have a medical issue, you will be sicker by the time the TSA is done with you. They are rude and hateful, some don't speak good English and they get pissed at the person who can't understand them. They have no qualms about ruining your stuff. When I came home from Orlando in September my checked bag had been ransacked and the pills from my daily pillbox (perfectly legal to have according to TSA website) were scattered all over it. I guess the Tiki type wind chime I bought at Disney looked like a bomb. But I packed it in my dirty underwear for packing, so they got to sniff my panties while they were at it. I love it when a plan comes together.

All of that is unacceptable. All of that is routine. For everybody.

That's nonsense - your personal anecdotes don't speak for "everybody" or "routine".

Since the TSA was created, I've flown more than 50 times. I've never been patted down, or taken aside for any sort of secondary screening. Neither, for that matter, has anyone I know.

The meaning of the word "IRONY" ...right here boys and girls!!

Personal anecdotes are meaningless, unless they are your own, of course......:rofl:

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