Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Again your text following the removal of evidence shows you have no argument.
you have no evidence
you show photos that clearly show STEEL CORE COLUMNS, but you delusionally say they are something else
you assume that something that LOOKS small from a distance is actually small up close
you are and you remain a delusional fucking moron
These 2 images are taken from the same distance. they are not the same object nor are they the same size.



You are exposed agent.
the guy shows pictures of the steel core and then claims there are no pics of the steel core.

he's totally insane.
These 2 images are taken from the same distance. they are not the same object nor are they the same size.



You are exposed agent.

How can you be so utterly retarded as to claim these 2 photos are from the same distance?

First, look at the man with the diagonal strap on his back. In the first photo, you can only see him to the top of his legs. In the second shot, you can not only see his entire body, but also the entire sidewalk behind him.

And also, if you look in front of him in the first shot, there is a yellow boat in front of him. The boat is in front of the Police SUV in the second shot. This proves there was a time interval between the two photos which allowed more of the steel core columns to collapse.

This is yet another of your lies exposed. And you believe you can convince people that your "theory" is correct when all you do is lie about it?

Good luck with that.
These 2 images are taken from the same distance. they are not the same object nor are they the same size.



You are exposed agent.
they are the exact same thing
you clearly dont understand photography at all
the depth of field is far different in both images
the onne the looks closer is using a stronger telephoto lens
you prove once again you have no idea what you are talking about
These 2 images are taken from the same distance. they are not the same object nor are they the same size.



You are exposed agent.
they are the exact same thing
you clearly dont understand photography at all
the depth of field is far different in both images
the onne the looks closer is using a stronger telephoto lens
you prove once again you have no idea what you are talking about

Thanks for confirming you are agent by demonstrating your unreasonable agenda.
Thanks for confirming you are agent by demonstrating your unreasonable agenda.
i did no such thing
it is reasonable to say they are the same thing because they ARE"
you dishonest piece of shit'

You just did it again. The images are obviously different objects. Same camera, same position more or less, diiferent time different zoom.
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Thanks for confirming you are agent by demonstrating your unreasonable agenda.
i did no such thing
it is reasonable to say they are the same thing because they ARE"
you dishonest piece of shit'

You just did it again. The images are obviously different objects. Same camera, same position more or less, diiferent time different zoom.
no, to a sane person(that leaves you out) they are of the same object
These 2 images are taken from the same distance. they are not the same object nor are they the same size.



You are exposed agent.

the guy shows pictures of the steel core and then claims there are no pics of the steel core.

he's totally insane.

The perpetrators of mass murder would like you are posting that.

However, if I'm not insane, what does that make you?
Your text assists the perpetrators of mass murder, but it is not evidence. Here is independently verified evidence. The perpetrators refuse to recognize any real evidence, so you will too, logically.

Independently verified evidence of the concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work for justifying explanation for collapse, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

And you will have no image of the supposed FEMA core because the perpetrators want people to forget about the lie they told and you support.

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Your text assists the perpetrators of mass murder,
no, your every post does you delusional fucktard
pay your child support

Very good agent. You are consistent. You have no image of the supposed FEMA core to show from 9-11 because the perpetrators want people to forget about the lie they told and you support.

Here are facts. The engineer of record and the Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 are COMPLETELY consistent with what is seen on 9-11.


If I'm not delusional, what are you?
These 2 images are taken from the same distance. they are not the same object nor are they the same size.



You are exposed agent.

What a total jackass.

As was brought to your attention before, look at the clouds of dust. How long would it have taken that dust to move from the from it's position in the first photo to the position in the second photo? A couple of seconds?

Here's how utterly stupid you are.

Same camera, same position more or less, diiferent time different zoom.

How can it be from the same camera, when the photos are SECONDS apart. The first photo shows the man with his hand on his head with the light post to his RIGHT. In the second photo, the man with his hand on his head has the light post on his left.
These are different structural objects photographed at slightly different times with the same camera at differen zoom levels.

The first image taken. Note the height of the top of the spire.

The second image shows the top of the fine vertical elements with the arc, passing light through them, is LOWER

How can it be from the same camera, when the photos are SECONDS apart. The first photo shows the man with his hand on his head with the light post to his RIGHT. In the second photo, the man with his hand on his head has the light post on his left.

The photos were taken from Audrey Zapp drive. The black guy in the first photo is security watching traffic for cameras. Which is why the photo was taken while moving.
you are a moron
it is clear the 2 images were taken seconds apart and from slightly different angles
there is no way they could have been taken from the same camera as they also have different focal length lens
and the spire is about the same height in both

The spire is structural steel and has rectangular shapes formed by floor beams and interior box column outside the concrete core.


The spire no longer exists in the second image which shows a non solid object that is slightly lower. No rectangle exists below and to the right of the tallest portion. Light is seen through/between the obects.


You are about exposing yourself as an agent of treason.
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